Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

March 22, 2017 | Author: BeratErtekin | Category: N/A
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Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Table of Contents 1.

Introduction_______________________________________________________________________7 1.1.

Overview ______________________________________________________________________________8


Text Conventions ________________________________________________________________________8


Main Exercise ___________________________________________________________________________9


Starting a Project _________________________________________________________________15 2.1.

Template Files _________________________________________________________________________16


Project Data ___________________________________________________________________________16


File Structure __________________________________________________________________________17


3D Models in AutoCAD _____________________________________________________________19 3.1.

Built on AutoCAD _______________________________________________________________________20


Mouse View Commands for 3D____________________________________________________________20


View Cube ____________________________________________________________________________20


Visual Styles ___________________________________________________________________________21


The Advance Steel Interface _________________________________________________________23 4.1.

Selecting Objects _______________________________________________________________________24


Advance Properties _____________________________________________________________________24


Advance Joint Properties_________________________________________________________________25


Joint Boxes ____________________________________________________________________________26


Deleting Objects _______________________________________________________________________27


Undo _________________________________________________________________________________27


Object Snaps __________________________________________________________________________28


2D / 3D Osnap _________________________________________________________________________28


Coordinate Systems _______________________________________________________________29 5.1.

3D Coordinates ________________________________________________________________________30


World Coordinates______________________________________________________________________30


User Coordinate System _________________________________________________________________30


When to use a UCS _____________________________________________________________________33


Building Grids ____________________________________________________________________35 6.1.

Creating a building grid __________________________________________________________________36


Grid Properties_________________________________________________________________________38


Modifying Grids ________________________________________________________________________38


Level Symbols _________________________________________________________________________40


Basic Structures ___________________________________________________________________41 7.1.


Structural Frames ______________________________________________________________________42

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Placing Sections _______________________________________________________________________ 44


Beam Properties _______________________________________________________________________ 47


Simple Editing ____________________________________________________________________ 51 8.1.

Layer Management_____________________________________________________________________ 52


AutoCAD Editing commands. _____________________________________________________________ 52


Transform Elements ____________________________________________________________________ 53


Advanced Trim / Extend _________________________________________________________________ 54


Automatic Joints__________________________________________________________________ 57 9.1.

Connection Vault ______________________________________________________________________ 58


Joint Properties________________________________________________________________________ 59


Repeating Joints _______________________________________________________________________ 62


Joint Table____________________________________________________________________________ 63


Beam Features ___________________________________________________________________ 67


Coping or Notching Beams _____________________________________________________________ 68


Contour Features ____________________________________________________________________ 73


Editing Features _____________________________________________________________________ 76


Mitre ______________________________________________________________________________ 78


Splitting and Joining Beams ____________________________________________________________ 78


Plates __________________________________________________________________________ 81


Flat Plates __________________________________________________________________________ 82


Plate Properties _____________________________________________________________________ 84


Folded Plates ________________________________________________________________________ 84


Gratings ____________________________________________________________________________ 88


Plate Features ___________________________________________________________________ 93


Contour Features ____________________________________________________________________ 94


Contour Processing Properties __________________________________________________________ 96


Chamfers and Fillets __________________________________________________________________ 97


Dividing and Joining Plates _____________________________________________________________ 99


Connection Elements _____________________________________________________________ 101


Bolts______________________________________________________________________________ 102


Bolt Properties _____________________________________________________________________ 104


Anchors ___________________________________________________________________________ 105


Welds_____________________________________________________________________________ 105


Edit Connected Objects ______________________________________________________________ 106


Structural Elements ______________________________________________________________ 109


Bracing____________________________________________________________________________ 110


Stairs _____________________________________________________________________________ 111 3

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Hand Rails __________________________________________________________________________114


Cage Ladders _______________________________________________________________________118


Cladding ___________________________________________________________________________119


3D Drawing Tips _____________________________________________________________________120



Concrete Objects ____________________________________________________________________124


Special Parts ________________________________________________________________________125


Validating A Structure ____________________________________________________________127


Clash Check_________________________________________________________________________128


Object Marking______________________________________________________________________129


Technical Check _____________________________________________________________________130


Joint Design ________________________________________________________________________131


Numbering _____________________________________________________________________133


Model Role _________________________________________________________________________134


Numbering _________________________________________________________________________136


Creating Drawings _______________________________________________________________143


Quick Documents ____________________________________________________________________144


Drawing Styles ______________________________________________________________________145


Drawing Processes ___________________________________________________________________147


Summary of Drawing Procedure ________________________________________________________151


View orientation ____________________________________________________________________151


Setting up Quick Documents ___________________________________________________________151


Editing Drawings _________________________________________________________________155


Document Manager __________________________________________________________________156


Manipulating Drawings _______________________________________________________________158


Drawing Labels and Dimensions ________________________________________________________164


Object Properties ____________________________________________________________________170


Lists ___________________________________________________________________________173


Quick Documents ____________________________________________________________________174


RDF Viewer _________________________________________________________________________175


Selective Lists _______________________________________________________________________177


Managing Lists ______________________________________________________________________179



Other Model Objects______________________________________________________________123

Other Documents ________________________________________________________________181


NC Files ____________________________________________________________________________182


DXF Files ___________________________________________________________________________183


Sharing Models and Drawings __________________________________________________________184


Data Exchange ______________________________________________________________________186

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

APPENDICES _________________________________________________________________________ 189 22.

Appendix:- Drawing Prototypes ____________________________________________________ 191


Editing a Prototype __________________________________________________________________ 192


Title Block _________________________________________________________________________ 192


Drawing Frame _____________________________________________________________________ 194


BOMs on Drawings __________________________________________________________________ 194


Revision Table ______________________________________________________________________ 195


Other Information___________________________________________________________________ 196


Appendix:- BOM Template Editor ___________________________________________________ 197


Element Properties __________________________________________________________________ 198


Tokens ____________________________________________________________________________ 199


Formatting_________________________________________________________________________ 199


List structure _______________________________________________________________________ 200


Appendix:- Advance Steel Options __________________________________________________ 201



Management Tools __________________________________________________________________ 202

Appendix:- User Sections __________________________________________________________ 207


Layers and Basic Elements ____________________________________________________________ 208


Key Points _________________________________________________________________________ 209


Generate Sections ___________________________________________________________________ 211


Appendix:- AutoCAD Exercise ______________________________________________________ 215


Appendix:- Training Outline________________________________________________________ 217


Suggested 5 day outline. _____________________________________________________________ 218


1. Introduction • •


Text Conventions •

Main Exercise

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

1.1. Overview This manual is provided only to persons who have attended an approved Advance Steel training course with Graitec or an authorised reseller. It is intended to give an overview of all the basic commands required to create structures and associated documentation using Advance Steel. Not all Advance Steel commands will be included. Likewise we may not cover all options of the commands we do include. Not all content of this manual will necessarily be covered during the training course. Instead the course will focus on the recommended workflow and most common commands and options. This manual can be referred to for alternative commands and extra information. The Advance Steel documentation disk provides further information still. This manual is written based on Advance Steel 2011 running in AutoCAD 2011. Different versions may not match this manual. Graitec reserve the right to update or alter this manual at any time. This manual remains copyright Graitec SA and may not be copied or distributed in any way. © GRAITEC SA, 12 Burospace, 91570 BIEVRES, FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)1 69 85 56 22 Fax +33 (0)1 69 85 33 70 Web Email [email protected]

1.2. Text Conventions This manual uses the following conventions for formatting text. Text shown like this is an AutoCAD or Advance Steel Command. Text shown like this is a prompt on the AutoCAD Command Line. When describing the location of a command or icon on the Ribbon it will be written as “Ribbon Tab > Ribbon Panel > Command Name”. For example AS Modelling > Joints > Connection Vault means select the Connection Vault icon from the Joints panel on the AS Modelling Ribbon tab. When describing the location of a command or icon on a Tool Palette it will be written as “Tool Palette NameCommand Name”. Therefore SelectionSelect Marked Objects means click on the Select Marked Objects command on the Selection tool palette. Recommended workflow or important points are shown highlighted in yellow. There may be several ways of achieving a desired outcome but this is the most common or easiest way. Alternatively there may be only the one way to do a task but this task is very important.

This text identifies a user exercise. Follow the instructions to practice and test your skills.

Boxes like this will be used to give extra tips or extra information that is not essential but you may find useful.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

1.3. Main Exercise In order to provide a coherent plan for the training the following structure has been devised as a training exercise. This structure is not intended to be an exemplary design but simply a representative structure that demonstrates how to use a broad range of Advance Steel commands in a realistic setting. Unless otherwise stated all user exercises in this manual refer to this training project. All important information has been provided on the drawings that follow. Dimensions or properties that are not defined in the drawings are not critical and may be chosen by the user.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual General Notes


1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.

4 10 0x 5 0x

300 250

10 0x 5 15 S H R

Base Type A












8x 12 9

8x 12 9


UC356x 368x129




4 - M 20x 300 Long Gr 4. 6 - B ol ts











8x 12 9 36 6x 35 C U





8x 12 9




8x 12 9







8x 12 9


B 175



400 200 200 400









8x 12 9

8x 12 9








RHS 150x 100x5




4 - M 20x300 Long Gr 4. 6 - B ol ts



Des cr ip tion R EVIS O I NS


G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T otto n, S ou h t ampton, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and




A dv anc e Steel w ww .g ra ti ec .c om

Base Type B


T el : +4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

Adva nce St eel Tr ain ing

Stanchion Layout Plan A le c k Gie ls

19 /0 1/11

T 123

J oint s to be us ed as appropriate throughout the structure: • Base Plate • Single Sided End Plate • Double Sided End Plate • Eav es Haunch • Apex Haunch • G us set Plat e at O ne Diagonal • G us set Plat e to Column and Base

A s N oted

[G] - 100


General Notes 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.

UB 254x 102x28 Typ UB 356x127x33Typ

UC356x 368x 129 Typ


D 3




Des cr ip tion R EVIS IONS G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad,

B rac i ng RS A60x60x5

T otto n, S ou h t ampton, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and



A dv anc e Steel


T el : +4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

w ww .g ra ti ec .c om

X Adva nce St eel Tr ain ing



3D View A le c k Gie ls

T 123


20 /0 1/11

[G] - 101

A s N oted


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual General Notes 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.





3000 300







Des cr ip tion R EVIS IONS




G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T otto n, S ou h t ampton, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and

A dv anc e Steel




T el : +4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618


w ww .g ra ti ec .c om

E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

Front Adva nce St eel Tr ain ing

A le c k Giles

2 0/01 /11

T 123

[G] - 102

A s N oted


General Notes 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.






Des cr p i tion R EVIS IONS G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T ot o t n, S ou h t ampt on, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and

A dv anc e Steel

T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618

w ww .g ra ti ec .c om





E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

A Adva nce St eel Tr ain n ig

A l ec k Gie ls

T 123

2 0/01 /11

[G] - 103

A s N oted



Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual General Notes 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.

U C 35 C3 -

1 -4 C4 UC3 5

B 12 - UB 254x102x28

6 x 3 68 x129

1 -5

B 6 - P F C230x90x32


H - R

S 15

0x5 0x10


B 14 - P F C230x90x32 B 7 - P F C230x90x32


B 14 - P F C230x90x32

B 4 - P F C230x90x32 1177

36 8x 12 9 6x 35 C U -

1 -4b


B 15 - UB 127x76x13

B 3 - UB 254x102x28

B 9 - UB 127x76x13

B 3 - UB 254x102x28

B 15 - UB 127x76x13




B 10 - UB 254x102x28




1 -3

B 5 - P F C230x90x32

1 -2 129 6x 368x

B 11 - UB 254x102x28

1 -1



RL3 - F L100X10 B 8 - P F C230x90x32


1 -4 427




1 -4b 823 1250

1 -5 823

5 0x 10 0x



C -U



1 -3

a R

1 -2

129 68x


1 -1

3 6x


B 13 - UB 254x102x28








Des cr p i tion R EVIS IONS G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T ot o t n, S ou h t ampt on, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and

A dv anc e Steel

T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

w ww .g ra ti ec .c om

Adva nce St eel Tr ain n ig

A l ec k Gie ls

2 1/01 /11

T 123

[G] - 104

A s N oted


General Notes 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.

T ype 6 Ex it 800 Wide


RO42. 4X 4Typ

RO42. 4X 4 Typ

T y pe 2 Cage

RO33. 7X 2.6 Typ



Ladder - 500Wide






0 x3 x90 00



Des cr p i tion R EVIS O I NS


T ype 7 tread

G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T ot o t n, S ou h t ampt on, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and

A dv anc e Steel

T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618

w ww .g ra ti ec .c om


E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

Adva nce St eel Tr ain n ig


C a 4000 A l ec k Giles



T 123

2 0/01 1 /1

[G] - 105

A s N oe td


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual General Notes 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.

P F C230x 90x32 T oes Out

P F C230x 90x32 T oes In

RHS 150x100x5

P F C230x90x32 T oes In

RHS 150x100x5

Oustide Platform 50





Des cr p i tion R EVIS O I NS G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad,


T otto n, S ou h t ampton, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and

A dvanc e Steel

T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li : n i fo .u k@ gr ai e t




w ww .g ra ti ec .c om

Adva nce St eel Tr ain n ig


Column Top Joint



Column Top Plate

A le c k Gie ls

21 /01 1 /1

T 123

A s N oe td

[G] - 106


General Notes 150 1 . This d rawing mu st not be scaled.

M 24x70 30

Typical End Plate Joint








40 70 40

M 20x45






341 20 20

Apex Haunch

200 M 24x70 55











Des cr p i tion R EVIS O I NS


G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T otto n, S ou h t ampton, H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X, E ngl and

A dv anc e Steel



Section through Haunch

T el : +4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947 F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

w ww .g ra ti ec .c om

Adva nce St eel Tr ain n ig

Haunch Joint A le c k Gie ls

T 123

1 1/02 1 /1

[G] - 113

A s N oe td



2. Starting a Project •

Template Files •

Project Data

File Structure

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

2.1. Template Files As with most applications, whenever you start a new project or file you should start with a template file. This file is setup with typical layers and settings to suit Advance Steel. As part of a standard install your Advance Steel will automatically be directed to where its templates are stored when you choose the New command.

You should always choose the template “ASTemplate.dwt” to start your modelling project.

You can modify the template to some extent if you wish. For example you can set a new Home View or change the background and layer colours etc. Do NOT change the layers or any other settings.

2.2. Project Data It is a good idea to identify what project a file is for and make some basic settings right at the start of any project. On the AS Tools ribbon, select the Project Settings icon.

This will bring up the following dialog box.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

The style of this dialog box is the same as all other Advance Steel dialogs. Down the left side is a list of property groups. These groups are called “Tabs”. Clicking on any of these will change the page of settings available on the right of the dialog. As you will see there are many settings you can make or properties to complete for any project. For most projects you will want to complete as much as possible on the Project Info 1 and Project info 2 tabs. This information is used to complete the title blocks on drawings and headings on lists later in the project. The settings on the other tabs are usually OK set to their defaults.

2.3. File Structure The file you have just started will contain the model of your structure for this project. This is the master file for the whole project. It is recommended to create a sub-folder named after this project in the location where you store all your projects. Then you should save the model drawing in the new sub-folder and with the same name. As the project continues and you create drawings or other outputs Advance Steel will create many more files in the same location as your master file. Advance Steel creates a new folder next to the model file with the same name. Within that folder further sub-folders are created as required for Details (drawings), BOMS, Calculations, NC files etc. Thus you will end up with the structure shown in the screenshot.

Make sure you store your projects in a location that all users can access and NOT under My Documents, Desktop, Program Data, Program Files, Documents and Settings or any other user or system folder.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Set up a new Project file for our training structure. Start a new file using ASTemplate.dwt. Complete the project data and save the file in an appropriate place. For example:- Project = Advance Steel Training, Project Number = T123, Client = your company name, Designer and Detailer = your name, Contractor = Graitec


3. 3D Models in AutoCAD • •

Built on AutoCAD

Mouse View Commands for 3D • •

View Cube Visual Styles

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

3.1. Built on AutoCAD Advance Steel is built on top of the standard AutoCAD product from Autodesk. All AutoCAD commands and functions remain available to the Advance Steel user at all times. This course is written assuming that the user is already familiar with and competent using most AutoCAD commands. For example, to effectively use Advance Steel the user should be comfortable using the following commands as a minimum:Line, Arc, Rectangle, Circle, Polyline, Object Snaps (Running and one click), Ortho, Move, Copy, Edit Polyline, Extend, Trim, Zoom, Pan, Plot, Grips, Layers.

3.2. Mouse View Commands for 3D When working in 3D the normal Pan and Zoom commands remain available but you may not already be familiar with the extra tools for 3D. It is generally easiest and recommended to use the mouse shortcuts to manipulate your 3D view. These are:• • •

ZOOM – Mouse Wheel – To zoom in or out Roll the Mouse Wheel back (zoom out) and forward (zoom in) as for 2D. PAN – Middle Mouse Button – To pan press the mouse wheel or middle button down while moving the mouse as for 2D. ROTATE – Shift + Middle Mouse Button – To rotate the model freely in 3D you can hold the Shift button on the keyboard while pressing the middle mouse button or wheel and moving the mouse. The model will rotate about an arbitrary centre point. Unfortunately the user has no control over the point chosen. If you have not done this before, you might need to play with this for a bit to get used to rotating the model in the desired fashion. If objects in the model are selected while rotating in this way then only the selected objects remain visible during movement. ZOOM EXTENTS – Double click Middle Mouse Button – To zoom to extents or in other words to get the full model on screen you can double click the middle mouse button.

Zoom, Pan and Rotate may be done at any time, even in the middle of a command or when an Advance Dialog is on screen. As soon as you release the buttons or wheel the zooming stops and you are back at the same point in the command.

3.3. View Cube Introduced in AutoCAD 2009 the View Cube is another system that can be used to manipulate a view in 3D. The view cube looks like this:-

If not already showing, you can turn the View Cube on by: • Typing Cube command line. • Enter an option [ON/OFF/Settings] :

Enter On.

By clicking the various corners, edges or faces of the cube you can rotate the model accordingly. You can also define a Home View to quickly return you to a standard preferred view. Any View Cube action cancels any other command that may be in progress. 20

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Being a standard AutoCAD command you can find full On-line help for the View Cube within the AutoCAD system.

3.4. Visual Styles When working with a 3D model it can be helpful to change the way the model is shown on screen. AutoCAD can display the model in many different ways and the most common are pre-defined as Visual Styles. You can select and change the current visual style at any time using the View > Visual Styles > VisualStyles drop down.

For most general purposes a solid shaded view is preferred by most users: this corresponds to the Realistic Visual Style. Sometimes more information can be seen using a 2D Wireframe visual style; for example Welds can only be rd seen in 2D Wireframe. However a wireframe style can quickly become confusing as a model gets more complex. A 3 Visual Style that you may find useful is the X-Ray style. This shows everything as transparent so you can see what is behind it (like tinted glass) but is not as confusing as a complex wireframe view. You may find you like other styles too. Unless specified you may work in any Visual Style you prefer. This manual will only specify a visual style to use if it is important for effective use of a command.

View Manipulation Try all the commands above to manipulate the view in each of the different visual styles until you are comfortable with using them all.


4. The Advance Steel Interface •

Selecting Objects

• •

Advance Properties Advance Joint Properties • •

Joint Boxes Deleting Objects •

• •


Object Snaps 2D / 3D Osnap

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Regardless of what you are modelling or editing there are some common methods and commands that apply to all objects.

4.1. Selecting Objects Advance Steel often uses the AutoCAD Select Objects method for input in commands. At these points you may use any valid AutoCAD method of selection such as selecting an object on screen, using selection windows etc. However, in order to understand what objects Advance Steel wants you to select you frequently need to read the command line above the prompt. For example when placing a Single Sided End Plate joint the prompt will be:Please select the main beam Select objects: Therefore you should select the beam that is not shortened by the joint. AutoCAD may appear to let you select more than one object but the Advance Steel prompt was for a single beam so you should only select one item and then right-click or press return to accept and move on in the command. (If you select more than one item only the last selected object will count).

4.2. Advance Properties All Advance Steel objects are unique to Advance Steel and not standard AutoCAD objects. Advance Steel Objects still have basic AutoCAD properties like colour and layer which you can access and edit in the normal way. However, all the special Advance Steel properties must be accessed via the Advance Properties commands. To access the properties of an individual item, such as a beam or a grid, you should do the following:First • • Then • OR • •

Ensure there is no command active (AutoCAD prompt = Command: ) Ensure nothing is selected (if in doubt press the Escape key twice to clear any existing selection) Double click on the object you wish to edit. Select the object you wish to edit Right-click and choose Advance Properties

OR •


Select the object you wish to edit

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Advance – Tools  Advance Steel Properties.

This will call up the appropriate properties dialog box for that single object.

There is no OK or Apply button in most Advance Steel dialogs. All changes made in the Advance Properties box take effect immediately. Simply close the dialog when ready by clicking on the red X in the top right of the box. NOTE: When changing the value of a text or number box you must tell Advance Steel that you have finished typing by pressing Tab or Return on the keyboard or clicking in another field in the dialog. If you do not do this your change may be forgotten.

4.3. Advance Joint Properties Advance Steel includes many commands that create or control many objects at once with intelligent relationships. Examples would be Portal Frame, Straight Stair, Eaves Haunch and so on. To edit the properties of any such group of objects you must call Advance Joint Properties as follows:• Ensure there is no command active (AutoCAD prompt = Command: ) • Ensure nothing is selected (if in doubt press the Escape key twice to clear any existing selection) • Select any object within the group you wish to edit. • Right-click and choose Advance Joint Properties


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual The appropriate macro dialog box for that group of objects will be displayed.

Frequently there are so many properties in these dialogs that they are not only split into tabs but the tabs are also grouped into categories. As you select a different category on the left of the box the tab displayed will change to the first in that category.

4.4. Joint Boxes All groups of objects created by a macro (as above) are enclosed in a grey box called a Joint Box. This box may not be displayed but must exist for the objects to be a recognised group with Joint Properties. If you can see the joint box enclosing the desired objects then simply Double Clicking the joint box will call the Joint Properties dialog for that group. The Joint Box is not normally visible when the objects are first created but if the Joint Properties box is called up after initial creation the box will become visible.

The Joint Box is what contains the intelligent link between the objects. It is possible to delete the Joint Box on its own without deleting the objects controlled by it (see 4.5 Deleting Objects au-dessous). If a joint box is deleted the objects within remain in the model but no longer recognise any intelligent link with each other or behave like a joint but rather they become independent items. Models can very quickly become cluttered with many Joint boxes on display. As explained it is important not to delete these boxes so to clear the display the boxes may be hidden as follows: • Clear all object selections (press the Escape key twice)


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Selection Filters Joint Boxes

• •

Quick Views Selected objects off. Clear all selections (press Escape twice).

Note: It is very important to clear the object selection at the end of the command or else the joint boxes stay selected even though hidden. This is dangerous. For example, if you then went on to delete an object as your next action you would delete every joint box in your model removing the intelligence from every joint in the project.

4.5. Deleting Objects There is no special Erase or Delete command in Advance Steel you just use ordinary AutoCAD methods. Therefore you can: EITHER • Ensure no command is active (AutoCAD prompt = Command: ) • Ensure nothing is selected (if in doubt press the Escape key twice to clear any existing selection) • Select the items you wish to delete • Press the Delete key on the keyboard. OR • Click the Home > Modify > Erase icon (location may change depending on your workspace).

Select objects:

Select the objects to delete and accept.

Groups: If an object is created as part of an intelligent group (such as an angle cleat in a joint or a post in a railing) selecting the single object and pressing delete will delete the entire group of objects. Therefore if you wish to erase such a group you do not need to select every element of the group, you can just select and delete any member of the group. All related members that are affected by the deleted group will be restored as appropriate (for example fixing bolt holes removed)

4.6. Undo The normal AutoCAD Undo command remains available within Advance Steel. Advance Steel commands often perform several operations at a time and therefore you frequently need to perform several Undo commands to reverse one Advance Steel command. However, please be careful as there is NO REDO in Advance Steel.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

4.7. Object Snaps As you use Advance Steel you will notice that it automatically places certain AutoCAD Object Snaps at useful points. A NODE snap is placed at either end of every system line, every corner of a plate, either end of every grid line and the reference point of every beam or plate feature. A CENTRE snap is placed in the geometric centre of a plate (no matter what shape).

For this reason it is recommended that you have only the NODE snap active for running snaps and use single shot snaps for any other requirements.

There are two additional Object Snap types created especially in Advance Steel. These are: • Flange Middle – find the midpoint of the outer edge of a beam flange. • Grid Intersection – Finds the point where two Advance Steel grid lines cross (ignoring other object types).

Being unique to Advance Steel there are no AutoCAD icons on the Object Snap toolbar for these two snaps. To use them you must use the Shift+Right click menu for selecting the snap.

4.8. 2D / 3D Osnap When working in 3D there can be so many snap points available that it can become hard to ensure you have selected the one on the plane you want. To help with this Advance Steel has a toggle for 2D or 3D snaps. This is found on the tool palettes.

Quick Views2D Snaps off

Although the icon and name always show the same you can tell which mode you are activating from the command line. • 2D snaps on – While in this mode, whatever snap point is chose the Z coordinate will be ignored and replaced with zero (current UCS). You will see this indicated on screen by a yellow symbol showing the point you will actually be choosing in addition to the AutoCAD OSnap symbol at the point you are picking. • 2D snaps off – This is the normal operation of AutoCAD. All object snaps will be choosing full 3D locations.


5. Coordinate Systems • • •

3D Coordinates World Coordinates

User Coordinate System •

When to use a UCS

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

5.1. 3D Coordinates In order to locate points is space the distance from a fixed point is measured in 3 directions corresponding to the 3 dimensions of the world. These directions are labelled X, Y and Z. When working in 2D AutoCAD you will have only used X and Y. Now we are working in 3D we need to add the Z direction.

If typing coordinates into AutoCAD at any time rather than selecting a point on screen you only need to enter a Z coordinate if it is not zero. To enter a Z coordinate simply type an extra comma and the distance such as 20,10,50 means 20 X, 10 Y and 50 Z or 30,40 means 30 X, 40 Y and 0 Z.

5.2. World Coordinates Whenever a file is created a point is identified as the origin or 0,0,0 point (called the origin) and X, Y and Z directions are set. This is not changeable and forms a permanent fixed reference. This is known as the World Coordinate System or WCS. If you have set a UCS (see below) you can come back to the WCS at any time using the View > Coordinates > World icon or by picking WCS from the drop down below the View Cube.

5.3. User Coordinate System It is possible to change the origin point and direction of the three axes at any time in order to be more convenient for the current task. When you do this is the new setting is called a User Coordinate System or UCS. The three are always at right angles to each other. Whenever coordinates are entered they are always measured using the current coordinate system. Many commands in both AutoCAD and Advance Steel depend on the UCS position and orientation to decide how to create objects. In these commands the objects are often placed on an imaginary plane between the X and Y axes (thus called the XY Plane). It may help you to imagine the XY plane like a piece of graph paper that you are going to draw on while the Z axis is the pencil.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

User Coordinate Systems are standard AutoCAD functionality. Hence AutoCAD provides many commands for manipulating the Coordinate System and comprehensive on-line help on the subject. However, Advance Steel also provides additional commands for easy control of the UCS relevant to its usage.


Move UCS

This command simply moves the current origin to a new location.

• •


UCSMove UCS Specify new origin point : the required new position.

Select a new origin point on screen or type in the coordinates of

Rotate UCS about X, Y or Z

These three commands all rotate the UCS without changing its current position. The designated axis does not change but the other two axes are rotated 90° clockwise ab out the chosen axis. It is not possible to go anti-clockwise so just click the command repeatedly until the desired orientation is achieved. Simply click UCSRotate UCS about X, UCSRotate UCS about Y, or UCSRotate UCS about Z. There are no inputs required for these commands.


UCS at object

Use this command to place the UCS on a surface of an existing object in the model. The axes will also be aligned according to the object.


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• • •

Click UCSUCS at object Please identify object: Select a single Advance Steel object on screen. A number of triads (3D cross-hairs) will appear in different colours. Each triad represents a possible position for the UCS. Please Select CS: Choose ONE of the showing triads and right-click. The origin will be placed at the point of the triad. The longest line pointing away from the surface will become the positive Z direction. The medium length line will become the X direction and the shortest line will become the Y direction.

When selecting the object at the first prompt, if the entire object is visible on screen the triads will be placed around the whole object on key surfaces and points. For example in an I beam this would be centre of top surface of top flange, centre of bottom surface of the bottom flange, centre of either surface of the web and centre of each end.

On the other hand, if the object is only partially visible on screen you will get six triads about the exact point you chose. Note: This is not the same as the AutoCAD command View > Coordinates > Object.


UCS View

This is not actually an Advance Steel command but a standard option of the AutoCAD UCS command. It is particularly useful to know when using Advance Steel to create isometric views in drawings. First • Then

Orientate the model on screen as desired.

Select View > Coordinates > View

• •

Type UCS at the command line Specify origin of UCS or : Choose the View option.

OR [Face/NAmed/OBject/Previous/View/World/X/Y/Z/ZAxis]

The UCS will be rotated so that the Z axis is pointing straight out of the screen at the viewer and the X axis is pointing right.


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5.4. When to use a UCS There are three main choices regarding setting the UCS depending on which Advance Steel command you are using. When relevant, the UCS must always be set before using the Advance Steel command. In order to identify how to set the UCS appropriately for the command you are about to use read the tooltip that pops up when you hover over the icon. • •

If the tooltip does not mention UCS at all then it is generally not critical what the current UCS is though it may still have an influence over the outcome of the command. However plate, grating and feature commands will still operate in the current XY plane. If the tooltip says “ the UCS plane...” or similar, then the objects will always be drawn in the current XY plane and you should ensure this is set correctly before starting the command.

If the tooltip says “....UCS Z axis should be vertical...” or similar then you will usually want to use the WCS for this command. (Again, there are a few exceptions you will learn as you go).


6. Building Grids •

Creating a building grid •

Grid Properties

Modifying Grids

Level Symbols

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

6.1. Creating a building grid One of the first pieces of information that is often provided to a steelwork designer is a building grid to help layout the structure. Advance Steel has various tools to create intelligent building grids rather than plain AutoCAD lines. Furthermore these special Grids are recognised and handled appropriately on Advance Steel drawings. If you want to ensure a grid is drawn on each floor plan it is generally a good idea to draw a grid (and level symbol) at each floor level.



Creates two sets of 4 grid lines parallel with the current X and Y axes respectively and on the current XY Plane. The lines will be equally spaced over the total size entered.

• • • •


AS Modeling > Grid > Grid Please define two diagonal points for grid, origin:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the first corner of your grid. Second point:_:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the opposite extreme of your grid. Command finished.

Single Grid Line

Creates one single grid line in any direction on the current XY Plane.

• • • •


AS Modeling > Grid > Single Grid Line Please define end points of the grid line. Start point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the start of your line. End point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the end of your grid line. The line will be drawn and the Grid Properties box displayed.

Create Sequence, Equal Bays

Create a set of 4 parallel grid lines in one direction only. May be any direction in the current XY Plane. Lines are equally spaced.

• • • •

• 36

AS Modeling > Grid > Create Sequence, Equal Bays Please define end points of the grid line. Start point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the start of your first grid line. End point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the end of your first grid line. Direction and length of the group:_ Select a point or enter coordinates. The grid lines will be on the selected side of the first grid line. The distance measured from the chosen point perpendicular to the first grid line will be the overall size of the grid. The last grid line will go through the point defined but this will not necessarily be the end of the line. The grid will be drawn and the Grid Properties box will be displayed.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Create Sequence, Unequal Bays

Creates as many grid lines as desired in one direction only. May be in any direction on the current XY Plane. Spacing between grid lines may vary as desired. All A the lines will be parallel and equal length.

• • • • • • • •

AS Modeling ling > Grid > Create Sequence, Unequal Bays Please define end points of the grid line. l Start point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for one end of the first grid line. For example 0,0 End point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the other end of the first grid line. Direction of the group Select a point anywhere on the side ide of the first grid line that you require further grid lines to appear. Distance between grid lines (0.00) : Enter the spacing between the first two grid lines (for example 4000 for lines ABCD in our training structure). Distance between grid lines (4000.00) (40 : Enter the spacing between each pair of grid lines as you go. The number in brackets is the total cumulative distance (not the default entry). Repeat as often as required until full grid defined. Distance between grid lines (20000.00) : Once you have reached the correct overall distance simply press return without entering a number to finish the grid. The grid will be drawn and the Grid Properties box will be displayed.

Sequence of selecting points


Curved Grid Line

Creates a single curved grid line in the current XY Plane.

• • • • •

AS Modeling ling > Grid > Curved Grid Line Start point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the start of your grid line. End point:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the end of your grid line. Circle point :_ Select a point or enter coordinates for a point between the first two that the grid line arc should go through. The line will be drawn and the Curved Grid Line Properties Box will be displayed. 37

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

6.2. Grid Properties However they are created all grids of parallel lines have the same properties and use the same dialog to control them. This box is often automatically displayed at the end of the command that creates the grid.

• •

Total tab o Use the dimensions to change the overall size of the grid. The spacing of the last grid line(s) will be reduced if the size is reduced or extra lines will be added if the size is increased. o Use the Automatic Label options to control the default labelling of the lines in this grid. Sequence tab: The grid is divided into sequences of lines with equal spacing. o Sequence Index selects the group to edit. o Number and Distance show how many lines are in the group and the spacing between them. Single Grid Line tab: Controls options for individual lines. o Grid Line Index selects which grid line’s properties are displayed. o Name: Enter a new label for the grid line. This will have no effect if Automatic Label is still ticked on the Total tab. o Secondary Grid Line: Tick side 1 or 2 to create an extra grid line related to the main line. Complete the label and distance options as desired.

Grid labels are not ordinary text but are special. They will resize automatically as you zoom in and out of your model. The size of the text on the model is not the same as the size on a finished drawing view.

The only type of Grid Line to have different properties is a curved Grid Line. The Total tab of the properties is replaced by a Curved tab that is very similar but shows the radius of the line rather than the overall grid size. The other options on this tab work the same as for straight grid lines. The Sequence and Single Grid Line tabs do not exist.

6.3. Modifying Grids Apart from the Grid Properties there are several commands that allow you to edit grids after they are drawn.


Delete grid line from sequence

Removes a single grid line from a group of lines without affecting the spacing of the remaining lines. 38

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• AS Modeling > Grid > Delete grid line from sequence. • Please select the grid line to be deleted: Select one existing grid line and accept. The chosen line is deleted and the labels for other lines in the group updated accordingly.


Insert Sequence

Adds a number of grid lines into a group. The other lines in the group will be moved up by the total size of the new lines.

• • • •

AS Modeling > Grid > Insert Sequence Please select the grid axis after which the group is to be inserted: Select an existing grid line. The new line(s) will be added after the selected line. Number of grid lines Enter the number of new liens required. Distance between grid lines: Enter the required space between the new grid lines.

The new lines will be drawn at the entered spacings. The existing lines after the new ones will be moved up by the total overall size of the new lines (e.g. 3 lines at 1500 = 4500) so the full grid will get bigger.


Cut grid lines

Similar to the AutoCAD Trim command but for grid lines. Cuts the end off a grid line back to the chosen cutting edge. You cannot cut a section from the middle of a grid line.

• •

AS Modeling > Grid > Cut grid lines Please select boundary objects: Select existing lines, curves or a grid line to cut back to and accept. You can only select a single grid line but may choose more than one AutoCAD element. • Select grid line that is to be cut: Select the portion of the grid lines you wish to cut off and accept. The lines will be cut only after you accept


Extend grid lines

Similar to the AutoCAD extend command but for grid lines. Adds length to an existing grid line to make it meet the chosen boundary element.

• AS Modeling > Grid > Extend grid lines. • Please select boundary objects: Select the lines, curves or grid line to extend to and accept. • Select grid line that is to be extended: Select the grid lines to add length to and accept. The lines will be extended only after you accept. 39

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

6.4. Level Symbols Another type of object that is often closely associated with grids is a Level Symbol. These are used to identify the elevation of a point according to some datum (often sea level). The Advance Steel Level Symbols allow the user to define a global datum level. This will be added to all measurements such that your model may be kept at the AutoCAD WCS.


Level Symbol

Inserts a small symbol into the model to identify the correct height at the chosen reference point.

• •

AS Modeling > Grid > Level Symbol Please define the insertion point for the level symbol: at. The level symbol will be placed and the properties box displayed.

• •

Select an point to place the symbol

Current tab o Absolute Level = Global Datum Level plus Relative Level. o Relative Level = Height above the WCS origin (Z coordinate). Global tab o Datum Level = Set the nominal height of the AutoCAD WCS origin.

For example if your site zero is at 17350 above Sea Level you would enter 17350 as the global datum level. Then if you place a level symbol on some beams 4500 above the site zero the Relative Level will be 4500 and the Absolute Level will be 21850. All level symbols in a model share the same Global Datum Level. General Arrangement type drawings will often automatically place level symbols or dimensions in the drawings where you have included level symbols in your models.

Draw the grids in our structure. Draw the main building grid and the different grid for the mezzanine. Grid A1 is at the WCS origin. Ensure you match the position, directions and labelling shown in our drawings. 40

7. Basic Structures •

Structural Frames

Placing Sections

Beam Properties

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Once you have laid out your basic reference information (e.g. your building grid) it is time to create your basic structure. Many buildings are based on or include one of three common types of frame. So before we start drawing individual beams Advance Steel includes macros to automate the modelling of these common types.

7.1. Structural Frames 7.1.1.

Portal Frame

This macro creates four beams arranged as a portal frame based on several input points. The frame can be nonsymmetrical if desired.

• •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Portal Frame Please select base point for the first column:_ Enter coordinates or select a point for the base of one of the columns in the frame. • Please select top point for the second column:_ Enter coordinates or select a point for the position of the other column in the frame. • Please enter point for the apex height or ngle: Just press Return or right-click A symmetrical frame will be created with a default height. The Portal Frame Properties box will be displayed.


Set Out tab o Symmetrical roof – un-tick if you want a non symmetrical frame. When creating a symmetrical frame certain other options will be disabled. o Span of the frame – Should correspond to the coordinates of the first and second points selected. If you change this value column 2 will move to suit. o Total Height – The height of the apex where the rafters meet. Changing this will adjust the rafter beams. o Eaves Level 1 – The height of the top of the rafter directly above a column. Changing this adjusts the height of the columns. o Level of Base Plate – If point one was not at the final base plate level of the frame you can adjust for this here. For example you chose points on a grid at level 0 but the foundations and base plates are actually at level -500 so you should enter -500 here. Sections tab o Column Size – Select the appropriate section from the library to make the columns out of. o Rafter Size – Select the appropriate section from the library to make the rafters out of. o Projections – You can add values here for an eaves overhang but generally you would not want to do this. The Eaves haunch joint commonly used at such locations has facilities to add a stub here and that is usually more correct.

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Position tab – Use the options to control the position of the columns and rafters relative to the points selected. Note: the picturess in the dialog help clarify the options available.

Gable Frame

A gable frame is a portal frame with extra columns across its width. • •

To create a Gable Frame,, first create a portal frame as above. On the Properties tab of the Portal Properties box change the Type option to Gable Frame. Two extra tabs will appear in the dialog.

• •

Gable Sections tab – Set the section, size and position of the extra gable posts. Gable distances tab – Set the number and spacing of extra gable posts required.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Mono-pitch frame

A mono-pitch frame has a single rafter spanning the whole width rather than 2 rafters meeting at an apex as in the Portal frame.

• • •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Mono-Pitch Frame Please select base point for the first column:_ Select a point or enter coordinates for the base of the first column. Please select top point for the second column:_ select a point or enter coordinates for the top of the second column.

The frame will be drawn with a horizontal rafter and the Mono pitch properties box will be displayed. • • •

Set Out tab – Set the frame width and column heights as desired. Sections tab – Select the section sizes and eaves projections for the frame. Note: it is not generally necessary to set a projection here as the Eaves Haunch joint typically used in these locations includes options for a stub to be added. Position of frame tab – control the position of the columns and rafter relative to the points selected.

Draw the first portal frame for our structure. Draw the frame between grid A1 and A3. Ensure you match the sections and dimensions to our structure.

7.2. Placing Sections After drawing any of these frames where appropriate you will need to draw the rest of your structure by placing individual members. Advance Steel has an extensive library of standard sections of all types from all over the world. You can simply pick the desired section from a list. When drawing beams it is good practice to use object snaps at logical design points and thus make the system lines meet each other.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Straight Beam

For a straight beam the method is the same no matter what section type you want but there are different icons for each generic family of sections. •

Select the desired family of sections from the AS Modeling > Beams > Rolled I Beam drop down


• Please locate start point of system axis:_ Select a start point for your beam • Please locate end point of system axis:_ Select an end point for your beam A straight beam will be drawn between the two points and the Beam Properties box displayed.


Curved Beams

A curved beam of any section may be placed as follows:

• • • •

AS Modeling > Beams > Curved Beam Start point:_ Select the point for one end of your beam. End point:_ Select the point for the other end of your beam. Circle point :_ Select a point between the other two points for your beam to go through.

The beam will be created in the last section type used. The properties box will be displayed allowing you to select the section and other properties desired. An additional Radius option will be found on the Positioning tab. Curved beams will be show faceted on the model but will always be recognised as true curved beams on the drawings. This is just for performance purposes.


Beam From Line

If you have lots of beams to draw you may find it convenient to lay out all the beam paths with ordinary AutoCAD elements and then convert these into beams. Any AutoCAD Line, Arc or Polyline may be converted into a beam.

AS Modeling > Beams > Beam from line


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Please select lines/arcs: Use normal AutoCAD techniques to select as many arcs, lines and polylines as required then accept. Delete selected objects [Yes/No] ? : If you want to keep your construction lines answer No, otherwise answer Yes.

The selected elements will all be converted into individual beams with the same properties. If you selected polylines, each segment of the polyline will be an independent beam (compare with Beam from Polyline below).


Beam from Polyline

If you want to model a beam that has been bent into shape (other than a simple arc) you need to use the Beam from Polyline command.

• • • •

AS Modeling > Beams > Beam from polyline Please specify start point or select [Polyline(s)]: Choose the Polyline option Please select one or more 2D or 3D polyline(s) to transform into beam(s) Select the polyline(s) you want to convert. Delete selected objects [Yes/No] ? : If you want to keep your construction lines answer No otherwise answer Yes.

Each polyline will be converted into a continuous bent beam made from one piece.


Compound Beams and Welded Beams

Also on the AS Modeling > Beams panel are two more drop downs: Welded Beams and Compound Beams.

These create common configurations of beams made from flats (welded beams) or sections (compound beams) welded together to form new profiles. These work exactly like normal Straight beams with a slight change to the Properties box. The Compound Beam Class and Compound Beam Type options on the Sections & Material tab select the configuration of members required. Then the Sections tab is used to set the type and size of each individual member. Though made from several members these beams are treated as a single object as opposed to modelling several individual members with the straight beam commands.


Cold Rolled Sections

A large range of sections from specific cold rolled suppliers are also available. These are found on the Slideout on the AS Modeling > Beams panel.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Each icon pre-selects the stated manufacturer but apart from that the functionality is exactly the same as any other straight beam.

7.3. Beam Properties However they are created all members made from standard sections have many common properties available.

Section & Material tab o Section – Select the desired section type and size. The first arrow drop down allows you to select the family of sections (e.g. I, Channel, Round), the second drop down arrow selects the section class within the family (e.g. IPE, UK Universal Beam, JIS H) and the third drop down arrow allows you to select the size of beam within the chosen section class. The fourth drop down arrow shows a list of recently selected sections for quicker re-selection. o Material – Allows you to choose what material your beam is to be made from. The first drop down is the type of material (e.g. Steel or Concrete) and the second drop down is the exact material of the selected type. (e.g. S275JR or St37-2). o Coating – Select your desired coating / finish for your beam (e.g. Iron Oxide Primer or Galvanised). Note: For each of these drop downs the list is filtered to choices common in your location (depending on the language chosen at install). If you cannot see the choice you want in the short list try looking for an “All” option at the bottom of the list. Pointing at this brings up the full list of all entries known to Advance Steel.

The list of entries displayed in the short list is controlled by a system called Preferred Sizes. Though outside the scope of this course, you can customise these to suit your requirements. Contact your Graitec representative for more information.


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Positioning tab


Offset – Select how you want the beam positioned relative to the points you chose. The picture of your beam type has 10 positions you can choose from. Nine of these positions are fairly obvious (4 corners, middle of 4 sides and centre). The tenth dot represents the Centre of Gravity of the section. Normally vertical members such as columns will be placed using the centre position. Horizontal members such as floor beams are typically placed using the Top Middle position. Note: A line will be drawn between the two points you chose. This line is called the System Line and will not move when you choose these position offsets; the beam will move around the line. Always draw the system line between your nominal design points and let Advance Steel sort out the detail.

Warning: For non-symmetrical sections such as Channels, Angles and T sections the positions in the middle of each side line up with the centre of gravity and as such are often NOT in the middle of that side.


Angle – Rotates the section about the system line. Choose a dot corresponding to 45° increments or enter the value required in the box. When a beam is first placed the top flange will be parallel with the current UCS XY or YZ plane. The angle setting always shows zero when the dialog is first opened and this will correspond to the current position of the section.

Imagine you want to align one beam with another at an unknown angle (such as our roof beams to align with the rafters). Rather than struggle to find the correct angle to enter here, set the UCS to match the other beam (UCS at Object) before placing this beam. The flanges will automatically align.


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Naming tab – Shows the Single Part and Assembly numbers of the part plus additional identification such as lot / phase and Model Role



Single Part / Main Part – There are boxes to the left of the Single Part Number and Main Part Number lines. If the box next to single part is filled this indicates that this part is a single part. If the box next to Main Part is filled this indicates that this part is the main part of the assembly. See the chapter on Numbering below. Model Role – To identify what part a given object plays in your structure and to assign an appropriate number prefix the object needs to have a Model Role assigned such as Beam, Column, Rafter, End Plate or Railing Post Landing. This is picked from the drop down list. Whenever an object is created by an Advance Steel macro the appropriate model role is assigned automatically. Whenever you create an object manually you must manually assign the model role. See the chapter on Numbering below.

Cambered Properties tab – If designing a cambered beam you can complete the properties on this tab. Then Advance Steel can recognise the type of beam so that it is drawn and identified appropriately for manufacture. Only straight beams can be cambered. You may need to manually specify a Cambered Beam drawing style in order to benefit from this feature.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Draw the remaining members of our structure. Model all the remaining beams and sections in our structure (except the bracings). Take care with the outside platform to get the orientation and position of each beam correct.


8. Simple Editing • •

Layer Management

AutoCAD Editing commands. • •

Transform Elements Advanced Trim / Extend

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual It is not always easy to model objects correctly first time. You may want to move or rotate change the length of a section. Alternatively, if you have a number of similar objects it may be easier to make one and copy it rather than mode each individually.

8.1. Layer Management In AutoCAD it is good to organise objects in your model onto separate Layers. This enables you to control the display easily identifying objects displayed differently and to hide and display selected objects only. When working in Advance Steel it is best to stay on the layer “Standard”. This then activates the Advance Steel automatic layer management. When you are on this layer the objects Advance Steel creates are automatically placed on different layers depending on their object type. Normally the layer an object goes on matches the type so all sections go onto Beams, Plates go onto Plates, Bolts onto Bolts and so on. If you change the current active layer to anything other than “Standard” then all objects will be placed on the current layer regardless of type. The layer an object is on makes no difference to Advance Steel, it is only for your convenience. You can move objects to different layers as you wish using the AutoCAD Properties box. You can create your own layers using the AutoCAD Layer Manager box. You can hide, freeze or lock layers at will: the normal AutoCAD editing rules will apply in this case – objects on frozen, hidden or locked layers cannot be edited.

Further automatic layer management can be set up based on an object’s Model Role if it is assigned by a macro. To turn this option on set the option “Management Tools > Defaults > Layer assignment > Default layers used for AS objects based on object role” to 1. Then all members of a Railing will be on Railings not Beams and Plates. Objects with model role set to None will go on the original layers.

8.2. AutoCAD Editing commands. All the AutoCAD editing commands that should be familiar to you remain available. However, these commands do not recognise the extra intelligence of Advance Steel objects so they may not always be the best choice. As a rule of thumb, if the resulting object does not require any intelligent handling during the operation you may use the AutoCAD command. If the operation would benefit from Advance Steel’s extra intelligence use an Advance Steel command to do the edit. Some AutoCAD commands are also not very suitable to 3D (e.g. Rotate only allows angles in the XY plane). For example these operations can be performed using the ordinary AutoCAD commands: • Move a beam with no joints on it or without changing the joints on it. (AutoCAD Move) • Rotate a plate with nothing connected to it. (AutoCAD Rotate) • Copy a column with no joints on it to many locations. (AutoCAD Copy) • Moving the end of a beam when you missed the snap point during creation. (Drag the Grip on the end). • Change one beam size to match another. (AutoCAD Match Properties) • Move an object onto another layer. (AutoCAD Properties) Whereas these operations should be done using the Advance Steel commands below: • Copy a whole portal frame with joints. (Use Transform Elements) • Make a pattern of columns with base plates. (Use Transform Elements) • Extend / Trim beams including the system lines to the surface of another beam. (Use Advance Trim / Extend) If in doubt, always choose the Advance Steel command as this will handle the extra intelligence of the Advance Steel objects correctly.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

8.3. Transform Elements A number of common editing operations have been combined into one intelligent Advance Steel command called Transform Elements. This covers equivalent operations to AutoCAD’s Move, Copy, Stretch, Array and Mirror commands but with extra power and intelligence relevant to Advance Steel objects. •

Ensure no objects are selected (Press Escape twice)

Advance Tools  Transform Elements

Click “Select Objects” and select objects to manipulate using normal AutoCAD techniques. After accepting your selection you will be returned to the dialog box. If the objects are part of a joint (e.g. our Portal Frame) and you want the result to be part of a joint rather than individual elements (that is 3 more portal frames not just a lot of beams) make sure you pick the joint box as part of the operation. Tick the box “Include additional connections”. If this box is not ticked then any relationships between your selected elements and others are ignored. If you want to include joints between beams in the operation do not struggle to select every member of the joint, simply pick the beams the joints are between and ensure this box is ticked. Select the desired operation in the lower left area of the box. – Different operations enable and disable different options in the rest of the box. Always pick the operation before attempting to complete any other options as the values will be changed when you change operation. Complete all other options in the dialog as required (all coordinates are according to the current UCS). Click Preview You may get a prompt like “Select corresponding entity[Skip]:” If you do, look for the highlighted object out of the ones you chose. Identify the corresponding object in the new location and select it. If you cannot identify the correct object you may skip by simply pressing return without choosing anything but if you do the intelligence will be lost. Repeat as many times as you get prompts.

• • • •


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual The edits will be carried out. You can zoom, rotate and pan as you wish to inspect the result but do not pick any other command. • If happy with the result click the OK button on the preview bar. • If not happy you can click Modify to return to the dialog and adjust your settings. • If completely wrong you can click Cancel and everything will be restored to before the Transform. All new objects created during a transform are independent of the originals. Any joints created maintain their full intelligence. So, to copy our complete portal frame with joints from grid line A to B, C and D we would do the following:• Clear any selection (Press Escape twice) • Advance Tools  Transform Elements • Select Objects – Select the joint box around the portal frame and the four main beams of the frame and accept. • Tick “Include additional connections” • Set the action to Copy. • Set the coordinates at the top by clicking the button next to the values and picking A1 then B1 (one pitch). • Set number of copies to 3 • Click Preview • Select corresponding elements as prompted (3 x 4 = 12 selections) • If we are happy click OK. In each case the Transform Elements dialog has buttons to let you pick points or offsets on screen using object snaps. In this way you can be sure to get the correct value according to the current UCS however it relates to your operation. Always test your entries using the Preview button rather than click OK immediately. If you do need to undo a transform a number of undo commands will be required.

8.4. Advanced Trim / Extend The standard AutoCAD Trim and Extend commands cannot work on Advance Steel sections. To Trim or Extend these you must use the Advanced Trim / Extend command. •

Clear any selection (press Escape twice).

• •

Advance Tools  Advanced Trim / Extend Please select operation mode [Trim/Extend/Auto] : If you are sure you only want to trim select Trim. If you are sure you only want to extend select Extend. If you want to do a mixture of both select Auto. Please select option [System/Centre/Face/Line] : You can trim or extend to either the System line of another beam, the centre line of another beam, the nearest face of another beam or you can select an ordinary AutoCAD line. Enter the required option. Please select boundary objects: ~> Select objects: Select the beam(s) or line(s) you want to extend or trim to and accept. (Note this prompt is over 2 lines – don’t forget to read 2 lines if the prompt is just Select Objects). Select the member to be Trimmed or Extended: Select the beams to trim or extend near the end to move. Each beam will be altered immediately. You can click individual beams or use an AutoCAD window selection to pick many beams. The end nearest the pick point will be changed. Right click when finished.

• • • •

Edits take place immediately as you go through. All changes in one Advanced Trim / Extend command are combined into one undo. When drawing beams it is good practice to use object snaps at logical design points and thus make the system lines meet each other. Advance Steel actually doesn’t care if the system lines or beams meet each other, fall short of each other or even cross: when a joint is placed it will adjust the lengths of the beams (not the system lines) to suit. It is not 54

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual necessary to edit the system lines to the exact length of the finished machined member though preferably it should be close. If one of the members is subsequently edited the joint will automatically adjust the length of both beams as required. Hence it is not necessary to use this command very often. However, if the system line is noticeably different to the finished beam length it could have a negative effect on drawing quality.


9. Automatic Joints •

Connection Vault

Joint Properties

Repeating Joints •

Joint Table

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In order for our beams to be held together various joints must be designed between them. Sometimes a joint may be unique but usually an engineer will choose one of many standard types of joint. To make a joint the beams must be made to meet and shaped around each other as required. Additional plates, bolts and welds are also generally required. Rather than repeatedly modelling all of these things individually Advance Steel has intelligent tools for creating a huge range of recognised joints.

9.1. Connection Vault In order to organise all the many types of available joint an interface called the Connection Vault has been created. To place a new joint always start with the connection vault.

The vault has three panes. On the left is a list of many types of joint in a tree type structure. Use the “+” and “–“ symbols next to the names to expand and collapse groups of related joints. Select a joint name to see some images of examples the joint can make in the top right pane. (These previews are examples only and by no means an exhaustive representation of what can be achieved). Once you have found the desired joint type click USE at the bottom right and follow the prompts to place the joint


Making a connection

An intelligent connection is made between two or three beams like so:

• • 58

AS Modeling > Joints > Connection Vault. Locate the desired joint type in the list and click use.

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Please select the main beam ~> Select objects: Select the beam which is NOT going to change length. Please select the secondary beam Select the beam that will be adjusted and shaped around the first.

These are generic prompts. The exact prompts will vary depending on the joint you have selected (e.g. “Please identify column:” or “Please identify rafter:”. There may also be a third prompt for some joints. •

After choosing the inputs you may frequently get a small alert box saying:- “Template values not found. Take defaults of the connection”. Just say OK to this. It is not an error but information only. See Joint au-dessous for more information.

The joint will now be created and the joint dialog box shown.

In engineering terms, when placing a joint, the secondary beam transfers its load onto the main beam.

9.2. Joint Properties Every type of joint in the Connection Vault has its own version of the joint properties dialog. In each case, due to the complexity of the joints and the number of parameters that can be varied there are a large number of options spread over a large number of grouped tabs. It would be overwhelming to try and list every option so here is an overview of some common options or properties and things to look out for. In order to help you identify which option or parameter you need to set to adjust a particular dimension or position, each tab of the properties has a picture showing various numbered dimensions. The property boxes on that tab have corresponding numbers. Simply find the numbered dimension in the picture and then set the required value in the box with the same number. For example in this screenshot you can see that the overall length of the end plates is dimension 3 so you need to adjust this using the value in the box “3. Length”: currently showing 411.40. You will also see that some various options are disabled. Often this is because of how another option is set. In the screenshot below “3. Length” is disabled because “End Plate Length Type” is set to Projection. With this option boxes 4 and 5 are valid and the overall length is calculated. If you would rather set the overall height of the plate you need to change “End plate length type” to “Exact Value from Top” or “Exact Value from Bottom”. Option 3 will become available to enter your required length into. Option 4 or 5 will be disabled and calculated as appropriate. Sometimes the options interact over several tabs of the properties dialog so you may need to change settings on other tabs to enable a particular option on a given tab.


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Sometimes certain types of joint can give unexpected results when applied to non-symmetrical sections like Channels or Angles. In most cases the desired result can be achieved by persevering with different options and settings but these may seem a little strange. For example, depending on the section orientation the Top and Bottom could be swapped when manipulating a joint on a Channel type section.


Plate & Bolt Sizes & Projection option.

The various parameters of the plates and bolts are usually on tabs that are grouped together either under “General” or “Plates and Bolts”. The size of end plates or other plates created by a joint can often be set in several ways. • Projections:- With this option set the user controls the amount the plate overhangs the section on each side. If the section is alter edited and changes size the plate and spacings in the joint will likewise change automatically to maintain the same projection dimensions. • By Bolts:- This option will lay out the bolts according to distances from the sections used in the joint. Then the plate size will be calculated based on the overall bolt spacings. If the section is edited alter the joint will update automatically to maintain the bolt positions relative to the new section size and the plate size relative to the bolt positions. • Total Size:- If you use this option you can directly set the overall size of the plate. If the section the plate is fixed to changes the plate size will not update but it will remain at the set size. It may seem nice to select either Projections or By Bolt options so that the joint updates if and when a section change size. However, there is a drawback to this. Most standard sections do not have a nice overall size. In many standards they overall size is not even exactly the same as the nominal size. For example a UK Universal Beam 254x146x43 actually measures 259.6 x 147.3. If you add a 50 Projection to this the finished plate would measure 359.6 x 247.3. These are not nice dimensions to manufacture to. In most cases it is preferred and cheaper to manufacture if you use nice dimensions that can be made out of standard Flat sections. So in this example plates measuring 250 wide could be cut 360 long from a Flat 250x10 so it would be preferred to set Total sizes of 360 and 250 instead of projections.


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For Bolt spacings the equivalent of the “Projection” option would be a “From Section” option or similar. The same reasoning applies as for plates in that it is often better to use another option and set the a nice round dimension for the spacing rather than end up with bolt centres like 309.6 x 197.3. Bolt type and diameter can be set on the Bolts and Holes tab. Advance Steel has pre-defined combinations of nuts, bolts and washers and you can only select one of these. First select the Bolt Type such as “XOX” or “Set Screw”. Each type of bolt has certain combinations of nut and bolt (such as “Standard” or “Nut and 2 Washers”) that are valid and you must select one of these in the Bolt Assembly box. The bolt diameter can be set in the Diameter box. The bolt length will automatically be selected to suit from a list of standard bolt lengths defined in the system. The options and dimensions controlling plate sizes in joints are often found on the same tabs as those for the bolts. For example in a Single Sided End Plate Joint (screenshot above) the plate sizes are on the Horizontal Bolts and Vertical Bolts tabs along with the bolt options.


Other options

Most joints have options for cutting the plates created and / or the beams involved around other members. In general there will be a set of options for Notches that allow the user to control the clearances desired in each case.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In most cases the plates or other sections created as part of a joint will be welded to one or other member of the joint. The size of these welds may need to vary to suit the section and loading and this can be achieved on the Welds tab. Many joint types allow for extra plates to be welded in to strengthen the joint. These plates follow fixed rules and are controlled by sets of options on tabs called “Stiffeners”. Depending on the type of joint there may be extra options unique to that type of joint. For example a Base Plate can have a Shear Anchor or Levelling Plates and an Eaves Haunch can have an Additional Rafter to create wider eaves. These options typically have their own extra tab in the Joint Properties box. The first option on the tab is generally a tick box to enable the option though this may be found on another tab.

9.3. Repeating Joints Naturally, within a given structure it is common to repeat the same joint, between sections of the same sizes and with the same parameters in many locations. Rather than have to create each joint and set all the parameters individually over and over again there are several ways to efficiently repeat a joint. Whichever method you use to create a joint you can always use the Advance Joint Properties to alter its parameters later. All the joints remain independent of each other.


Repeat Joint

If you want to create another joint of the same type as you have just placed, but not necessarily the same parameters, an alternative to going through the Connection Vault again is to use the Repeat Joint command.

• •

AS Tools > Joint Utilities > Repeat Joint Proceed as per the normal joint command as though you have clicked Use in the Connection Vault.

This will place the joint and show the Joint Properties box for you to set the desired parameters.


Create By Template

If you want another joint of the same type and parameters as an existing joint in your model you can use this command to produce that.

• • •


AS Tools > Joint Utilities > Create by template

OR Advance – Tools  Create by template. Select connection part: Select any member of the existing joint you wish to copy and accept. Please identify column: The prompts from the original placement of the joint type will be repeated and should be followed. Please identify rafter: Follow the prompts to choose the members in the new location as per normal.

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As soon as all the required members have been chosen the joint will be placed with identical parameters to the copied joint. The Joint Properties box will not be displayed. Please identify column: The command will loop, repeating the prompts to select members, and will place as many copies of the joint as desired (one at a time). When you have placed all the copies you require at this time simply press Return or right click without selecting a member.

Create by template, multiple

If you have lots if identical or similar situations where you wish to repeat a joint (such as 25 Cold Rolled Floor Beams to the Hot Rolled Supporting Beam) the Create by template, multiple command is ideal.

AS Tools > Joint Utilities > Create by template, multiple

OR Advance – Tools  Create by template, multiple Please select source joint: Select any member of the joint you wish to copy and accept. Please select beams corresponding to the source joints input (1/3) ~> Select objects: You must know what the first input for the chosen type of joint is. For example on a Double Sided End Plate the first of three inputs was the Main Beam. You should select all the main beams of all the desired locations that you wish to copy the joint to. Then accept. • Please select beams corresponding to the source joints input (2/3) ~> Select objects: Again, you must know what the second input required for the type of joint was. In our example of a Double Sided End Plate it will be one of the secondary beams. You should select one secondary beam in each location that you want to copy the joint to. Then accept. • Please select beams corresponding to the source joints input (3/3) ~> Select objects: If the joint type requires it you will be prompted for the third input too. Like the first and second input select appropriate members in each location that you wish to copy the joint to. Then accept. Advance Steel will analyse your selection and place joints at every possible location within your selections (many at once). All the joints placed will have identical parameters to the one copied. The joint box will not be displayed. • •

Note: Be careful when using this with double sided joints as you may get two copies of the joint in the same location. Note: Don’t get too ambitious with this command trying to place lots of variations in one move. While the command is good at identifying different orientations or configurations if you include too many in one command problems can occur.

9.4. Joint Table In order to avoid having to set many parameters when you use a joint it is possible to store preferred configurations in the Table for quick recall or Automatic placement. The Table is found in its own tab in the joint Properties dialog. The Table includes columns for every single parameter within the joint. In every case the table includes columns stating the class and size of member(s) the joint was placed on and a comment or name for the entry.


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Every time a joint is placed Advance Steel will look to see if the same combination of member sizes is already in the Table. If it finds a match it will apply the settings stored against that entry in the Table. The selected line in the table is normally highlighted in blue. In this way you do not have to go through setting many parameters every time you place the joint. (Advance Steel will not look at the table when using Create by template or Create by template, multiple since these command are designed to copy the same parameters as the example joint selected.) If there is more than one possible match in the Table for the current joint Advance Steel will apply the first match it finds in the table. If no match is found in the Table an alert box is displayed stating “Template values not found. Take defaults of the connection”. This is not an error; just information that your joint is not matching a pre-defined configuration.

It is possible to turn off the “Template values not found” alert box so that the message comes up on the AutoCAD command line instead. To do this set Management Tools > Defaults > General > Message box when template values not found to 0. If you want to apply a different set of parameters than the Table entry selected by Advance Steel simply click on any line of your choice in the Table and the corresponding parameters will be applied immediately. To help you find the desired entry in the Table you can sort the table by any column (e.g. Comment or Section) by clicking the heading of that column. There may be a recognised standard giving set dimensions and sizes defined for a given load on a given joint type. The Table is the ideal place to define these parameters so that they can be easily used. For example in the UK the British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) publish a set of standards (commonly known as the “Green Book” after the colour of the cover of the publication) defining plate sizes, bolt positions and so on for several load ranges on many member sizes and many types of joint. These recognised pre-defined settings have been stored in the Table as part of the standard install. Once applied there is no link between the joint parameters and the Table so you may override any setting you wish without affecting any other joints or the table. To add your own entry to the joint Table:• Place the joint you want to store and set all its parameters as desired. • Change to the Table tab in the Joint Properties dialog.


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Click Import values.

Your settings will be added to the table with a dash “-“ in the comment column. Click Edit. The table editor will appear.

• • • •

Locate your entry in the table. New entries are usually at the bottom but not always. New entries are given a dash in the Comment column. Click in the Comment box for your entry and enter a recognisable name of your choice. Click OK. Close the Joint Properties dialog.

The Table entry will now be available for use for all future joints of that type. The Table is stored on a given PC so remains available for all projects and users on that PC.

In order to maximise the power and flexibility of the Table and to minimise similar entries it is possible to use the % (percent) symbol as a wild card in the section columns. It is also possible to set your preferred default values to be used when no other better match is found by creating a “Default” entry in the table. Both of these points are outside the scope of this course. Ask your Graitec representative for more information.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Add joints to our training project. Go through and add all the joints to our Training Project. The project uses the following joint types: Base Plate, Single Sided End Plate, Double Sided End Plate with Safety Bolt, Eave Haunch to Flange and Apex Haunch. In some cases you may find that the Table includes a matching entry for the joint. Ensure that all your joints match the dimensions given in drawings G100 and G113 in chapter 1.3 Main Exercise au-dessus


10.Beam Features •

Coping or Notching Beams •

Contour Features

Editing Features •


Splitting and Joining Beams

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual When a section is first drawn it is recommended that it is drawn between easy design points. This results in lots of sections clashing where they meet. When we place joints from the Connection Vault the sections are then shaped around each other to avoid clashes and space is made for the connection plates. This is done by creating Beam Features that modify the shape of the beam. Although Advance Steel includes an extensive range of these intelligent joints occasions will probably arise, sooner or later, where there is no automatic joint to suit the situation. On other occasions beams may simply need shaping around obstacles or each other without forming a joint. In these cases we will need to make our own Beam Features.

Open the file Feature Practice File.dwg

This file has been created for you to practice Beam Features and to demonstrate certain points.

10.1. Coping or Notching Beams 10.1.1. Shorten The simplest Beam Feature is one that just changes the length of the beam. This command is called Shorten but it can actually add length to a beam too. This will create a straight cut across the end of a section. The system line will not change length. To adjust the length of a section:

• •

Beam Features  Shorten Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select the section to change the length of near the end to change. The section will immediately change length and the Shorten Properties box will be displayed.


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Reference – The amount to remove from the beam length (enter a negative number to increase the length). Y – Enter a value (in degrees) to rotate the cut in about the Y axis of the section (zero = perpendicular to the section). Z – Enter a value (in degrees) to rotate the cut in about the Z axis of the section (zero = perpendicular to the section). Note: This is not intended for changing the nominal length or end point of a beam but simply for adjusting the end by a relatively small amount to allow for joint plates and such like.

Try a Shorten on the exposed ends of the brown beams. 10.1.2. Shorten at UCS Beams don’t always meet at convenient angles and you may not know the exact angle you wish to cut the end of the beam off at. So entering the correct value in the Y or Z box of a Shorten command would be difficult. Regardless of angle, the exact amount to cut off to meet another section perfectly is not always obvious (section sizes are not round numbers). To overcome this you can use the Shorten at UCS command. Use UCS at Object or other appropriate command to get the UCS XY plane at the desired position and orientation.

• •

Beam Features  Shorten at UCS. Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select beam near the end to cut off and accept. The beam will immediately be cut off at the UCS XY plane. The Shorten properties box will be displayed with the appropriate values already completed.

Try Shorten at UCS to cut one of the red beams where it meets the blue beam. 10.1.3. Cut at Object Even easier than Shorten at UCS is Cut at Object. This is a one step process rather than two and also has other more powerful options.

Beam Features  Cut at object. 69

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual • Section to cut against Select the beam that you wish to cut to and accept. • Section to cut Select the section that you want to cut and accept. The second section will be cut back to where it meets the flange of the first beam and the properties box will be displayed.

• •

Properties tab – Type. If you want to cut to the wed of a section rather than the edge of the section you need to change this to “Saw cut – Web”. Cut tab – Create Weld. Tick this is you want the two sections to be welded together with a standard fillet weld.

Try Cut at Object where a brown beam meets the blue beam and where the other red beam meets the blue beam. 10.1.4. Notch The previous commands all cut straight across the section. However we often need to able to cut just a corner off a section such as when notching around another beam. This command does that.

• •

Beam Features  Notch Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ section to cut near the end to cut. The notch will be applied immediately and the Notch properties displayed.







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• •

Shape tab o Width X – How much to cut off the length of the section. o Depth – How far down the beam to cut (measured from outside surface of section). Corner Finish tab o Radius – Set the fillet radius for the corner of the cut. o Boring Out – Change the type of relief in the corner of the cut.

Note: This notch is always square to the section.

10.1.5. Notch, skewed If you require a notch that is not square to the section you can try this command.

• •

Beam Features  Notch, skewed Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ section to cut near the end to cut. The notch will be applied immediately and the Notch properties displayed.







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Shape tab o Width X – How much to cut off the length of the section. o Distance from Axis – How far from the system line of the beam the cut should stop. o X – Angle of rotation about the section’s X axis. o Z – Angle of rotation about the section’s Z axis. o Axis – Angle of rotation about the section’s Y axis. Corner Finish tab o Radius – Set the fillet radius for the corner of the cut. o Boring Out – Change the type of relief in the corner of the cut.

Note: The Distance from Axis is measured from the System line. Therefore if the system line is on the outside face of the beam (most floor beams have the system line in top centre) you will need to enter a negative number for the depth.

Try Notch and Notch, Skewed on the points where the brown and red beams meet the blue beam. Compare this with a Notch, Skewed on the bottom flange of the green beam. 10.1.6. Parametric Notch – joint As with Shortens it is not always easy to determine the ideal size and angle of a notch to shape one section nicely around another. This tool is designed to create an ideal cut for you.

• •

Beam Features  Parametric notch – Joint Passing main beam ~> Select objects: Select the beam that you want to cut to (will not be altered) and accept. • Secondary beam that is to be attached ~> Select objects: Select the beam to cut and accept. The coping will be applied immediately and the Parametric Notch Properties box displayed.

• •

Use the options on the Parameters tab to set the gap between the two members in each direction. It is also possible to add corner relief for the cuts. On the Welds tab you can choose to weld the two beams together.

This creates a shorten and two notches (plus other cuts for the corners if needed). These individual features are combined into the Parametric Notch joint. 72

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10.1.7. Element Contour – Rule Another way to achieve completely shaping one member around another is to use Element Contour – Rule.

• •

Beam Features  Element Contour – Rule Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select the beam you wish to cut near the end to cut then accept. • Please identify the cutting beam:_ ~> Select objects: Select the beam to cut around and accept. The beam will be cut immediately and the Element Contour Rule properties box displayed.

• • • •

Parameters tab Welding – Tick to create a weld between the two members. Contour Shape – Choose whether you want your cut to match: a) the exact shape of the passing beam (including corner radiuses and tapers); b) The standard shape of the passing beam (simplified to parallel flanges and no fillet radiuses); or c) Casing (a box around the passing beam). Create Shortening – If ticked the end of the beam will be cut off completely. If not ticked the end of the beam will not be cut off and the beams can cross in the middle.

This creates a single shaped cut through the modified beam (and a shorten if ticked). This joint has more power than the Parametric Notch joint and is probably the preferred option in most cases.

Try Parametric Notch – Joint and Element Contour – Rule where the brown, red and blue beams meet.

10.2. Contour Features As well as shaping one beam around another you might want to create other cut outs in beams to avoid clashes or for any other reason. A variety of additional features are available to achieve this. Essentially they all work the same way. The UCS XY plane must be parallel with the face you want to cut (web or flange of the section).

10.2.1. Rectangular contour, centre Allows you to create a rectangular cut out using a single reference point to define the location. 73

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Set UCS as required.

• • •

Beam Features  Rectangular Contour, Centre Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Please define the centre of the beam notch to be created_ cut out.

Select the beam to cut. Select a point to position the

The cut will be placed immediately at a default size and the Contour Processing properties box will be displayed.

10.2.2. Rectangular Contour, 2 points Allows you to create a rectangular cut out using two reference points to define the location and size. •

Set UCS as required.

• • •

Beam Features  Rectangular Contour, 2 points. Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select the beam to cut. Please define two diagonal points for rectangular contour, first point:_ Select a point for one corner of the cut out. ,second point_ Select a point for the opposite corner of the cut out.

The cut will be placed immediately at the defined size and the Contour Processing properties box will be displayed.

10.2.3. Circular Contour, Centre Allows you to create a circular cut out using a single reference point for the location. •

Set the UCS as required.

• • •

Beam Features  Circular Contour, Centre Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select the beam to cut. Please define the centre of the beam notch to be created Select a point to position the cut out.

The cut out will be placed immediately at a default size and the Contour Processing properties box will be displayed.

10.2.4. Circular Contour, 2 points Allows you to create a circular cut out using two reference points to define the location and size. •


Set UCS as required.

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• • • •

Beam Features  Circular Contour, 2 points. Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select the beam to cut. Please define the centre of the beam notch to be created Select a point for the centre of the cut out. Circle radius: Select a point for the radius of the cut out.

The cut will be placed immediately at the defined size and the Contour Processing properties box will be displayed.

10.2.5. Polygon Contour Allows you to create a shaped cut out in a beam. The edges of the shape may be straight lines or arcs. •

Set UCS as required.

• • • • •

Beam Features  Polygon Contour Please identify the beam to be modified at a reference end:_ Select the beam to cut. Please select first point: Select a point for any corner of your desired shape Please select point or [ rc ] Select subsequent points to define your shape. Please select point or [ rc/lose ] After at least 3 points the prompt changes to this. If you want to have an arc for an edge of your shape enter the option A. • Please select point or [ econd Point/ine/lose ] When drawing arcs the prompt is like this. Select points to define arcs as desired. Each arc will be tangential to the previous segment. • Please select point or [ econd Point/ine/lose ] If you want to go back to drawing straight edges enter L for the Line option. • Please select point or [ rc/lose ] When you have drawn all of your shape except the last edge simply pick the Close option and Advance Steel will connect the last point to the first automatically. The shape you defined will be cut through the beam and the Contour Processing properties box displayed.

10.2.6. Contour Processing Properties The Contour Processing properties box is virtually the same however you created your shape.

Shape tab 75

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o For rectangular contours you have Width X and Length Y values to set the size of the cut out. o For a circular contour you have a Radius value for the size of the cut out. o For Polygon contours this tab does not exist. Positioning tab o This tab does not exist for Polygon Contours. o For rectangular or circular contours you can set the position of the cut out relative to the first point you chose. Contour tab o Gap width – It is often easier to select corners of objects that you need to cut around than to select points with clearances. This option allows you to set the clearance after defining the shape. Enter a value to expand the shape by that distance in every direction. o Side 1 and Side 2 – Tick the box to limit the depth of cut in that direction to the value shown in the box. If not ticked the cut is infinitely deep in that direction. Corner Finish tab – Set radiuses in the corners of your cut out.

When a contour is created it is usually infinitely deep in both directions (Side 1 and Side 2 not ticked). When working on the web of a section this does not matter. If you are working on the flange of a section the cut will go through both flanges. To make the cut go through just one flange you will need to tick one of the Side 1 or Side 2 options and enter a depth (start with 20 for example). It is not easy to tell which direction Side 1 or Side 2 are going in so you wil have to experiment. The depth is measured from the system line of the section. So if the system line is on an outside edge of the section (such as top centre of a floor beam) both flanges are on the same side of the system line. In this case to prevent the cut going through the flange nearest the system line you will need to tick one of the sides and enter a negative depth (say -20). The affect of the depth will be more apparent if your cut crosses the web of a section.

It makes no difference which command was used to create the rectangular or circular contour: the Position relative to the selected point can still be set on the Position tab. Therefore if you need a cut out but only know one reference point (such as the middle of one end of the rectangle must line up with the node at the end of a beam) simply use the by centre option to create the cut out then change the position on the Positioning tab.

Experiment with Contours Try using each of the contour features. Especially try cutting the flange of the blue beam where the yellow beam cuts it and the flange of the green beam where the blue beam cuts it: make sure you only cut one flange.

10.3. Editing Features When features are created they are represented in the model by green shapes. In order to get back into the feature properties and edit them you must select the green shape and choose Advance Properties or Advance Joint Properties when editing Element Contour – Rule, or Parametric Notch – Joint.

10.3.1. Presentation type Often the green shape is not visible. In order to edit the feature you must make the shape visible first. Alternatively you may have lots of green shapes cluttering up your display and you may want to hide them. The cut out in the beam is always shown regardless of whether the green shape is shown. In order to change the display of the features you have several choices as follows: First • Select the beam with the feature. Then 76

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• •

Select Advance Properties On the Display Type tab choose Standard to hide the features or Features to show the green shapes.

Click Quick Views  Change presentation type through the 5 possible states until the desired display state is achieved.

If you want to hide the features you can just click Quick Views  Standard presentation.






If you want to hide all the beam features in your model you can do that as follows: • Ensure nothing is selected.


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Selection Filters  Beam features

Quick Views  Selected objects off.

10.4. Mitre Another joint type available is to mitre two beams together. This will cut the beams straight across at the bisecting angle and then optionally weld them together.

• Beam Features  Mitre OR Connection Vault > Miscellaneous Joints > Mitre • Section to cut against Select the first beam to edit and accept. • Section to cut Select the second beam to edit and accept. The beams will be cut at the bisecting angle and the Mitre properties box displayed. If you want the beams welded together you must tick the Create Weld box on the Cut tab.

10.5. Splitting and Joining Beams As you design your structure you may decide that a single long beam would be better made of two individual beams or that two individual beams could be made from one piece. Advance Steel has editing commands to allow for this. No other features or properties of the beam will be affected.

10.5.1. Split Beams Divides a single beam into two pieces meeting at the chosen point(s).

• • • •

Beam Features  Split Beams Select beam_ ~> Select objects: Select the beam to cut. Select split point or [Gap]_ Select a point to cut the beam at. Select split point:_ Continue selecting points to cut at or simply press return or right click when finished. The cuts will be made and you will be returned to the command prompt. 78

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

10.5.2. Merge Beams Joins two or more beams into one. The beams must be in line and meet end to end and be of the same section.

• •

Beam Features  Merge beams Select beam_ ~> Select objects: Select all the beams you wish to make into one and accept. Providing they meet end to end the beams will be converted into a single object.

Modify Columns C4 and D4 on Training Structure Modify the tops of the top of the RHS columns on grid C4 and D4 ready for the joint as shown in the drawings.


11.Plates • •

Flat Plates Plate Properties

Folded Plates •


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Virtually all structures include many plates either as part of joints or as members in their own right. Naturally, therefore Advance Steel has many tools for creating plates of all types according to your needs.

Continue working in Feature Practice File.dwg for practicing with plates.

11.1. Flat Plates Unless otherwise stated these commands create a flat plate in the XY plane of the current UCS so set the UCS as required first.

11.1.1. Rectangular Plate, Centre Allows you to create a rectangular plate using a single reference point for position.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Rectangular Plate, Centre • Please define the centre of the plate to be created Select a point to position the plate. A single plate will be created on the XY plane at the chosen location with default dimensions. The Plate Properties box will be displayed.

11.1.2. Rectangular Plate, 2 Points Allows you to create a rectangular plate using two points to define position and size.

• •

AS Modeling > Plates > Rectangular Plate, 2 Points Please define the start point of the plate's diagonal line Select a point for one corner of the plate. • Please define the end point of the plate's diagonal line Select a point for the opposite corner of the plate. A single plate will be created with corners on the points chosen. The Plate Properties box will be displayed.

11.1.3. Rectangular Plate, 3 Points Allows you to create a rectangular plate at any angle to the XY plane using three points to define position and size.

• • • •


AS Modeling > Plates > Rectangular Plate, 3 Points Please specify first point of the plate contour:_ Select a point for the first corner of the plate (on XY plane) Please specify second point to define the plate X direction and dimension:_ Select a point for the next corner of the plate to define the first edge (on the XY plane). Please specify third point to define the plate plane and Y dimension:__ Select a third point anywhere in space to define the third corner of the plate (diagonally opposite the first corner) and the plate’s angle to the XY Plane.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual A plate will be created between the three points and the Plate Properties box displayed.

11.1.4. Polygon Plate Allows you to create any shape plate with straight edges.

• •

AS Modeling > Plates > Polygon Plate Please specify points that define the contour of the plate Select a point for the first corner of the plate. • Polygon vertex 2: Select a point for the next corner of the plate. • Polygon vertex 3: Select a point for the third corner of the plate • Polygon vertex 4: Continue selecting corners of the plate in sequence as desired. When you have selected all the corners required (at least 3) press return or right-click to join the last corner to the first. A plate will be created of the shape and size defined and the Plate Properties box displayed.

11.1.5. Plate at Polyline Allows you to create a plate of any shape, including curved edges, by converting a standard AutoCAD Polyline. •

Create an AutoCAD Polyline forming a closed shape as desired for the plate.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Plate at Polyline • Select polyline_ Select the polyline you have created and accept. A plate will be created matching the shape of the polyline and the Plate Properties box displayed.

11.1.6. Circular Plate If you want a circular or ring shaped plate you can create one easily with this command.

• •

AS Modeling > Plates > Circular Plate The Create Circular Plate box will be displayed. Complete the Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter and Thickness as desired then click OK.

Your plate will be created with its centre point at the current UCS origin. The plate created will actually be a square plate with plate features (see below) to make the curved edges and hole as required. 83

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11.2. Plate Properties However they are created flat plates all basically have the same properties box.

Shape and Material tab o Width X and Length Y – Only for rectangular plates. Set the length and width of the plate as desired. o Thickness – Set the plate thickness as desired (Can pick from the list or type any value) o Material – Select the desired material to make the plate out of. o Coating – Select the desired coating or finish for the plate. Positioning tab o Offset – Regardless of the method used to create the plate you can adjust the position of it relative to the points chosen using these choices. o Justification – Decide whether the plate is above, below or equal both sides of the plane it is drawn on. Use the icons for the three basic choices or enter a value in the box if any other position is required.

11.3. Folded Plates As well as being able to model simple flat plates Advance Steel can model plates that are folded into complex shapes. A folded plate is considered as a single object for drawing and manufacturing purposes. Though very powerful Advance Steel is not a sheet metal package. If a fold does not cover an entire edge no bend relief will be modelled so effectively the fold will be modelled as a tear. No corner reliefs are modelled at any time either.

11.3.1. Folded Plate without position adjustment Turns two neighbouring plates into a folded plate. •

Create individual flat plates representing each flat face of your finished object. These plates should be positioned with the joined edges touching in the desired location.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Folded plate without position adjustment. • Please identify the plate to connect to: Select the plate that will not move when folded. • Please identify the plate to be connected: Select the plate that will move when folded. A fold will be modelled between the plates and the Folded Plate – Fold Line Properties box displayed.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Any plate features already existing in the individual pieces of plate will be preserved and remain in the correct position relative to the piece of plate.

11.3.2. Folded Plate with position adjustment. Joins any two plates together into a folded plate. The second plate will be moved and rotated so that the selected edges are joined so the plates do not have to be touching to begin with. •

Create the flat plate pieces required.

• •

AS Modeling > Plates > Folded Plate with position adjustment Please identify the plate to connect to near an edge: Select the plate that will not move near the edge that should be joined to the other plate. • Please identify the plate to be connected near an edge: Select the plate that will move near the edge to be joined. • Angle Enter the fold angle desired. The second plate will be moved so they midpoints of the selected edges touch and then be tilted to the specified angle. The Folded Plate – Fold Line Properties box will be displayed. Any plate features already existing in the individual pieces of plate will be preserved and remain in the correct position relative to the piece of plate. When setting the sizes of individual plates remember to allow for the plate thickness within your desired final dimensions as shown in the image below. The individual plates on the left get aligned as shown in the middle before applying the fold as shown on the right.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

11.3.3. Create Conical Folded Plate Creates a folded plate between any two closed polyline shapes. Originally aimed at hoppers or ducting type shapes where rectangles turn into round sections this command can actually handle merging any two shapes together. •

Create 2 closed polyline shapes above each other on different Z planes.

• • • • • •

AS Modeling > Plates > Create conical folded plate Select start shape type [Contour/Beam] : Select the Contour option Select contour_ Select the polyline for the top of the cone and accept. Select end shape type [Contour/Beam] : Select the Contour option Select contour_ Select the polyline for the bottom of the cone and accept The Conical Folded Plate dialog will be displayed. Complete the required options before continuing


Facets per corner / quadrant – How many flat segments are used to convert a sharp corner into a curve? o Plate thickness – How thick should your plate be? o Plate Justification – Select whether the shapes you drew were the inside or outside edges of the plate or between the two. • Click OK when you have set the desired options. A shaped folded plate will be created merging between the two selected shapes. o

11.3.4. Create Twisted Folded Plate Creates a twisted, folded plate between any two lines, arcs or polylines. •

Create your lines, arc or polylines representing the edges of your plate.

• •

AS Modeling > Plates > Create twisted folded plate. Please select two entities (arcs, lines, polylines, splines) close to the end from where the creation of the folded plate should begin. ~> Please select the first entity Select the element for one edge of your plate near one end. Please select the second entity Select the element for the other edge of your plate near the same end.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual •

The Twisted Folded Plate Properties box will be displayed. Complete the required settings before continuing.

o Number of division points – How many folds should be used to create the finished plate. o Plate Thickness – Set the thickness of your plate. o Justification – Set which side of the selected elements your plate should be. o Radius Factor – The fold radius will be set to this value multiplied by the plate thickness. • Click OK when you have made the desired settings. A shaped folded plate will be created merging between the selected elements as its edges. A folded plate with flat facets will be created to go between the two edges selected. If the shape can be created using less facets than you set in the properties box it will be. If the two elements selected prove to be coplanar the result will actually be a single flat plate (no facets) of the required shape. This command can handle almost anything. You can select Lines, Arcs, Polylines or even 3D Polylines, Splines or Helixes to create the folded plate. The polylines may include straight or arc segments but you cannot use a curved polyline (one that uses the Fit or Spline options)

11.3.5. Fold Line Properties After it is created the folded plate is treated as a single object. After creation you cannot get back to the Conical Folded Plate properties box. Selecting Advance Properties will either call the Plate Properties or Fold Line Properties box depending on what you selected. If you select a flat piece of plate and ask for Advance Properties you will be presented with the normal Plate Properties box (see above) If you select the curved portion of plate between two flats and ask for Advance Properties you will be given the Fold Line Properties box.

• • •

Angle – Enter the angle of fold according to the image. Justification – Set whether the fold radius should be measured on the inside surface, outside surface or between the two. Radius – The bend radius required. 87

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual If you change the angle the associated plate will be moved to suit. All features within the plate will be preserved within the plate segment.

11.3.6. Deleting Folded Plates If you select a flat segment of a folded plate and press delete the entire folded plate will be deleted. If you select the fold between to flat segments of plate and press delete the fold will be deleted and the flat segments will no longer be joined.

11.3.7. Check Unfolding When creating folded plates it would be possible to get carried away and model something that could not be developed into one sheet of material. To ensure you have not done this you can use the Check Unfolding function.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Check unfolding • Please select folded plate:_ Select the folded plate you want to check. • Display unfolded representation [Yes/No] : Yes A green outline of the developed plate will be displayed on screen. If the plate cannot be unfolded safely a message will be written before the “Display unfolded representation [Yes/No] :” prompt as follows: Selected folded plate cannot be correctly unfolded ! Display unfolded representation [Yes/No] : If you answer yes you will be shown the theoretical unfolded outline so you can identify where the overlap would occur. If no message is displayed the plate can be safely developed into a flat pattern. Once you are finished with the unfolded outline you can remove it from the display using Selection  Clear Marked


11.4. Gratings In Advance Steel a Grating is essentially special kind of plate. There are special commands to draw the grating but after creation it can be treated the same as a plate. Gratings are modelled as a flat plate shape but are visually distinguished by the hatch pattern applied to one surface. The details of the hatch pattern do not match the exact specification of the grating but are simply representative.

11.4.1. Standard Grating Creates a model of a standard grating panel.

• • 88

AS Modeling > Grating > Standard Grating Pick a point to locate the grating.

Select a point for the centre of your grating panel.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual A default grating panel will be created and the Standard Grating Properties box displayed.

Select the desired grating to use on the Shape and Connector tab.

11.4.2. Variable Grating, Polygonal Creates a piece of grating of any size and shape.

• •

AS Modeling > Grating > Variable Grating, Polygonal Please specify points that define the grating's contour: Select a point for the first corner of your grating. • Polygon vertex 2: Select a point for the second corner of your grate. • Polygon vertex 3: Select a point for the third corner of your plate. • Polygon vertex 4: You can continue to select as many points as you wish. After you have at least three points you can finish you grating by pressing Return or Right Click to connect the last point to the first. A grating will be modelled with straight edges of the shape you defined and the Variable Grating Properties box displayed. Select the desired grating specification from the Shape and Connector tab.

11.4.3. Variable Gating, Rectangular Create a rectangular piece of grating of any size.

• •

AS Modeling > Grating > Variable Grating, Rectangular Please define the start point of the grating's diagonal line Select a point for one corner of your grating. • Please define the end point of the grating's diagonal line Select a point for the diagonally opposite corner of your grating. A rectangular piece of grating will be modelled between the points you chose and th Variable Grating Properties box displayed. Set the grating specification required in the Shape and Connector tab. 89

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

11.4.4. Span Direction The span direction of the grating (direction of largest sections) is indicated by the direction of the hatch patter and a symbol in the middle of the hatch.

For a Standard Grating the span direction is always parallel to the shortest edge of the panel. For a Variable Grating you may set your own span direction. When created a span direction parallel to the UCS X axis will be set. If desired you can modify this as follows: • • • •

Select the variable grating. Locate the Span direction symbol near the centre of the grating. Locate the grip at the end of the symbol and click on it to select it. Move the grip until the desired span direction is indicated and left click again.

Recreate ducting in Feature Practice File. Change the AutoCAD layer state to Plate Practice. Remodel the magenta ducting on the end of the brown duct.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

This requires four plates turned into a folded plate and then a conical folded plate based on the yellow polyline and circle provided. Add Plates to Platform joints in Training Structure Add plates to the top of the RHS columns on grid C4 and D4 as shown in the drawings.


12.Plate Features • •

Contour Features

Contour Processing Properties • •

Chamfers and Fillets

Dividing and Joining Plates

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual As with beams, you may need to cut holes or shapes into plates. This is done using Plate Features.

12.1. Contour Features Contour features create cut outs of a closed shape anywhere on your plate. In each case the contour shape is drawn in the current UCS so always make sure the UCS is set as desired first (usually on top of your plate).

12.1.1. Rectangular Contour, Centre, UCS Allows you to cut a rectangular shape through a plate based on one reference point for position. •

Ensure the UCS XY plane is on your plate

• •

Plate Features  Rectangular contour, centre, UCS Please identify the plate to be modified near a corner (reference system):_ Select the plate you want to cut. • Please define the centre of the plate notch to be created Select a point to position the cut out. A rectangular cut out will be placed in your plate at the chosen point and with a default size. The Contour Processing Properties box displayed.

12.1.2. Rectangular Contour, 2 Points, UCS Allows you to create a rectangular cut out in a plate using 2 points to define position and size. •

Ensure the UCS XY plane is on your plate

• •

Plate Features  Rectangular Contour, 2 points, UCS Please identify the plate to be modified near a corner (reference system):_ Select the plate you wish to cut. • Please define two diagonal points for rectangular contour, first point:_ Select a point for the first corner of your cut out. • ,second point_ Select a point for the diagonally opposite corner of your cut out. A rectangular cut out will be created in the plate between the 2 points chosen and the Contour Processing Properties box will be displayed.

12.1.3. Circular Contour, Centre, UCS Allows you to place a circular cut out in a plate using one reference point for position. •


Ensure the UCS XY plane is on your plate

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• •

Plate Features  Circular contour, Centre, UCS Please identify the plate to be modified near a corner (reference system):_ Select the plate to cut. • Please define the centre of the plate notch to be created Select a point to be the centre of your cut. A circular cut out will be created at a default size centred on the point you chose. The Contour Processing Properties box will be displayed.

12.1.4. Circular Contour, 2 Points, UCS Creates a circular cut out in a plate using a centre point and radius to control position and size. •

Ensure the UCS XY plane is on your plate

• •

Plate Features  Circular contour, 2 Points, UCS Please identify the plate to be modified near a corner (reference system):_ Select the plate to cut. • Please define the centre of the plate notch to be created Select a point fo the centre of your cut out. • Circle radius: Select a point to define the radius of your cut out. A circular cut out will be created at the position and size specified and the Contour Processing Properties box wil be displayed.

12.1.5. Polygon contour, UCS Creates a cut out of any shape using lines and arc for edges. •

Ensure the UCS XY plane is on your plate

• •

Plate Features  Polygon contour, UCS Please identify the plate to be modified near a corner (reference system):_ Select the plate to cut. Please select first point: Select a point for one corner of your cut out Please select point or [ rc ] Select a point for the second corner of your shape Please select point or [ rc/lose ] If you want to draw an arc for an edge enter the A option. Please select point or [ econd Point/ine/lose ] Pick a point for the end of the arc. The arc will be tangential to the last segment. Please select point or [ econd Point/ine/lose ] To go back to straight edges enter the L option.

• • • • •


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Please select point or [ rc/lose ] Continue picking points and drawing edges as desired. • Please select point or [ rc/lose ] After you have at least three points you can finish your shape by pressing Return or right-click to join the last point with the first. A cut out of the specified shape will be made and the Contour Processing Properties box displayed.

12.1.6. Element Contour Makes a cut through a plate around a section.

• •

Plate Features  Element Contour Please identify the plate to be modified near a corner (reference system):_ Select the plate to cut • Please identify the object to cut to: Select the section to cut around. The cut will be made matching the exact shape of the selected section and the Contour Processing Properties box displayed.

12.2. Contour Processing Properties Whichever contour command is used to create the shape the properties box is basically the same.

• • •


Shape tab o Width X and Length Y – Only for rectangular cut outs. Set the size of your cut out. o Radius – Only for Circular cut outs. Set the size of your cut out. Positioning tab o Offset – Regardless of which method you used to define the cut out you can adjust the position of the cut out relative to the points you chose. Contour tab o Gap Width – If your shape is drawn exactly matching another object (such as Element Contour) this can be used to create a minimum clearance. o Side 1 and Side 2 – If ticked the depth of cut on that side of the XY plane will be limited to the distance stated. Note: The green contour for the cut will be drawn on the XY plane of the current UCS. This distance measures from the green shape. o Straight Cut – If the contour is not parallel with the surface of the plate then ticking this option will adjust the cut in the plate so that the edges are perpendicular to the surface of the plate while still ensuring the specified shape remains clear all the way through.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual If the UCS is not parallel to the surface of the plate, or if using Element Contour and the section is not perpendicular to the surface of the plate, the shape will not be square to the plate. The cut will still be exactly the defined shape and will avoid a clash with the other members. However, for manufacture it is easier to have the edges of the cut perpendicular to the plate surface so the Straight Cut option is intended for this.

Cut the Duct around the Blue beam in Feature Practice file. On the end of your ducting in Feature Practice file cut a contour around the blue beam with 5mm clearance.

12.3. Chamfers and Fillets Chamfer and Fillet features cut edges off your plate and as such can only be placed on an edge. The UCS position is not important.

12.3.1. Chamfer, One Point Cuts a corner (vertical edge) off your plate with a straight cut or chamfer. Positioned by picking the corner to remove.

• •

Plate Features  Chamfer one point Please identify the plate to be modified near the corner you want to cut Select the plate you want to cut near the corner to remove. The corner will be cut off at default dimensions and the Plate Chamfer properties box will be displayed. Set the required size for your cut. The distances are measured from the corner along the edge of the plate.

12.3.2. Chamfer, Two Points Cuts a corner off your plate by picking two edges to cut between.

• •

Plate Features  Chamfer, two points Please identify the plate to be modified near the edge where cutting is to start Select the plate to cut near one end of the desired chamfer. • Please identify the plate to be modified near the edge towards that which should be cut Select the other edge of the plate for the Chamfer to go to. The cut will be placed at a default size and the Plate Chamfer properties box displayed. Set the required size for your chamfer. The distances are measured from the corner along the edge of the plate.

12.3.3. Convex Fillet Rounds off the corner of a plate with a convex curve (external fillet).


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• •

Plate Features  Convex Fillet Please identify the plate to be modified near the corner where the fillet is to be created Select plate to cut near the corner to cut. The fillet will be placed and the Plate Fillet Properties box displayed. Set the desired radius of your curve.

12.3.4. Concave Fillet Rounds off the corner of a plate with a concave curve (internal fillet).

• •

Plate Features  Concave Fillet Please identify the plate to be modified near the corner where the fillet is to be created Select plate to cut near the corner to cut. The fillet will be placed and the Plate Fillet Properties box displayed. Set the desired radius of your curve.

12.3.5. Weld Seam Preparation, Chamfer Cuts a chamfer along one of the long edges of your plate.

• Plate Features  Weld seam preparation, chamfer • Please identify object:_ Select the plate edge to remove. A chamfer will be placed all along the edge and the Weld Preparation – Bevel properties box will be displayed. Enter the required angle and leg length(s) of the chamfer. Note: Generally, Weld preparations are not shown on the model in shaded views. If you want to see them you must set the Display Type of the plate to Exact with Weld Preparations.

12.3.6. Weld Seam Preparation, Fillet Cuts a fillet radius along one of the long edges of your plate.

• Plate Features  Weld seam preparation, fillet • Please identify object:_ Select the plate edge to remove. A fillet will be placed all along the edge and the Weld Preparation – Fillet properties box will be displayed. Enter the required radius of the fillet. Note: Generally, Weld preparations are not shown on the model in shaded views. If you want to see them you must set the Display Type of the plate to Exact with Weld Preparations. 98

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12.4. Dividing and Joining Plates There are further commands available to divide a plate into several pieces or to join several plates into one.

12.4.1. Split Plate by 2 Points Cuts a plate into two pieces with a straight cut between two defined points.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Split plate by 2 points. • Select plate_ Select the plate to cut. • Select first point of split line or [Gap] Select a point at one end of the cut. • Select second point of split line_ Select a point at the other end of the cut. The plate will immediately be divided into two pieces with the specified cut.

12.4.2. Split Plate at Lines Cuts a plate into two pieces with a cut described by AutoCAD elements. •

Draw the required cut on the surface of your plate using AutoCAD lines, arcs or polylines.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Split plate at lines • Select plate_ ~> Select objects: Select the plate to cut and accept. • Select line or [Gap] Select the AutoCAD lines, arcs or polylines to use for the cut and accept. The plate will immediately be cut into two pieces along the line(s) selected.

12.4.3. Marge Plates Combines multiple plates with common edges into a single plate.

• AS Modeling > Plates > Merge Plates • Select plate_ ~> Select objects: The plates immediately become one single plate.

Select the plates that you want to combine and accept.

Note: Each plate must share at least one edge with one of the other plates selected.


13.Connection Elementss • •

Bolt Properties • •


Anchors Welds

Edit Connected Objects

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In order to connect separate objects together when manufacturing or assembling structures welds and bolts must be used. Here are the tools for creating these things in your Advance Steel models.

13.1. Bolts The commands for placing Bolts are also used for placing Anchors, Empty Holes or Shear Studs. Which type of object is currently placed depends on the setting of the switch. The icon next to the switch indicates which mode is active. Click AS Modeling > Switch > Switch Bolts / Anchors / Holes / Shear Studs repeatedly until Bolts is the active mode.

It is best to ensure your UCS XY plane is on the surface of the objects to join prior to using these commands. Whenever a bolt pattern is created the holes for the bolts to go through are automatically created too.

13.1.1. Rectangle, 2 Points Places a rectangular pattern of bolts based on 2 points to define position and spacing.

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Rectangle, 2 Points. Please select the parts to be connected ~> Select objects: Select all the parts to bolt together and accept. • Lower left corner Select a point for one corner of your bolt pattern. • Upper right corner Select the diagonally opposite corner of your bolt pattern. A pattern of bolts will be placed and the Bolts Properties box displayed.

13.1.2. Rectangle, Corner Point Places a rectangular pattern of bolts based on one corner to define position and spacing.

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Rectangle, Corner Point. Please select the parts to be connected ~> Select objects: bolt together and accept. • Start point:_ Select a point for one corner of your bolt pattern. A pattern of bolts will be placed and the Bolts Properties box displayed.

13.1.3. Rectangle, Centre Point Places a rectangular pattern of bolts based on a centre point to define position and spacing.


Select all the parts to

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Rectangle, Centre Point. Please select the parts to be connected ~> Select objects: bolt together and accept. • Central point:_ Select a point for one corner of your bolt pattern. A pattern of bolts will be placed and the Bolts Properties box displayed.

Select all the parts to

13.1.4. Circular, Centre Point Places a circular pattern of bolts based on a centre and radius.

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Circular, Centre Point Please select the parts to be connected ~> Select objects: to bolt together and accept. • Centre of circle Select a centre point for you bolt pattern • Radius of circle Select a radius for your bolt pattern A circular pattern of bolts will be placed and the Bolt Properties box displayed.

Select all the parts

13.1.5. Shift Bolts / Holes Sometimes, depending on how the sections were created, a bolt pattern may come up in the wrong flange of a section. If this happens it is easy to put right with this command.

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Shift Bolts / Holes Please select the bolt/hole pattern you want to move: ~> Select objects: the bolt pattern to move and accept. • Please select the element (beam or plate) that defines the reference area correct flange of the section. The bolts will immediately jump to the correct flange.

Select Select the


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

13.2. Bolt Properties However it is placed a bolt group has much the same properties available.

Definition tab o Type – Select the desired type of bolt connection o Grade – Select the desired bolt grade o Bolt Assembly – Select the desired set of items such as Standard = Bolt, Washer & Nut or N+2W = Bolt, Washer, Washer, Nut. o Diameter – Select the nominal diameter of your bolt. o Hole Tolerance – Set the general hole clearance desired. For example 20mm bolt with 2 mm tolerance = 22 diameter hole. o Inverted – Tick to swap the bolt and nut over so that the head of the bolt is at the other side of the connection. o Finish Calculation at Gap – Normally ticked so a bolt only goes through one flange of a section. For RHS sections this can mean bolt heads or nuts in inaccessible places. Take the tick out of this option to make the bolt go right through the section so the Head or Nut are easily accessible on the outside of the section again. Distance Tab – Only for rectangular patterns. o Number X and Number Y – How many bolts in that direction. o Total Length and Total Width – The size of the area you defined. o Intermediate Distance X and Y – The space between bolts in each direction o Edge Distance X and Y – The distance in from the edge of the chosen area to the first bolt. o Changing one value will recalculate the others. Total Length = (Number X * Intermediate Distance X) + (2 * Edge Distance X). You would not normally want to cahgne the Total sizes but use the other values to get the bolt pattern desired within the specified area.

If you want a single bolt in the middle of an area but there is no centre pint to snap try using Rectangle, 2 Points instead. Select the corners of the area you want the bolt in then set the Number X and Number Y values to 1. You will get one bolt in the middle of the area. • •


Size tab – Only for Circular Patterns. Set Radius and Number of Bolts. Hole Definition tab – Overrides the general hole tolerance and hole type for a specific member of the joint. o Part – Select the part that you want to change the hole in. The selected part will be highlighted in red on the model. o Type – Select the desired type of hole. o Depending on the type of hole selected different settings are shown to control it. Complete these other settings to suit your needs.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

For threaded holes a hole tolerance of zero must be set to ensure the correct thread is called up on the drawings. However, a zero clearance hole will show as a clash during Collision Checks. You will simply have to recognise and ignore these clashes.

13.3. Anchors Anchors basically work exactly the same as bolts. When using a Base Plate type joint Anchors are placed automatically instead of bolts. You can place anchors directly like bolt groups: • Click AS Modeling > Switch > Switch Bolts / Anchors / Holes / Shear Studs repeatedly until Anchors is the active mode. • Then use one of the placement commands described in 13.1 au-dessus. The anchors range includes hooked anchors of various shapes. In order to control which direction the hook goes in you can edit the Anchor group and change the setting on the Orientation tab.

If you somehow have bolts or welds that connect nothing in your model, these will be found when you do a Technical Check. See 16.3 Technical Check below.

13.4. Welds Although the weld beads are not actually modelled it is vital that welds are identified correctly in the model in order to get the correct information on drawings and to identify fabricated assemblies. Welds are represented in the model by pink crosses. These are only visible in the 2D Wire Frame Visual Style.

13.4.1. Weld Point To insert a weld manually use the Weld Point command.

• • •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Weld Point Please select the parts to be connected ~> Select objects: Select all the parts to weld together and accept. Please define insertion point of the weld: Pick a point on the correct edge of your parts. The selected point is where the weld note on drawings will point at.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual A weld will be placed and the Weld Properties box displayed.

• •

Upper Weld tab – This is where you define the symbol you require on the upper side of the weld symbol on the drawing. In Advance Steel this is always the side of the material that the arrow is pointing at. o Weld Type – Select the desired type of weld. o Surface Shape – Select the desired shape for the top of your weld bead. o Weld Preparation – Choose the desired weld preparation. o Thickness – set the size of your weld. Lower Weld tab – Sets the weld definition for the far side of the material the arrow is pointing at. This is shown on the bottom of the weld symbol on drawings. o Weld Type – Cannot change this if a double sided weld is selected in the Upper Weld – Weld Type box. Set to None if no lower weld required. o Distance From Upper – Thickness of the material being welded on both sides (gap between the “upper” and “lower” bead) Weld Definition tab. o Location – Select Site or Shop for where the weld is to be made. o Continuous – Tick this box to turn on the “All Round” symbol on the weld symbol on drawings. Additional Data tab. o Text Module > Proceeding – Type any extra comments or notes in the text box and these will be shown on the drawings.

13.5. Edit Connected Objects If your bolt or weld does not currently connect the desired objects you can adjust the included objects with these commands.

13.5.1. Add Connection Objects Adds additional objects to a connection. If the connection is a bolt group the grip will be adjusted to include the new object(s).

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Add Connection Objects. Please select connecting element (bolt or weld): ~> Select objects: Select the bolt group or weld to adjust and accept. • Select the parts (beam or plate) of the connection to be inserted or removed. ~> Select objects: Select the object(s) to add to the joint and accept. The connection will be immediately adjusted to suit. 106

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

13.5.2. Remove Connection Objects Removes selected objects from a connection. If the connection is a bolt group the grip will be adjusted accordingly.

• •

AS Modeling > Connection Objects > Remove Connection Objects Please select connecting element (bolt or weld): ~> Select objects: Select the bolt group or weld to adjust and accept. • Select the parts (beam or plate) of the connection to be inserted or removed. ~> Select objects: Select the object to remove from the connection and accept. The connection will be immediately adjusted to suit.

Add Bolts and Welds to column C4 & D4 top joints. Add the necessary Bolts and Welds to the joints at the top of the RHS columns on grid C4 and D4 as shown in the drawings.


14.Structural Elements • • •

Stairs Hand Rails

Cage Ladders •



3D Drawing Tips

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In addition to the Portal Frame and Mono-Pitch Frame tools discussed in topic 7.1 Structural Frames au-dessus there are many other useful macros to create common structural elements.

14.1. Bracing This command can be used to create bracing within a given area. It has option to create many common configurations such as crossed, single angle or multiple pitch from any sections you wish. •

Set the UCS XY Plane to the plane you require the bracing in. Ensure X is horizontal and Y is vertical.

• AS Modeling > Structural elements > Bracing • Please select first point: Select the bottom left corner of the area you wish to brace. • Please select second point: Select the top right of the area you want to brace. The default bracing will be created and the Bracing Properties box is displayed.

Type and Section tab o Bracing Type – Select whether you require Crossed, Single or Inserted style bracing. o Member Type – Select simple (one member in each direction), double mirrored (2 members in each direction as per left image) or flipped (two members in each direction as per right image). o Member Split – Only for Crossed Bracing. Choose whether to split one or other direction or both into 2 lengths. o Section size – All members will be the selected size. o Gap – Set the gap between passing members. Geometry tab. o Number of fields – Set how many sets of bracing you want within the selected area. o Offset from top or bottom – Set this value to move the top or bottom of your bracing up or down from the edge of the area. This is used to make the bracing miss a beam at the top or bottom of your area.

When placing bracing between building columns there is no need to struggle to pick an area beneath floor beams or eaves ties. Simply select the node points as normal and use the Offset from top or Offset from Bottom settings to move the corners of the bracing into a clear space.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

14.2. Stairs Stairs are such common and important parts of a structure we have several macros covering different types of stair. In all cases make sure the UCS is set with Z vertical. In fact you can use the WCS for all stairs.

14.2.1. Straight Stair Creates a straight flight of stairs with an optional landing top and bottom. Defined using two points at either end of the flight of stairs (the angled portion not the landings).

• • • •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Straight Stair Give the first point for the stair Select a point for the bottom of the flight. Give the second point for the stair Select a point for the top of the flight Align stair : Left=0, Middle=1 (default), Right=2 If you stand at the bottom of the stairs looking up, which side of the points you just chose should the flight be built? Answer 0 for left, 1 for middle or 2 for right. A flight of stairs will be modelled and the Straight Stair Properties box displayed.

Distances, Stringer tab o Length, Width, Height – Set the required dimensions for the stair excluding landings. Some stair treads have a fixed width so the width of the stair may be fixed until you change tread type. If you change the width or height the bottom point you selected will remain fixed ant he stair will adjust about that. o Stringer Prof. Size Front and Back – Select the section you wish the stringer to be made from. Step – General > Tread Size tab o Size from formula (2R+G) – The rise and going of a stair flight is usually calculated with the formula 2R+G=value. The target value is set in Management Tools > Defaults. On install the target is 630. Remove the tick if you wish to override the default Rise and Going. 111

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• • • • • • • • •

Step – General > Tread Type tab o Tread Type – As shown in the picture you can select from 24 basic types of tread. Types 1-4 are made of grating or wood and can have fixed shape and size depending on the manufacturer selected. Types 5-21 are folded plates and you can define almost any dimension for these. Types 22-24 are custom user defined treads and outside the scope fo this course. Step – General > Tread Dimensions 1 tab – Set properties and sizes for the tread itself. Exact options vary depending on tread type. Step – General > Tread Dimensions 2 tab – Set properties for the tread mounting bracket. Exact options vary depending on tread type. Step Top tabs – If activated the top tread can be different to the other treads on your flight. These tabs works the same as for Step – General but apply only to the top tread. Step – Bottom tabs – If activated the bottom tread can be different to the other treads on your flight. These tabs works the same as for Step – General but apply only to the bottom tread. Landings > Top Landing prof. tab. – Can turn on a front and / or rear stringer for a landing and set the desired section for them to be made from. Landings > Top Landing tab – Set length of landing stringers. Create Lat Tread activates a tread at the landing level and the Step – Top group of tabs. Landings > Top Cover tab – Set the properties for a cover plate for the top landing. Landings > Top Cover Angle tab – Set properties for the mounting angle for the top cover if required. Landings > Bottom... tabs – As for Landings Top but applying to the bottom landing.

When modelling a stair case where each flight is the same you can save a lot of work using Transform Elements. Model one flight and turn on only the front or rear landing stringer (depending on direction of the stair case) top and bottom. Then use transform elements to copy the flight up and rotate the flights into the desired positions. The landing stringers can then be joined by a few extra beams and cover plates to complete the stair case. As with any macro you can store your preferred settings in the Table to save having to input the settings every time (see topic 9.4 Joint Table au-dessus).

14.2.2. Saddle Stair Creates a flight of stairs with stringers below the steps rather than at the side. Based on four input points as in the diagram.

• • • • 112

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Saddle Stair Please select the lower left corner in plan:_ Please select the lower right corner in plan:_ Please select the upper left corner in plan:_

Select point d1 in the diagram. Select point d2 in the diagram Select point d3 in the diagram

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual • Please select the top left corner in elevation:_ Select point d4 in the diagram A flight of stairs will be created and the Saddle Stair Properties box displayed.

• •

Treads tab o Tread Thickness, Depth and Width – Set the size of your treads on the stair. o Stair Section – Select the desired section for the stringer from the list provided. Slope tab – further dimensions for the treads and stringers.

As with any macro you can store your preferred settings in the Table to save having to input the settings every time (see topic 9.4 Joint Table au-dessus).

14.2.3. Spiral Stair This will model a complete spiral or helical stair based on a centre point, height, direction and radius.

• •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Spiral Stair Please select centre point of the spiral:_ Select a point for the centre at the bottom of the flight. • Please select a point to define the spiral height:_ Select a point to define the height of the flight. • Do you want to specify the irst step or the ast step ? (F/L) Decide if you want the top tread in a fixed position or the bottom tread in a fixed position. Enter F for first or bottom tread and L for top or last tread. The angle of the fixed tread will not change. The angle of the other treads and total flight will be calculated based on the parameters in the properties box. • Please select start point at the outer edge:_ Select a point to define the direction and outside radius for the first or last tread (as specified in the previous input) A spiral stair will be created as specified and the Spiral Stair Properties box will be displayed. The spiral stair will always include a handrail on the outside edge.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

General > General Properties tab. o Outer and Inner Radius of Stair – Set the desired sizes. Inner radius is disabled if you have a centre post so you must turn this off first to enable this setting. o Stair direction – Select clockwise or anti-clockwise. • General > Central Post tab o Create central post – If ticked the idle of the stair will be made from a large post or tube and you can select the section from the list. If not ticked an inside stringer will be modelled from a twisted section. o General > Cover Plate tab – If you want a cap plate on your central post you can use this tab to define it. o General > Stringer tab – set the desired properties of the outside stringer and inside stringer if activated. • Steps tab group – Set dimensions and properties for the treads. • Tread Connections tab group – Set dimensions and properties of how the treads connect to the stringer(s) and central post. • Posts tab group – Set the properties of the handrail posts. See Handrails below for more information. • Handrails tab group – Set properties for the top and middle handrails. See Handrails below for more information. • Post Connection tab group – Set the properties defining how the handrail posts are fixed to the stringer. As with any macro you can store your preferred settings in the Table to save having to input the settings every time (see topic 9.4 Joint Table au-dessus).

14.2.4. Stair Joints There are two special joints in the connection vault for stair footings. They are Stairs and Railings > Stair Anchor Base Plate and Stair Anchor Angle. These are used normally but have different options to a normal base plate joint that are especially appropriate to the bottom of stringers. The joints Stair – Endplate with notching and Stair – Angle at the top are also intended especially for the top of stair stringers but in many cases ordinary end plate or fin plate joints are suitable for these situations.

Create the stairs in the training structure. Model the stairs in our structure according to the drawings and apply appropriate joints at the top and bottom of the stringers.

14.3. Hand Rails Creates a full railing mounted on the beams of your choice and with many configuration options to suit your needs. The rail must be placed on existing sections in your model. The railing does not have to cover the full length of the selected sections. Railings can be created on slopes (such as stair stringers) or horizontal beams and may be straight or curved and can go around corners. 114

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• •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Hand-railing Select base beams for railing ~> Select objects: Select the sections you want to add the railing to. The sections do not have to be exactly end to end but must make a sensible and obvious path for the rail to follow. • Select start point of railing Select the point you want your railing to start at (does not have to be the end of a beam) • Select end point of railing Select the point you want your railing to finish at (does not have to be the end of a beam) • Do you want to select a nosing point relative to the start point? [Yes/No] : If going up a stair you may want to measure your railing dimensions from the nosing point of the stair instead of the stringer top. If so, answer yes and select a nosing point. Otherwise say No. The default railing will be created along the path you specified and the Railing Properties box is displayed.

• • • •

Post > Post tab o Section – Select the section you want to make the railing posts out of. o Alignment of post – Set the desired position of the railing posts relative to the beams the railing sits on. o Post offset along rail axis – Normally the railing posts are equally spaced but if you need to move one post to avoid an obstacle you can use this option to do so. Post > Set out of posts tab o Prefer distance 1 and 2 – Which value is more important to you, the spacing between posts or the distance of the first and last posts from the end of the rail? o Prefer max dist. Between posts – If ticked the number of posts is calculated to create an equal spacing no larger than the defined max distance. If un-ticked a fixed number of posts are created at whatever spacing it ends up. o Calculate dist. for each beam – If working on more than one beam and this is ticked there will be a start and end post on each beam plus more posts according to the rules above. If un-ticked the whole length of rail will be used to calculate the spacing and quantity of posts even if the space goes around a corner. o Move start or end base point – When picking start and end points it is often easiest to pick nodes on the ends of beams. If this would cause a clash (with a column for example) you can adjust the end positions using these values. Enter a negative value to make the rail shorter. Post > Post – top handrail tab – Select the joint between the posts and the top rail. Can be fitted, flush or cap & stool. Post > Post – middle handrail tab – Select the joint between the posts and the middle handrail(s). Post > Post – kickrail tab – Select the joint between eh posts and the kickrail if there is one. Handrail > Top handrail tab o Section – Select the desired section to make the top handrail from. 115

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Distance from top of beam – Height to the top handrail from the top of the beam it is placed on. If using a tube for the top rail the distance is measured to the centre line of the tube. If using another section the distance is measured to the top of the section. o Distance from top of sloped beam – You can set a different height for handrails on a slope. Handrail > Middle Handrail – horizontal tab o Section – Select the section to make the middle rail(s) out of. o Distance from bottom handrail – Height of bottom rail from the beam the railing is based on. (horizontal railing) o Number of middle handrails – You can have as many equally spaced middle rails as you wish. o Distance between axis – Spacing of the middle rails on a horizontal railing. o Start and End extra length – Set where the middle rail should end relative to the top hand rail. You can also choose to end at the last rail post. Handrail > Middle handrail – Sloped tab – Spacing of middle rail(s) on a sloped portion of railing. Handrail > Balusters tab – Set the section and distances for the baluster posts. o Create Balusters – If ticked vertical balusters will be created between the bottom and top middle rails. If there is only one middle rail the balusters will go to the top handrail. Handrail > Kick plate tab – Select the section and spacing for your kick rail. Can choose whether to have a rail at all on horizontal or sloping sections of rail. Handrail > Handrail – Handrail tab – Select the joint between each section of rail when based on more than one beam. Handrail > End of handrail – start or End tabs – Set the type of ending you want at the start or end of your rail. You can select from None, Downstand, Radius, Return, Loop or Loop Return and set the properties of each as appropriate. Post Fixing tab group – Set parameters for how the railing posts fix to the beams the railing is based on. Hang off rail tab group – Set parameters for a hang off rail if you want one. o

• • • • • • •

Any railing created with the macro will be constructed as a set of fabricated assemblies, one per beam selected. The top rail will be one length per assembly regardless of how long that is. If you have short railings going round a corner you can make that into one piece by setting the Weld Type option on the Handrail > Handrail – handrail tab to Shop. As with any macro you can store your preferred settings in the Table to save having to input the settings every time (see topic 9.4 Joint Table au-dessus). If the table has an entry for the section size selected when placing the rail it will automatically select that specification of railing. When choosing end points for the railing special grips are placed at these points. An alternative way of adjusting the overall length of your railing is to move these grips.

Length grip for handrail

14.3.1. Handrail Joint If you make two independent hand railings and then wish to make a smooth transition between them you should use the Stairs & Railings > Handrail Joint from the Connection Vault.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual •

Connection Vault > Stairs & Railings > handrail Joint

• Select first beam ~> Select objects: Select the first handrail to join and accept. • Select second beam ~> Select objects: Select the second handrail to join and accept. The rails will be adjusted and the Handrails Joint Properties displayed.

Select which type of joint you want – Mitre or radius – and complete the properties as appropriate. If you choose radius the inserted curved piece of beam will match the section of the first piece of rail.

Add all the railings to our structure. Add all the railings into our structure according to the drawings. Select appropriate parameters yourself matching the drawings where specified or shown and however desired elsewhere. Try to ensure all joints are smooth and avoid clashes in all places.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

14.4. Cage Ladders Advance Steel also has a macro for creating cage ladders as follows. •

Set your UCS so that Z is vertical and Y is pointing towards the person climbing the ladder.

• •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Cage ladder Please select the start point of the ladder: Select as point for the middle of the ladder at the bottom. • Please select the point to define the ladder height: Select a point for the middle of the ladder at the exit height. A ladder will be created and the Cage Ladder Properties box displayed.

• • • •

• • •

• • •

Ladder > Ladder tab – set the basic sizes of the ladder. Ladder > Sections tab – Select the desired sections for the stringer and rungs Ladder > Rung Distances tab – Set the spacing of the rungs Ladder > Wall connection tab – Initially the ladder will be placed exactly on the points you chose. If these points are on a wall or in line with beams in your structure you will want to set the ladder away and create connections to the supporting objects. Use the settings on this tab to do so. The Wall distance option moves the ladder away from the points you chose. Ladder > Ladder Exit tab – There are 6 styles of ladder exit shape to choose from including Straight. Ladder > Edit Dimensions tab – If not using a straight exit you can set the properties here. Cage > General tab – You can have no cage or one of four shapes of cage on your ladder. Select the type and properties on this tab. o Finish Cage at Exit Level – If this is not ticked the cage will go all the way up the ladder. If ticked this cage will stop at the exit height and allow separate settings for an exit cage. Cage > Brace.... tabs – Use these tabs to set the properties of the horizontal straps of the cage. Cage > Bands... tabs – use these tabs to control the properties of the vertical straps of the cage. Exit > Top Cage tab – If the main ladder cage exists but stops at exit level you can select to have a different top cage around the ladder exit. You can also select a cage that has exits on the side of the ladder rather than in front of the climber.

At this time top cage can only exist if the ladder exit is set to straight. As with any macro you can store your preferred settings in the Table to save having to input the settings every time (see topic 9.4 Joint Table au-dessus).


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Add the cage ladder to our model Create the cage ladder in our model as per the drawings. Choose your own properties where not defined on the drawings.

14.5. Cladding Many Steel buildings are covered with standard cladding panels. Similar standard panels can also be used for decking. These panels are often complex shapes and must be placed at fixed pitches. In order to model these things easily Advance Steel has a three stage process for creating cladding.

14.5.1. Define Cladding Area The first stage of the cladding process is to define the area to clad. This area can be any shape but must be in a single plane. •

Draw an AutoCAD closed polyline representing the area to clad.

• •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Define Cladding Area. Do you want to select supporting beams?[Yes/No] : Select No. (If you say Yes the panel length will be split at the supporting beams). • Create area [Rectangular/from Polyline] : Enter P for from polyline • Please select a polyline: Select the polyline you created and accept. • Delete selected objects [Yes/No] ? : Yes. A Cladding Area Object will be created matching the polyline. Always delete the selected object. If you do not you will have a Cladding Area Object and a Polyline on top of each other making it difficult to select the correct item later.

14.5.2. Define Cladding Opening If you want openings in your cladding you must define them as the second stage of the process. •

Draw an AutoCAD closed polyline representing the shape of the opening required. Of course, this shape must be in the same plane as the cladding area.

• • •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Define Cladding Opening Create opening [Rectangular/from Polyline] : Enter P for from Polyline Select area object Select the Cladding Area Object that represents the cladding you want the opening in. DO NOT select the polyline for your opening here. • Please select a polyline: This is when you lick the polyline to represent the opening. Accept. • Delete selected objects [Yes/No] ? : Yes. A Cladding opening object will be created matching the polyline. Always delete selected objects or you will end up with an opening area object on top of the polyline.

14.5.3. Create Claddings The third and final stage for a cladding is to actually create the cladding in the defined areas. 119

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• •

AS Modeling > Structural Elements > Create Claddings Select area: ~> Select objects: Select the Cladding Area Object created above and accept. The cladding panels will be created and the Cladding Properties box displayed.

• •

Section Properties tab – Select the cladding or decking section required from the list. The orientation and finish properties can also be set. Cladding General Properties tab o Cladding Direction – Chose Horizontal or Vertical panels. o Cladding Orientation – Chose which end of your area to start laying panels. The last panel width will be reduced accordingly to fit the area. Upper / Right and Lower / Left level and offset tabs. o Upper / Right or Lower / Left level – If set to “Same level for all panels” the cladding panels will all be the same length regardless of the shape of the area. If set to “Level according to slope” the panel lengths will vary to fit the shape of the area. o Upper / Right or Lower / Left cut according to slope – If set to “Straight Cuts” the cladding panels will be cut square regardless of the shape of the area. If set to “Sloping Cuts” the panels will be cut at an angle (always a straight cut) to best fit the area defined. o Offset – How much the panels should overhang the area defined.

14.6. 3D Drawing Tips Since you usually want to put cladding on a structure it is not unusual for the cladding area to be drawn on top of existing beams. In situations like this there are various tools available to help you when drawing and selecting such objects.

14.6.1. 2D / 3D Osnaps When using snap points, to ensure they are all on the current drawing plane, try using the 2D / 3D Snap toggle Quick Views  2D Snaps Off.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual With 3D snaps active the Osnaps work as normal. In 2D Osnap mode whenever you gesture at an Osnap point you will see an additional symbol in line with the point but on the current XY plane (in other words ignoring the Z coordinate). Whenever you select an Osnap in this mode you will get the point on the XY Plane.

14.6.2. Cycle Select After drawing the polyline it might be hard to select it when it is on top of other objects. Try turning layers off to make it easier. You might also want to become familiar with the AutoCAD Cycle Select tools. These vary depending on your AutoCAD version so look them up in the AutoCAD help.

14.6.3. Project Explorer – Model Views If you are still having trouble seeing what you are doing you might want to limit what is on screen to just the relevant objects in the right area. One way to do this is using Model Views. When active a Model view hides everything but the selected area. When turned off everything is shown. The Project Explorer is a tool provided to manage Model Views along with other items. To create a model view:-

• •

AS Modeling > Workplanes > Project Explorer – A new panel will open up usually on the left of your screen. If you want to show everything below a certain elevation

o o

Click Create Level – The Create Level dialog appears. Enter the WCS Z coordinate for the top of your level in the Altitude box.

o Click OK OR if you want to select a given area to include in the view

o o o o o

Click Create New Model View Choose a definition method by clicking the appropriate button in the box. Select objects or points as prompted to define the 3D volume you want to include in your view. Enter view depths as prompted. Give view name: Enter a name for your view.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Please select default view direction: A box is drawn around the defined area and a coloured arrow is shown pointing at each face of the box. Select the arrow pointing in the direction you want for your view and accept. The view will be added to the Model Views list in Project Explorer. o

Levels will be activated immediately but other model Views are not. To activate a model view click on the light bulb next to the name in Project Explorer to turn it on. Click the light bulb again to turn it off and everything should be shown.

To be sure no other settings are hiding objects and the entire structure is visible click Show All Elements.

You can close Project Explorer with the small X in the top right of the panel.

Add some decking to our mezzanine level. Use Project Explorer to create a Level at the mezzanine floor level (3000) Create a cladding on the mezzanine with an opening around the tank. Choose your own parameters.


15.Other Model Objects •

Concrete Objects •

Special Parts

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In order to complete our model there are a few other types of object we might want to include.

15.1. Concrete Objects Many structures are a mixture of concrete and steel. Most steel structures are placed on concrete foundations. Although not normally your responsibility to design the concrete items it is nice to show the basic shapes in order to make our models and drawings more complete. Advance Steel has the following tools to model basic concrete shapes for you: Wall, Polygon Wall, Rectangular Slab, Polygon Slab, Concrete Beam, Concrete Curved Beam, Concrete Column, Isolated Footing and Continuous Footing. These are all found in the AS Modeling > Other Objects ribbon panel.

Essentially these all work the same as steel beams and plates with the following exceptions.

Section shape and size – The generic shape is selected from the drop down but there are no preset sizes. Instead click in the size box and type the required dimensions. When you hover over the size box a formula will be displayed showing how to enter the dimensions relative to the image in the box. By default all concrete dimensions are in centimetres. For example for Square Hollow the formula is C|b|s|r1|r2 so you could enter C60|10|10|20 for a 600mm square beam with 100mm thick walls, 100mm inside radius and 200mm outside radius. In the image above the I section formula is “Ioverall heightxweb thickness+top flange widthxtop flange thickness+bottom flange widthxbottom flange thickness” Fitting – Walls and some other concrete objects automatically cut around or merge with each other according to some rules. Generally so long as the finished shape is correct it will not matter to your design how the fitting is done. There are properties to control this on the Automatic Fitter tab of the Advance Properties but that is outside the scope of this course.

Model concrete foundations on our structure. Create Continuous and Isolated footings on our structure similar to those in the drawings. 124

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15.2. Special Parts Many steel structures are designed around other existing buildings or equipment. Naturally it would be beneficial to show these objects in your models so that you can avoid clashes and to aid understanding. Alternatively, sometimes you might want to include special proprietary parts in your structures. It may not be appropriate to model these items out of Advance Steel objects but you can still include them in your model as Special Parts. • •

• • •

Start with a plain AutoCAD solid model of the objects in a DWG file. The WCS origin in this file should be at a useful location as it will become the insertion point of the part. In your Advance Steel model click Advance – Tools  Advance Steel Special Part

Central point Select a point to insert the part (matches the WCS origin within the part file). If you get the message “The field ‘Block name’ cannot contain a zero-value. Please enter a name in this field.” Just click OK. The Special Part properties box will be displayed.

Section & Material tab. o If this is the first time you are going to use the part click browse and locate the DWG file on disk. If you have already used the part before in this model you can just select the name from the drop down “Block Name” list. o Weight – By default all special parts have the weight set to zero. If you want to include the weight of the part in your model (for lifting purposes perhaps) you should enter the correct weight here. • Behaviour tab – In most cases these parts are not the responsibility of the structure designer, we are just showing them for completeness and clash check. Therefore to ensure these parts do not get part numbers or appear on Bills of Materials you should remove the tick from the “Used for numbering” and “used for bill-ofmaterial” boxes a required. When you close the properties box the part will be inserted. The WCS axis in the part file will be aligned with the current UCS in your model. Special Parts in your model will be included in part numbering, bills of materials and weight calculations depending on the properties you set. Within the model you can only snap to the insertion point of the part (using Insertion Point or Node Osnaps). If you need other snap points, such as mounting hole centres, you can place AutoCAD points within 125

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual the special part file at the required points before inserting into your model. These points are then available as Osnaps within the Advance Steel model. When creating drawings Special parts will only show on assembly or general arrangement drawings depending on the drawing style. Automatic dimensions will only be created to the insertion point but you can add extra manual dimensions to other points as desired. No detail drawings can ever be created of Special Parts.

Anything that can be turned into an AutoCAD solid object in a DWG file may be used as a special part. That means any kind of 3D model that AutoCAD can import. A very common file format that we would recommend for transfer of 3D models between systems is ACIS (*.sat) files. Most, if not all 3D modelling systems on the market can export to this format and AutoCAD can import it using the ACISIN or Import commands.

Insert the tank into our model. The tank on the outside platform is a special part in the file Mechanical Part.dwg. Insert this into the model correctly.


16.Validating A Structure • •

Clash Check Object Marking

Technical Check •

Joint Design

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual As we have seen Advance Steel includes many tools for creating complex structures easily. However the responsibility for the structure being correct remains with the user. In order to ensure problems are minimised Advance Steel also includes a range of additional tools to help you validate your model.

16.1. Clash Check The first type of validation we can do is Clash or Collision check to make sure no parts go through another.

16.1.1. Clash Check The first step is to call the clash check itself. •

If you want to check only certain parts select those parts. If nothing is selected the entire model will be checked.

• AS Tools > Checking > Clash Check A text file will be displayed with the checking results. Of course we are aiming to have no clashes in our model. In this case the result will be:|----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | No collisions found | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Unfortunately it is probably more likely that you will have at least some clashes and then the results will be like this:----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | List of collisions | | | | 1 | | Number : Not defined : PLT10x400.63 : [ Stringer ] | | Number : Not defined : RO42.4X4 : [ Railing Post Stair ] | | WCS (-2436.61, 3752.20, 1884.29) | | Volume = 229.77 | | 2 | | Number : Not defined : RO500x20 : [ Column ] | | Number : Not defined : PLT50x658.77 : [ Step ] | | WCS (-2437.17, 3752.67, 2093.39) | | Volume = 363.98 | For each collision found the following data is displayed: • Index number. • First clashing part number : section size : model role • Second clashing part number : section size : model role • Coordinates of the centre of the clash volume • Clash volume. The most important information to help fix the clash is the index number. You can close the text window when you have noted the index number of a clash you wish to fix.

16.1.2. Display Clash Checking Results To locate an actual clash you need to use this command. This is most effective in 2D Wire Frame display mode.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• •

AS Tools > Checking > Display Clash Checking Results Please enter the index number of the collision to view: Enter the index number of the clash you wish to view and fix. The clash volume will be shown in red on your model. It is up you to study the shape and position of the volume to understand what is wrong and then take appropriate corrective action. If you have trouble finding the clash volume use the marking tools explained below. Although the number of clashes listed may seem high it is probably not as bad as it seems. Often the action you take to correct one clash, such as adjusting the bolt spacings in a joint, will fix several clashes – one per bolt in this case.

Advance Steel’s clash check includes checking for Tool clearances around all bolt heads and nuts. The size of the tool head to allow for is set in Management Tools > Defaults. When showing the clash volume, a clash of this type will look like part of a hexagon head larger than the nearest nut or bolt.

Rather than trying to fix many clashes in one go it is recommended to rerun the clash check after every one or two fixes.

16.2. Object Marking When the clash volume is shown in red this is a form of Object Marking in Advance Steel. Since clashes are usually small it is often very hard to find the red volume in your model without help. Several tools are provided to assist.

16.2.1. Search for Marked Objects Use this command to find the red volume wherever it is in your model.

Selection  Search for Marked objects. 129

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual A large coloured arrow will be drawn on screen pointing at any object or volume that is currently marked.

16.2.2. Zoom to Marked Object Use this to quickly zoom in on a marked object.

• Selection  Zoom to marked object • Select objects: Select an arrow on the display from a Search for Marked Objects above and accept. The display will be zoomed in to show the marked object filling the view. The display will not be rotated.

16.2.3. Clear Marked Objects After fixing a clash the marked volume will remain. Marking may also be used for other purposes. To ensure that previously marked objects and volumes do not confuse future commands you need to remove the marking.

• Selection  Clear Marked objects. All object marking will be removed but the objects themselves will be unaffected.

16.3. Technical Check Where clash checking looks for items that overlap you can also use a Technical Check to look for other design factors such as bolt too close to the edge of the material.

16.3.1. Technical Check Use this command to check the entire model for technical criteria.

• AS Tools > Checking > Steel Construction Technical Checking A text file will be displayed showing the results of the check. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The following objects are semantically incorrect | | 1 Plate [Plate] [Handle: 79C] | *** Some bolts in bolt pattern [Handle: 7B5] are too | *** 's edge! | *** Some bolts in bolt pattern [Handle: 7B7] are too | *** 's edge! | 2 Plate [Plate] [Handle: 79A] | *** Some bolts in bolt pattern [Handle: 79E] are too | *** 's edge! | *** Some bolts in bolt pattern [Handle: 7A0] are too | *** 's edge! 130

close to the object close to the object close to the object close to the object

| | | | | | | | | | |

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual For each error the following information is provided: • Index number of error. Parent part type and handle • Description of error and handle of connection element causing the error. In this case you need to note the handle of the connection object in order to find and fix the error. Then you can close the report.

16.3.2. Mark Object To identify the connection element causing the error use this command.

• Selection  Mark object • Handle/Id: Enter H for Handle • Please specify the object handle: Enter the handle you noted previously (not case sensitive). The object will be marked in red. Refer to 16.2 Object Marking au-dessus for help with locating the object. As with Clash Check it is up to the user to determine and take the appropriate corrective action.

16.4. Joint Design The last kind of validation we can perform in Advance Steel is Joint Design to validate the strength of a joint. PLEASE NOTE: The Joint Design functionality is only available in the PREMIUM version of Advance Steel. IMPORTANT: Using the Joint Design functionality of Advance Steel is in no way a replacement for certified approval from a qualified Structural Engineer. This check is intended to reduce the iterations that may be required to get a joint right but all final stress and strength calculations should be carried out and certified by a duly qualified Structural Engineer in accordance with appropriate legislation that applies to the project. • •

Open the Joint Properties dialog box. Change to the Joint Design tab.

• •

NSA module - Select the standard you are working Enter the appropriate loads in the M, N and V boxes. (NOTE: The moment load M is only enabled in appropriate types of joint officially recognised as suitable for moment loads). Click Check.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual After checking the results will be shown in the Status window and title. If your joint passes a check to the chosen standard the status will say “OK” in green. If you joint fails the check the status will say “Checking failed” in red and a list of failed criteria will be displayed. For more information you can click Report to see a full report showing each criteria checked, the formula used and the result for your model. The report can be generated as either RTF or HTML format and it is automatically saved in the calculations sub-folder of the project folder (see 2.3 File Structure au-dessus). This report can be shown in the Joint Design tab in either Long or Short format. Click the Settings button on the Joint Design tab and in the new box you can choose Short or Long. The short format only shows failed criteria as a list of names whereas the long format shows the complete report in this window. This setting does not affect the output file saved on disk or shown when clicking on the report button.


17.Numbering •

Model Role


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Before any documentation can be created for our structure it must be numbered. The numbering function carries out several vital processes that are closely related. A. Analyses the structure to identify equal parts and determine quantities B. Analyse the relationships between parts to identify assemblies and main parts. C. Assigns part and assembly numbers to the objects in the structure. These tasks would be very difficult for a human to do accurately but are very easy if you rely on Advance Steel to do it for you.

There are many possible numbering systems in use around the world and Advance Steel has many options and settings enabling different systems to be achieved. However, to avoid confusion we will concentrate on the most common system as used by Advance Steel after a standard install. If you would like to learn how to achieve different numbering systems please contact your Graitec representative for more information.

17.1. Model Role In most number systems parts and assemblies get a prefix assigned to the actual unique number. This prefix usually indicates what type of part or assembly it is. For example parts are usually either M for Main Part or F for Fitting. Assemblies may be B for beam, C for column or R for rafter and so on. In order to assign the correct prefix to each part Advance Steel must know what the object represents in your structure. This is achieved using the Model Role property of every section and plate. Whenever a part is created using a macro such as the Railing macro it is assigned an appropriate Model Role automatically. Any parts created manually need the user to set the Model Role manually. To set the Model Role for an object: • Select the object • Advance Properties • Naming tab


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual •

o Model Role – Select the most suitable role from the pick list. Close the properties box.

You can assign a role to many objects at once so long as they are of the same type (such as beam, plate, grating). Select all the objects you want and only those objects. Right click and choose Advance Properties or Advance Multi Edit > Beam Properties as appropriate. Make the edit as for one part but all the selected parts will be updated.

17.1.1. Search Filter When modelling it is easy to get carried away and forget to assign model roles as you go along. In order to find all the parts with no Model Role easily you can use the Search Filter command. •

Ensure nothing is selected (press Escape twice)

• • • •

Selection  Search Filter The Search Filter dialog will be displayed. General tab – Click Reset Dialog. Select Complete model and New Marking. Objects tab – Select the appropriate objects to search for.

• Common Properties tab – Tick Model Role and select None from the pick list. • Click OK All objects matching the search (that is of the chosen object types and with no Model Role) will be marked in red. See 16.2 Object Marking au-dessus for more information on marking.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

17.1.2. Project Explorer - Saved Searches When using the Search Filter command there is a Save button at the bottom of the dialog box. If you click this button you will be asked to give the search a name. You can use this to save multiple different searches rather than have to redefine them each time you want a particular search. To reuse a search previously saved:• AS Modeling > Workplanes > Project Explorer

• • •

Expand the Queries list if necessary. EITHER Double click on the search name to carry out the specified search and mark the results. OR click on the light bulb next to the search to turn it on. Then every object not matching the search criteria will be hidden.

This is ideal for the Model Role = None search we need here. The results are not totally dynamic they are only updated when the light bulb is turned off and on again. So if you edit the beam properties the parts will not disappear until the search is run again. To be sure no other settings are hiding objects and the entire structure is visible click Show All Elements.

You can close Project Explorer with the small X in the top right of the panel.

Assign Model roles to our structure. Ensure no parts are left in our structure with Model Role = None.

17.2. Numbering 17.2.1. Number This is the command that actually does the numbering process. • Ensure you have nothing selected (Press Escape twice) If you have any parts selected only those parts will be considered. Normally it is best to consider the entire structure to avoid possible problems later.

AS Documents > Part Marks > Numbering. The numbering dialog will open. • Select all the desired options and click OK. Several reports will be displayed showing the results. These may be of interest but can just be closed otherwise. One thing worth looking out for in the reports are parts or assemblies with a None prefix indicating they have no Model Role (see 17.1 Model Role au-dessus)


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

For typical basic numbering the following options in the numbering dialog are of interest. • General tab o Post Number Method – Select the desired system for numbering – see below for an explanation of the options. o Single Part – Start – This is the lowest number that will be used for individual parts. o Assembly – Start – This is the lowest number that will be used for assemblies. Many people like assemblies to start at 1 while parts start at 1000. • Special tab o Reuse unused numbers – If you edit a model after numbering and a part number is no longer used should it be re-assigned when renumbering. If you have already issued the deleted part you may want to record that it has been deleted and not reuse its number so you would un-tick this box. o Use Column orientation for assembly numbers – If ticked two otherwise identical columns in different orientations will get two different numbers. If not ticked they will get the same number.

It may be tempting to try to edit the numbering manually to get what you want. However, this is very, very error prone and leads to many support calls.

Please do not number manually! Trust Advance Steel to do it for you!


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

17.2.2. Part types For the purposes of numbering and detailing Advance Steel identifies each object as one of three types of part:Main Part – The heaviest (and therefore usually largest) part of any assembly. This is considered the most important part. This will affect numbering but the affect varies depending on the Post Number Method selected. Assembly drawing views are oriented according to the main part such that the main part is usually horizontal (depending on the Drawing Style). Single Part – All remaining parts that are not main parts. Standalone Part – A part that has no other parts fixed to it in the workshop. Or in other words an assembly of only the one part. This can affect numbering depending on the Post numbering Method chosen.

Standalone parts can be treated as parts, assemblies or both for drawing purposes. The Management Tools > Defaults > Drawing General > Standalone Part - Detailing Behaviour setting controls which type(s) of drawing you want Advance Steel to produce for these parts.

17.2.3. Post Number Methods A post number method is a rule applied after the initial numbering is complete in order to obtain the desired results. There are four possible options: • None – No extra rule is implemented. Parts numbers and assembly numbers are not related in any way. For example the Beam assembly B26 may contain the parts M1000 (the beam), F1089, F1094 and F1104 (the plates). A piece of Angle Bracing standalone part could be Assembly Number BR1 and Part number M1001.


Standalone Part

2x F1094

F1089 M1001 F1089


12 No. Mkd BR1 2x F1104

1 No. Mkd B26 Post Number Method = NONE •


SP Number (for main part) = Assembly Number – For each assembly the main part gets its part number changed to match the assembly number. Therefore our B26 assembly would contain parts B26, F1089, F1094 and F1104 while the same angle bracing standalone part would be Assembly Number BR1 and part number BR1.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Standalone Part


F1089 BR1 F1089


12 No. Mkd BR1 F1104

1 No. Mkd B26 Post Number Method = SP No. (for Main Part) = Assembly No. •

SP Number (for standalone part) = Assembly number – For each standalone part (not main parts of other assemblies) the part number is changed to match the assembly number. The beam would then be assembly B26 with parts M1000, F1089, F1094 and F1104 while the angle bracing standalone part would be assembly BR1 and part number BR1.


Standalone Part

2x F1094

F1089 BR1 F1089


12 No. Mkd BR1 2x F1104

1 No. Mkd B26 Post Number Method = SP No. (for Standalone Part) = Assembly No. •

Assembly Group – this setting assigns part numbers for all parts relative to the assembly where it is first found. The main part gets the assembly number for its part number. The single parts get the fitting prefix F followed by the number of the part in the first assembly it was found in. Within an assembly parts are numbered with letters. Therefore our examples would be beam B26 with parts B26, Fa-B1, Fa-B26 and Fe-C3. That is plate Fa-B1 was the first plate in assembly B1, plate Fa-B26 is the first unique plate found in this assembly (B26) and plate Fe-C3 is the fifth unique plate first found in assembly C3. The standalone angle bracing part would be assembly BR1 with part BR1.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


Standalone Part

2x Fe-C3

Fa-B1 BR1 Fa-B1


12 No. Mkd BR1 2x Fa-B26

1 No. Mkd B26 Post Number Method = Assembly Group.

17.2.4. Renumber Whenever someone refers to “renumbering” a model they simply mean use the Number command above again. The options and settings used to previously number the model are remembered and set by default. Do not change these options unless you are happy to change every part number in the structure. Whenever you edit a model after it has been numbered it is difficult to tell if the change could affect the numbers.

ALWAYS RENUMBER THE MODEL AFTER COMPLETING YOUR EDITS. When renumbering Advance Steel will only change a number of a part if it has to – in other words if one of these conditions is met:A. The part no longer matches other parts of the same number. B. The numbering options or settings have been changed since the last numbering. It is therefore not only safe but important to renumber a model after making changes.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

17.2.5. Object Naming After part numbers have been assigned you can find the information for each object on the Naming tab of the Advance Properties box.

• • • • •

Single Part Number – The number allocated to this part. Single Part Prefix – The prefix allocated to this part (normally M or F unless using a Post Number Method) Assembly Number – The number assigned to this assembly Assembly Prefix – The prefix assigned to this assembly. This is chosen against a set of rules based on the Model Role. Main Part / Single Part? – There is a box in front of the Single part number and Main part number lines. If the box next to Single part number is shaded this part is a Single Part. If the box next to Assembly number is shaded this is a Main Part. Normally this is controlled automatically by Advance Steel and this is just an indication for the user.

You can assign parts to different lots or phases for construction purposes. It is up to the user whether this also influences the assigned part numbers. For more information on Assigning Lot / Phase Numbers contact your Graitec representative.

Number our structure. Apply numbering to our structure with Post Numbering Method set to None.


18.Creating Drawings •

Quick Documents •

• •

Drawing Styles Drawing Processes

Summary of Drawing Procedure • •

View orientation

Setting up Quick Documents

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

18.1. Quick Documents The main interface for creating new documents from Advance Steel is the Quick Documents interface. The basic operation of Quick Documents is:

• AS Documents > Quick Documents • Select a document type • Use. The exact operation varies depending on what type of document you are creating.

The Quick documents window has three main areas:• List of Document Types – Down the left of the window is a tree structure showing a list of document types you might want to create. • Preview – The top right area of the window is used to display an example of the document type selected on the left. This is a fixed example not a live document generated from your model. • Description – The bottom right pane of the window is used to display a description of the selected document type.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual The document type list is split into a tree structure with two root folders:• Advance section contains the default installed document types that you cannot edit. • User section links to the document types that you can adjust to suit your requirements. After the initial install all user documents are clones of the Advance documents. Both the Advance and User sections contain the same sub sections:• Drawing Styles – Individual styles for creating individual drawings or drawing views. • Drawing Processes – Automated processes for creating many drawings based on sets of rules. • Templates – Document styles for creating Bills of Materials and other lists from your model rather than drawings. How to use each of these document types is explained below.

18.2. Drawing Styles All the drawings created by Advance Steel are created based on a complex set of rules. These rules are known as Drawing Styles. Each Drawing Style is set up to create a drawing that is ideal for a particular purpose such as a Single Part detail for a plate, assembly of a rafter or general arrangement section through a structure. Though part and assembly drawings can be created using Drawing Styles directly, in most cases it will be better to choose a process (see below). Normally Drawing Styles are only selected directly for General Arrangement (GA) type drawings. The method for creating a GA drawing is:• Set the UCS as required – Regardless of the name of the drawing style the view will always be created as though the Z axis is pointing directly at the viewer and X is pointing right.

• • • •

AS Documents > Documents > Quick Documents Select the desired Drawing Style from the list: for example “Advance\Drawings Styles\General Arrangement\Stanchion Layout – All” Click Use. The Drawing Type dialog will be displayed.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual • • • •

Select a scale in the General > Scale box. Enter a view title in the General > Title box. Click OK. The Drawing Type box will disappear and the Select Destination File box will be displayed.

IF the view is going on a new drawing then:o Select a suitable drawing prototype from the list to put your view on. o Check the File Name is correct (you must not edit the path but you should check the name at the end reflects the correct sheet size). • OR if you want the view to go on an existing drawing:o Change to the Existing Drawings tab. o Select either the desired drawing in the list on the left or another view on the desired drawing in the list on the right. • Click OK Your drawing view will be created in the specified file. There are several variations on this procedure depending on the style you choose. PICKBOX:Some styles are based on a Pickbox to defined the area shown in the view. If the style says “ALL” then it will show everything but if the style is based on a Pickbox the user will be prompted to select the area they want to show on the drawing. This prompt will be a typical case of selecting 2 points to define the rectangular area to view. The user is prompted after clicking OK on the Select File Destination box. With or without Labels:- The Drawing Style defines which parts should be labelled in a view and how they are labelled. Some styles include many labels that may produce a cluttered drawing other styles have all labels turned off so the user can add their own later as desired. Selected parts:- Some styles say they are for selected parts (for example 3D view, sel. – pickbox, MP lab). These styles will only draw the parts that you have selected. This is ideal if you wish to give an enlarged detail of a joint or other view of a selected detail only. It is probably best to select the desired components before starting the Quick Documents command but if you have not you will be prompted to do so between the Drawing Type and Select Destination File boxes. Normal AutoCAD object selection methods apply. WARNING: If you create a view based on selected parts and edit the drawing in future creating new parts or moving parts into the view area, the view will NEVER show the new or moved parts since they were not selected when the view was created. Your only option would be to delete and recreate the view. Use this type of view with caution only for cases where the parts in the view will never need to change. 146

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Hot or Cold Rolled:- Some styles specify that they are for Hot Rolled parts only (such as Floor plan, hot rolled – all). If you select these styles all cold rolled components of your structure will NOT be drawn. Where there is a Hot rolled style there is usually a Cold Rolled style to go with it (such as Floor plan, cold rolled – All). If you select the Cold Rolled style all hot and cold rolled objects will be drawn but only the cold rolled will be labelled and dimensioned.

To create a new 3D view you will want the UCS set to point in the correct direction. The best way to do this is to orient your view on screen as you want then set the UCS to view. The UCS is set to View by typing UCS then V for View or by selecting the AutoCAD icon View > Coordinates > View. You can use Drawing Styles directly to create drawings of parts or assemblies if desired. Generally it is more efficient to use a Process as described below. The only time you might want to select a Style directly would be if you want to specify a certain style designed for a particular type of part such as a stringer but even these should be handled by a well defined process. While drawings can be edited after creation, careful selection of the correct drawing style for your purpose will minimise the future editing and finishing required. For example:• “3D view, sel. – pickbox, MP lab” will create a view on the UCS of the chosen parts only, showing the defined area only and with only the main parts labelled with the assembly numbers. • “3D Detailview All – Pickbox, visible + lab” will create a view on the UCS of ALL parts but showing the chosen area only. Only visible edges will be drawn. All parts will be labelled with their part number and section size. • “3D Detailview All – Pickbox, vishidden + lab” will create a view on the UCS of ALL parts but showing the chosen area only. Both visible and hidden edges will be drawn. All parts will be labelled with their part number and section size.

18.2.1. Drawing Prototype In simple terms a Prototype is a blank drawing sheet. Each prototype already has the drawing border, title block, BOMs if required, Revision table, default notes appropriate for the drawing type (such as a foundation bolt description). Whenever you create a drawing using a Drawing Style you should select the appropriate prototype for your drawing. Therefore for a Stanchion Plan a Foundation prototype would be appropriate but you would not use a A1 Assembly prototype with notes about hole sizes and welds for a GA drawing. For more information on editing prototypes to suit your needs please see “22 Appendix:- Drawing Prototypes” audessous

18.3. Drawing Processes A Drawing Process will step through all the selected objects, choose a suitable Drawing Style and create a drawing of the object, then move on to the next object. In this way many drawings of many objects can be created quickly and easily. The basic procedure is:• Select the objects that you want to draw.

• • •

AS Documents > Documents > Quick Documents Select the desired Process from the list and click USE. The Process Properties box will be displayed. Generally you should not change any options in this box. The one option you may want to check is Arrangement. This controls the order in which the selected items are 147

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual drawn. The sequence could be based on distance from the WCS origin, Beam length or Plate thickness for example.

• Click OK and wait for the activity to finish (command line stops on “Command:”). The drawings will be made. Each progress bar that flashes up represents one view being created.

Typical choices when selecting a Drawing Process are: • Parts or Assemblies / fabrications:Select the process named accordingly. • Single or Multi Sheet:Single Sheet drawings have views of only ONE component or assembly (or one GA view) on them. Multi sheet drawings have views of MULTIPLE components or assemblies (or GA views) on them. If the process you choose is a Multi Sheet process it will continue placing parts on the same drawing


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

sheet until the sheet is full and then start the next drawing. If the process is a Single Sheet process every part will get its own drawing. BOM or No Bom – Some people like to have a Bill of Materials on the drawing covering the parts shown. This is possible in Advance Steel and is generally controlled by which drawing prototype you select to put a drawing on. Processes with BOM will choose prototypes with BOMs and Processes without BOMs will choose prototypes without BOMs on them. All other output will be the same. Sheet size – Each Process name will indicate the sheet size(s) it will create. For the processes that could create multiple sizes the drawing will be tested on the smallest size sheet first and then the sheet size will be increased until a fit is found.

Whichever process you select it will typically do the following additional things:• Select and appropriate drawing style based on the object type and model role. • Select an appropriate drawing prototype. • Give the file a correct name. • Test several drawing scales to find the best fit on the sheet. The actual scales tried are defined within the Process. If multiple sizes are allowed all scales will be tried on the smallest sheet first then all scales on the next sheet size and so on working up. If a single sheet size is selected and none of the scales fit the border the views will be still created at the smallest scale on the given sheet. Here are some examples of typical drawings created by Advance Steel. First is a typical Multi-sheet part drawing of some plates. Then we have a typical single-sheet drawing of a part. In this case column A1 in our training structure. Finally, the third drawing is a typical assembly drawing. This happens to be one of the rafters in our training structure.






F 1041 F 1042 F 1043 F 1044 F 1045

8 8 8 8 8

600 50





8 No. PLT8x138.81 - Mkd F1045


90 3 - 26ø

2 - 26ø

3 - 26ø







2 - 26ø




775 145


8 No. FL600x30 - Mkd F1044 549

8 No. FL200x20 - Mkd F1042




1 - 26ø

1 - 26ø

1 - 26ø

1 - 26ø

1 - 26ø


1 - 26ø







8 No. FL150x10 - Mkd F1041

8 No. FL200x20 - Mkd F1043 G ene ral No tes

M ark F 1041 F 1042 F 1043 F 1044 F 1045

Quantity 8 8 8 8 8

P rofi le F L150x10 F L200x20 F L200x20 F L600x30 P LT 8x 138.81

Length 342.7 775.4 549.4 600.0 355.0

M at erial S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR

A rea (m²) 0. 11 0. 35 0. 25 0. 79 0. 06

Wei ght 4. 04 24. 35 17. 25 84. 78 1. 55

1. A ll hol es 22

I ndex


Desc ri ption

Ø U. N.O.

A ut hor

G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T otto n, S ou h t ampton,

2. T hi s drawi ng m ust not be scaled.

H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X , En gland T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947

A dvanc e Steel w w w

Ale ck G iles

1 1/02/11

Advance Steel Tr aining

F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li : n i fo .u k@ gr ai e t

1 :10,1:5


[MS]107 -

R ev0


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual








6049 90











4 No. UC356x368x129 - Mkd M1007 G ene ral No tes 1. A ll hol es 22

I ndex


Des c ri ption

A ut hor

G ra ti ec UK

Ø U. N.O.

Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T ot o t n, S ou h t ampt on,

2. T hi s drawi ng m ust not bescaled.

Advance Steel Tr aining

H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X , En gland T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947

A dv anc e Steel

Ale ck G e li s

F ax :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 1618 E ma li :n i fo .u k@ grai e t c.c om

w w w .g rai

1 1/02/11

[S] - M1007 R ev0





F 1045

F 1007 5097 M 1005 - UB 356x 127x 33x5097 Lg

F 1041


F 1043






F 1042

5252 105

4993 37 125 37



37 125


20 365

90 90 80


280 90 145





70 90

M 1005 - UB 356x 127x33x5097 Lg



F 1007


F 1045

F 1042

28 0

F 1007




F 1043






8 0 90

F 1043

F 1041 105


6 No. Mkd R1 M ark




V alue s fo r ON E assembly

F 1007 F 1041 F 1042 F 1043 F 1045 M 1005

1 1 1 1 1 1

UB 406x 140x39 F L150x10 F L200x20 F L200x20 P LT 8x 138.81 UB 356x 127x33

P rofi le

T otals for ON E assembly



55 90 55

50 100 50


810.6 342.7 775.4 549.4 355.0 5097.5

M at erial

S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR S 275JR

A rea (m²)

(Coat ing as s pecified)

Wei ght (kg)

1. 09 0. 11 0. 35 0. 25 0. 06 6. 05

20. 70 4. 04 24. 35 17. 25 1. 55 168. 46



G ene ral No tes 1. A ll hol es 22

I ndex


Des c ri ption

Ø U. N.O.

A ut hor

G ra ti ec UK Rv i ersi de H ou se , Brun elRoad, T ot o t n, S ou h t ampt on,

2. A ll wel ds c onti nuous 6m m fi ll et U.N.O.

H amps hi re , SO 40 3 W X , En gland T el :+4 4 0 ( 2 ) 3 80 86 8947

3. T hi s drawi ng m ust not bescaled.

A dv anc e Steel

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[A] - R1

R ev0

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

18.4. Summary of Drawing Procedure To summarise the procedure generally required for creating all the necessary drawings there are three fundamental stages that you can do in any order. These are Parts, Assemblies and GAs. Therefore for a whole structure you would do the following:•

Parts Drawings:o Select Objects o Quick Documents o Select a Drawing Process for parts Assembly Drawings:o Select objects o Quick Documents o Select a Drawing Process for Assemblies GAs o Decide on the views you require and for each view:o Set UCS as required. o Quick Documents o Select Drawing Style corresponding to desired view. o Select prototype or existing drawing. o Repeat as required until all GAs done.

As previously stated in 2.3 File Structure au-dessus the drawings are all stored in the Details sub folder of the Project folder.

18.5. View orientation When an advance steel object is created in the model it has its own internal UCS. This is roughly aligned with the current UCS when the object is created. Whenever a part drawing is created the internal UCS of the part defines the view orientations. The TOP view is defined as Z pointing towards the viewer and X pointing right. If you create and assembly drawing the internal UCS of the Main Part is what decides the view orientation. For GA styles the current UCS defines the view orientation. Regardless of the description of the style, such as Elevation, Roof Plan, 3D View and so on, the view will always be looking down the Z axis with X pointing right.

18.6. Setting up Quick Documents As previously stated Quick Documents has a list of available drawing styles and processes in the left hand pane. This list is not all the styles or processes available in the system. Rather it is a list of preferred items. The full list of Styles or Processes available are within the respective manager systems used to define them. Drawing Styles are defined in the Drawing Style Manager. The definition of a Drawing Style is very complex with 6 levels of settings layered on top of each other. It is not recommended to change any settings in these styles without very careful thought and planning.

The Styles and Processes provided with Advance Steel are designed to be suitable for general manufacture and we would not recommend changing them unless absolutely necessary. If you do want to edit the existing entries, or create your own, a separate course is offered to cover this complex subject. Please contact your Graitec Representative for more information.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual To see the full list of styles available and identify which ones should be visible in Quick Documents follow this procedure:-

AS Documents > Document Manager > Drawing Style Manager

• • • • •

Ensure Drawing Styles is selected on the top left. Expand the list under Advance or User as desired. Select the desired group of styles. On the right hand pane you will see a list of styles with tick boxes in front of each. Tick only the styles that you want to see in Quick Documents. Click OK to close the Drawings Style Manager

AS Tools > Settings > Update Defaults

Drawing Processes are a system that selects and applies Drawing styles for you. As with Drawing Styles you do not necessarily see all the available Drawing Processes in the Quick Documents interface, just the preferred ones. To see the full list of processes available and select which ones are shown in Quick Documents follow this procedure:-


AS Documents > Document Manager > Drawing Process Manager

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• • • • •

Expand the Advance or User list as desired. Expand the Drawing Processes folder. Select the desired category of processes. On the right hand pane you will see a list of styles with tick boxes in front of each. Tick only the styles that you want to see in Quick Documents. Click OK to close the Drawings Style Manager

AS Tools > Settings > Update Defaults

Though not as complex as Drawing Styles it is recommended that you do not attempt to edit Drawing Processes without careful thought and planning. Quick Documents is designed to show only the preferred styles and processes for quick access and general use. If you occasionally require a different style in the list you do not have to add it to Quick Documents before using it. Instead do this:• • • • •

AS Documents > Document Manager > Drawing Style Manager or Drawing Process Manager. Locate the desired style or process in the list of those available. Click the USE button. Proceed as per normal drawing creation. After the drawing(s) has been created you will be returned to the manager dialog. Just click OK.


19.Editing Drawings •

Document Manager

• •

Manipulating Drawings

Drawing Labels and Dimensions •

Object Properties

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

19.1. Document Manager The main interface to access and control all the documents you create from your model is the Document Manager. To open the Document manager select AS Documents > Document Manager > Document Manager and the dialog will appear.

In the left pane is a list of document types. Drawings are found in the Details section. When you first try to expand this list it will probably flash and disappear again. This is not an error but is part of the process where Advance Steel checks the current status of each drawing to ensure it is up to date. The drawing files are listed according to file name. If you are using the default naming and numbering system all filenames include a prefix indicating the type of drawing:• [S] = Single Part drawing • [MS] = Multi sheet part drawing • [A] = Assembly drawing • [MA] = Multi sheet assembly drawing • [G] = GA type drawing. Single sheet part and assembly drawings are named after the part or assembly mark of the object they show. Multi sheet and GA drawings have a drawing number. The drawings sheet size is also included. The right hand pane of Document Manager shows details of the views on the drawing(s) selected on the left or a Preview of the drawing selected. To see the preview simply change to the Preview tab at the top. The preview is a live preview of the actual file and can be zoomed or panned within the dialog box. Once you have located the desired drawing you can open the drawing by either double clicking the file name or clicking on the Open Drawing button.

19.1.1. Keeping up to date Advance Steel is able to track all changes in a model since document creation and knows when a drawing or other document is out of date. If documents are found to be out of date they will be placed in a separate folder on the left hand pane of Document Manager. 156

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual To update these documents you have two choices depending on whether you want the change recorded. To update the documents without recording the change:-

• •

Document Manager Select the document(s) in the left pane.

• Click Force Update. Wait for activity to finish and the documents will have been updated and listed back in the “Up to date” folder in the left pane. If you DO want the update recorded as a formal issue of the file use the Revision system as follows:-

• •

Document Manager Select the document(s) in the left pane.

• •

Click Update Revision An Add Revision Mark box will appear.

IF updating a single document click Add. (If updating multiple documents this step is not needed.)


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

o A Revision Details box will appear o Complete the details and click OK. • OR if updating multiple documents complete the revision details in this box. o Ensure the Index option is set to “Next available index for each document” unless you want to change them all to the same issue regardless of previous issues. • Click OK Wait for activity to finish and the documents will have been updated and listed back in the “Up to date” folder in the left pane. The revision index will show in the left pane after the file name. The filename will also be changed to include the revision index. The previous revision of the document (immediately before you hit update) will be moved to a Backup folder within the Project\Details folder.

19.1.2. Revision System on Drawings If you choose the Update Revision option to update drawings the Revision is recorded on the drawing as follows:• • • • • •

The Revision table will have a note added showing the information you entered in the Revision Details box. The main revision in the title block will be updated. Any previously existing revision clouds are deleted. Any dimensions or labels that change have a revision cloud drawn around them. The changed part or feature has a revision cloud drawn around it. The revision clouds have an index mark placed next to them.

The use of revision clouds is controlled by a number of options in Management Tools > Defaults. The exact results you get will depend on these settings. The default options may vary depending on your install.

If the revision table on the drawing includes the Rev Details column Advance Steel will automatically complete this column with a generic description of the changes on the drawing.

19.2. Manipulating Drawings A number of tools are provided to manipulate drawing views and other drawings content after creation. All of these commands are carried out within an open drawing not in the model.

19.2.1. Update Detail Forces an immediate update of a particular drawing detail. A detail may contain several drawing views. This will NOT be recorded as a drawing revision.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• Drawing Finishing  Update Detail • Select detail view Select any element in the drawing detail to update. The update will happen immediately. Any revision clouds or labels in the detail will be lost.

19.2.2. Update Detail and Keep Revision Information This is the same as update detail but any existing revision clouds and labels are kept.

19.2.3. Update Page Header This is an exception to the rule about only working in the drawings. When a drawing is created the title block is populated with the details from the Project Information dialog box. If the project information changes after the drawing is created you need to use this command to update the title blocks. • •

Close ALL drawings for this project. In the Model click Drawing Finishing  Update Page Header

After the activity finishes ALL drawings will have their title block updated with the latest Project Information. This change is not recorded as a revision.

19.2.4. Update BOM Forces an immediate update of a BOM on a drawing.

• Drawing Finishing  Update BOM All BOMs or lists on the drawing will immediately be updated. This change will not be recorded as a revision.

19.2.5. Rearrange all details If you have manually added views to a drawing they may come up in odd places in the first instance. This command attempts to rearrange all the details in the drawing to fit within the drawing border.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• Drawing Finishing  Rearrange all details No input is required. All details will be immediately rearranged.

19.2.6. Rearrange all views in detail If you have added views to a detail they are initially stacked vertically. If you use this command it will rearrange the views within the chosen detail.

• •

Drawing Finishing  Rearrange all views in detail Select detail view Select any element in the detail.

19.2.7. Change Detail This brings up the Detail properties box.

• •

Drawing Finishing  Change Detail Select detail view Select any element in the detail to edit.

Alternatively just double-click on the outer green frame around a detail. In the Edit Detail dialog box you can change the scale for your detail (all views match scale) and the title of your detail. Although Advance Steel will select al the required views for you, you can override this if you need to:


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

At the top left of this box is a list of available automatic views. Select the view you want and change the properties tab to View State. • To turn the view on select “Always on” • To hide a view you don’t want select “Always off” • Click OK. Note: If you override the view choices like this they will not be able to change if required to suit edits to the members. On many occasions beams can have long distances without any interesting features. To minimise wasted paper these vies are typically clipped (drawn shorter than they would normally be) to remove the uninteresting bit. If you want to change what has happened in a view you can do that here.

• • • •

Select the desired view at the top left of the dialog. Set the properties tab to Clip. If the X clipping or Y clipping box is ticked clipping is allowed in that direction. Remove the tick to turn clipping off and force the full length to be drawn. The three values indicate how much to draw and how much to cut out of the member. 161

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual •

Clipping Type – No clipping line means the clip will be drawn only as a small break in the outline of the part. This can sometimes be hard to see and recognise. Normal Clipping means that a clipping line will be drawn either side of the cut. The line will be a standard AutoCAD Linetype. Custom clipping draws a clipping line with single zig-zag in the middle. Clipping Line Type – The AutoCAD line type to use for the clipping line if Normal Clipping selected in Clipping Type.

19.2.8. Change Prototype file If you decide that you want a drawing on a different prototype (usually to change the sheet size) you can use this command to change the background sheet without affecting the detail(s).

• •

Drawing Finishing  Change prototype file A small dialog box will open showing a list of the available prototypes.

[OPTIONAL] If you click the Settings button you will be presented with another small dialog where you can choose which properties of the old prototype to keep and which to take from the new prototype.

Select the desired new prototype and click OK.

The drawing will be immediately updated. You may need to tidy up BOMs, sheet notes and revision tables in the final drawing.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

19.2.9. Move View You can move a view by simply selecting any element of the view and then dragging with the left mouse button. Alternatively you can use the AutoCAD Move command or this command:-

• • • •

Drawing Finishing  Move View Select detail view Select any element in the view to move. Move detail view from point: Select a start point for your move. To point: Select an end point for your move.

The benefit of using this command or the AutoCAD Move command is that, by using Osnaps and Osnap tracking, you can line views up. When you move a view all associated annotation moves with it.

19.2.10. Delete View To delete a view you can simply select the inner green frame around it and press Delete on the keyboard. Alternatively you can use this command.

• • •

Drawing Finishing  Delete view. Select detail view Select any element of the view to delete. View successfully deleted.

Any annotation associated with the view will also be deleted.

19.2.11. Create View / Section This command allows you to create an extra section view on your drawing. If you want a full view (not a section) simply draw the cutting plane outside the view.

• •

Drawing Finishing  Create view / section Please enter view request Key [Request list] or for last request: Press return • Please select detail view or [Settings]: Select the view you want to project your new view from. • First corner of detail window Select a point for one end of your section line / cutting plane. • Second corner of detail window Select a point for the other end of your section line • Please specify cut depth or [Unbounded/Zero]: Select a point on the correct side of your section line (the arrow on screen shows which way the view will be looking. • Use automatic depth settings? [Yes/No] Say Yes (or just press return) • Use the view scale ? [Yes/No] : Say Yes or press Return. If you say No you will be asked for a scale and this view will be drawn at a different scale to the original. The new view will be created immediately and placed above the existing views (not in line). 163

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19.2.12. Renumber cut views If you have created extra section views or deleted section views the letters may not run in a nice sequence. Use this command to rearrange the letters identifying the views back into a nice sequence.

• Drawing Finishing  Renumber cut views • Select detail view Select any element in the detail. All the section views will be renamed starting at A.

19.3. Drawing Labels and Dimensions Once you have got all the views as you wish you can use the tools on this palette to edit the annotation of the drawing. You cannot use ordinary AutoCAD Dimension and annotation tools as they will not have the extra intelligence that comes with the Advance Steel tools.

19.3.1. Insert Weld Symbol Adds a weld symbol to the drawing.

• • •

Drawing Labels and Finishing  Insert Weld Symbol Please select detail. Select any element in the view. Please select the reference point of the symbol on the detail. Select the point you wish the leader line to go to (the position of the weld. • Please select placing point for the symbol. Select a point to place the actual symbol. A symbol will be drawn and the Weld Symbol Dialog Box will be displayed. Close the box when finished. The dialog box works exactly as for placing welds in the model (see 13.4.1 Weld Point au-dessus for more information). Note: Management Tools > Defaults have options stating that a certain standard weld size does not need to be called up. It is assumed there is a note on the drawing saying something like “All welds 6mm Fillet Unless Otherwise Stated”. All welds that do not match this standard definition are automatically shown on the drawing if they are in the model. Manually placed weld symbols will not show a size if they match the standard size.

The weld note on the drawing prototypes is not intelligent. If you change the setting for the standard weld type in Management Tools you must manually edit the prototypes to suit or else you will get many errors. Manually placed weld symbols are not linked in any way to the welds in the model even if pointing at the same location.

19.3.2. Insert Label Inserts a leader line pointing at an object that contains intelligent text about that object.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• •

Drawing Labels and Finishing  Insert Label Select object you want to label(hange label, ultiple selection): Select the object you want to label. • Please select the label start point_ Select the position the leader should point to. • Start point of the text: Select a point to place the text. • Angle of the text (RETURN for parallel):_ Choose a point to set the angle of the text or press return or right click to have the text parallel to the object. • Select object you want to label(hange label, ultiple selection): The command repeats. If you have finished placing labels just press Return or right click. A default label will be placed as specified. If you prefer you can place many labels at once as follows:-

• •

Drawing Labels and Finishing  Insert Label Select object you want to label(hange label, ultiple selection): Multiple. • Please select objects: Select the objects you want to label and accept. A label will be placed for each object and positioned automatically.




To edit a label you have placed and change the text double click on it. The Label and Symbols dialog will appear. The text currently showing in the label will show in the text box. However this is not ordinary text. You can enter any text you wish in this box but if you want some text intelligently linked to the model object you should select the property you want from the Tokens drop down. As soon as you click in this list the appropriate text is inserted. The intelligent link is also maintained if the model is edited.

If you want a frame or balloon around any of your text select the text first then click on the type of frame you want in the frame drop down. The other formatting tools are as you would expect for text. As there are a large number of tokens available within Advance Steel and storing all these values for all parts in all drawings could have a negative effect on performance. To minimise this effect you may find that some values or 165

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual tokens are not available in every drawing. If this happens and the token you want in your label is not available as it normally is you can use the Label Information Manager to load the missing tokens as desired.

Drawing Labels and Dimensions  Label information Manager

Place a tick next to the tokens you wish to have available in this drawing detail.

19.3.3. Level Symbols Inserts a level symbol to identify the elevation of a point in the model.

• • •

Drawing Labels and Finishing  Insert Level Symbol Please select detail. Select any element in the view to place the symbol in. Please select the reference point of the symbol on the detail. Select the dimension • Please select placing point for the symbol. Select a position to draw the symbol. The level symbol is placed with the appropriate elevation completed for you.



19.3.4. Slope Symbol Inserts a triangle type slope symbol.

• •


Drawing Labels and Finishing  Insert Slope Symbol Please select a view (iameter, , , type ) : (Slope) Select any element in the view.

BOM Editor icon and then generate lists from existing BOM extracts. Alternatively you can arrive at the BOM Template Editor after creating an extract as above.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• • • •

In the top right pane select the desired list format you want to generate. The template for this list will be shown in the main central pane. Click Use at the bottom right. In the Select Model Extract box select the desired extract to base you list on and click OK.

Your list will be generated immediately and be displayed in the RDF Viewer. You must have a BOM Extract created as above before you can create a list from the BOM Template Editor.

20.4. Managing Lists If you save the RDF files for your lists in the BOM sub-folder of your project folder (see 2.3 File Structure au-dessus) the list will be shown in the Bill of Material section in Document Manager.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Every time Document Manager is opened it will check if each list is up to date. If a list is not up to date it will be listed as Update Required. There is no revision control available for lists so the only choice to update an existing list is to select it and click Force Update. The existing list will be updated as will any BOM Extract it was based on (a new extract will not be created so the time and date in the filename of the extract will be meaningless now). If you change the central pane to the Preview tab you can see the BOM and print it using the icon at the top but you cannot open or export it.


21.Other Documents •

NC Files

DXF Files

Sharing Models and Drawings •

Data Exchange

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Drawings and Lists are not the only types of file that Advance Steel can create. Several other file types that may be useful to you are also available.

21.1. NC Files Modern manufacturing machinery is often computer controlled. Providing programs for these machines produced directly from your model can help reduce errors (resulting from human input to those machines) and may even earn you a discount from the manufacturer. The program files are typically known as NC files (NC=Numeric Control). The content of these files is not particularly easy for a human to understand but are ideal for the computers. The content is defined by a standard called DSTV that is recognised by the machinery. It is extremely quick and easy to create the DSTV files for your model in Advance Steel.

• AS Documents > NC & DXF > NC In a few seconds an individual file will be created for each section or plate in your model. You may also be shown a report of errors in your NC files. If you have nothing selected NC files for the entire structure will be produced. If you only want certain parts produced you should select them prior to clicking the NC command. There are certain standards regarding the limits of NC manufacture. Criteria such as to how close to the edge of the material a hole can be drilled are defined. These are considered when creating the NC files and anything that does not meet the standard is flagged as an error to the user. Ideally the user will adjust the model so that no such errors occur. The actual NC file is correct according to the modelled even if it says there are these errors. The NC files are automatically created and stored in the path “Project folder\DStV\NC”. The files are also controlled by Document Manager and are found under “DStV file\DStV-NC”. If you look at the preview tab you will see the text contents of the file.

As always Document Manager will tell you if a file is out of date and allow you to Force Update the file. There is no revision control on NC files. 182

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual To use the NC file for manufacture simply send the manufacturer all the *.NC files in the NC folder. NC Files that supposedly have an error in them have the file extension *.NC.ERR. If you simply remove the *.ERR from the end of the file name the file can still be used in an NC machine (at the user’s discretion). The lines in the Error files that cause concern start with two asterisks “**”. Although the lines are identified for you it is not recommended that you try to edit the NC files directly. If you wish to fix the errors you should adjust the model accordingly and update the NC file.

The DSTV standard allows for certain choices and options. Some machine manufacturers work differently or interpret the standard differently to others. The NC files produced by Advance Steel are strictly according to the DSTV standard at all times. It may be necessary to adjust some settings in Management Tools > Defaults to suit a particular manufacturer’s machinery.

21.2. DXF Files Another type of file popular with computer controlled machinery, especially for profiling plates, is a DXF file. Like NC files these are extremely quick and easy to produce in Advance Steel.

Click AS Documents > NC & DXF files > DXF (all objects)

or DXF (plates) as required. DXF files for all selected objects will be produced in a few seconds. If you have nothing selected files for the entire structure will be produced. The resulting DXF files have the file extension *.DXF and are saved in the file path “project folder\DSTV\NC”. You can send these files to the manufacturer to work from.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Document Manager will control these files too allowing you to update if required. They are found under DSTV-NCDXF. There is no revision control for these files. The preview tab will show the contents of the file (a simple outline with a label).

21.3. Sharing Models and Drawings Although based on AutoCAD, Advance Steel models and drawings cannot be viewed without Advance Steel. However, not every person you communicate with will have Advance Steel but you may want them to be able to see your model or drawings. Alternatively you may want to share your model with people for stress analyses or to include in other systems for layout of larger areas. Advance Steel has several ways to achieve these needs.

21.3.1. 3D DWF If you just want to provide someone with a viewable model, perhaps for sales purposes, the standard AutoCAD 3D DWF can be used. • •

Type the command 3ddwf. Select a file name and location and click save.

The resulting DWF file can be viewed using the Autodesk Design Review application that is available as a free download from the Autodesk web site. The file is a light weight format that creates small files. The files can be viewed in full 3D and printed but cannot be edited and provide limited information to the user so your design is secure. The files do include object properties that identify the section sizes and such like. The DWF can also be marked up electronically and sent back so they could be an excellent idea for approval purposes.

21.3.2. Explode to ACIS If you want to give your model to someone to use in plain AutoCAD or another 3D modelling package you will need to convert the objects to ACIS solids. ACIS is a neutral format for modelling 3D solids. Make sure you do this in a safe copy of your model file as there is no going back after the explode and all Advance Steel intelligence will be lost. The easiest way to convert all the appropriate Advance Steel objects to ACIS is:-

• 184

Selection  Search Filter

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual • •

On the General tab click Reset Dialog. On the Objects tab tick all the solid modelled objects as per the screenshot.

Click OK

Selection  Select Marked Objects

Right click, Explode to ACIS.

The exploded model should look identical but all Advance Steel intelligence is removed and the objects are just dumb solids. This file could now be used in plain AutoCAD or exported as an ACIS *.SAT file for importing into any other solid modelling package like Inventor or Solid Edge.

21.3.3. Exploding Drawings To make your 2D Drawings usable to people with only AutoCAD instead of Advance Steel you need to follow this procedure.

• •

AS Documents > Document Manager > Document Manager Locate the drawings you want to share and select them (you can use the shift and control keys to select more than one file).


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

• •

Click Add to Explode. You can check which file you have added to the explode list by looking in the new Batch Explode folder in the selection tree.

If you have added a file to the list by mistake you can remove it by right clicking on it and selecting “Remove Item from list” • When you have added all the required files to the Explode list click OK. • You will be asked to confirm the explode in a small dialog box. Click OK. The drawings will be exploded. The exploded drawings can be found in the DetailsExploded sub-folder of the project folder. The drawing files in there contain plain AutoCAD elements and all Advance Steel intelligence is lost. The original Advance Steel drawings remain unharmed.

21.4. Data Exchange If you want to share files with users of other specialist steelwork software for analyses or design purposes there are a number of different file standards available. The special formats available in Advance Steel are: • GTC – Especially for sharing with other Graitec Advance packages. • CIS/2 – File extension is *.stp • SDNF • STD • IFC – IFC2x3 standard. File extension *.IFC • PSS – File extension is *.stp • KISS – Export only. File extension is *.kss • PML – Export only. File extension is *.txt Although many systems can read or write many of these file types the preferred option will vary depending on the system.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In each case the file will contain data describing position, section / size, material, coating and so on and will therefore contain more information than the Sharing Models and Drawings methods above. When reading or writing one of these files Advance Steel will compare the data to a list in its database in order to translate it. If the data is not found in the list the user will be prompted to enter or select the appropriate translation. For example if the PSS file just says the material is Steel the user may be prompted to select an appropriate grade of steel. The selection will then be added to the list and you will not be asked again. NOTE: Depending on the use of the model it may be constructed in a different way or certain properties may be entered differently (e.g. materials, section names or axis). In some cases the result of the data exchange may not be much use. This is not an error but simply a result of different requirements in different systems. If data is exchanged regularly, rework can be minimised by taking each other’s needs into account with the way the model is constructed in the first place.


APPENDICES The following Appendices cover topics that may be of interest to beginners or are closely related to the topics already covered but are outside the scope of the essential training. This information is primarily provided for reference but may be covered during the course at the discretion of the course tutor. •

Appendix:- Drawing Prototypes

Appendix:- BOM Template Editor

Appendix:- Advance Steel Options • •

Appendix:- User Sections Appendix:- AutoCAD Exercise

Appendix:- Training Outline

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual


22.Appendix: Appendix:- Drawing Prototypes •

Editing a Prototype • •

Drawing Frame BOMs on Drawings

• •

Title Block

Revision Table Other Information

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual The drawing prototypes are blank drawing sheets used to create the drawing views on. Advance Steel comes complete with a set of typical drawing sheets but it is common to want to customise some aspects of these to suit your company.

22.1. Editing a Prototype The prototypes are stored within the install folder of Advance Steel on your hard disk. The easiest way to open a prototype for editing is:-

• AS Documents > Document Manager > Edit Prototypes. • This brings up a normal file open window but has already gone to the correct path for your prototypes. • Select the file you want to edit and click Open. The prototype will be opened for editing as desired.

22.2. Title Block The title block on any drawing prototype is an AutoCAD block called HYPERSTEELPAGEHEADER. You must not change the name of this block. You may edit the block to any geometry you wish and replace the Graitec logo with your company logo as desired. NOTE: Although the block has the same name in all the prototypes it is not actually the same block. Do not blindly copy the block from one file to another. Within the title block AutoCAD Attributes are used for the drawing information. You can find a lot of help on attributes within the AutoCAD help system and may use attributes as you wish. If you want Advance Steel to complete the value of an attribute with intelligent text, such as the Project Data completed when creating a new Project file, you must use an attribute tag from the list of recognised Tokens below. Whenever creating a drawing Advance Steel will complete all attributes with recognised tokens as tags. The recommended procedure for editing a title block within a prototype file is:• Open the prototype as above. • Select the title block.

• • •


Right click and choose Block Editor Edit the geometry as desired. Edit the attributes as desired – remember to use tokens where you want Advance Steel to complete the value for you.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Close the Block Editor

• • • • •

Type in the command ATTSYNC Enter an option [?/Name/Select] : Enter S for Select Select a block: Select the title block. ATTSYNC block HYPERSTEELPAGEHEADER? [Yes/No] : Answer Yes ATTSYNC complete.

and Save Changes.

The available tokens for use in title blocks are:-




Project Name


Project No.


Client Name


Building Name


Location of the Building


Contractor Name


Date of Order


Date of construction


Checked by


Detailed by


Name of model.dwg


Drawing number


Piece mark of the object


Date of created drawing


Scale used for detail 193

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual MATERIAL

Material of the object


Revision index


Revision created by


Revision date


Revision description


Coating of the object


Phase / Lot of the object


Project user attribute 1


Project user attribute 2


Project user attribute 3


Project user attribute 4


Project user attribute 5

Be especially careful regarding the token used for the drawing number. This needs to be either POS_NUM for single sheet part and assemblies or DRAWING_NO for other drawings.

22.3. Drawing Frame The drawing frame is an AutoCAD block called HYPERSTEELPAGEFRAME. You may edit the geometry of this frame as you wish but must not change the name of the block.

22.4. BOMs on Drawings To use a list on a drawing it is best to place it on the prototype file as follows:-

• • •


Drawing Finishing  Insert a BOM. First point Select one corner of the area you want the BOM to occupy. Second point Select the diagonally opposite point of the area you want the BOM to occupy.

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The BOM properties box will be displayed.

Layout tab – The BOM is free to change size to suit the information contained. If you do not want a corner to move tick the corresponding box in this tab. Usually you will want to leave either both top or both bottom boxes un-ticked otherwise the list will not be able to change length to suit the number of liens required. o Template tab – Select the BOM template that you want to use for the BOM. Close the dialog. o

Of course the BOM will be empty or show tokens rather than show proper information as the prototype is not linked to any specific parts.

Note: The system for templates of lists on drawings has been updated to improve performance by up to 50% and increase flexibility. The templates in the BOM template editor are the old system. On your prototype, if the BOM shows a diagonal line and says “Update Required” it is an old style BOM. If it shows geometry and tokens it is a new style BOM. Ask your Graitec representative for more information.

22.5. Revision Table All the prototypes already include revision tables but if you want different ones you can insert a new one as follows:-

• • •

Drawing Finishing  Revision Table Lower left corner Select the corner of the area you want the table to occupy. Upper right corner Select the opposite corner of the area you want the table to occupy.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual •

The Revision Table Properties box will be displayed.

• • • •

Columns tab – Select the columns you want shown in your table. Column Format tab – Set the formatting of each columns data in turn. Heading tab – Set the format for the column headings in turn. Layout tab – Choose which layout you want for your table and set how many rows of revision history you want to show. Close the box.

22.6. Other Information You can place any other text or geometry you wish on your prototypes. For example many prototypes have notes regarding standard bolts, holes or welds.

Remember these existing notes about standard weld or hole sizes are not intelligent. If you change the settings in Management Tools > Defaults you will have to manually edit these notes.


23.Appendix: Appendix:- BOM Template Editor •

Element Properties • • •

Tokens Formatting List structure

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Like drawing prototypes you may need to adjust some basic elements of the BOM templates to suit your company. The most obvious adjustment would be to replace the Graitec logo with your company logo. To access the BOM Template Editor click AS Documents > Document Manager > BOM Editor. Locate the template you wish to edit in the top right pane. Remember, you cannot edit templates in the Advance section of the list.

23.1. Element Properties All the boxes and elements of the template can be edited. Select the element in the template you want to edit and the lower right pane will show a list of properties such as font and colours. You can adjust these properties to suit your requirements.

23.1.1. Images To change the image in the logo click the Image line in the properties then the ellipses symbol “...” at the end. You can select a file in any common image format up to a maximum of about 200kb in size.

23.1.2. Text To change plain text you can edit the contents in the “Text” box in the properties pane. The font properties can also be set here.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

23.2. Tokens To change intelligent text you should right click on the box and select Field Content. Then select the desired token from the list on the left of the dialog box.

23.3. Formatting To edit the border of a cell right click on it and select Format Border. Edit the border properties as desired in the dialog.

Cosmetic elements like lines and shapes can be added by dragging from the palette on the left.

You will realise that there is much more in this editor than described here. It is possible to create virtually any format of list with a huge range of information available to include. For more information on creating your own list templates please contact your Graitec representative.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Elements can be aligned using the buttons on the toolbar at the top. When using these icons the last element selected is the one that will not change and the others change to suit.

You can also set the foreground and background colour of any box but remember that lists will normally be printed black and white so you should choose colours that work in that way. If you export the list to Excel you will be given a new column at the left and right edge of every box on the report. So if a cell in the report header overlaps the weight column in details you will have two columns in Excel. To avoid this it is best to try and line up the left and right edges as much as possible across the whole report.

23.4. List structure Each list is divided into various sections controlling the structure of the output. The top level of the structure is ReportHeader and ReportFooter which only appear at the top of the first page and end of the last page respectively. The PageHeader and PageFooter sections will be repeated at the top and bottom of every page. GroupHeaderX and GroupFooterX enclose groups in the list. For example an assembly list would be grouped by the assembly. So GroupHeader1 may contain information about the assembly and GroupFooter1 would show the total weight of the assembly. Groups may be nested inside other groups and that is why there is a counter. Correct grouping can be difficult to achieve so it is recommended that you copy a list that is already grouped in the required fashion and then edit the other contents. The Detail line will be repeated for every element on the list. This is the line where you include each part’s name, quantity, weight and so on.


24.Appendix: Appendix:- Advance Steel Options •

Management Tools

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual The system for setting options in Advance Steel is different to other programs. The system is called Management Tools and the basic program settings are found in Defaults.

24.1. Management Tools You access these settings as follows:-

• •


AS Tools > Settings > Start Management Tools The Management Tools interface will open. Select the first icon Defaults. – A window will open showing a navigation tree and other parts.

For each option o Locate and select the correct setting in the navigation tree on the left. o A description will be shown at the bottom right and the possible values at the top right. o In the top right pane select the new value or option. You will notice there is a line telling you the original setting at install so you never forget what that was.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

Once you have changed all the settings you wish you must click the last beige icon “Load Settings in

Advance” Close Management Tools.

If you do not click Load Settings in Advance the changes will not take effect until the next time you start Advance Steel. There are over 1500 options in total. In order to help you find the desired entry you can use the Filter.

• •

Tick the “Use Filter” box at the bottom left. Enter the search term in the Filter line (avoid plurals). 203

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When you press return the settings list will be filtered only to show those entries with the search term in them.

Some of the settings more common settings to adjust include:Group




Coating for Sections

Coating for beams. Possible values are available from the 'Coating' table.

Section Material

Material for beams. Possible values are available from the 'Material' table.

Minimum volume of the collision solid

Minimum volume of the collision solid that is recognized in a collision check [mm³]. If this value is small, all the collisions are shown in a collision check report. If the value is large, the volumes of collision under this value are not shown in the collision report.

Tool Diameter

The scale factor applied to the bolt diameter when checking for tool clearance.

East axis text for compass

Text shown in the compass in the model and in the drawings.

North axis text for compass

Text shown in the compass in the model and in the drawings.

Bolt assembly

Parts of a bolt assembly (for example, "Na2W" means nut and two washers)

Bolt/Anchor name

General name of a bolt or anchor (for example, used on drawings and in lists)

High strength bolt diameter

Standard high strength bolt diameter of all manually created bolts

High strength bolt type

High strength bolt type or standard. Possible values are available from the "Norm" table.

Hole tolerance

The hole tolerance for all bolts and anchors

Representation type of the bolt

Bolt representation during the first creation in the model

Treat special parts as normal objects

Treat special parts as normal objects for the bolt length calculation.

Dimension style for …..

Name of the AutoCAD dimension style used for that type of dimension in details

Collision Control


Connecting elements


Running dimension dimension DrawingLabeling



Ordinate dimensions show dimensions relative to the RD point


Standard hole diameter on drawings

Diameter for standard holes

Do not display labels for standard holes

Do not display labels for holes with standard diameter (diameter specified by the “Default diameter for the standard holes” default).

Reference length for the slope triangle

Reference length for the slope triangle


Colour of …..

Colour of specified line type in drawings.

Drawing General

Use the new BOM on Drawing

Select whether to use the new or old BOM templates on drawings. Ensure this matches your prototypes.

Allow Duplicate workshop drawings

If set to zero you cannot produce more than one drawing per part or assembly.

Standalone part – detailing behaviour

Choose whether standalone parts should be treated as parts, assemblies or both.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Numbering

Assign Unused Numbers

If set to 1 any numbers that are unused (e.g. part deleted) will be reused. Set to 0 to prevent this.

Layer Assignment

Default layers used for AS objects based on object role

Activate more automatic layer management based on the Model Role of an object.


Message box when template values not found.

Choose whether the alert box “Template values not found” should be shown when placing joints.

Derived documents are copied on “Save As”

Choose whether your drawings and BOMs are copied when you do a save as on a model file.

Elongation method

Choose the method used for calculating the size of a developed plate.

Revision Control




Revision control cloud marking method

Choose whether to put a cloud around the part, the dimension or both.

Show the revision index

Choose whether the revision index should be labeled next to each cloud.


25.Appendix: Appendix:- User Sections •

Layers and Basic Elements • •

Key Points

Generate Sections

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual Advance Steel includes a library of hundreds of different section types from all over the world. Each of those section types includes many different sizes. Thus the library includes many thousands of standard sections. Even so, in some cases a user may need a customised section or a proprietary section from a manufacturer. Advance Steel has tools to enable you to create such sections and use them like the standard sections. A User Section may be created and then used the same as any other section in the system. All joints in the connection vault will work as will the structural elements macros. A few macros and joints are specialised and work from a restricted list of appropriate sections so they may not work with your user section because that would not be appropriate. Creation of a user section is done in a number of stages. A) Draw the section on specific layers, B) Define key points, C) Generate in library.

25.1. Layers and Basic Elements In simple terms users sections are defined by drawing the section on specific AutoCAD layers and importing it into Advance Steel. Each part of the section must be drawn on the correct layer to be recognised by Advance Steel when generated. Therefore as you draw each part of your section you must first select the appropriate layer from the AS Tools > Use Sections > Layer drop down.

The layers available are: • Frame – If defining a range of sections or sizes you can draw all the range in one DWG file. Each individual section must be enclosed in a frame. The frame should simply be a rectangle surrounding the section drawing and labels. • Outer Contour – All sections must have an outer contour or shape. On this layer you should draw the exact outer shape of your section with precise dimensions. This layer is for the approximate section so you should not include fillet radiuses or other tiny details on this layer (see Exact Outer Contour below). • Inner Contour – If your section has a hollow in it such as a rectangular hollow section you should draw the shape of the hollow on this layer. Like the outer contour this is the simplified shape without fillet radiuses or similar. • Exact Outer Contour – This layer should contain a precise drawing of your section including all tiny details like fillet radiuses. This drawing should be on top of the simplified Outer Contour. • Exact Inner Contour – This is the precise hollow, if needed, including any fillet radiuses or other small details. • Section Class – On this layer you should place a single piece of text that is the name of the section class for your section. This is equivalent to “UK Universal Column” or “GUS Channel 8240-97”. • Section Name – This layer should also contain a single piece of text that is the actual name of this section and size. Existing examples would include “RB 1 5/16” or “HEA360” The required elements may be drawn using standard AutoCAD commands. The four contours must be closed polylines. The simplified Outer and Inner contours are used most of the time in the model to maximise performance. The exact outer and inner contours are used when creating element contours and clash checking. Examples of each element can be seen in this image. For clarity the exact contours have been moved away from the simplified ones but you should draw them on top of each other.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

25.2. Key Points After the section has been drawn you must identify the key points used by Advance Steel for placing the system line and coordinate systems.

25.2.1. Reference Axis First you must define the 9 possible locations of the system line within the profile. For each of the 9 pints in turn:• AS Tools > User Sections > Reference Axis Select icon from drop down. • Snap to the outer contour at the point to insert a reference axis Select the appropriate point.

These points can only be placed on snap points of lines. Therefore you may need to draw construction lines to identify the key point. This would apply to the centre-centre point in our example. The construction line may be on any layer 209

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual other than the special ones used to define the section or you may delete the line after placing the reference axis. The construction line must not remain on one of the special layers when generating the section or it will lead to confusion and errors. The reference axis symbols are oriented according to the element they are placed on: frequently this is not the normal way up. The orientation of the symbol does not matter only the location!

25.2.2. Add Coordinates Finally you should define the surfaces where UCS systems may be placed using the UCS at Object command. To define these surfaces:-

• •

AS Tools > User Section > Add Coordinates Select an outer contour face at which to define a coordinate system. on the outer contour edge you wish to add a possible UCS to. • Repeat as required. Each possible UCS shows as a magenta symbol of two arrows at 90°. In our example we have four obvious outer contour edges to place coordinates on.


Select any point

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

25.3. Generate Sections We have now defined all the details required for our section. To add the section to the Advance Steel library we need to generate it. If you have only one section in your drawing you can use:-

• •

AS Tools > User Section > Generate Selected Section Select objects: Select the frame around your section and accept.

OR if you have more than one section in your drawing you might prefer to use:-

• AS Tools > User Section > Generate All Sections This works fine even if there is only one section in your drawing. If you have many sections it may appear that this command jumps from one section to another in a strange sequence but this does not have any effect in the end. After generating the section you should receive a confirmation that it has been successful.

You should keep the DWG drawing file of your section in a safe place. If you want to use the same section on another PC or you do anything to the Advance Steel installation on your PC (reinstall or upgrade for example) you will need to generate the section(s) again on each PC where you want to use them.

25.3.1. Using User Sections After generating a user section may be used in the same way as any other standard section in any dialog where you can select the section type. First select Other Sections in the type drop down.


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Then select your class name in the class drop down.

The section name(s) will appear in the size drop down for selection. Your section will be placed and used as for any other. The “Standard” display type will show the simplified section shape while the “Exact” display type will show the exact contours defined.


Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual

The 9 offset points on the positioning tab will match the 9 points you defined. The centre of gravity point will be calculated for you. If you use the UCS at Object command on this section only the faces defined by you will have UCS triads shown for selection.


26.Appendix: Appendix:- AutoCAD Exercise

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual In order to prove your AutoCAD skills to yourself and as a warm up for our training course start a new blank file in Advance Steel and recreate the train drawing below including the three views and dimensions (no logo or border) using standard AutoCAD commands only. This can be drawn in around 20 minutes by an experienced AutoCAD user. If you require more than 30 minutes you might like to consider updating or improving your AutoCAD skills.

Reproduce the Train Drawing below. Include all 3 views and all dimensions. Maximum time = 30mins.


27.Appendix: Appendix:- Training Outline •

Suggested 5 day outline.

Advance Steel 2011 Training Manual The material in this manual is provided largely for reference after completing the training course. As such the information is grouped into related topics and is not in the sequence we would actually train.

27.1. Suggested 5 day outline. Each group being trained will have different needs and different levels of experience to start from. The trainer will take these factors into account and adjust the course to suit. Therefore every course will end up being at least slightly different. Nevertheless certain subjects and topics are required by all users of Advance Steel and as such should probably be covered in every course. Therefore, as a starting point, here is a suggested outline for a 5 day course covering all the essential topics. Naturally the timings are all approximate and the subjects and breaks can be rearranged to suit the needs of the group.

27.1.1. DAY 1 • •

Warm Up / AutoCAD Skills Test. – Maximum time 30 minutes. Gives the users a chance to focus their minds ready for training while giving the trainer a chance to assess their basic skills. Getting Started. o Start with a template o Project Data o File structure on disk. o Start training project, complete project data and save file. o Drawing Grids o Using Coordinate Systems o Viewing Tools o Draw grids for training project Basic Structure o Concrete o Portal Frame o Draw first portal frame LUNCH o Transform Elements o Individual Beams o Copy portal frame and draw all remaining sections in place. Joints o Connection Vault o Joint Tables o Create by Template o Create all standard joints in structure

27.1.2. DAY 2 •

• •


Beam Features o Shorten o Notch o Contours o Advance Trim / Extend o Work in Feature Practice File and try the various features as described in the Chapter 10 Beam Features Plates o Flat Plates o Folded Plates o Conical Plates o Twisted Folded Plates LUNCH Plate Features o Chamfer / Fillet o Contours o Practice according to instructions in chapters 11 & 12

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Connection Elements o Bolts o Welds o Practice in Feature Practice file Create Manual Joints at tops of columns C4 & D4

27.1.3. DAY 3 •

• • •

Structural Elements o Bracing o Add bracing to training model o Stairs o Add stairs to training model o Railing o Add railing to training model (except round outside platform) o Cage Ladder o Add ladder and outside railing to training model Other Model Objects o Concrete o Add concrete foundation to our model. o Special Parts o Add Mechanical Part.dwg as special part in model. Cladding o Add deck on mezzanine with opening around tank. LUNCH Validating Model o Collision Check o Find Results / Marking o Technical Check o Finding Results o Users fix some clashes and technical errors on their own. o Joint Design

27.1.4. DAY 4 •

• •

Model Roles o Significance o Search Filter and Saved Searches o Create saved search for no model role and use it. Ensure all parts have appropriate model role. Numbering o Numbering methods o Lots / Phases – Brief comments only o Number the training model Creating Drawings o GA Views o Create GAs as per Topic 1.3. o Parts o Assemblies o Create part and assembly drawings from training model. o Document Manager LUNCH Editing Drawings o Editing Views o Adding sections o Adding / editing annotation o Do some changes on training drawings. Editing Prototypes o Replace Graitec logo and change / add a token in the title block of one prototype. Create a drawing using that prototype and prove it works as expected.

27.1.5. DAY 5 •

Lists 219

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• • •

• • •


o Creating BOMs through Quick Documents o RDF Viewer o Creating BOMS from Extracts & BOM Editor o Create some lists from training model. o Editing Templates (optional) NC & DXF Files Create NC files for all parts and DXF files for all plates in training model. Revision / Update Management o Show how Document Manager controls revisions o Show revision clouds and so on. o Makes some change to model and revise documents. Management Tools > Defaults END OF ESSENTIAL TOPICS Include optional content from the appendices as appropriate and time allows (for example Drawing Prototypes and BOM Template Editor)

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