Anthology of Games[1]
October 14, 2017 | Author: wilson-james | Category: N/A
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Download Anthology of Games[1]...
Introduction....................................... ................................3
Games for Infants.............................. ................................4 Clap Your Tiny Hands................................................5 Soap Bubbles....................................... .....................6 Blue Bird........................................ ...........................7 Two Black Birds............................. ............................8
Games for Toddlers................................................... ........9 Dressing Myself.................................................. .....10 The Wheels on the Bus......................................11-12 Buckle My Shoe...................................................... .13 Farmer Rings The Bell.............................................14 Wiggle Game..........................................................15 Ring A Roses................................... ........................16
Games for Pre-schoolers............................ .....................17 Hokey Pokey...........................................................18 Home Chores – This Is The Way.........................19-20 Ten Little Boys and Girls.............................. ............21 Simon Says................................. ............................22 Animal Farm................................................ ............23 Ten Green Bottles............................................. .......24
Devotion Action Song.....................................................25
Conclusion............................................... .......................26
Reference................................... ....................................27
INTRODUCTION This anthology of games is intended to be used when teaching infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers. These children age between zero and six years old. It comprises of action songs and games that will greatly assist in the teaching learning process of young children.
Play is an essential part of the development of all children. Play is the child’s way of learning.
Through play, the child develops
communication, motor, problem solving and decision making skills. The child also learns to express as well as control emotions, take turns and cooperate with others. Play is also fun activity for children.
So, let the children play!
At this stage children can do leg exercises, rolling and running and can sing a song with the teacher’s help.
Name of Game: Concept:
Clap Your Tiny Hands Introduction to Body Parts
Objectives: 2. 3. 4. Materials Needed: mouth,
1. To develop gross motor skills To identify a body part – the hand To make sound with the body To enhance sensory development Teacher, students, body parts – hands, ears, eyes and feet.
Procedures: Students and teacher will stand and teacher will ask students to shake their hands in the air. Students will be observed, then teacher will start song and do the action. Song:
Name of Game: Bush”)
Clap your tiny hands Clap your tiny hands Clap your tiny hands for God Little children sing Little children sing Clap your tiny hands for God
Soap Bubbles (Sung to:
“The Mulberry 5
Introduction to self
Objectives: skills
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
To develop fine and gross motor
To use different parts of the body in coordination To be able to sing along with teacher To be able to blow bubbles To attempt to catch bubbles with some success
Materials Needed: Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes, soap bubbles (liquid detergent and water – ratio 1:2), hoops to blow bubbles. Procedures: them the them how to bubbles. Song:
Have the children sit in a circle. Teach Soap Bubbles song and show blow and catch My bubbles flies over my head In the sky and far away My bubble flies over my head And look how I can catch it!
Name of Game: Concept:
Blue Bird Blue Bird Comparisons – In and Out
Objectives: 2. 3.
1. To develop gross motor skills To develop social skills – turn taking To be able to sing along with teacher 4. To enhance sensory
development Materials Needed: mouth, Procedures:
Song: window,
Teacher, students, body parts - hand; ears, eyes and feet. Students and teacher will stand and teacher will pair students to make an arch/windows. Teacher will demonstrate in and out while singing the song. A child will be added to the train each time the song says ‘take a little girl/boy and pat him/her on the shoulder’. Blue bird, blue bird in and out the Blue bird, blue bird in and out the window Oh Jenny I’m tired You take a little girl/boy and you pat him/her on the shoulder You take a little girl/boy and you pat him/her on the shoulder Oh Jenny I’m tired.
Name of Game: Concept:
Two Black Birds Appear and Disappear
Objectives: 2. 3. 4. Materials Needed: mouth,
1. To develop gross motor skills To be able to sing along with teacher To enhance sensory development To understand appear and disappear Teacher, students, body parts – fingers, ears and eyes.
Students and teacher will sit in a semi-circle. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children.
Two little black birds sat on a wall (hold out a finger from each hand) One name Peter, one name Paul Fly away Peter (put finger behind you) Fly away Paul (put other finger behind you) Come back Peter (bring one finger in front of you) Come back Paul (bring the other finger in front)
At this stage the child is able to play with bean bags, practice cutting paper, string beads and lacing and other self-help skills. The child can also do gross motor skills such as dancing with streamers, going through obstacle courses and touching toes.
Name of Game: Concept:
Dressing Myself Development of self-help skills
Objectives: skills
1. 2. 3. 4.
To develop fine and gross motor
To identify different body parts To enhance sensory development To dress body
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – fingers, mouth, ears, eyes, feet, brush, shirt, pants, skirt, socks, shoes.
Students and teacher will stand in theatre style. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children. Children will follow and imitate actions.
This the way we brush our hair, Brush our hair, Brush our hair, This the way we brush my hair, So early in the morning. This is the way I put on my shirt, Put on my shirt, put on my shirt This is the way I put on my shirt, So early in the morning.
Continue with: pants, skirt, socks, shoes. Name of Game:
The Wheels on the Bus 10
Follow Instructions/Shapes - Circle
Objectives: skills 2. 3. 4. 5.
To develop fine and gross motor
To To To To
use different body parts appropriately follow instructions/imitate movements learn about a mode of transportation learn about different shapes
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes, feet, tires.
Students and teacher will stand in a circle. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children. Children will follow and imitate actions.
The wheels on the bus go round and round (each person will join both hands together make big circles) Round and round, round and round The wheels on the bus go round and round All over town.
Name of Game:
The horn on the bus goes, toot, toot, toot (both hands press imaginery horn) Toot, toot toot, toot toot toot The horn on the bus goes, toot, toot, toot At all the buses it meets. The Wheels on the Bus The people in the bus go up and down 11
(go up and down while bending knees and straightening legs) Up and down, up and down The people in the bus go up and down While bouncing in their seat. The doors on the bus go open and shut (hold arms straight in front, palms together, open arms, and close them) Open shut, open shut The doors on the bus go open and shut As the people come and go.
Name of Game: Concept:
Buckle My Shoe Development of mathematical skills/Counting
Objectives: 2. 3. 4.
1. To develop fine motor skills To identify different objects To count from 1-10 To follow instructions
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – fingers, mouth, ears, eyes, feet, shoe, sticks, picture of chicken.
Students and teacher will stand in theatre style. The teacher will provide each child with materials as above. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children. Children will follow and imitate actions.
One, two, buckle my shoe (children will follow game instructions) Three, four, shut the door Five, six, pick up sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight Nine, ten, a big fat hen.
Name of Game: Concept:
Farmer Rings The Bell Being aware of family
Objectives: 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. To To To To
To develop gross motor skills identify different family members enhance sensory development develop cooperation skills/taking turns make music with body parts - hands
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes, feet.
Students and teacher will make a ring (circle). One child will stand in the centre of the circle/children and represent the “farmer”. Song will be done while hands are clapped to the rhythm.
Song: bell
The farmer rings the bell, the farmer rings the Hear-o-the cherry-o, the farmer rings the bell. The farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife Hear-o-the cherry-o, the farmer takes a wife. The wife takes a child, the wife takes a child Hear-o-the cherry-o, the wife takes a child. The child takes a cat, the child takes a cat Hear-o-the cherry-o, the child takes a cat.
Name of Game: Concept:
Wiggle Game Body Coordination/Control
Objectives: 2. 3. 4.
1. To move body parts To follow instructions To enhance sensory development To develop coordination
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes, feet, floor tile, music.
Teacher will ask each child to place both feet together. If the floor has tile squares, they may place both feet in one block. The teacher will then ask each child to wiggle many parts of their bodies without moving their feet while the music played.
Name of Game: Concept:
Ring A Roses Development of counting skills/instructions
Objectives: skills
1. 2. 3.
To develop fine and gross motor
To count from 1-3 To follow instructions
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body mouth, ears, eyes, feet
Students and teacher will stand in a ring. They join hands and dance round singing. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children. Children will follow and imitate actions.
Song: posies
Ring a ring a roses, your pocket full of Asha, Asha, we all fall down Ashes in the water, ashes in the sea We all jump up with a one, two, three
At this stage the children can be involved in various active play activities such as throwing and catching ball and bean bag activities, and swinging on the playground. The child can climb frames and obstacles courses in order to develop gross motor skills.
Name of Game: Concept:
Hokey Pokey Development of coordinated movement
Objectives: 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. To To To To
To develop gross motor skills identify different body parts enhance sensory development identify left and right side develop social skills
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes and feet.
Students and teacher will make a ring (circle). Teacher and children will sing song and do action. Children will be guided by teacher for appropriate body movements.
You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You put your right hand in and you shake it all
about You do the Hokey Pokey (place hand on waist and wiggle) And turn yourself around That’s what is all about. Hokey Pokey. Continue with: other body parts, then finish with your whole body.
Name of Game: Concept:
Home Chores – This Is The Way Development of vocabulary skills/weeks days
Objectives: 2. 3.
1. To learn the days of the week To learn different home chores To enhance sensory development
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes and feet.
Students and teacher will stand in theatre style. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children. Children will follow and imitate actions.
This is the way we go to church Go to church, go to church This is the way we go to church So early Sunday morning. This is the way we wash our clothes, Wash our clothes, wash our clothes, This is the way we wash our clothes, So early Monday morning. This is the way we iron our clothes Iron our clothes, iron our clothes, This is the way we iron our clothes So early Tuesday morning.
Name of Game:
Home Chores – This Is The Way 19
This is the way we mend our clothes mend our clothes, mend our clothes So early Wednesday morning. This is the way we sweep the floor Sweep the floor, Sweep the floor So early Thursday morning. This is the way we scrub the floor Scrub the floor, Scrub the floor, So early Friday morning. This is the way we sweep the yard Sweep the yard, sweep the yard So early Saturday morning.
Name of Game: Little Concept:
Ten Little boys and girls (Sung to “Ten Indian Boys”) Development of mathematical skills/Counting
Objectives: 2. 3.
1. To develop gross motor skills To count from 1-10 To follow instructions
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts mouth, ears, eyes and feet.
Students and teacher will stand in theatre style. Teacher will start song and demonstrate action to the children. Children will follow and imitate actions.
One little, two little, three little children Four little, five little, six little children Seven little, eight little, nine little children Ten little boys and girls They jump in the boat and the boat turns over Jump in the boat and the boat turns over Jump in the boat and the boat turns over Ten little boys and girls
Name of Game: Concept:
Simon Says Follow Instructions
Objectives: skills
1. 2. 3.
To develop fine and gross motor
To be able to follow instructions To enhance sensory development
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, eyes and feet.
This game brings variety as teacher or children can instruct the other children to do anything (proper), therefore, it may help with cognitive, social, emotional or physical development. Students and teacher will stand in theatre style. Teacher/one identified student will start instruction and children will do actions.
Game (example):
Simon Says: Jump Three times (all children will jump three times) Simon Says: Hug some one.
The options are limited less.
Name of Game: Concept:
Animal Farm Animal and Sound Identification
Objectives: 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. To To To To
To develop gross motor skills identify different animals/their sounds enhance sensory development follow instructions develop social interaction
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, body parts – hands, mouth, ears, feet, blind fold
Each child is blind folded by the teacher and is told an animal that they will represent. Each child is to make the sound of the animal that he or she represents. The teacher will inform the children when they will start. At the sound of go, each child will make the animal sound they represent and at the same time listen for their own animal sound from another child. Children should move in the direction of the sound to find the other members of the animal family. For example, two or three children could represent a dog, cow, cat, donkey, goat etc.
Name of Game: Concept: skills/Subtraction
Ten Green Bottles Development
Objectives: 2. 3.
1. To enhance sensory development To subtract numbers To follow instructions
Materials Needed:
Teacher, students, green bottles, puppetry area, wall or counter
This game could be played using a screen, someone will stay behind screen and remove a bottle at the appropriate time in the song.
Ten green bottles standing on the wall, Ten green bottles standing on the wall, If one green bottle should accidentally fall, There are nine green bottles standing on the wall Nine green bottles standing on the wall, Nine green bottles standing on the wall, If one green bottle should accidentally fall, There are eight green bottles standing on the wall
Continue be removing one green bottle at a time and state how many remains.
Devotion Action Song I Love You Jesus I love you Jesus deep down in my heart I love you Jesus deep down in my heart Talk about deep, deep, down, down, deep down in my heart Talk about deep, deep down, down deep down in my heart. I hate you satan get out of my heart I heat you satan get out of my heart Talk about get, get, out, out get out of my heart Talk about get, get, out, out, get out of my heart.
CONCLUSION Remember play is the heartbeat of a child’s world. This is how they learn and have fun. We should never deprive a child of play, even a special child. Play is not a waste of time.
Based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has Developmental Rights and this covers the right to leisure and play.
Through play children develop
imagination and self-expression, learn cooperation and team work.
So, I reiterate from my introduction, let the children play!
Ministry of Education, Jamaica – Early Childhood Curriculum
Smith, J. L. Gross Motor Skill Development,
3. Watson-Campbell, P. The McCam Curriculum – Level 1, 1993
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