Aai Board (Company Profile)

June 27, 2016 | Author: LakshmiRengarajan | Category: N/A
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V.P. Agrawal Chairman Profile Ex-Officio Member

Arun Mishra, IAS Director General of Civil Aviation Part-time Members (Official)

S. Machendranathan, IAS Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor Ministry of Civil Aviation

Alok Sinha, IAS Joint Secretary Ministry of Civil Avia Whole-time Members

K.K. Jha, IRS Member (HR) Profile

S. Raheja Member (Planning) Profile

V. Somasundaram Member (ANS) Profile Part-time Members (Non-Official)

G.K.Chaukiyal Member (Operatio Profile



Airports Authority of India (AAI) manages a total of 125 Airports, which include 11 International Airports, 08 Customs Airports, 81 Domestic Airports and 25 Civil Enclaves at Defence Airfields. AAI also provides Air Traffic Management Services (ATMS) over entire Indian Air Space and adjoining oceanic areas with ground installations at all Airports and 25 other locations to ensure safety of Aircraft operations. The Airports at Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Calicut, Guwahati, Jaipur, Trivandrum, Kolkata & Chennai, which today are established as International Airports, are open to operations even by Foreign International Airlines. Besides, the International flights, National Flag Carriers operate from Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli, Varanasi, and Gaya Airports. Not only this but also the Tourist Charters now touch Agra, Coimbatore, Jaipur, Lucknow, Patna Airports etc. AAI has entered into a Joint Venture at Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Nagpur Airports to upgrade these Airports and emulate the world standards. All major air-routes over Indian landmass are Radar covered (29 Radar installations at 11 locations) along with VOR/DVOR coverage (89 installations) co-located with Distance Measuring Equipment (90 installations). 52 runways are provided with ILS installations with Night Landing Facilities at most of these Airports and Automatic Message Switching System at 15 Airports. AAI's successful implementation of Automatic Dependence Surveillance System (ADSS), using indigenous technology, at Calcutta and Chennai Air Traffic Control Centres, gave India the distinction of being the first country to use this advanced technology in the South East Asian region thus enabling effective Air Traffic Control over oceanic areas using satellite mode of communication. Use of remote controlled VHF coverage, along with satellite communication links, has given added strength to our ATMS. Linking of 80 locations by V-Sat installations shall vastly enhance Air Traffic Management and in turn safety of aircraft operations besides enabling administrative and operational control over our extensive Airport network. Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures have already been implemented at Mumbai, Delhi and Ahmedabad Airports and are likely to be implemented at other Airports in phased manner. AAI has undertaken GAGAN project in technological collaboration with Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO), where the satellite based system will be used for navigation. The navigation signals thus received from the GPS will be augmented to achieve the navigational requirement of aircrafts. First Phase of technology demonstration system has already been successfully completed in February 2008. Development team has been geared up to upgrade the system in operational phase. AAI has also planned to provide Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) at Delhi and Mumbai Airports. This GBAS equipment will be capable of providing Category-II (curved approach) landing signals to the aircrafts thus replacing the existing instrument landing system in the long run, which is required at each end of the runway. The Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (ASMGCS), installed at Delhi, has upgraded operation to runway 28 from CAT-IIIA level to CAT-IIIB level. CAT-IIIA system permits landing of aircrafts up to visibility of 200mtrs. However, CAT-IIIB will permit safe landing at the Airports at a visibility below 200mtrs but above 50mtrs.

AAI's endeavour, in enhanced focus on 'customer's expectations', has evinced enthusiastic response to independent agency, which has organised customer satisfaction surveys at 30 busy Airports. These surveys have enabled us to undertake improvements on aspects recommended by the Airport users. The receptacles for our 'Business Reply Letters' at Airports have gained popularity; these responses enable us to understand the changing aspirations of Airport users. During the first year of the millennium, AAI endeavours to make its operations more transparent and also make available the instantaneous information to customers by deploying state-of-art Information Technology. The specific training, focus on improving the employee response and the professional skill up-gradation, has been manifested. AAI's four training establishments viz. Civil Aviation Training College (CATC) - Allahabad, National Institute of Aviation Management and Research (NIAMAR) - Delhi and Fire Training Centres (FTCs) at Delhi & Kolkata are expected to be busier than ever before. AAI has also undertaken initiatives to upgrade training facilities at CATC Allahabad and Hyderabad Airport. Aerodrome Visual Simulator (AVS) has been provided at CATC recently and non-radar procedural ATC simulator equipment is being supplied to CATC Allahabad and Hyderabad Airport. AAI is having a dedicated Flight Inspection Unit (FIU) and it has fleet of three aircrafts fitted with latest state-of-art fully automatic flight inspection system capable of inspecting. 1.

ILS up to Cat-III











In addition to in house flight calibration of nav aids, AAI also undertakes flight calibration of nav aids for Air force, Navy, Coast Guard and other private Airfields in India.


hority of India (AAI) was constituted by an Act of Parliament and came into being on 1st April 1995 by merging erstwhile National Airpor ional Airports Authority of India. The merger brought into existence a single Organization entrusted with the responsibility of creating, and managing civil aviation infrastructure both on the ground and air space in the country.

es 125 airports, which include 11 International Airport, 08 Customs Airports, 81 Domestic Airports and 27 Civil Enclaves at Defense a navigation services over 2.8 million square nautical miles of air space. During the year 2008- 09, AAI handled aircraft movement of 13 al 270345 & Domestic 1036187], Passengers handled 44262137 Nos. [International 1047614 & Domestic 33785990] and the car s [International 318242 & Domestic 181176].

er Facilities

nctions of AAI inter-alia include construction, modification & management of passenger terminals, development & management of carg t & maintenance of apron infrastructure including runways, parallel taxiways, apron etc., Provision of Communication, Navigation and S des provision of DVOR / DME, ILS, ATC radars, visual aids etc., provision of air traffic services, provision of passenger facilities its terminals thereby ensuring safe and secure operations of aircraft, passenger and cargo in the country.

ation Services

global approach to modernization of Air Navigation infrastructure for seamless navigation across state and regional boundaries, AA d with its plans for transition to satellite based Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management. A number of c and memoranda of co-operation have been signed with US Federal Aviation Administration, US Trade & Development Agency, Europ Australia and the French Government Co-operative Projects and Studies initiated to gain from their experience. Through these activitie tives of AAI are being exposed to the latest technology, modern practices & procedures being adopted to improve the overall perf Air Navigation Services.

latest state-of-the-art equipment, both as replacement and old equipments and also as new facilities to improve standards of safety o continuous process. Adoptions of new and improved procedure go hand in hand with induction of new equipment. Some of the major n are introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) in India air space to increase airspace capacity and reduce congestio ion of GPS And Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) jointly with ISRO which when put to operation would be one of the four such sys

ing security environment has brought into focus the need for strengthening security of vital installations. There was thus an urgent need at airports not only to thwart any misadventure but also to restore confidence of traveling public in the security of air travel as a whole, r 9/11 tragedy. With this in view, a number of steps were taken including deployment of CISF for airport security, CCTV surveillance ports, latest and state-of-the-art X-ray baggage inspection systems, premier security & surveillance systems. Smart Cards for acces ions at airports are also being considered to supplement the efforts of security personnel at sensitive airports.

me Facilities

Authority of India, the basic approach to planning of airport facilities has been adopted to create capacity ahead of demand in our effor ion of this strategy, a number of projects for extension and strengthening of runway, taxi track and aprons at different airports has bee f runway to 7500 ft. has been taken up to support operation for Airbus-320/Boeing 737-800 category of aircrafts at all airports.


l of trained and highly skilled manpower is one of the major assets of Airports Authority of India. Development and Technological enh uent refinement of operating standards and procedures, new standards of safety and security and improvements in management tech ng training to update the knowledge and skill of officers and staff. For this purpose AAI has a number of training establishments, viz. C in Allahabad, Fire Training Centres at Delhi & Kolkata for in-house training of its engineers, Air Traffic Controllers, Rescue & F tc. NIAMAR & CATC are members of ICAO TRAINER programme under which they share Standard Training Packages (STP) from a g training on various subjects. Both CATC & NIAMAR have also contributed a number of STPs to the Central pool under ICAO Foreign students have also been participating in the training programme being conducted by these institution


Technology holds the key to operational and managerial efficiency, transparency and employee productivity. AAI initiated a pro IT culture among its employees and this is most powerful tool to enhance efficiency in the organization. AAI website w airportsindia.org.in or www.aai.aero is a popular website giving a host of information about the organization besides domestic and in ation of interest to the public in general and passengers in particular.

bers of AAI




Mishra, IAS

Director General of Civil Aviation

Members (Official):

hendranathan, IAS inha, IAS

Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor Ministry of Civil Aviation Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation

e Members:

ha, IRS eja masundaram Chaukiyal esh

Member ((Human Resource) Member (Planning) Member (ANS) Member (Operations) Member (Finance)

Members (Non-Official): --


tions of AAI are as follows:

Design, Development, Operation and Maintenance of international and domestic airports and civil enclaves.

Control and Management of the Indian airspace extending beyond the territorial limits of the country, as accepted by ICAO.

Construction, Modification and Management of passenger terminals.

Development and Management of cargo terminals at international and domestic airports.

Provision of passenger facilities and information system at the passenger terminals at airports.

Expansion and strengthening of operation area, viz. Runways, Aprons, Taxiway etc.

Provision of visual aids.

Provision of Communication and Navigation aids, viz. ILS, DVOR, DME, Radar etc.



AAI has drawn plans to upgrade ATM infrastructure in the country both in terms of conditional provision of automation systems and upgradation of technology which also involves shifting from ground based navigation to satellite based navigation. Modernization of Air Traffic Services a) At Mumbai and Delhi 

 

Upgradation of automation systems to (Auto Track-Ill) with new Air Traffic Controller assistance features such as Arrival Manager, Departure Manager, is almost complete and is at various levels of testing prior to declaring operational. Advanced Surface Movement Ground Control Systems (ASMGCS) added to improve efficient handling of Aerodrome Traffic. Automatic dependent surveillance I CPDLC has enhanced the surveillance of suitably equipped aircraft over the entire Flight Information Region.

b) At Hyderabad and Bangalore 

Advanced integrated automation systems, that integrates state of the art Radars, flight data processors, air situation display Advanced Surface Movement Ground Radars, have been installed by SELEX Integreti for providing effective Air Traffic Management.

c) At Chennai / Kolkata 

ATS modernization project is underway for replacing old Radars, surveillance systems by the latest state of the art technology one par with Mumbai I Delhi to provide a common platform for integration of the entire systems over Indian Airspace, which will effectively increase Air Traffic capacity and bring synergy in ATS operations.

d) At Other Area Control Centres (Nagpur/ Varanasi/ Ahmedabad/ Trivandrum/ Mangalore) 

Integration of Radar with flight data processors has been completed by ECIL in collaboration with AAI for providing indigenous automation solutions for effective Air Traffic Management within the designated airspace.

e) Initiatives to Enhance the Standards of ATS 

Performance Based Navigation: (PBN), Standard· Instrument Departures (SIDs) and STARs (Standard Terminal Arrival Routes) have been introduced at Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Chennai order to reduce delays to aircraft. Established a number of ATS Connector routes in Mumbai and Chennai airspace to facilitate PBN operations.

AAI has drawn the concept of future India Air Navigation (FIAN), and is on the threshold of introducing Air Traffic Flow Management over busy routes, dedicated helicopter routes, providing automation systems at 35 non metro control towers, and the use of space based augmentation system (GAGAN).


Planning has been an integral part of the AAI. Almost all departmental processes at airports have been undertaken in-house, be it airport feasibility studies, design of passenger terminals, cargo terminals, aircraft hangars, aircraft parking stand with fuel hydrant systems, runways, taxiways, airport lighting systems, electric supply arrangements, runway and taxiway lighting, approach lighting systems, air-conditioning arrangements, passenger information systems, baggage handling systems, car parking facilities etc. 38 Airport Architects, working in close coordination with Civil & Electrical & HVAC Engineers, airport operation experts, air traffic controllers etc. constitute the airport planning division. Airport master planning including land use plans, environmental aspects etc. constitute an integral part of airport planning processes. The Airport Planning Department of the AAI utilizes in-house Computer Aided Design (CAD) concepts.

Corporate Planning & Management Services The Corporate Planning & Management Services Department is primarily engaged in compilation of data/information on aircraft movements, International and Domestic passengers and Cargo transiting through our airports; organizing user satisfaction surveys; conducting normative surveys to evaluate passenger and cargo processing time and area required for designated terminal capacities to streamline systems for optimum infrastructure utilization; scanning developments in civil aviation sector, across the world to keep abreast with the latest trends in airport ground infrastructure utilization and management techniques. The Department consists of Statisticians and Airport Management Executives with field representatives at major airports for on site compilation of correct information. Interaction with Airline Operators, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry & international bodies associated with Civil Aviation, other airport operating agencies etc. is maintained by the Department to keep abreast with the fast changing developments in the Civil Aviation infrastructure industry.

AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION Civil Engineering The Civil Engineering Department, consisting of Civil and Structural Engineers, undertakes structural design of passenger and cargo terminals, aircraft hangars, runways and other pavements, technical buildings for installation of airport ground aids etc. for AAI's in-house requirements and consultancy projects. To ensure timely completion of projects, without cost overrun, the department adopts its proven technique of deputing a Project In-charge for each of the projects undertaken, within the organization and on consultancy basis, with adequate delegated powers. The department is facilitated by in-house soil and material testing laboratory and the R&D Unit which have rendered valuable work on engineering especially in utilization of locally available material, adoption of new techniques for pavement design and pavement evaluation etc. The safety aspects of aircraft operations like maintenance of friction level of runway and riding quality of runway surface are also ensured by the Civil Engineering Department.

The project management teams, under the Project In-charges carry out the bulk of activities including project monitoring, contract management and quality control. The department has proven track record in successfully completing major projects undertaken by AAI at international level, under difficult logistics and varying climatic conditions prevailing at project's sites and also during the construction of strategically important airports in India like the airport at 'Agatti' in the Lakshwadeep islands and the airport at Leh at 10,683 ft. AMSL. AAI has successfully completed the New Terminal Building Project at Jaipur, Udaipur, Srinagar, Dehradun, Cooch Behar, Gaya, Dibrugarh, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Pune, Calicut, Vizag, Trichy, and Mangalore. New Terminal Building projects are under construction at Varanasi, Lucknow, Barapani, Ranchi, Raipur, Madurai, Mysore, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Bhopal and Indore. A new greenfield airport at Pakyong, which became the only airport in the State of Sikkim, is coming up with latest terramesh/green terramesh technology where the height of cut/fill is up to 50 meter. Planning for new green field airports at Cheithu, Itanagar to handle ATR-72 type of aircraft with ILS facility is in progress. A separate wing under the Civil Engineering Department normally looks after the day to day maintenance requirements of the civil engineering aspects of airport management and operations. The Civil Engineering Department of AAI is not only capable but willing to accept any challenge in the field of airport civil engineering to add additional feathers in its cap.

Electrical Engineering The Department of Electrical Engineering is consisting of a team of dedicated Electrical Engineers, having the wide range experience in various specialized E&M services for Airport Terminal Buildings & Airfield Lighting Works. The jobs includes designing, planning and execution of various Electrical & Mechanical works comprising indoor lighting schemes, external lighting works, central airconditioning of terminal buildings, power supply schemes including standby power generating sets, fire fighting & fire alarm systems, Electro-Mechanical equipments like Elevators, Escalators, Travellators, Passenger Boarding Bridges, Elevated cargo transfer vehicle (ETV) & Cargo storage and re-trivial system etc. at various Airports. In addition they are also responsible for planning, designing and execution of ground lighting works comprising of Runway Lighting, Taxiway Lighting, Approach Lighting and other equipment connected with landing and navigation of the Aircrafts. The Engineering Department is also responsible for constructing and maintaining the buildings/structures in which communication and other electronic equipment, used for landing and navigation of Aircrafts, is housed. Internationally approved standards in the electrical installations are adhered to keep fully abreast with the ever changing techniques and needs of the Passengers and the Airlines. The Department of Electrical Engineering maintains close interaction with the Department of Airport Planning, Civil Engineering, CNS (Planning), Airport Operations, Air Traffic Management etc. for an integrated approach to airport projects ensuring user friendly airport designs, safe aircraft operations and timely completion of works.

INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Libya: New Ghat Airport Project Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Libyan Govt Italconsult, Italy US $70.20 Million January 1976 April 1979

Construction of main runway 3600mtr x 45mtr; secondary runway 1500mtr x 30 mtr; Parallel taxiway 3700mtr x 30 mtr; Aprons (2 nos.) 200mtr x 100mtr terminal and other building with public address system, air-field lighting, peripheral road, internal roads and Air force camp. The adverse geographical location of the site posed logistics problems for movement of construction machinery and material over large desert areas and AAI's engineers were able to resolve these.

The work was completed in record time. Libyan authorities were so satisfied with the planning, execution and quality of the work "Ghat Airport Project" that they entrusted Brat Project to AAI without taking recourse to call of tenders.

Libya: Brak Airport Stage - I Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Libyan Govt Italconsult, Italy US $25.17 Million June 1978 April 1982

Construction of main runway 2500mtr x 30mtr; Parallel taxiway 960mtr x 30mtr; Aircraft Parking Apron, Powerhouse Building, Peripheral Roads and chain link fencing. The geographical location of the site posed logistics problems of movement for construction machinery and material over large desert areas and AAI's engineers were able to resolve these.

Libya: Brak Airport Stage - II Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Libyan Govt Italconsult, Italy US $41.60 Million June 1982 April 1985

Extension of runway 1350mtr x 45mtr; secondary runway 1600mtr; x 30mtr; Parallel taxiway 2600m long; Parking apron, Internal Roads, Chain link fencing etc.

Yemen: Riyan Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Republic of Yemen Kocks GMBH, Germany US $25.69 Million November 1979 May 1982

Construction of runway, link taxiway, apron, terminal building, cargo and other ancillary buildings including bulk services, air-field lighting etc. Construction material such as cement bitumen etc., including plant and machinery was transported by the barges for timely completion of the work. The entire project was executed in-house by AAI using latest equipment and machinery. The local available materials were largely used for keeping the project cost within the stipulated limit.

Yemen: Alghaidha Airport Client

Republic of Yemen

Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Kocks GMBH, Germany US $23.64 Million June 1983 December 1986

After successful completion of Riyan Airport Project, the Govt. of Yemen awarded the consultancy contract to AAI for Algidha Airport followed by construction contract. The project included construction of runway, link taxiway, apron, administrative blocks, terminal and other ancillary buildings. The construction materials such as cement, bitument, including plant & machinery were required to be transported by sea.

Algeria: Batna Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Republic of Algeria AAI US $0.51 Million June 1982 December 1984

This was consultancy project for development of Airport in Batna, Algeria. The scope of work included preparation of detailed reconnaissance, topographic survey, hydrological investigations, development of airport master plan and detailed engineering drawings, design of air-field pavements, foundation engineering for ground improvement, design of drainage system, design of air-field lighting and visual aids system. Design of air-side operational roads and design of city side traffic circulation system, roads and parking areas. Preparation of bill of quantities, cost estimate and tender document. The scope of work also included planning for navigational aids and fuel farm.

Algeria: Setif Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Republic of Algeria AAI US $1.10 Million June 1982 December 1984

This was consultancy project for development of Airport in Setif, Algeria. The scope of work included preparation of detailed reconnaissance, topographic survey, hydrological investigations, development of airport master plan and detailed engineering for ground improvement, design of drainage system, design of air-field lighting and visual aids system. Design of air-side operational roads and design of city side traffic circulation system, roads and parking areas. Preparation of bill of quantities, cost estimate and tender document. The scope of work also included planning for navigational and communication aids and fuel farm.

Maldives: Hulule Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Government of Maldives Kocks GMBH, Germany US $11.00 Million April 1978 November 1981

Extension & resurfacing of runway, construction of apron, terminal building, control tower, fuel tank, water supply, drainage and sewerage facilities etc. Construction was completed under difficult logistics and adverse climatic conditions besides this, building materials and machinery were also transported by sea. The runway extension was on reclaimed land on coral base.

Yemen: Alghaidha Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Republic of Yemen AAI US $23.64 Million April 1981 July 1986

Consultancy of design of runway, link taxiway, apron, administrative blocks, terminal and other ancillary buildings. This consultancy project for design aspects ultimately was converted by Republic of Yemen into a turn-key project for airport development.

Nauru: Design / Preparation / Documents for Extension of Runway Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Republic of Nauru AAI US $96,000 January 1982 January 1983

The existing facility at airport were not adequate for the safe operation of wide-bodied aircraft and it required extension of runway on reclaimed land from shallow sea. The scope of work consisted of two components:  

The first part was to study the requirements, design the armour wall and design runway pavement for extension. The second part was to prepare documents included preparation of bill of quantities for tendering etc., for project implementation by Govt. of Nauru

Mauritius: Improvement & Modernisation of Plaissance Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Govt. of Mauritius AAI US $40,000 March 1984 March 1986

AAI undertook the feasibility study for improvement and modernization of Plaisance Airport in Mauritius, including air field pavements, air field lighting and on acceptance of the report, AAI deputed its specialists in the field of Civil & Electrical engineering for advising/consultancy to the executing agency during construction/implementation of the project scheme.

Tanzania: Mafia Airport Client Consultant Cost Commencement Completion

Govt. of Tanzania AAI US $0.016 Million April 1981 July 1982

The project included development work including preparation of report, detailed engineering drawing and other associated documents.

DOMESTIC PROJECTS KOLKATA Development of Integrated Passenger Terminal and Associated Works at NSCBI Airport, Kolkata Client Cost Commencement Completion

In House, AAI Project Rs.1942.51 Crores August 2007 May 2011

Proposal for Integrated Passenger Terminal 1.

The scope of the work incorporates Construction of Passenger Terminal Building of approx. 1,80,000 sqm having pile foundations including all civil and superior finishing works at par with highest International Standards., Car Park, Elevated road in front of the building Profile Roof Sheeting, Internal and external electrification, lighting etc. Power supply including DG sets, Central Air conditioning system, Traveletors & Elevators, Escalators, Fire Alarm and detection system, Surveillance CCTV system, IT systems, Security Systems, Flight Information display system, PA and car call system EPABX, Fire fighting systems, viz. automatic hydrant and sprinkler system, Water supply, sewage treatment etc. and Building Management system.





International Peak

= hour


20 4

= =

2630 16

million million passengers million

Peak hour = 4822 passengers

International operations will cease from existing building when Integrated Terminal is commissioned while existing domestic operations will continue. 1.

Total annual capacity of Integrated Terminal and existing Domestic Terminal = 24.06 million (2015 16).


Estimated cost of Integrated passenger terminal = Rs. 1,617.51 Crores.

Upgradation and Development 1.

Up-gradation of CNS equipment. ATC systems, a new DVOR/DME have been planned. ILS on the main runway is being replaced. A project to integrate radar and flight data is also under execution. It is also planned to have a full fledged ATC automation etc. with new.


Extension of Secondary runway 01 length by 400mtrs x 45mtrs width and construction of Associated Taxi track of 1280mtrs x 25mtrs width along with 1 no. Rapid exit Taxiway of 336mtrs x 25mtrs width to cater A-380 type Air crafts, 3 nos. parking bays for 'C' type category Aircrafts.


Apron augmentation, provision of visual lighting aids with Apron lighting and associated civil & Electrical works.

CHENNAI Development of Kamraj Domestic Terminal Phase-II, Expansion of Existing Anna International

Terminal and face lifting of existing Terminals at Chennai Airport. Client Cost Commencement Completion

In House, AAI Project Rs.1808 Crores November 2008 January 2011

The scope of the work incorporates Construction of additional International and Domestic Terminal building with an additional area of 59,300 sqm and 67,700 sqm respectively to handle 14 million passengers on International & Domestic Side at a time. The proposed extension of Terminal Building shall be of two level building having large span with frameless glazing, profile sheet roofing, ACP & SS cladding over walls & columns, granite & vitrified tile flooring perforated tiles system for better acoustics etc. Interior decor shall confirm to local art & aesthetics. Terminal shall be equipped with modern facilities including Central Air-conditioning, Elevators, Escalators, Aerobridges, Automatic Frameless Doors and Automatic Revolving Doors, Fire detection and alarm system, Surveillance CCTV system, IT systems, Security systems, Flight information display system, PA and car call system, EPABX, Fire fighting systems viz. automatic hydrant and sprinkler system and Building Management system etc. Extension of Secondary Runway 12/30 for 1,030mtrs to cater to B-747 Series of Aircraft; construction of parallel taxi-track to the Secondary runway; 11 nos. parking bays for B747-400 type of aircrafts and taxi-links. CHENNAI: Construction of Integrated Cargo Complex (Phase-III) at Chennai Airport. Client Airports Authority of India Cost Rs.68.01 Crores Commencement October 2008 Completion January 2010 The scope of work consists of Construction of Integrated Cargo Building (Ph-III), Car park and Truck dock including electrical works i.e. Internal Electrical Installation, HVAC (Low side) & Fire fighting. The total area of Cargo Building is 30,015 sqm (Ground floor - 19,935 sqm & First Floor - 10,080 sqm) and its Car park & truck dock area is 24,400 sqm.

AMRITSAR Phase-I: Upgradation and Development of Amritsar Airport. Client Cost Commencement Completion

In House, AAI Project Rs. 79.27 Crores January 2001 June 2006

The scope of work comprised upgrading the existing single storeyed Terminal Building to 11/2 level Terminal Building having an area of 14,500 sqm, centrally air conditioning (3x300TR), escalators 2 nos., lifts, baggage conveyors and flight information display system (FIDS) etc. This also includes infrastructural facilities like resurfacing/extension of the runway, taxiway and apron besides a new cargo complex, fire station, power house, ATC, sewerage treatment plant (STP)etc. Preparation of cost estimates and tender documents invitation and evaluation of tenders, construction, supervision and project management for all works related to civil, E&M equipments, fire fighting, water supply and sewerage disposal system. Phase-II: Modular Expansion of Terminal Building at Amritsar Airport. Client In House AAI Project Cost Rs.145 Crores

Commencement December 2006 Completion June 2009 The scope of work incorporates extension the existing RCC Terminal with a Modern steel and glass, 21/2 level world class Terminal building adding an area of 32,300 sqm, 2 nos. Aircrafts in contact parking bays, 4 nos. aerobridges/ PBB, besides augmenting utilities like air conditioning (3x600 TR), power and modern amenities viz. additional lifts (including 2 nos. glass capsule) 6 nos. and escalators 1 no., 4 nos. revolving doors etc. Ultimately with a total area of 46,800 sqm with the peak hour terminal capacity increased to 1200 pax (600 arrivals + 600 departures). The building is equipped with 30 nos. check-in-counter comparable counters, 24 nos. immigration counters, 16 nos. custom counters, larger security hold area on ground and first floor, Restaurant, VIP/CIP Reserved Lounge, Concessionaires and Duty Free shops area and 4 nos. Airlines Lounges at mezzanine floor and airlines offices at first floor. Amritsar Airport (code 4/E) has one runway 16/34 (PCN-64/F/B/W/T) which is 12000 ft (3658mtr) long x 45mtr wide and 7.5mtr flexible shoulders, 3 taxiways designed as Taxiway E/F/G (PCN64/R/B/W/T) and Apron capacity of l,27,275 sqm with 14 parking bays. For improving the operational efficiency and the facilities/infrastructure inside the operational area involved land acquisition of approx. 44 acre, along with rehabilitation of structures belonging to the IAF Authorities. The acquisition of land shall facilitate constructing a new full length parallel taxi-track on the eastern side of the runway. Preparation of cost estimates and tender documents invitation and evaluation of tenders, construction, supervision and project management for all works related to civil, E&M equipments, fire fighting, water supply and sewerage disposal system.

CALICUT Client Cost Commencement of ITB Completion of ITB Commencement of DTB

Domestic & International Terminal Building, Calicut Rs. 89 Crores 14 November 2003 May 2007 14 November 2003 (COMPLETED)

The Terminal Building consisting of two separate terminals side by side for International & Domestic Traffic with a total area of 24,950 sqm is having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central air conditioning system, inline x-ray baggage inspection system integrated with the baggage conveyor system, escalators, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking, etc. The International Terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 1000 passengers and the Domestic Terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 500 passengers. The Terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 05 Nos. in-contact bays out of which 03 are in operation and 02 under construction.

DEHRADUN Client Cost Commencement Completion

Domestic Terminal Building, Dehradun 09 February 2008 September 2009

The New Domestic Terminal Building having an area of 4,200 sqm is a contemporary style, steel and glass structure. The terminal is equipped with facilities including, central heating ventilation and air

conditioning system (HVAC), baggage conveyors, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, parking, etc. The Domestic Terminal Building has the peak hour passenger handling capacity of 150 passengers (75 arrivals + 75 departures).

DIBRUGARH Client Cost Commencement Completion

Domestic Terminal Building, Dibrugarh November 2005 February 2009

The Domestic Terminal Building having an area of 10,536 sqm and is equipped to handle 250 departing and 250 arriving passengers at a time. This building is fully air-conditioned and is equipped with all modern facilities like aerobridges, conveyor belts, X-Bis, CCTV, Flight Information Display board etc.

GOA Client Cost Commencement Completion

Integrated Terminal Building, Goa (Proposed) Rs.330 Crores 24 Months

The integrated Terminal Building having an area of 61957 sqm and is proposed to have steel and glass structure, having all modern facilities such as in line baggage inspection system, Flight Information Display system (FIDS), CCTV etc. The building will be a state of the art structure.

The integrated Terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 2,770 passengers (750 international and 2,020 Domestic) with annual handling capacity of 37.19 lacs (7.76 lacs international and 29.43 lacs Domestic).

JAIPUR Client Cost Commencement Completion

International Terminal Building, JAIPUR 22 July 2006 27 June 2009

The New International Terminal Building has been developed with a built up area of 22,950 sqm (approx) designed as a steel & glass structure housing state-of-art facilities for passengers such as central heating ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC), inline x- ray baggage inspection system integrated with the departure conveyor system, inclined arrival baggage claim carousels, escalators, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters with Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE), car parking, etc. The terminal has the facility of aerobridges, with 02 Nos in-contact bays. The International Terminal Building design is capable of handling upto 500 peak hour passengers (250 Arrivals and 250 Departures).

JAISALMER: Construction of New Civil Enclave at Jaisalmer Airport Client

In House, AAI Project, JAISALMER

Cost Commencement Completion period

Rs.81 Crores November 2008 24 Months

The scope of work comprises of Construction of New Terminal Building having an area of 7,000 sqm, centrally air-conditioned, baggage conveyors, flight information display system (FIDS) and city side development. Construction of 3 numbers of aircraft bays for AB-321 type aircrafts and a Link TaxiTrack of 750m length to be connected with the existing runway. Preparation of cost estimates and tender documents, invitation and evaluation of tenders, construction, supervision and project management for all works related to civil, E&M equipments, fire fighting, water supply and sewerage disposal system is being done in house by Airports Authority of India. The work of 'Construction of Apron and Link Taxi-Track' is in progress and the work of 'Construction of Terminal Building and Allied works' is in the process of award

LUCKNOW Client Cost Commencement Date of Completion (PDC)

Integrated Terminal Building, Lucknow Rs.129 Crores 18 October 2007 31 March 2010

The Integrated Terminal Building having an area of 16,500 sqm (approx) is made of glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central heating ventilation and air conditioning system, inline x-ray baggage inspection system integrated with the departure conveyor system, incline baggage conveyor system, escalator, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking etc. The terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 02 Nos. in-contact bays. The Integrated Terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 500 passengers (250 arrivals and 250 departures).

Lakshadweep: Airport at Agatti Island Client Cost Commencement Completion

National Airports Authority US $4.44 Million June 1986 May 1988

Scope of work included construction of runway and terminal building on a small coral island with extremely difficult logistic, having no locally available construction materials, not even a port facility for bringing materials & machinery.

Services rendered included feasibility studies, soil investigation, architectural and structural designs, preparation of cost estimates and tender documents, invitation & evaluation of tender bids. Project management and construction supervision services for complete execution of work constituted a part of the consultancy services.

MADURAI Client Cost

Integrated Terminal Building, Madurai Rs. 84.924 Crores

Commencement Completion

26 November 2007 December 2009

The Integrated Terminal Building having an area of 17,560 sqm is made of glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central air conditioning system, inline x-ray baggage inspection system integrated with the baggage conveyor system, escalator, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking etc. The Integrated Terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 500 passengers. The Terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 02 Nos. in-contact bays.

MYSORE Client Cost Commencement Completion

Domestic Terminal Building, Mysore Rs.18 Crores May 2008 September 2009

The new Domestic Terminal Building having an area of 3,150 sqm is made of glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central air conditioning system, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking etc. The Domestic Terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 150 passengers.

RAIPUR Client Cost Commencement Date of Completion (Revised PDC)

New Integrated Terminal Building, Raipur Rs.117.14 Crores 19 September 2008 31 March 2010

The Integrated Terminal Building would have a covered area of 18,500 sqm and is equipped to handle 500 Domestic and 200 international passengers. This building will be fully air-conditioned and will be equipped with all modern facilities like aerobridges, conveyor belts, X-Bis, CCTV, Flight Information Display Board etc.

RANCHI Client Cost Commencement Completion

New Integrated Terminal Building, Ranchi Rs.127.63 Crores 21 January 2009 21 January 2010

The Integrated Terminal Building is planned for covered area of 19,676 sqm and is capable of handling 500 Domestic (250 departing and 250 arriving passengers) and 200 International (100 departing and 100 arriving passengers). This building will be fully air-conditioned and will be equipped with all modern facilities like aerobridges, conveyor belts, X-Bis, CCTV, Flight Information Display System Board etc. New Technical Block and Control Tower is also proposed.

SRINAGAR Client Cost Commencement Completion

Srinagar, Integrated Terminal Building Rs.101.33 Crores 08 November 2004 31 May 2009

The New Integrated Terminal Building has a built up area of 17,900 sqm (approx) is made steel & glass structure, its form being inspired from natural topography of the region. The terminal design and infrastructure focuses on passenger convenience. Providing facilities such as central heating and ventilation, inline x-ray baggage inspection system integrated with the departure conveyor system, inclined arrival baggage claim carousels, escalators, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, car parking, etc. The terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 04 Nos in- contact bays. The International Terminal Building is having peak hour passenger handling capacity of 950 passengers (425 arrivals and 425 departures).

SURAT SURAT : Development of Surat Airport Client Cost Commencement Completion

In House, AAI Project Rs.110 Crores October 2003 June 2008

The scope of work consists of soil investigation, detailed engineering, construction of terminal building suitable for handling of 120 arriving and 120 departing passengers with an area of 8430 sqm, air field pavements design and construction for strengthening/extension of existing runway for operation of Airbus A-320 / A-321 type aircraft, construction of 4 nos. aircraft parking bays & taxiway, ATC facilities, fire station, power house, E&M workshop, MI room and roads & car parks. Preparation of cost estimates and tender documents, invitation and evaluation of tenders, projects management and construction supervision and project management for all works related to civil, electrical/electronics and other equipments. SURAT : Development Domestic Terminal Building Client Domestic Terminal Building, Surat Cost Rs. 13.8 Crores Commencement October 2006 Completion February 2009 The new Domestic Terminal Building having an area of 8,474 sqm is made of glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central heating system, central air conditioning, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS),CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking etc. The Domestic Terminal Building is having peak hour passenger handling capacity of 250 passengers(125 arrivals + 125 departures) and annual handling capacity of 2.03 lacs.

TRICHY Client Cost Commencement

Integrated Terminal Building, Tiruchirappalli Rs.49 Crores 05 June 2006 (COMPLETED)

The Integrated Terminal Building having an area of 11,777 sqm (approx) is made of glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central air conditioning system, inline xray baggage inspection system integrated with the baggage conveyor system, escalators, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking etc. The Integrated Terminal Building has the peak hour passenger handling capacity of 400 passengers and annual handling capacity of 3.24 lacs. The Terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 02 Nos. in-contact bays.

TRIVANDRUM: Development of Trivandrum Airport Client

In House, AAI Project

Cost Commencement Completion

Rs.320 Crores October 2006 December 2009

The scope of work consists of construction of New International Terminal Building (Phase-I & II of total 33,529 sqm area) with modern infrastructural facilities, construction of 8 nos. aircraft parking bays & taxiways, roads& car parks (575 cars) and bridge/ramps over Chackai Canal for approach road being constructed by Kerala State Govt. Terminal building module has been finalised through open Architectural Competition. This module provides modern world class infrastructure for users. This terminal building include following facilities for efficient clearance of passengers and baggages Passenger Capacity : Departure - 800 PAX Arrival- 800 PAX Building Envelope : Steel structure frames covered with all around structural glass glazing and Aluminium standing seam roofing. Aerobridges : 03 Nos. Escalators : 04 Nos. Elevators : 04 Nos. Departure : Pre-check in X-Ray Machines - 04 Nos. Check-in-counters - 30 Nos. Immigration counters - 14 Nos. Custom counters - 04 Nos Security Check - 04 Units Baggage Conveyors - 03 Nos. Arrival : Immigration counters - 12 Nos. Baggage claim conveyors - 03 Nos. Custom Check (Red + Green) - 07 + 02

UDAIPUR Client Cost Commencement Completion

Domestic terminal building, Udaipur, Rs.75 Crores 17 November 2005 17 April 2008

The New domestic Terminal Building is a contemporary style of steel and glass structure with a built up area of 12,500 sqm (approx). The Terminal is integrated with modern passenger friendly facilities such as central heating ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC), escalators, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, car parking, etc. The terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 02 Nos in- contact bays. The domestic Terminal Building is having peak hour passenger handling capacity of 600 passengers (300 arrivals and 300 departures).

VADODARA Client Cost Commencement Completion

Integrated Terminal Building, Vadodara Rs.142.69 Crores 24 months

The integrated Terminal Building having an area of 18,120 sqm. is made of glass and steel structure

having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central air conditioning system, inline x-ray baggage inspection system integrated with the baggage conveyor system, escalators, public address system, Flight information system (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters with common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE), car parking etc. The Integrated terminal Building will have peak hour passenger handling capacity of 700 passengers (500 Domestic and 200 International) and annual handling capacity of 7.30 lacs.

VIZAG Client Cost Commencement Completion

Integrated Terminal Building, Visakhapatnam Rs.85 Crores 17 February 2006 15 February 2009

The Integrated Terminal Building having an area of 21,558 sqm (approx) is made of glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities such as central air conditioning system, inline xray baggage inspection system integrated with the baggage conveyor system, escalator, public address system, Flight Information Display System (FIDS), CCTV for surveillance, check in counters, car parking etc. The Integrated Terminal Building has a peak hour passenger handling capacity of 700 passengers and annual handling capacity of 7.3 lacs. The Terminal has the facility of aerobridges with 02 Nos. in-contact bays.



Airport Feasibility Studies 1.

Site selection/Technical Feasibility


Topography Surveys, Cartography and Soil & pavement Investigation Facilities.


Airport Obstruction Clearance Surveys.


Air Traffic Forecasts & Normative Surveys.

Airport Devlopment Services 1.

Concept to commissioning service for new green filed airports


Preparation of TOR.


Preparation of DPRS.


Mandatory ministry clearances.


RFP for module implementation/Scrutiny /Award


Airport Commercial Viability Studies/Airport Audit Services.


Airport Master Planning.


Designing, Evaluation & Construction of:



Air Passenger Terminals/Air Cargo Terminals.


Airport Pavements.


Design of Aircraft Hangars and Supporting Infrastructure.


Airport Electrical Installations/Approach and Night Landing Facilities.


Remodeling, Modernisation of Airports.

Planning, Installation, Operation & Maintenance of:

1. 1.

Radars, Nav Aids, Visual & Non-Visual Landing Aids and Com. Facilities.

Air Space & Air Traffic Management, Air Route Re-Structuring 1.

Development of SIDS, STARS, IAL Procedures, Obstruction Charts.


Planning & Design for Airport Fire Safety Services.


Airport Management on Turnkey Basis.






Cargo Handling.


Integrated Passenger Information System.


Automatic Self Briefing System.


Airport Terminal Information System.


Air Traffic Management and Airlines Billing.


Automatic Message Switching System.

Training 1.

Air Traffic Controllers.


Airport Air Side Management (Ground Flight Safety).


Radar & Nav. Aids & Communication Equipment.




Airport Terminal Management.


Airport Fire Services.

Flight Calibration of Airport Ground Facilities 1.

Commissioning & routine flight check of RADAR System, VOR, DME, NDB, ILS, VASI, PAPI etc.


PROJECT CONSULTANCY The projects undertaken in India and abroad have provided invaluable experience to AAI and its manpower resource in working under varying climatic and topographical conditions. AAI has developed a large number of specialists in almost every aspect of airport planning, construction, maintenance and operations. Project teams are specially developed to take full advantage of the individual's specialized strengths to meet the specific requirement of each project. The project teams comprise of review committee(s) of technical experts and project managers to co-ordinate their work with the client. As a result of effective coordination with client, timely completion and utmost economy in execution of project managers to co-ordinate their work with the client. As a result of effective coordination with client, timely completion and utmost economy in execution of project is ensured. The Consultancy Division of AAI comprises of airport planners, designers, aviation ground equipment specialists, civil, electrical, techno economic feasibilty study experts and electronics engineers besides specialists in Nav-aids, communication, Air traffic control, Airtraffic Managment, Airport terminal operations, air safety, security and audit functions. AAI has undertaken a diverse range of projects in the field of airports consultancy and construction in India and abroad. The unique specialization of AAI is illustrated by examples of some projects. Airport construction projects costing

over US $200 million have been completed in Libya, South Yemen and the Republic of Maldives and consultancy project in Algeria, Republic of Nauru and Tanzania. Besides AAI, since 1985, has been providing fully equipped flight check aircraft for calibration facilities of airport ground facilities. AAI has rendered calibration services to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Laos, Maldives, Nepal & Vietnam. AAI has the privilege of deputing its specialists to many countries in the filed of air traffic management, installation, operation of ground facilities including communication radar and navigational aids. AAI experts have performed these functions at Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Nepal & Vietnam. The four training institutes have accommodated trainees from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Ghana, Laos, Male, Nepal, Vietnam & Zambia. Currently AAI consultancy Coordination Directorate is actively involved in New Green Field International Airport, assisting State Governments under PPP model Guidelines of Central Government of 100 million PAX capacity from concept to commissioning as a Transaction Advisor.

AIRPORT AUDIT, COMMERCIAL & CARGO Airport Audit Annual performance audit of each individual airport has, in fact, been a regular feature in the AAI. These are predominantly conducted by the departments themselves. Over the years, specific people in each department have developed expertise on conducting airport performance audits to highlight the systems change necessary to orient towards the organisation's Mission and to achieve the annual goals set by the Borad of AAI. AAI can quickly organize a team of experts from Planning, Engineering, Operations, Commercial, Cargo and Corporate Planning & MS Deptt. To undertake airport audits for specific areas of concern at any airport or for airport as a whole.

Commercial Economic viability of airports has assumed utmost importance and the trend to privatize airports and make them economically self-sustained has gained worldwide momentum. The capital intensive nature of airport establishment throws up challenges of unprecedented magnitude to generate revenues to sustain operations and maintain growth. With limited scope for enhancement in traffic related revenue, the emphasis world over has been to increase the non-traffic revenue by increased commercial exploitation of available airport infrastructure, improved and competitive passenger shopping facilities, advertisements etc. are subjects necessitating professionalism in managing commercial aspect of an airport. From non-traffic revenue of 10-15% of total AAI revenue in early 90s, the AAI has moved to a regime of non-traffic revenue in the range of 20-30% of total revenue while the British Airport Authority (BAA) generates 70% of its revenue from non-traffic sources. Cargo revenue has seen a growth of almost 300% in last 5-6 years. AAI has over the last 10 years or so developed a team of experts in the field of commercial aspects and based on the experience gained, can provide assistance to other airport operators in improving the financial viability of the airports.

Cargo The Department of Cargo with 157 Professional Executives, with average of 10 years, has grown gradually with establishment of Gateway Air Cargo Terminals at Kolkata (1975), Chennai (1978) & Delhi (1986). The capacities have been augmented keeping pace with air cargo growth.

The Integrated Air Cargo Terminal at Delhi provides for export/import transit cargo handling facilities. The Cargo Management System here has been upgraded to a fully computerized "On Line'' Integrated Cargo Management system with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Bar Coding Capabilities. The Cargo Management Systems at Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata are also computerized though not yet "On Line system''. At Delhi, the Multi level ETV system for handling loaded pallets & containers is being augmented by an additional ETV system enhancing the present 284 slot capacity by almost 50 per cent. A perishable Cargo handling terminal with `Pre-cooling' chambers, independent chambers for Fruits, Flowers, Frozen Products etc., has been in operation at Dehi. A much bigger Perishable Cargo Terminal is planned at Mumbai Airport where perishable cargo constitutes 40% of total air cargo. AAI Air Cargo Terminals provide for Truck Docks, Strong Rooms, Live Animal Sheds, Hazardous Cargo Godown, Palletisation Station, Offices for Airlines, Government Regulartory Agencies, Multimodel Cargo Operators, Break Bulk Agents, Consolidators for ease of operation and user convenience. To meet safety standards CCTV Systems, X-rays Scanners etc., are provided. The gateway airport cargo terminals together are capable of handling One Million Tonnes of import/export/transit cargo annually. Present capacity utilization is about 75%-80%. The design and construction of all air cargo terminals has been undertaken by Planning & Engineering Departments of AAI in liaison with Cargo Department. Feasibility study for Air Cargo Terminal at Kathmandu, Nepal was undertaken by AAI. AAI is capable of undertaking not only design, development and construction of cargo terminals, but also management and operations.


Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) service available at 64 airports and two Training Centre are under the administrative control of AAI, which is responsible for ensuring that the service provided is well organised, equipped, staffed, trained and operated in such a manner as to fulfil its principal objective of Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF). ARFF has standardized activities which are in conformation to ICAO guidelines like induction of appliances/equipment, manpower, training and standard operating procedures. Fire Order/Circular for different activities and services which are related to fire safety and emergency services. The airports fire station is strategically located to ensure full emergency response to any airside location within 2 to 3 minutes of an emergency site. Airport Fire Service Personnel are trained to fire fighting and safety management which meet International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) requirements. The Airport Fire Service conducts annual emergency exercise to test the readiness of all the agencies that would be involved in a real emergency, should one occur at the airport. Details of Fire service Airport Fire Service responds to different calls comprising primarily of aircraft, medical, general fire and hazardous substance emergencies. A wide range of airfield services are also performed to ensure ongoing compliance with Civil Aviation Rules, including runway inspection, assessing runway surface and visibility, bird control, housekeeping, safety inspection and audit. The Airport Fire Service has complement of 2759 personnel. Airport fire service provides 24 hour on- airport emergency response.

The Airport Fire Service currently has a total of 2759 personnel including Executive and Non Executive staff which are working into different areas ie. Operational unit, training and development, fire safety planning. To manage 64 airports there are 213 nos. of Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle (ARFFV) and 131 nos. of ambulances Activities of ARFF service at Airports 1.

Fire prevention and protection


Fire investigation and analysis


Safety coverage to flight operation as per ICAO


Safety coverage to the airport infrastructure


Mutual aid fire fighting with other fire safety assistance services


Training to fire crew and other agencies at airports


Ambulance services to the passengers

Level of fire protection Level of Protection provided at airports for Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) purposes according to the designated category of the airport as per the ICAO standard. Base on the dimensions and movements of aircrafts, the required level of protection for the designated category of the airport to be maintained by availability of fire vehicles provided. Fire fighting Facilities available to combat Airport Infrastructure fire 1.

First Aid Fire Fighting equipment


Automatic detection and Alarm System


Hydrant System


Sprinkler System

POLICY ON AIRPORTS Source - Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India, December 1997




Role of Airport Infrastructure in National Economy


Objectives of Policy


Existing Position


Future Trends


Proposed Classification of Airports


Modernisation and Upgradation of Airport Infrastructure


Greenfield Airports


Air Traffic Services


Ground Facilities


Cargo Handling


Commercial Activities


Airport Security


Financing of Airport Infrastructure


Ownership and Management


Private Sector Participation


Role of the Central and State Governments


Civil-Military Cooperation


Human Resource Development


Environmental Issues


Regulatory Mechanisms


User and Community Participation


Legal Framework

Preamble In our journey towards the twenty-first century when the Indian economy is all set to integrate itself into the global economy, the upgradation and modernisation of infrastructure and its efficient use have assumed critical importance. It is now increasingly recognised that aviation, far from being a mere mode of transportation for an elite group, is crucial for sustainable development of trade and tourism. In this context, it is vital that airport infrastructure grows in anticipation of the escalating needs of the air transport industry. As this is a capital-intensive sector, there is an obvious need for perspective planning with a vision for the next twenty years and to muster the combined resources of the public and private sectors, both domestic and foreign.

TOP Role of Airport Infrastructure in National Economy Airports being nuclei of economic activity assume a significant role in the national economy. The quality of airport infrastructure, which is a vital component of the overall transportation network, contributes directly to a country's international competitiveness and the flow of foreign investment. While cargo carried by air in India weighs less than 1% of the total cargo exported, it accounts for 35% of the total value of exports. Better cargo handling facilities lead to enhanced levels of importation, especially of capital goods and high-value items. Likewise, 97% of the country's foreign tourists arrive by air and tourism is the nation's second largest foreign exchange earner. 1. Airports also represent a country's window on the world. Passengers form their first impressions about a nation from the state of its airports. They can be effectively used as symbols of national pride, if we pay sufficient attention to their quality and maintenance. 2. In many remote, hilly and inaccessible areas of the country, air transport is the quickest and sometimes the only mode of travel available. This is especially true of sensitive regions on the borders with our neighbours in the west, north and north-east. 3. Airports need to be integrated with other modes of transport like Railways and Highways, enabling seamless transportation to all parts of the country.

Objectives of Policy While the Government is separately developing a policy framework for the entire civil aviation sector, this policy relates to use and development of airport infrastructure. The Policy on Airport Infrastructure should always be read along with the National Policy on Civil Aviation.

The objectives of the policy are :-

1 . to provide a boost to international trade and tourism and enhance the country's image in the community of nations; 2. to provide airport capacity ahead of demand, in order to handle an increasing volume of air traffic and to garner the maximum share of traffic in the region; 3. to enhance airport facilities to make the airport user friendly and achieve higher level of customer satisfaction 4. to ensure total safety and security of aircraft operations by the introduction of state-ofart air traffic, security and related services; 5. to




6. to provide a market orientation to the present structure, bridge the resource gap and encourage greater efficiency and enterprise in the operation of airports, through the introduction of private capital and management skills; 7. to foster the development of a strong airport infrastructure, maintaining a balance between the need for economic viability and the objective of equitable regional dispersal of infrastructural facilities; 8. in the achievement of the above objective, to lay special emphasis on the development of infrastructure for remote and inaccessible areas, especially the North East, the hilly and




9. to encourage transparency and clarity in the decision-making processes of Government and its public sector units. Policy has necessarily to change in response to a rapidly transforming global scenario, although the process of transformation has to be progressive, orderly and safeguarded. Looking at what has been achieved in other countries, there is a wide gap which needs to be bridged first. TOP Existing Position 1. There are 449 airports/airstrips in the country. Among these, the AAI owns and manages 92 airports and 28 civil enclaves at defence airfields and provides air traffic services over the entire Indian airspace and adjoining oceanic areas. 2. In 1996-97, these 120 airports/civil enclaves handled 3.96 lakh aircraft movements involving 243 lakh domestic and 122 lakh international passengers, and 2.0 lakh metric tonnes of domestic and 4.8 lakh metric tonnes of international cargo. 52% of traffic was handled at the international airports at Mumbai and Delhi. Presently, the various airlines are operating only through 61 airports. The remaining are lying unutilised, at best handling occasional aircraft operations. 3. Historically, air traffic at Indian airports has broadly followed a particular distribution pattern, except that some airports have changed their inter-se positions vis volume of traffic. The airport-wise percentage share of total passenger traffic in the descending order of magnitude is currently as under:S. No. Name of Operations Type of Operation %age of total traffic 1.




















































































Cumulative total percentage









































































Port Blair

































Legend: I = International LI = Limited International D = Domestic The aircraft handling capabilities of the airports in terms of handling maximum size of aircraft, are as under : Type Aircraft

of No. of Airports Capable (120)

Being developed/ planned (22)


Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore* (6)

Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Guwahati (3)


Ahmedabad, Amritsar*, Goa (CE), Guwahati, Aurangabad, Hyderabad, Nagpur*, Srinagar (CE) (7) Banaras, Bhubaneshwar, Calicut, Cochin (New) (Pvt.), Coimbatore, Jaipur, Lucknow (8)


Agra (CE), Agartala*, Aurangabad, Bagdogra (CE), Bhubaneshwar, Bhuj (CE), Bhopal, Bhavnagar*, Calicut, Coimbatore, Chandigarh (CE), Dibrugarh*, Dimapur, Gwalior (CE), Imphal,

Indore, Jammu (CE), Lilabari, Mangalore, Madurai, Port Blair (CE) (6)

Jaipur, Jamnagar (CE), Jorhat (CE), Lucknow, Patna*, Pune (CE), Raipur*, Ranchi, Trichi*, Tirupati, Tezpur (CE), Udaipur, Varanasi, Vadodara, Leh (CE) (30) B-737

Allahabad (CE), Bikaner (CE), Cochin (CE), Jabalpur, LengpuiGorakhpur (CE), Indore, Jaisalmer (CE), New Airport Jamnagar (CE), Jammu (CE), Jodhpur (CE), Vijayawada (3) Kanpur (Chakeri) (CE), Khajuraho, Madurai, Mangalore, Port Blair (CE), Rajkot*, Salem, Silchar (CE), Vizag (CE) (18)


Barapani, Belgaum Gaya, Hubli, Jharsuguda, Jabalpur, Kamalpur, Kolhapur, Kandla, Lalitpur, Keshod, Lilabari, Ludhiana, Porbander, Pondicherry, Rajamundry, Rupsi, Sholapur, Tuticorin, Tezu, Vijayawada, Warangal (22)


Aizwal, Akola, Along (CE), Balurghat, Bilaspur, Kargil, Tura-New Cooch-Behar, Cuddapah, Daparizo (CE), Airport (2) Dehradun, Deesa, Gaggal, Jhansi, Kota, Kailashhar, Kanpur, Kulu, Malda, Muzzaffarpur, Mysore, Passighat, Pantnagar, Satna, Shimla, Zero (24)

Pushpak Type Behala, Juhu, Safdarjung, Nadirgul, Donakonda (5) Not available Jogbani (DC-3), Khandwa (DC-3) for operation Khowai (DC-3), Vellore (DC-3), Chakulia (F-27), Panna Raxaul (DC-3), Shella (DC-3), (8)


CE = Indicates Civil Enclaves * = Restricted/load penalty operation Airports are presently classified in the following manner : 1. International Airports : These are declared as international airports and are available for scheduled international operations by Indian and foreign carriers. Presently, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta and Thiruvananthapuram are in this category. 2. Custom Airports : These have custom and immigration facilities for limited international operations by national carriers and for foreign tourist and cargo charter flights. These include Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Calicut, Goa, Varanasi, Patna, Agra, Jaipur, Amritsar and Tiruchirappali. 3. Model Airports : These are domestic airports which have minimum runway length of 7500 feet and adequate terminal capacity to handle Airbus 320 type of aircraft. These can cater to limited international traffic, if required. These include Lucknow, Bhubaneshwar, Guwahati, Nagpur, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Imphal and Indore. 4. Other Domestic Airports : All other airports are covered in this category. 5. Civil Enclaves in Defence Airport : There are 28 civil enclaves in Defence airfields.

An analysis of the existing scenario brings forth the following problem areas : i. There is need to declare some additional airports as international airports. These include Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Bangalore and Amritsar. Consequently, the facilities have to be created and augmented. ii. There is congestion in the international airports at Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram and also the domestic airports at Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Goa,

Ahmedabad, Cochin and Mangalore. The reasons are limited terminal and apron capacity, bunching of flights, delay in passenger clearances, etc. iii. At many airports, passenger amentias need to be upgraded for which steps are under way or have not yet been initiated due to resource constraints. iv. There are also deficiencies in respect of ground handling facilities, night landing systems, cargo handling, etc., at some airports. TOP Future Trends Considering the forecasts made by different organisation and taking a reasonably pragmatic view, the expected traffic scenario upto the year 2010-11 has been projected by the Foundation for Aviation and Sustainable Tourism. These projects have been extended upto the year 2016-17 by AAI.

Projected Domestic Traffic Upto 2016-2017* Domestic Passengers (In lakhs)

Percent increase

International Passengers (In lakhs)

Percent increase

1996-97 (Actual)








































































(Forecast upto 2010-11 based on study by "Foundation for Aviation and Sustainable Tourism April 1996".)


Forecast from 2012-2017 is taken at the rate of 6% based on a report of AAI.

NB: Projections have been made on a liberal scale for the purpose of future planning of aircraft and airport infrastructure capacity in the country. During the next twenty years, there is a quantum jump in the projected traffic - four times in passenger and six times in cargo traffic. It will, therefore, be necessary to take a host of measures so that the ground infrastructure keeps pace with the growth of traffic. ICAO forecasts predict worldwide growth in air traffic at 5% a year or doubling in the volume of traffic once in 14 years. The Asia Pacific region is set for higher than average growth. According to an AUTC study, it might account for more than 50% of the world air traffic by the year 2010. It is imperative that our procedures improve and facilities grow to match the increase in volume of traffic. It is expected that adequate capacity will be deployed by the operators to meet the growth cargo traffic requirements in the years to come. Capacity induction in this sector is expected to be determined by market forces. The only aspect which needs to be planned and developed is the infrastructural facilities at the airports to handle various types of cargo traffic with efficiency and speed. TOP Proposed Classification of Airports 1. To develop the capacity of airports in accordance with the future projections, it is proposed to reclassify the airports as follows: a. International Hubs: This category will be that of 'International Hubs' which may cover airports currently classified at 'international airports' and those eminently qualified to be upgraded as such. These would at present cover Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta and Thiruvananthapuram. Airports at Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Amritsar and Guwahati can be added to the list as and when the facilities are upgraded to the desired level. International hubs would be used for dispersal of international traffic to the hinterland. In these airports, the facilities shall be of world class standards, including convenient connections to international and domestic passengers, airport-related infrastructure like hotels, shopping areas, conferencing and entertainment facilities, aircraft-maintenance bases, etc. b. Regional Hubs: Government is keen to encourage development of regional airlines based on small aircraft to provide air-linkages in the interior areas of the country. Regional hubs will have to act as operational bases for regional airlines and also have all the facilities currently postulated for model airports, including the capability to handle limited international traffic. The identification of Regional Hubs will be made on the basis of origin-destination surveys, traffic demand and the requirements of the airlines. State Govt. will be closely associated as co-promoters of regional airlines. c. Other operational airports: These will be developed so as to be cost-effective on the basis of individual needs to meet the requirements of traffic handled by them. Airports serving State Capitals will be given priority. 2. The status of individual airports may be reviewed at five-yearly intervals, on the recommendation of a Committee of Experts. Grant of status as International hubs will be with prior Cabinet approval. It is clarified that international hubs shall have the status of 'international airport' for purposes of bilateral agreements. TOP Modernisation and Upgradation of Airport Infrastructure 1. In keeping with the ICAO standards and recommended practices and the requirements of upgrading airports to the level of international and regional hubs,

detailed master plans for the development of all selected airports will be prepared or revised by the operating agency. Such master plans should be conceived of and executed by the best expert advice available and taking futuristic requirements into account. All future upgradation and modernisation will have to be normally done in accordance with the master plans. If there is a deviation from the master plan, it will be approved by the Board of Directors of the operating agency and the statutory Government agency designated for the purpose. 2. Priority will be accorded to safety, passenger facilities, aircraft and cargo handling, while deciding the allotment of funds among different upgradation and modernisation schemes. 3. Air transport serves a time-sensitive market. The surface access to airports should, therefore, be efficient and city planners should keep the airport-linked requirements constantly in view while designing surface transport development plans. There is a special need to emphasise the aspect of rail links with airports, in view of its near absence in India as contrasted with other countries. 4. The helicopter provides a direct and rapid means of transport over short-haul routes and is, therefore, particularly attractive for businessmen. There is also a great potential for helicopter operations in off-shore oil exploration and production, movement of food grains and essential commodities in remote, hilly and inaccessible areas, traffic management in metropolitan cities and so on. A planned programme for building of heliports will be taken up to give a boost to the helicopter industry. TOP Greenfield Airports 1. In view of the fact that there are already a sufficient number of airports, many of which are not viable, greenfield airports will normally not be taken up either in the public or private sector without the prior approval of the Government. In the case of the Other Airport category run by private operators, the approval of the DGCA would suffice as at present. 2. A Greenfield airport may be permitted where an existing airport is unable to meet the projected requirements of traffic or a new focal point of traffic emerges with sufficient viability. It can be allowed both as a replacement for an existing airport or for simultaneous operation. This aspect will have to be clearly spelt out in the notice inviting tenders. 3. No Greenfield airport will normally be allowed within an aerial distance of 150 kilometers of an existing airport. Where it is allowed as a second airport in the same city or close vicinity, the parameters for distribution of traffic between the two airports will be clearly spelt out. 4. The Government may, while permitting a Greenfield airport, decide whether it will be in the public or private sectors or be taken up as a joint venture. 5. Where the Government decides to set up a Greenfield airport throughout the AAI on social considerations even though the same is not economically viable, suitable grant-inaid will be provided to AAI to cover both the initial capital cost as well as the recurring losses. TOP Air Traffic Services 1. The AAI will provide the Air Traffic Services over the Indian airspace and adjoining oceanic areas in accordance with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. 2. New CNS/ATM systems will be introduced on a priority basis in terms of the AAI's

plan as well as the ICAO's Regional Plan. These will ensure a total coverage of the airspace in India. 3. There will be greater civil-military liaison for joint surveillance of Indian airspace. Integration of Civil/Military Air Traffic Services will be developed to ensure uniformity in air-traffic control services at civilian and Defence airports. To achieve air safety of the highest order, unidirectional air corridor concept shall be introduced, wherever traffic so justifies, in close liaison with the Defence authorities. Maximum use will be made of radars and other navigational aids available with civil and Defence airport authorities thus enhancing the overall route navigation and surveillance facilities. 4. A Central Control Unit will be established in order to monitor all flights in the country from the security point of view. 5. In airports now owned or operated by AAI, air traffic control equipment may be installed either by AAI or the concerned airport operator. Air traffic control services will normally be provided by AAI, except for approach and aerodrome control services, which may be provided by licensed ATCs engaged by the airport operators. TOP Ground Facilities 1. Speed is the essence of air transport. The AAI will set standards of performance in various areas of passenger and cargo handling, so that both ICAO standards as well as comparable standards at similar airports around the world, are achieved. For this purpose, procedures will be simplified, regulations which delay or restrict movement of traffic reviewed and efforts made to reduce ground delays to a minimum. 2. Dwell time of passengers and cargo will be drastically reduced, thus enhancing capacity at existing airports. The short-term objective will be to clear incoming international passengers within 45 minutes of arrival and clear departing passengers in 60 minutes including check-in-time. Similar targets of 30 and 45 minutes respectively, will be laid down for domestic flights. 3. Technological and other improvements will be made by introduction of automation and computerisation, mobile check-in counters, improvement in emigration/immigration and security checks, mechanisation of baggage and ground handling services, provision of aero-bridges, introduction of better systems of passenger transfer between terminals, improvement in cargo terminals, reduction in bunching of flights and contracting out of operating and maintenance facilities. New approaches in airport design will be required to accommodate technological innovations like the New Large Aircraft. Construction technology and architectural inputs will also need to be updated to standards applicable globally. 4. Efforts will be made to upgrade the facilities, manpower, equipment, etc., by concerned departments and institutions like customs, immigration, meteorology, oil companies, etc., so that these keep pace with the upgradation of airports, enabling the users to experience the optimum benefits of airports as 'cohesive' transit points. 5. Apart from the AAI and the national carriers, private agencies will also be encouraged for providing ground handling services. TOP Cargo Handling 1. Special attention needs to be given to the speedy handling of cargo and reducing its dwell time. The objective will be to reduce dwell time of exports from the present level of 4 days to 12 hours, and of imports for the present level of 4 weeks to 24 hours to bring us in line with internationally achieved norms. Cargo clearance will be on 24-hour basis. 2. Infrastructure relating to cargo handling like satellite freight cities with multi-modal

transport, cargo terminals, cold storage, automatic storage and retrieval systems, mechanised transportation of cargo, computerisation and automation, etc., will be set up on top priority basis. Such facilities have to come up at smaller places too. 3. The Electronic Data Interchange systems will be developed and linked amongst all stake-holders in the trade. TOP Commercial Activities 1. Across the world, the trend is towards a very high percentage, ranging from 60 to 70%, of the total revenue of airport operators being generated from non-aeronautical sources at major airports. In India, although these services are even now provided by private agencies, the comparable figure for AAI at international airports is just 22%. There will be a major thrust towards increasing the share of commercial revenue emerging from non-aeronautical sources. This will help in optimal exploitation of the full commercial potential of airports and make many airports not only viable but capable of generating surpluses for further expansion and development. 2. In order to maximize the revenue while at the same time maintain transparency, there will be a master plan for development of commercial activities and facilities, as part of the overall master plan approved by the management, for the airport as a whole. The space-use patterns will normally not be deviated from. 3. In the allocation of space among concessionaires, there will be a strict adherence to stipulated procedures, while maintaining sufficient flexibility in order to ensure quality products and services and attract the holders of reputed brand-names. For this purpose, innovative tendering procedures involving limited tenders, two-bid system, use of net present value of bids spread over several years, grant of management contracts, bunching of similar facilities etc. will be devised. 4. Except for user developmental fees, there will be total freedom for airport operators in the matter of raising revenue through non-aeronautical charges and there will not be any Government control over the same. TOP Airport Security 1. The objective of airport security will be to safeguard the passengers, crew, ground personnel, the general public and the airport infrastructure against unlawful acts as per ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices laid down in Annexure-17 to the Chicago Convention. The level of security will be calibrated by the BCAS according to the threat perception at any point of time. Security will have to be cost-effective when compared to internationally accepted norms. New staffing patterns, different from the normal police stations, will have to be innovated for airports. There will be greater accent on modern technology and mechanization, so as to reduce the need for manpower and increase the effectiveness of the force deployed. 2. Airport security will be looked after by specialized police agencies, state police and airport security organizations, depending on the internal security conditions prevalent in a particular area. BCAS will continue to coordinate the working of the various agencies to ensure that all security norms are followed by them. 3. Govt. recognises the urgent need to develop an airport security organization, in order to have a quietly efficient, specialized, commercially conscious, passenger-friendly force, at the international airports to begin with. Private security agencies will also be allowed at certain airports, if the threat assessment so permits. 4. There will be constant training of security personnel posted at airports in order to improve their effectiveness and passenger-friendliness. The present training centre at

BCAS Headquarters will be upgraded and strengthened for this purpose. TOP Financing of Airport Infrastructure 1. It has to be appreciated at the outset that financing of airport infrastructure has some inherent problems. These projects have a large element of sunk cost, a very long gestation period and highly uncertain returns on investment based on several assumptions of traffic growth that may fail to materialize. 2. The current pattern of financing is predominantly based on internally generated resources of the AAI. Funding through external assistance, external commercial borrowings, loans and equity has been negligible. The allocation of budgetary grants is limited to certain airports in remote and inaccessible areas. Considering the astronomical sums which seem to be required for modernization and upgradation of existing airports and for the new airports at Mumbai (Rs.10, 000 crores), Bangalore (Rs.1,600 crores) etc., there has to be a clear privatisation of projects so as to utilize state resources in the most optimal manner. Further, the financing strategies will have to be looked at from a thoroughly novel standpoint. 3. Taking











a.Optimization of revenue from aeronautical charges, through negotiation with IATA and keeping Government approvals in view. b.A revolutionary thrust towards raising of revenue from non-aeronautical commercial sources. c.Rationalisation and optimisation of various charges like passenger service fee, user development charges, aerobridge charges, etc. and imposition of new levies like security charges, fuel throughput charges etc. d.Massive economy in expenditure by manpower optimization, cost reduction, elimination of duplication, increased productivity, contracting out of services, etc. e.Greater resource to additional sources like external assistance, public bonds, external commercial borrowings, public issues, loans from Government/financial institutions etc.

4. Currently, the revenue from the taxes imposed in the aviation sector in the shape of IATT and FTT is credited to the Consolidated Fund of India, with only 10% of FTT being given to the AAI. Even this 10% IS NOW SOUGHT TO BE TAKEN BACK. Taking into account the vast sums required for infrastructural development, there is a strong case for conversion of these taxes into a common Civil Aviation Cess, the proceeds of which should be credited to a National Civil Aviation Fund to be operated by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. 5. There has to be a general appreciation about the needs of the airport infrastructure sector and the plan allocations to the AAI need a hefty increase. 6.There is, at present, some money flowing to the AAI for construction of airports in remote and inaccessible areas. This money, which was available, till recently as grant, is now sought to be converted into a loan. It should continue to be given as grant-in-aid. 7. A general policy decision needs to be taken that the AAI will only invest in projects with demonstrated economic viability and positive rate of return . Wherever Government compels AAI to invest in non-viable projects for the fulfillment of social objectives, the initial capital cost of the project and the recurring annual loss sustained by the AAI on this account will be reimbursed. 8. There will also be need for commercialization of marginal or loss-making airports by transferring them to private companies, State Governments, urban local bodies etc. for operation and management under negotiated terms and conditions. Some of the

guidelines may need to be modified in order to make the operations cost-effective. Facilities could be allowed to be commercially exploited even outside operational hours, meeting minimum security requirements. 9. In the final analysis, looking at the quantum of investment required, the answer to all the problems lies in the infusion of private (including foreign), investment in this sector. This needs to be encouraged by adopting a flexible and positive attitude towards such proposed ventures. The possibility of international aid and cooperation for building of new airports or for modernization and upgradation of existing ones will be seriously explored. 10. The truth of the matter is that public funds for development of airports are getting more and more scarce and private sector involvement has, therefore, got to grow. There is a definite worldwide movement from monopoly state ownership of airports to corporatization, in the first phase, with the final aim of privatization of ownership and management. India has to be a part of this global transition. TOP Ownership and Management 1. The Constitution of India refers to civil aviation as a subject in the Central List. Resultantly, the subject falls within the legislative competence of Parliament. The Aircraft Rules, 1937 permit airports other than Government airports to be owned by citizens of India or companies or corporations registered and having their principal place of business in India. Thus the legislative framework for privatization of airports already exists. In fact, some airports are already owned by State Governments, private companies and even individuals. 2. What is needed now, in view of the worldwide thrust towards corporatization and privatization of airports, is a strategy that permits utmost latitude in the patterns of ownership and management of airports in the country. Thus, airports may be owned by the Central Government, PSUs, State Governments, Urban local bodies, private companies and individuals, as also by joint ventures involving one or more of the above. Similarly, it would be best to keep all the options open in respect of the management of airports or parts of airports. These could be on Build-Own-Transfer (BOT), Build-OwnLease-Transfer (BOLT), Build-Own-Operate (BOO), Lease-Develop-Operate (LDO), Joint venture, Management Contract or Wrap-around Addition basis. In each individual case, the exact pattern could be negotiated, depending on the circumstances. 3. In the case of high-cost projects involving international hubs, Government may seek international or bilateral cooperation with countries having the requisite expertise and financial strength. The actual implementation of the projects would be entrusted to consortia interested in turnkey execution on a joint venture basis. 4. Foreign equity participation in such ventures may be permitted upto 74% with automatic approvals, and upto 100% with special permission. Such participation could also be by foreign airport authorities. 5. It may be clarified that the normal procedures of licensing of airports by the DGCA would continue to apply in accordance with the laid down regulations. TOP Private Sector Participation 1.Both the reasons of bridging the yawning gap in resources as also to bring in greater efficiency in management of airports, the participation of private parties (including foreign ones) is a must. Government will take all possible steps to encourage such participation. 2.An Airport Restructuring Committee in the Ministry of Civil Aviation will identify existing airports, in respect of which private sector involvement for development and upgradation

of infrastructure is desired. It will also prepare a shelf of projects in respect of Greenfield airports. The pre-feasibility reports will be made available to private investors. 3.The AAI will create separate profit centers for all individual airports and hive them off as subsidiary companies on a case to case basis, for the purpose of entering into commercial arrangements or joint ventures with private parties. 4.Where airport operators desire private participation in their existing airports, all patterns of ownership and management would be open to them as elucidated in the preceding section. No Government approval would, however, be required. 5.In case of Greenfield projects, the Central Government, the AAI, a State Government private company or a group of individuals can act as the promoter. The promoter will be required to prepare a pre-feasibility study and submit the formal proposal to the concerned State Government. The State Government will add its comments to the proposal in respect of acquisition of land, supply of water and power, construction of access roads, etc. and forward the proposal to the Central Government. 6.The Central Government will set up an independent statutory body called the Airport Approval Commission, having adequate technical and financial expertise to examine such proposals quickly and submit its recommendations on three aspects: a.Whether there is need for a Greenfield airport at the suggested place, taking into account the existing airports in the vicinity and projected increase in traffic; b.Which is the best site, which is technically feasible and economically viable; c.In case there is need for a Greenfield airport and it is found to be prima facie, feasible and viable, whether it should be executed in the public or private sector or be taken up as a joint venture. 7.On the receipt of the report of the Airport Approval Commission, the matter will be examined by the Central Government at the appropriate level for a decision. A decision once taken will normally not be subject to modification at a later stage.

8.Once the Central Government has cleared the project, the promoter, if it is a Government body, will follow the prescribed procedure for floating global tenders in order to select the best party capable of executing the project as also to obtain the best possible terms. The tendering procedure will be transparent. The selected party would then prepare a detailed feasibility report, which would be sent to the Central Government for final acceptance. Approvals once accorded would not normally be revoked. 9.Fiscal incentives would be provided to those involved in infrastructure projects, as maybe decided by Government for time-to-time. Currently, the following incentives are available: a.Hundred per cent deduction in profits for purposes of Income Tax for the first five years. b.Thirty per cent deduction in profits for the same purpose for the next five years. c.Full deduction to run for continuous ten out of twenty fiscal years of the assessee's choice. d.Forty per cent of the profit from infrastructure is also deductible for financial institutions providing long-term finance for infrastructure projects. 10.Such incentives should be made available not only to new companies investing in airport infrastructure but also to AAI and the existing agencies investing in upgradation of existing airport infrastructure. 11.AAI may provide air traffic control services in private airports on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon. Alternatively, it may provide ATC staff on deputation and give advice on the specifications of the equipment to be compulsorily installed for

communication, navigation and surveillance. TOP Role of the Central and State Governments 1.The role and functions of the Central Government as contained in the various statutes and the preceding sections extend to the following matters: a.investment in airport infrastructure b.Clearance of Greenfield airport projects c.Airspace management, safety and security of airports d.Bilateral air services agreements, including those involving international cooperation for modernisation and upgradation of airports e.Licensing of airports and ATC personnel f.Environmental aspects and removal of obstructions around airports g.Approval of aeronautical charges 2.The Ministry of Civil Aviation will try to facilitate the speedy clearance of projects from different Ministries. 3.The State Governments will deal with the following aspects: a.acquisition of private land and allotment of government land b.supply of water and power, and provision of sanitation and sewage services c.provision of surface access through multi-modal linkages d.prevention of environmental pollution e.maintenance of law and order f.protection of airports from encroachments and vandalism.

4.In case Government land is allotted by a State Government for an airport owned by a private party, it may be made available at the same rate as is charged from other industrial ventures in the State. 5.Government will ensure that legislative and administrative mechanisms for speedy acquisition of land are devised. 6.The Ministry of Civil Aviation will liaise with the State Governments in order to ensure provision of all these essential services and basic facilities. The State Civil Aviation Secretaries will act as coordinating officers for single-point liaison with all the State-level departments and authorities. TOP Civil-Military Cooperation 1.There are numerous areas of interaction between the civilian departments and the defence authorities. Action is required as under to sort out the various issues: a.In order to meet the expanding requirements of civil air traffic there is an urgent need to widen the existing air corridors, provide them Uni-directional air corridors, to provide smooth flow of air traffic and thus enhance air safety. b.We have to optimise the utilisation of restricted air space, by networking of radar and data systems, which should be acquired on the basis of mutual compatibility. c.Additional land is to be provided at civilian enclaves in military airports. Revenue from aeronautical charges at these airports deserves to be shared with the AAI, in order to compensate it for the capital investment it has made. d.Additional slots should be made available for civilian flights at military airports. 2.In order to ensure civil-military cooperation, coordination committee at the level of respective Ministries as well as at operational level will be energised. TOP

Human Resource Development 1.Airport management, air safety, airport security, navigation and communication and fire prevention are critical areas of human resource development, especially in the context of privatisation of these functions. Stress needs to be laid on developing an overall environment of courteous behaviour by all associated with airport operations besides inculcating safety and security as a habit. It is thus of utmost importance that private institutions are set up for training of airport managers, air traffic controllers, navigation and communication engineers, airport security and fire-fighting personnel and they are licensed by the Government. Appropriate syllabi and course contents should be laid down and there should be legal provision for licensing of these personnel. 2.Simultaneously, the training facilities in the public sector have to be upgraded and refurbished so as to cater to the growing demands for trained personnel as also to counter the phenomenon of technological obsolescence. 3.The National Institute of Aviation Management and Research should be strengthened so as to act as the lead institution for human resource development. It should develop academic linkages with ICAO, IIT, IIMs and Universities. Chairs on Civil Aviation research will be created in the institutions of learning. 4.In certain areas of human resources, there may be need for introduction of innovative systems of deployment like the flexible complementing scheme prevalent in the scientific community, so that the benefits of specialization are not frittered away at the time of promotion. 5.Contingency and back-up plans will be drawn up to meet emergencies arising out of industrial unrest among airport staff. 6.Airport management needs expertise in diverse fields and cannot survive except by sub-contracting of specialised activities to a host of private organisations. Legal hurdles to engagement of contract labour or contractual agencies will have to be dismantled through legislative intervention. TOP Environmental Issues 1.The operation of airports has to be in full accord with the provisions relating to prevention of air, water and noise pollution. All effluents would require to be treated before these are allowed to leave the airports. There will be close liaison with state governments and municipal authorities to maintain cleanliness and remove encroachments in airports and surrounding areas, so as to obviate the menace of bird hits. Large scale plantations and other eco-friendly activities like construction of golf courses would be encouraged around airports, both for environmental purposes as also to provide relaxation to transit passengers. Such environmental issues would need close interaction with regional planning bodies.

2.The airports would be set up after the requisite environmental clearances and a timeframe of 90 days would be prescribed by Ministry of Environment and Forests for completing the processing of applications for such clearances. 3.Improved connectivity between airports and adjacent population centers should form an integral part of each airport infrastructure development projects and not be left to evolve by itself. TOP Regulatory Mechanisms 1.In the context of a multiplicity of operators (including private areas) and the possibility

of oligo-polistic practices, there is a need for an appellate authority which could look into grievances with regard to fixation of tariff rates, allotment of slots, working of air traffic controllers, allocation of space in the airports etc. To this end, Government will create a fair and independent Airport Regulatory Board comprising representatives of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, DGCA, airport and airline operators' etc. This grievance re-dressal mechanism would help in speedy and effective resolution of disputes among the various stakeholders. 2.There will also be a legislation for conversion of the DGCA into a Civil Aviation Authority with full powers of regulation overall aspects of the aviation industry. TOP User and Community Participation An airport is a living entity and it should co-exist with all members of the community, especially the users of its various facilities. The Airport Advisory Committees should be more broad-based and meet frequently so as to serve as an effective means for grievance redressal and achieving better facilitation for airport users. Special representation should be given to associations of passengers and cargo handling agents. Top Legal Framework 1. All changes necessitated by this policy in the existing Acts, Rules, Regulations and other provisions should be carried out expeditiously, so as to facilitate its implementation. 2. Presently property tax is being levied on the properties of AAI, thus putting a further strain on the viability of the airports. This anomaly needs to be rectified, because airport land is owned by the Central Government and AAI is only a trustee.

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