Acceptance Guideline for iPASOLINK 200 Page2

April 21, 2017 | Author: Golap Rahman | Category: N/A
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Acceptance Guideline iPasolink 200 Version 1.0

This guideline has been prepared based on acceptance checklist for ipasolink 200. Each point in the acceptance checklist has been described here maintaining the serial. Procedure of data measurement has been clearly stated in this guideline.

General information All data of general information will be taken from ROC.


Serial Number

Serial number of each part will be taken from physical equipment.


Meter Reading Specification  


Line voltage will be taken from direct power line by multi meter. ODU voltage will be measured from ODU port by multi meter.

Transmit RF power measurement

This data will be measured by LCT in the following way.

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

Menu  Metering  Current metering  TX power Check this value with planned data from ROC.


Radio Frequency Measurement

This data will be measured by LCT in the following way. Menu  Equipment setup  Equipment configuration Equipment current status  TX RF frequency/RX RF frequency Check this value with planned data from ROC.



This data will be measured by LCT in the following way. Menu  Equipment setup  Equipment configuration Equipment current status  Reference modulation Check this value with planned data from ROC.


Receive Level

This data will be measured by LCT in the following way. Menu  Metering  Current metering  RX power Check this value with planned data (+/- 3 dB) from ROC.


Physical Loopback Test

For STM port back to back loop will be needed by a STM cable. If alarm is cleared then loop is OK. For tributary port U link will be needed to create a loop in DDF. If alarm for that tributary port is cleared then loop is OK. After checking clear all loops.

viii. Power Control Setting This data will be measured by LCT in the following way. Menu  Equipment setup  Equipment configuration Equipment current status  TX Power control Check this value with planned data from ROC.


BER Test

If there is STM-1 port then this test will be done by BER tester connecting STM-1 cable between STM port of ipasolink and BER tester and duration 24H.

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

If there is no STM-1 port then use one 2 MB port for 12 H BER test from evening to morning.


Interference Test

Check interference by making TX mute at far end and measuring RX level at near end in the following way. Menu  Maintenance Control  Modem maintenance control  TX mute control In normal case after 30 minute TX mute should be automatically removed. If in any case it doesn‟t work then manually make it OFF.



No. 1 to No. 24  Data will be collected from physical equipment and environment. No. 25 to No. 37  Data will be collected from measurement (mentioned above) and physical equipment. No. 38  In ipasolink 200 there is no power switch. That‟s why to reset the IDU power cable will have to plug out which will be needed during operation. In case of reset no traffic cable should be affected. Due to this power cable should be separate from traffic cable. No. 39 to No. 40  Data will be collected from physical equipment. No. 41  Firm ware version will be collected from LCT in the following way. Menu  Inventory  Equipment inventory information  Firmware information  main board  current version The picture of the window is shown below.

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

No. 42  This should be tested by setting 2 E1 in E1 mapping and measuring ETH bandwidth in the following way. 1. Go to Menu  Equipment set up  Radio Configuration New setting 2. Check ETH bandwidth [Mbps] 3. Set 2 at E1 mapping [ch]

Acceptance guideline

4. Check ETH bandwidth [Mbps]. Now the value should be = (previous bandwidth -4). 5. Click Next 6. Click OK.

ipasolink 200

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

No. 43 This should be tested making cross connection by LCT in the following way. 1. Go to Menu  Provisioning  E1/STM-1/Cross connect settingE1 port setting  click modify 2. Select „Used‟ for CH01 3. Click OK 4. Again click OK

Acceptance guideline

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

ipasolink 200

Go to Menu  Provisioning  E1/STM-1/Cross connect setting Cross connect setting click ‘Add’ Set 1 at service no. Set ‘Test’ at service name. Cross connect type : E1 Select ‘main board’ in Edge.A and select modem1 in Edge.B Select row#1 under main board and row#1 under modem1 Click OK Again click OK. Go to Menu  Provisioning  E1/STM-1/Cross connect setting Cross connect setting Check the cross connection.

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

After checking the cross connection delete the cross connection in the following way. 1. Go to Menu  Provisioning  E1/STM-1/Cross connect setting Cross connect setting  click Delete 2. Set 1 at service No. 3. Click OK.

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

Do the following actions. 1. Go to Menu  Provisioning  E1/STM-1/Cross connect settingE1 port setting  click modify 2. Select „Not Used‟ for CH01 3. Click OK Also do the following actions. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to Menu  Equipment set up  Radio Configuration New setting Set 0 at E1 mapping [ch] Click Next Click OK.

No. 44  This will be taken by LCT in the following way. Menu  Inventory  S/W License information Check all feature availability. No. 45  Check factory test data sheet. No. 46  This will be taken by LCT in the following way. Menu  Equipment set up  AMR configuration  set up  New setting Select AMR mode and check all modulations as USED.

Acceptance guideline

Then click next. Check some values in E1 mapping. Click next. Check radio mapping.

ipasolink 200

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

No. 47  This will be taken by Ethernet analyzer or following procedure:

ETHERNET Function Setting: Step-1: Go to ProvisioningETH Function SettingETH Port Setting Enable port-1/port-2/port3/port-4 Step-2: Go to Provisioning ETH Function SettingVLAN SettingVLAN List Add VLAN ID  Create VLAN 10 Step-3: Go to Provisioning ETH Function SettingVLAN SettingVLAN Setting  Select VLAN ID 10 for MODEM-1(we check ETH function for One VLAN ID) Step-4: Go to Provisioning ETH Function SettingETH OAM SettingOAM MEG Add MEG Example for setting: put MEG INDEX = 1 [if there is no any previous index otherwise put 2 or 3 etc.] MEG ID = NEC-GP [any word, keep in mind that far-end must be same word] MEG LEVEL =7 [any value 1~7, keep in mind that far-end must be same value] ETH CC =3.3ms

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

Step-5: Go to Provisioning ETH Function SettingETH OAM SettingOAM MEP Add MEP Example for setting: put MEP INDEX = 1 [if there is no any previous index otherwise put 2 or 3 etc.] MEP ID = 2 [any number, keep in mind that far-end Peer MEP ID must be same] CCM Priority =7 [any value 1~7, keep in mind that far-end must be same value] ITEM =MODEM1 [Item Must be modem1 as we check only modem-modem Ethernet performance] Port = Port01 After assigning it will show the Source MAC address. Write down the source MAC address.  Enable the VLAN service as showing below Enable MEG Configuration as showing below-

 

CCM Transmit and CCM Receive= Enable Add MEP Configuration, put “Peer MEP ID = far-end MEP ID” and check on “Peer List check Status Enabled.

Note: do the same configurations for far-end site.

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

ETH-OAM test Step-6: Go to Maintenance TestETH OAM LB/LT ControlModify Test Type  Choose LB  MEP Index =1 [must be the same value as given in Step-5]  Destination MAC address = Source MAC address of far-end MODEM1 as got during Step-5.[MAC Address will be different for different IDU/Modem]  OK  It will show the following successful LB result-

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

Note: Result must show “Receive”. Do the same test for far-end. Make sure that LB result is showing the same VLAN ID/MEP ID/MEG ID and MEG LEVEL which are configured in earlier steps. Step-7: Go to Maintenance TestETH OAM LB/LT ControlModify Test Type  Choose LT  MEP Index =1 [must be the same value as given in Step-5]  Destination MAC address = Source MAC address of far-end MODEM1 as got during Step-5.  OK It will show the following successful LT result-

Acceptance guideline

ipasolink 200

Result must show TTL =254 for your testing MAC address. Do the same test for far-end. Make sure that LT result is showing the same VLAN ID/MEP ID/MEG ID and MEG LEVEL which are configured in earlier steps. 

Note: After completion the test, it is recommended to remove MEG, MEP, VLAN port type and VLAN ID[CCM Transmit and CCM Receive need to disable first for remove those]


3) ETHERNET Port Performance TEST- it is required to assign IP address in two PC as given example Step-1: Assign IP address on near-end PC (not Mandatory could be assign any valid IP) IP address: Subnet mask: Gateway: End IP address) Step-2: Assign IP address on far-end PC (not Mandatory could be assign any valid IP) IP address: Subnet mask: Gateway: End IP address)

Then try to ping the far-end PC, if it replies then IP assignment and connectivity is OK.

Step-3: How to ping-in your PC go to StartRun write “CMD”OK Ping –t [If your PC IP is, otherwise “Ping –t” and vice versa. Example From Command prompt ping -t After few minutes  Press CTRL+C for stop checking Then see the following example result Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply

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