ABAP Certification Questions

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ABAP certification questions updated Jul 27, 2010 12:29 am | 49,456 views ==If a table does not ave !"#$% as pa&t of te p&ima&' (e', it is )*lient+independent )))== invalid 1

" st&u-tu&e

2 . 4

Invalid *lient+independent #ot mandato&' ==In &e/a&d to *", wi- of te followin/ is #% a valid statement==*" 3"!

1 2 . 4

*" #*%I# *" 8*# *" %"#8"*%I# *" 3"! as database table !aps 1:1 to database table : %&ans %&anspa&ent pa&ent 3ooled *luste& %&anspa&ent iew

1 2 . 4

;itin te %3++3" %3++3" event te followin/ -ode &ep&esents == " pa/e eade&

write: /1 text-001.     

*ontents 1 #ame te t'pe of "?"3 $i-tiona&' table tat as tese -a&a-te&isti-s:  -a&a-te&isti-s:  2 %e followin/ -ode indi-ates: indi-ates:   . ;en a se-onda&' list is bein/ p&o-essed, te data of te basi- list is available b' default  default   4 iven:  iven:  5 ;i- of te followin/ would be best fo& idin/ fu&te& sele-tion -&ite&ia until a fun-tion is -osen

[edit] Name the type of ABAP Dictionary table that has these characteristics: 8ame numbe& of fields as te database table 8ame name

 


A: A selection text. B: A basic list row. C: A page footer D: A page header @uestion: iven te two "?"3 $i-tioa&' tables below, below, te *ustome& numbe& field in table one must -ontain a value f&om table two %e *ustome& numbe& field is (nown as a )))) == o&ei/n (e'


Table one: Custoer nuber !"riar# $e#% Copan# code !"riar# $e#% &ther data Table two: Custoer nuber !"riar# $e#% Custoer nae &ther data  "nswe&:

A: 'econdar# index B: (atchcode ob)ect C: *alidation field D: +oreign $e# @uestion: " bat- input Aob wit two steps is p&o-essed I!3%BC3% I!3%BC3% statements a&e used to pass values between te steps 8tep 1 -ontains te statements

'TAT,''. C&T  C. "&2T 'TAT,' C&T T& ((&23 4D . 8tep 2 -ontains te statements

C5A2:C&T6 'TAT,'6 +5A7. 4("&2T C&T +5A7 +2&( ((&23 4D . ;at do te fields 8D+8?*, 8D+8?*, *#% and " -ontain afte& te I!3% statement ave been eEe-uted == ?  "nswe&: " " 8D+8?*=4 8D+8?*=4 *#%=F*F *#%=F*F "=. ? 8D+8?*=0 *#%=F*F "=. * 8D+8?*=0 *#%=. FLAG= @uestion: %e st&u-tu&e of a table as been -an/ed in te "?"3B4 $i-tiona&' $i-tiona&' ;i- of te followin/ adAustments in te &elevant database table is -o&&e-t, if 'ou want to &etain te p&evious data  "nswe&: " " $elete and &e-&eate te database table ? *an/e te database database di&e-to&' G"% G"%  %"?H %"?H we&e te st&u-tu&e -an/e wit "% "% %"? %"? is suppo&ted b' te database * *onve&t te table @uestion: !ust Eits be p&edefined b' 8"3 p&o/&amme&s  "nswe&: " " #o ? Des Des * *ustome&s *ustome&s -an dete&mine dete&mine fo& temselves temselves we&e te' want want to use eEits

=="n event sta&ts wit an event (e'wo&d and ends wit:== "note& event (e'wo&d 1 2 . 4

3&o/&am eEe-ution #$++#% "note& event (e'wo&d #$+#% ="nswe&:"note&& event (e'wo&d ==;at is te s'stem field fo& te -u&&ent date== 8D+$"%! ="nswe&:"note 8D+$"%!

1 2 . 4

8D+$"%! 8D+$"% 8D+$"%I$ 8D+8$"%

[edit] The following code indicates:


8*% fld1 fld2 ! tab1 "33#$I# %"? itab ; fld1 I# sfld1 == "dd &ows to te eEistin/ &ows of itab 1 2 . 4

"dd &ows to te eEistin/ &ows of itab "dd &ow ows s to ititab afte& fifi&st deletin/ an' eEistin/ &o &ows of of itab 8ele-t &ows f&om tab1 fo& mat-in/ itab ent&ies #otin/, tis is a s'ntaE e&&o& ==Dou ==Do u ma' -an/e te followin/ data obAe-t as sown below so tat it euals .14== f alse *#8%"#%8: 3I t'pe 3 de-imals 2 value F.1F 3I = F.14F

1 2

%&ue alse ==%e 8"3 se&vi-e tat ensu&es data inte/&it' b' andlin/ lo-(in/ is -alled:== nueueB$eueue

1 2 .

pdate $ialo/ nueueB$eueue


8pool ==;i- of tese senten-es most a--u&atel' des-&ibes te % ?"K "% event== %is event is p&o-essed befo&e te se-ond time te % ?"K event is p&o-essed

1 2 . 4

%i is s ev even entt %is % is ev even entt %i is s ev even entt %i is s ev even entt

iis s p&o p&o-es ess sed be beffo& o&e e te te see-on ond d titime t te e % % ?"K ev even entt is is p&o p&o-e -ess ssed ed is p& is p&oo-es esse sed d af afte te&& al alll oo--u -u&& &&en en-e -es s of t te e  % % ? ?"K "K ev even entt a&e a&e -o -omp mple lete ted d willl onl wil onl' ' be be p&o p&o-es ess sed af aftte& t te e use use&& as as sel elee-tted a ba basi si- lis listt &ow &ow is on is onll' p& p&oo-es ess sed if no &e &e-o& o&ds ds a& a&e e sel elee-tted f& f&om om ta tabl ble e ?" ?"K K

==;i- of te followin/ is not a t&ue statement in &e/a&d to a ased inte&nal table t'pe== &esponse time 1 2 .

Its (e' must alwa's be #I@ !a' onl' be a--essed b' its (e' es e spo pons nse e titime fo& a---es ess sin in/ / a &o &ow w dep depen ends ds on te nu numb mbe& e& of ent ent&i &ies es in te tab ablle


$e-la&ed us usin/ in inte&nal ta table t' t'pe " "8$ %" %"? ==%o in-lude in-lude database+spe-ifi- 8@ statements witin an "?"3 p&o/&am, -ode tem between:== L C* 8@)#$C*

1 2 . 4

#"%I 8@)#$#"%I $? 8@)#$$? 8*%)#$8*% C* 8@)#$C* ==%o measu&e ow lon/ a blo-( of -ode &uns, use te "?"3 statement:== L % # %I! I$

1 2 . 4

% %I! 8% %I! I$ % # %I! I$ 8% *8 I$


[edit] hen a secondary list is being processed! the data of the basic list is a"ailable by default# 1 2

%&ue alse

[edit] $i"en: $"%": ?I#  itab **8 10, t' t'pe I, #$  itab $ 25 %I!8 itab+t' = s'+indeE "33#$ itab #$$ 3 "% itab ; t'  10 ;I%: B1 itab+t' #$3 1

utput of of te fi&st 15 itab &ow ows s wit a t' field /& /&eate& t tan 10 %is will &esult in:

1 2 . 4

utput of of on onl' tose ititab &o &ows wi wit a t' field le less tan 10 10 utput of of te fi&st 10 itab &ow ows s wit a t' field /& /&eate& t tan 10 " s'ntaE e&&o& #one of te above =="fte& a $8*I? %"? statement 8D+%I 8D+%I will -ontain== L %e numbe& of &ows in te inte&nal table

1 2 . 4

%e numbe& of &ows in te inte&nal table %e -u&&ent **8 value Me&o, if te table -ontains one o& mo&e &ows %e len/t of te inte&nal table &ow st&u-tu&e ==Dou ==Do u ma' de-la&e 'ou& own inte&nal table t'pe usin/ te %D38 (e'wo&d== L %&ue

1 2

%&ue alse =="fte& addin/ &ows to an inte&nal table wit **%, 'ou 'ou sould avoid addin/ mo&e &ows wit  "33#$== L %&ue

1 2

%&ue alse ==;i- of te followin/ is not a -omponent of -ont&ol b&ea( p&o-essin/ wen loopin/ at an inte&nal table == L "% 8%"% 8%"% 

1 2 . 4

"% 8%"%  "% I8% "% "8% "% #;


==" di-tiona&' table is made available fo& use witin an "?"3 p&o/&am via te %" %"?8 ?8 statement== L alse 1 2

%&ue alse

[edit] hich of the following would be best for hiding further selection criteria until a function is chosen% 1 2 . 4

"% #; 8*%I#+8*# 8*%I#+8*# "% I#+8*%I# 8?!I% 8*%I#+8*# *" 8*%I#+8*# ==;at must 'ou -ode in te flow lo/i- to p&event a module f&om bein/ -alled unless a field -ontains a non+ initial value Gas dete&mined b' its data t'peH== L # I#3%

1 2

# I#3% *"I#

. 4

 $@8% I# ==%e "% 8+*!!"#$ event is t&i//e&ed b' fun-tions defined in te ))))== L !enu painte& status

1 2 . 4

8-&een painte& "?"3 &epo&t !enu painte& status "?"3 $i-tiona&' ==In &e/a&d to a fun-tion /&oup, wi- of te followin/ is #% a t&ue statement== L Eists witin te "?"3 wo&(ben- as an in-lude p&o/&am

1 2

*ombines simila& fun-tion modules 8a&es /lobal data wi wit al all its fun-tion mo modules

. 4

Eists wi witin t te "?"3 wo&(ben- as as an in in-lude p& p&o/&am 8a&es sub&outines wit all its fun-tion modules ==In &e/a&d to 8% 3+8%"%8, 3+8%"%8, 'ou -an dea-tivate unwanted fun-tion -odes b' usin/ ))))== L C*$I#

1 2 . 4

C*$I# I!!$I"%D ;I%% I$ ==In &e/a&d to data t&anspo&ted in 3"I wen te I$ statement is used, wi- of te followin/ is #% a t&ue statement==ields tat a&e defined in I$ statements a&e t&anspo&ted wen tei& -o&&espondin/ module is -alled


ields in 3? 3? a&e t&anspo&ted di&e-tl' f&om 3" 3"I


2 . 4

ields wit id identi-al names a&e t&anspo&ted to to te "?"3 side ields not defined in I$ statements a&e t&anspo&ted fi&st iel i elds ds t tat at a& a&e e def defin ined ed in I I $ $ sta state teme ment nts s a&e a&e t& t&an ansp spo& o&te ted d we wen n te tei& i& -o -o&& &&es espo pond ndin in/ / mod modul ule e is is -alled ==%e o&de& in wi- an event appea&s in te "?"3 -ode dete&mines wen te event is p&o-essed== L alse

1 2

%&ue alse ==" field de-la&ed as t'pe % as te followin/ inte&nal &ep&esentation:== !!88

1 2 . 4

88!! !!88 !!88 88!! ==;i- of te followin/ is #% a -omponent of te default standa&d "?"3 "?"3 &epo&t eade&== L $ate and %ime

1 2 . 4

$ate and %ime ist title 3a/e numbe& nde&line =="ssumin/ a pusbutton wit fun-tion -ode F#*F is available in te toolba& of a list &epo&t, wat event is p&o-essed wen te button is -li-(ed== L "% 8+*!!"#$

1 2 . 4

"% 8+*!!"#$ "% 3n "% 8*%I#+8*# #$++8*%I# .0 In &e/a&d to field sele-tion, wat option of te 8*% statement is &eui&ed


":  " #%I8

2 . 4

?: ; *: I#% $: !+*83#$I# .1 %e followin/ p&o/&am outputs wat == ? &epo&t NA/test1 w&ite: B1 Fead')F 3""!%: test I#I%I"IM"%I# w&ite: B1 F8et)F 8%"%++8*%I# w&ite: B1 FOOF  ": 8et) OO OO Gea- on its own own lineH ?: 8et) ead') OO Gall on tei& own linesH *: ead') OO Gea- Gea- on its own lineH $: ead') 8et) OO Gall on tei& own linesH .2 %o de-la&e de-la&e a sele-tion -&ite&ion tat does not appea& on te sele-tion s-&een, use: == #+$I83"D


 ": #+$I83"D #+$I83"D ?: ?: I#I8I? *: !$I I$ $: ?I"% ?I"%D D .. "n inte&nal table tat is nested witin anote& inte&nal table sould not -ontain a eade& line == alse ": %&ue ?: alse .4 ;at is output b' te followin/ -ode == " $"%": ?I#  itab **8 0,

letter t#pe c6 #$  itab itab+lette& = F"F "33#$ itab itab+lette& = F?F "33#$ "33#$ itab itab+lette& = F*F "33#$ "33#$ itab itab+lette& = F$F  "33#$ itab 3 "% itab

'3-TAB4  8. 924T itab-letter. 4T. #$3  ": " ?: " ? * $ *: ? $: ? * $ .5 %o sele-t sele-t all database ent&ies fo& a -e&tain ; -lause into an inte&nal table in one step, use == 8*%)I#% %"? itab) ": 8*%)I#% %"? itab) ?: 8*%)I#% itab) *: 8*%)"33#$I# 8*%)"33 #$I# itab $: 8*%)itab) .6 "fte& a su--essful 8*% statement, statement, wat does 8D+8?* 8D+8?* eual == 0 ": 0 ?: 4 *: P $: #ull .7 %is sele-tion s-&een s'ntaE fo&-es te use& to input a value: ": @I$+#%D ?: ?I"%D *: $"% $: 8*%I#+8*# C*$ .P If te followin/ -ode &esults in a s'ntaE e&&o&, te &emed' is: == emove te so&t statement $"%": $"%": itab %D3 8%$ %"?  &e-)t'pe ;I% #I@ KD field1 ;I% "$ I# itab+field1 = F*ompan'F itab+field2 = F12.4F I#8% %"? %"? itab itab+field1 = F?an(F itab+field2 = F"?*F I#8% %"? itab 8% itab

3 "% itab

write: /1 itab-field16 itab-field8. #$3  ": %e&e is no no s'ntaE e&&o& e&e ?: emove te 8% statement statement *: *an/e I#8% I#8% to "33#$ "33#$ $: "dd "dd a ; -lause to te loop .9 If tis -ode &esults in an e&&o&, te &emed' is: == "dd I#% Gtab1+fld1, tab1+fld2H 8*% fld1 fld2 ! tab1 ; fld. = pfld. ;I%: ; I%: B1 tab1+fld1, tab1+fld2 #$8*%  ": "dd "dd a 8D+8?* 8D+8?* -e-( ?: *an/e te ; -lause -lause to use fld1 fld1 o& fld2 *: emove emove te B1 f&om te ;I% statement $: "dd I#% Gtab1+fld1, tab1+fld2H


40 ;en modif'in/ an inte&nal table witin 3 "% itab ) #$3 #$3 'ou must in-lude an indeE numbe& == alse ": %&ue ?: alse 41 %o allow te use& to ente& values on te s-&een fo& a list field, use: == !"% I#3% # ": 3# I# ?: 8% *8 I$ *: ;I% fld "8 I#3% I$ $: !"% I#3% # 42 ?efo&e a fun-tion module ma' be tested, it must fi&st be: == "-tive "-tive ": in(ed ?: "uto&iNed *: eleased $: "-tive 4. %o in-lude in-lude a field on 'ou& s-&een tat is not in te "?"3 $i-tiona&', $i-tiona&', wi- wi- in-lude p&o/&am sould -ontain te data de-la&ation fo& te field == %3 in-lude p&o/&am ": 3? module in-lude p&o/&am ?: %3 in-lude p&o/&am *: 3"I module in-lude p&o/&am $: 8ub&outine in-lude p&o/&am 44 If a table -ontains man' dupli-ate values fo& a field, minimiNe te numbe& of &e-o&ds &etu&ned b' usin/ tis 8*% statement addition == $I8%I#*% ": !I# ?: $ ?D *: $I8%I#*% $: $% 45 %e s'stem inte&nal table used fo& d'nami- s-&een modifi-ation is named: == 8*# ": I%"? I%"? ?: 8*# *: !$%"? $: 8!$ 46 ;itin te sou&-e -ode of a fun-tion module, e&&o&s a&e andled via te (e'wo&d: == "I8 ": C*3%I# ?: "I8 *: 8%3 $: "?#$

47 ;i- s'stem field -ontains te -ontents of a sele-ted line == 8D+I8 ": 8D+** ?: 8D+II *: 8D+*; $: 8D+I8 4P %e followin/ statement w&ites wat t'pe of data obAe-t == %eEt %eEt lite&al

924T: /1 Total Aount:.  ": %eEt %eEt lite&al ?: %eEt %eEt va&iable *: In+-ode In+-ode -omment $: %e %eEt Et inte/e& 49 o& te -ode below, se-ond)field is of wat data t'pe == 3 $"%": fi&st)field t'pe 3,

secondfield li$e firstfield.  ": 3 ?: * *: # $: $ 50 ;i- of te followin/ des-&ibes te inte&nal &ep&esentation of a t'pe $ data obAe-t == DDDD! DDDD!!$$ !$$ ": $$!!DDDD ?: DDDD$$!! *: !!$$DDDD $: DDDD!!$$ 51 " ?$* p&o/&am is used fo& all of te followin/ eE-ept: ": $ownloadin/ data to a lo-al file ?: $ata inte&fa-es between 8"3 and eEte&nal s'stems *: Initial data t&ansfe& $: nte&in/ a la&/e amount of data 52 In &e/a&d to 3!, wi- of te followin/ is #% a t&ue statement ": !a' be used witin a sub&outine ?: eui&es a-tual pa&amete&s *: e-u&sive -alls a&e allowed in "?"3 "?"3 $: *an -all a sub&outine in anote& p&o/&am 5. ;at is te t&ansa-tion -ode fo& te "?"3 dito& ": 811 ?: 8.P *: 8.6 $: 816 54 In &e/a&d to I$, wi- of te followin/ is #% a t&ue statement ": ": 8aves te -ontents of va&iables in &elation to a list lineFs &ow numbe& ?: %e idden va&iables must be output on a list line *: %e I$ a&ea is &et&ieved wen usin/ te "$ I# statement $: %e I$ a&ea is &et&ieved wen an inte&a-tive event is t&i//e&ed


55 $atabase lo-(s a&e suffi-ient in a multi+use& envi&onment ": %&ue ?: alse 56 %e -omplete te-ni-al definition of a table field is dete&mined b' te fieldFs: ": ": $omain ?: ield name *: $ata t'pe $: $ata element 57 In &e/a&d to ", ", wi- of te followin/ is #% a t&ue statement ": !a' be used to &etu&n immediatel' to a -allin/ p&o/&am ?: !a' be used to stop te -u&&ent loop pass and /et te neEt *: !a' be used to sta&t a new t&ansa-tion $: !a' be used to /o to te neEt s-&een 5P %e followin/ -ode indi-ates: 8*% fld6 fld. fld2 fld1 ! tab1 I#% *83#$I# I$8  %"? %"? itab ;  fld. = pfld.  ": %e o&de& of te fields in itab itab does not matte& matte& ?: ?: ill te eade& line line of itab, but not te bod' bod' *: %able %able itab itab -an onl' -ontain fields also in table tab1 $: #one of te above 59 %e "?"3 statement statement below indi-ates tat te p&o/&am sould -ontinue wit te neEt line of -ode if te inte&nal table itab: **K #% itab I8 I#I%I"  ": *ontains no &ows &ows ?: *ontains at least one &ow *: as a eade& line $: as an empt' eade& line 60 ;at will be output b' te followin/ -ode $"%": ?I#  itab **8 0, fval t'pe i, #$  itab itab+fval = 1 "33#$ itab itab+fval = 2  "33#$ itab  itab ;I%: ;I%: B1 itab+fval itab+fval  ": 2 ?: 0 *: blan( $: 1 61 %o allow te use& to ente& a &an/e of values on a sele-tion s-&een, use te "?"3 (e'wo&d: ": $"%" ?: "#8 *: 3""!%8 $: 8*%+3%I#8 62 If an inte&nal table is de-la&ed witout a eade& line, wat else must 'ou de-la&e to wo&( wit te tableFs &ows ": "note& "note& inte&nal table wit a eade& line ?: " wo&( a&ea wit te same st&u-tu&e as te inte&nal table *: "n inte&nal table t'pe usin/ te %D38 statement $: " 3""!% 6. "ssumin/ an inte&nal table -ontains 2000 ent&ies, ow man' ent&ies will it ave afte& te followin/ line of -ode is eEe-uted $% itab ! 1500 % 1700  ": %is is a s'ntaE e&&o& e&&o& ?: 1P01 1P01 *: 1P00 $: 1799 64 %o &emove lines f&om a database table, use )))) ": 3$"% ?: !$ID *: "8 $: $% 65 "ll of te followin/ ma' be pe&fo&med usin/ 8% *8 eE-ept: ": !ove te -u&so& to a spe-ifi- field on a list ?: !ove te -u&so& to a spe-ifi- list line *: !ove te -u&so& to a spe-ifi- pusbutton, a-tivatin/ tat fun-tion $: !ove te -u&so& to a spe-ifi- &ow and -olumn on a list


66 ;en is it optional to pass an a-tual pa&amete& to a &eui&ed fo&mal pa&amete& of a fun-tion module ": %e a-tual pa&amete& is t'pe * ?: %e fo&mal pa&amete& -ontains a default value *: %e fo&mal pa&amete&Fs QRefe&en-eQR att&ibute is tu&ned on $: It is neve& optional 67 *odin/ two I#I%I"IM"%I# events will -ause a s'ntaE e&&o& ": %&ue ?: alse 6P "ddin/ a *!!I% ;K statement between 8*%)#$8*% 8*%)#$8*% is a /ood metod fo& imp&ovin/ pe&fo&man-e ": %&ue ?: alse 69 %o save save info&mation on a list line fo& use afte& te line is sele-ted, use tis (e'wo&d ": "33#$ "33#$ ?: C3% *: ;I% $: I$ 70 %o b'pass automati- field input -e-(s, in-lude tis in 3"I ": "% CI%+*!!"#$ ?: # I#3% *: # @8% $: " % 8*# 0 71 ;itin a fun-tion moduleFs sou&-e -ode, if te !88")"I8I# !88")"I8I# statement is eEe-uted, all of te followin/ s'stem fields a&e filled automati-all' eE-ept: ": 8D+!8%D ?: 8D+!8# *: 8D+!81 $: 8D+ !8;" 72 %e followin/ -ode indi-ates: 3% MI8%%8% 8%"%++8*%I# ;I%: teEt+001 !"% %83% # ;I%: teEt+ 002 !"% %83%  "% I#+8*%I# ;I% B teEt+00.  ": %eEt %eEt+002 +002 ma' not be sele-ted sele-ted ?: %e %e value of teEt+002 teEt+002 is sto&ed in a spe-ial memo&' a&ea *: %eEt+00 %eEt+002 2 ma' be -li-(ed on-e to t&i//e& te output of teEt+00. $: #one of te above 7. %e )))) t'pe of "?"3 $i-tiona&' $i-tiona&' view -onsists of one o& mo&e t&anspa&ent tables and ma' be a--essed b' an "?"3 p&o/&am usin/ pen 8@ ": $atabase view ?: 3&oAe-tion view *: elp view $: ntit' view 74 " -on-&ete field is asso-iated wit a field+s'mbol via "?"3 (e'wo&d ": ! ?: ;I% *: "88I# $: " 75 %e output fo& te followin/ -ode will be: &epo&t Nabap&/ $"%": $"%": -a&)field t'pe * -a&)field = F"?"3 dataF ;I% -a&)field  ": "?"3 "?"3 data ?: ?: " *: #otin/, te&e is a s'ntaE s'ntaE e&&o& $: #one of te above 76 3a/e foote&s a&e -oded in te event: ": %3++3" ?: #$++8*%I# *: #;+3" $: #$++3" 77 %e event "% 8*%I#+8*# %3% o--u&s befo&e te sele-tion s-&een is displa'ed and is te best event fo& assi/nin/ default values to sele-tion -&ite&ia ": %&ue %&ue ?: alse 7P %e %"?8 statement de-la&es a data obAe-t ": %&ue ?: alse 79 "ssumin/ tab1+fld7 is not a (e' field, ow -an 'ou p&event &eadin/ all te table &ows 8*% fld1 fld2 fld. ! tab1 I#% Gfld4, fld5, fld6H ; fld7 = pfld7 ; I%: B1 fld4, fld5, fld6 #$8*%


 ": %a(e %a(e fld7 fld7 out of te ; ; -lause ?: *&eate an indeE in te "?"3 "?"3 $i-tiona&' $i-tiona&' fo& tab1+fld7 *: se I#% %"? instead of Aust I#% $: %a(e te ;I% statement out of te 8*%)#$8*% P0 ;i- of te followin/ is #% a &eui&ed att&ibute wen -&eatin/ an "?"3 p&o/&am ": "ppli-ation "ppli-ation ?: %itle *: 8tatus $: %'pe P1 ;en -&eatin/ a t&anspa&ent table in te "?"3 $i-tiona&', $i-tiona&', wi- step automati-all' -&eates te table in te unde&l'in/ database ": "ddin/ te-ni-al settin/s settin/s to te table ?: *e-(in/ te table s'ntaE *: 8avin/ te table $: "-tivatin/ te table P2 ;itin te "?"3 p&o/&am att&ibutes, %'pe %'pe = 1 &ep&esents: ": I#*$ p&o/&am ?: nline p&o/&am *: !odule pool $: un-tion /&oup : 8ub&outine pool P. If tis -ode &esults in an e&&o&, te &emed' is: 8*% fld1 8!G fld1 H ! tab1 I#%)  ": emove te spa-es spa-es f&om 8!G 8!G fld1 H ?: !ove !ove 8!G fld1 H befo&e fld1 *: "dd 3 ?D f1 $: *an/e to 8!G $I8%I#*% f1 H P4 ;i- (e'wo&d adds &ows to an inte&nal table wile a--umulatin/ nume&i- values ": I#8% I#8% ?:  "33#$ *: **% **% $: 3 P5 "ssumin/ "ssumin/ itab as a eade& line, wat will be output b' te followin/ -ode "$ %"? %"? itab I#$C . %"#83%I# field1 ;I%: B1 itab+field1, itab+field2  ": %e -ontents -ontents of te ti&d ti&d &owFs itab+field1 ?: %e -ontents -ontents of te ti&d ti&d &owFs itab+field1 and and itab+field2 *: %e -ontents of te ti&d &owFs itab+field2 $: #otin/ P6 %e followin/ -ode indi-ates: 8*%I#+8*# ?I#  ?*K ?1 3""!%8: 8*%I#+8*# 3""!%8: m'pa&amG10H t'pe *, !'pa&am2G10H t'pe #, 8*%I#+8*# 8*%I#+8* # #$  ?*K  ": $&aw a boE a&ound m'pa&am and m'pa&am2 m'pa&am2 on te sele-tion sele-tion s-&een ?: "llow m'pa&am m'pa&am and m'pa&am2 to be &ead' fo& input du&in/ anand e&&o& dialo/ *: $o ifnot displa' andvalues m'pa&am2 on te sele-tion s-&een $: $ispla' m'pa&am m'pa&am2 onl' bot fieldsm'pa&am ave default P7 ;i- statement will so&t te data of an inte&nal table wit fields I%, @%D, and 3I* so tat it appea&s as follows I% @%D 3I* "pples "pples 12 2250 "pples 9 1P25 &an/es 15 17.5 ?ananas 20 1020 ?ananas 15 6P9 ?ananas 5 275  ": 8% itab $8*#$I# $8*#$I# ?D @%D 3I* ?: 8% 8% itab itab ?D 3I* I% *: 8% itab $: 8% 8% itab ?D 3I* $8*#$I# PP ;i- (e'wo&d adds a line an'we&e witin an inte&nal table ": "33#$ "33#$ ?: !$ID *: "$$ $: I#8% P9 %o &ead a sin/le line of an inte&nal table, use te followin/: ": 3 "% itab ) #$3 ?: "$ itab *: 8*% 8I# S ! itab $: "$ %"? itab


90 ;i- pen 8@ statement sould not be used wit -luste& databases ": 3$"% ?: !$ID *: $% $: I#8% 91 %o in-lude in-lude a field on 'ou& s-&een tat is not in te "?"3 $i-tiona&', $i-tiona&', wi- wi- in-lude p&o/&am sould -ontain te data de-la&ation fo& te field ": 3? module in-lude p&o/&am ?: %3 in-lude p&o/&am *: 3"I module in-lude p&o/&am $: 8ub&outine in-lude p&o/&am 92 %is flow lo/i- statement is used to ma(e multiple fields open fo& input afte& an e&&o& o& wa&nin/ messa/e ": 3 ?: I$+3 *: *"I# $: 3 "% 8*# 9. iven: 3! sub&outine 8I# va& %e va& field is (nown as wat t'pe of pa&amete&  ": o&mal ?: "-tual *: 8tati- $: alue alue

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