Affidavit of Cohabitation Lapiña
August 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines……) Province of Tarl Tarlac……………..) ac……………..) S.S. Municipality of Capas………...)
We, HARL HARLEY EY BENEDICT BENEDICT D. LAPIÑA LAPIÑA and MINERVA C. DELA ROSA , both of legal age, Filipinos, single, and both residents of Sto. Domingo, Capas, Tarlac, after being duly sworn to in accordance with the law, hereby depose and state that: 1. We are are conside considered red common common law husband husband and wife for about about seen seen !"# years, years, haing haing been liing together as such since the year $%1%, but without the benefit of a lawful and alid marriage& $. That from the the time we started started to lie lie together together as husband husband wife and until until the present, present, we both possess all the legal 'ualifications and not suffering from any legal impediment to enter into contract a lawful marriage& (. That haing haing continu continuous ously ly lied lied together together as husband husband and wife from the said said yea yearr until the present, we are now ratifying our said cohabitation by contracting a marriage for the purpose of its recording with the appropriate office of the goernment& ). That accordi accordingly ngly,, we hae hae e*ecute e*ecuted d this this af affid fidai aitt for the purpose purpose of contracti contracting ng alid and lawful marriage sub+ect to e*emption from obtaining a marriage license pursuant to the proisions rticle rticle () of the Family Code of the -hilippines& . That we attest attest to the the eracity eracity and truthful truthfulness ness of the the foregoing foregoing statement statement as as we declare declare them under oath in accordance with our own personal /nowledge and belief.
0 W0T2SS W32425F, we hae hereunto set our hands this (% th day of 6anuary $%1" at the 7unicipality of Capas, -roince of Tarlac, Tarlac, -hilippines.
8888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888 8 Affiant
S9SC402D D SW54 T5 before me this (% th day of 6anuary $%1" at the 7unici 7un icipal pality ity of Capas, Capas, -roin -roince ce of Tar arlac lac,, -hilip -hilippin pines, es, the affiant affiantss haing haing satis satisfact factori orily ly establ est ablish ished ed their their identi identity ty to me by e*hibi e*hibiti ting ng to me 88888888 888888888888 8888888 8888888 88888888 88888888 88888 8 and 8888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888 8 respectiely, bearing their pictures and signatures, and that they are the same person who appeared and signed the foregoing instrument in my presence and within my +urisdiction, and who aowed to the truth of its content under the pen penalty alty of law.
Doc. o. 888888& -age o. 888888& oo/ o. 888888& Series of $%1"
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