2058 Islamiat Chronology for O' Level

March 21, 2017 | Author: Syed Hassan Raza Shah | Category: N/A
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2058 Islamiat Chronology for O' Level Author: Syed Hassan Raza Date 4/2/2016...



2058 Islamiyat Chronology Syed Hassan Raza 4/1/2016

This document contains timeline for Islamiyat 2058 for O’ Level.

2058 Islamiyat


Syed Hassan Raza

The age of Prophet (Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon him, his Family and his Companions) Year of The Prophetic life before the first Revelation Elephants Abdullah died. Christian Viceroy of Yemen, Abraha, attacked Kaaba and faced destruction. The year became known as the year of Elephants due to this. Blessing for the Two Worlds, the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 1 born as an orphan. He was initially nursed by Thuwaibah Halima bint Dhuhayb of Banu Saad, according to the Arab tradition, took him to her village as her foster son. Halima gave Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) after she thought that he was possessed by Jinn. Aminah died during the journey back form Yathrib at Abwa. 6 Umm Aiman brought him back. Prophetic guardianship now belonged to his affectionate and loving grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib died. Abu Talib took the responsibility of the Prophetic guardianship and loved him as his own sons. 8 Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him became loved by people for his sweet and peaceful nature. Zubair, the uncle of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) took the charge of the clan of Banu Hashim. Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) started showing the signs of an intelligent and inquisitive mind. 9 Started working as a shepherd. Attended his first trade expedition Accompanied Abu Talib to Syria on a trade expedition Met the Christian monk Bahira who saw the Prophetic signs in Holy Prophet 12 (PBUH). Did not go ahead on the advice of monk due to the fear of harm by Jews First Prophetic military experience: Sacrilegious War started between the tribes of Hawazin and Quraish. 15 Helped his uncles indirectly Lost his cousins and uncles Prophetic mind had developed a strong dislike for war after the peaceful nature of his mind was disturbed by seeing starvation and bloodshed. 18 Ceasefire: Truce of Fazul formed and Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) joined it. 20 Had become famous as ‘the Truthful’ and ‘the Trustworthy’ Led the trade expedition of Khadijah to Syria with her slave Maisarah Returned with good profits 25 Maisarah told Khadijah about the fair dealings made by Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).

Syed Hassan Raza


2058 Islamiyat

28 29 30 31 33 34 35 Year of Prophethood

40th Year of Elephants| 1st Year of Prophethood





Syed Hassan Raza

Khadijah proposed the marriage with Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Proposal got accepted and marriage sermon was recited by Abu Talib. Birth of Qasim ibn Muhammad Birth of Zainab bint Muhammad Birth of his beloved cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib Birth of Ruqayyah bint Muhammad Birth of Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad Birth of Fatimah bint Muhammad Restoration of Kaaba Death of Qasim ibn Muhammad The Prophetic intellect solved the matter of the fixing of Black stone. After the declaration of Prophethood till migration to Madinah. Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) started retiring in the Cave of Hira. There he received the first revelation of the first five verses of Surah alAlaq. Archangel Gabriel declared him ‘The Apostle of Allah’. Khadijah took him to her cousin Warqa ibn Naufal who was a Christian and a scholar of Bible (Old and New Testaments). Khadijah was first to acknowledge him as Prophet. First stage of Preaching started: Preached his nearest kinsmen and 40 people accepted Islam. It was silent and safe. No opposition and persecution Among them were Khadijah, Zaid, Abu Bakr, Usman, Talha, Zubair, Abdul Rahman, Saad ibn Abi Waqas and Abdullah ibn Mas’ud Second Stage of Preaching started: Elders of Banu Muttalib (the clan of Hashim’s brother) and Banu Hashim were gathered at his home and the message of Allah was delivered to them. Ali responded positively. Third Stage of Preaching started: Public preaching started after the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was given orders to preach publically and he assembled the Makkans at Mount Safah but majority ignored him and mocked at him. First wave of oppression began Quraish went to Abu Talib to prevent the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) from preaching or discontinue protecting him. They went to him, offered him to become the king of land, and even offered him to marry the fairest girl of Hejaz. First wave of oppression ended Second harsh wave of oppression began. Sumayyah became the first martyr of Islam and her husband Yasir ibn Amir followed her. Abdullah ibn Muhammad died. Abu Lahab called Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) ‘abtar’. First migration to Abyssinia with 11 men and 4 women

Syed Hassan Raza


2058 Islamiyat


Syed Hassan Raza

Second migration to Abyssinia with 79 men and 7 women including Jafar Islam became powerful as Umar ibn al-Khattab and Hamza ibn Abd alMuttalib accepted Islam. 46|6 Muslims gained confidence to pray openly. Second wave of oppression ended 47|7 Socio-economic boycott of Banu Hashim started. 49|9 Socio-economic boycott of Banu Hashim ended. Khadijah died. Abu Talib died. Visit to Ta’if. Isra and Miraj: Prophetic ascension to heaven to meet Allah 50|10 Year of Grief Daily prayers five times a day prescribed. Marriage with Sawdah Marriage with Aisha Islam’s message reaches Yathrib. 51|11 Deputation from Madinah: Six pilgrims from Yathrib accepted Islam. 52|12 First Pledge of Aqabah: 12 Yathribites accepted Islam. Second Pledge of Aqabah: 75 Yathribites accepted Islam and Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) asked them that if they could protect him like their kinsmen. Plot to murder Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) 53|13 Migration starts. Makkah to Thawr Departure from Thawr After Hijrah The migration to Madinah till demise from the world. Arrival at Quba Entry into Madinah Foundations of Al-Masjid an-Nabavi laid down. th Brotherhood between Helpers and Migrants. 54 Year of Elephants| Defence system introduce 14th Year of Marriage with Aishah solemnized. Prophethood| The Azan was introduced with Bilal appointed as Muazzin. 1st Year of Establishment of Theocratic1 Republic of Madinah and the world’s first Hijrah written constitution was signed by all the religious communities called the Charter of Madinah. Two elites of Madinah accepted Islam viz. Abdullah ibn Salam, formerly Jew, and Abu Qais Sarha ibn Abu Anas. Jihad ordered by Allah. Nakhla incident: first frontier clash of Islamic party 55|15|2 Salman al-Farsi accepts Islam Zakah prescribed. Change of Qibla. 1

Here theocratic doesn’t mean the government of theocrats but as it was religious state and governed by Allah through His beloved Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him), it can be called theocratic. The theocracy has two meanings: 1) The government of religious extremists or religious leaders 2) Government of Allah directly or indirectly through a Prophetic or

Syed Hassan Raza


2058 Islamiyat








Syed Hassan Raza

Ramadan Saum prescribed. First Congregational prayer of Eid al-Fitr Sadaqah al-Fitr ordered. Battle of Badr fought between Muslims and polytheists. Marriage of Ali and Fatimah Siege of Banu Qainuqa’ Marriage of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with Hafsa bint Umar First order of prohibition of wine Execution of Kaab ibn Ashraf by the sword of Muhammad ibn Maslamah Birth of Hassan Battle of Uhud First order of prohibition of usury Injunctions about orphans Detailed laws of inheritance Injunctions about orphans Injunctions about marriage, rights of wives, prohibition of marriage with idolaters Marriage of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with Zainab bint Khuzaimah Siege and expulsion of Banu Nadir Death of Zainab bint Khuzaimah Order of Hijab Marriage of Uthman with Umm Kulthum Final order of prohibition of wine Ghazwa Banu Mustaliq Injunctions for Tayammum Marriage of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with Jawairiyah Enforcement of penal laws against adultery and slander Battle of Trench Punishment of Banu Quraizah after Saad ibn Mu’aadh decided their fate according to Book of Deuteronomy (Fifth book of Old Testament). Marriage of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with Zainab bint Jahsh Treaty of Hudaibiyah Khalid ibn Walid and Amr ibn al-Aas accept Islam. Beginning of international call-letter to rulers Message of Islam delivered to Heraclius Caesar, Chosroes, Negus, Cyrus, the Rulers of Bahrain and Oman, and Shurahbil of Syria. Khyber Expedition Marriage of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with Safiyya Return of Abyssinian migrants Postponed Umrah performed Allah revealed detailed injunctions about Marriage and Divorce. Marriage of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with Maimunah Battle of Mu’tah Violation of ‘Treaty of Hudaibiyah’ by Quraish of Makkah Three options were given to Quraish. Quraish chose the annulment of treaty.

Syed Hassan Raza


2058 Islamiyat


Syed Hassan Raza

Conquest of Makkah Victorious entry of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) into Makkah Expedition of Khalid to demolish the temple of al-Uzza at Nakhla Expedition of Amr ibn al-Aas to demolish the temple of Swa’a Stay at Makkah Battle of Hunain Siege of Ta’if Final order of prohibition of usury Death of Zainab bint Muhammad Organization of Zakah Tabuk Expedition against Byzantine Romans Orders about Jizyah Masjid al-Dirar of Abdullah ibn Ubayy demolished and set on fire on return from Tabuk 62|22|9 Hajj prescribed. First Hajj led by Abu Bakr Deputation of Azra Deputation of Thaqif Deputation of Baliy Proclamation of annulment of pacts of unlimited period Deputation of Maharib Deputation of Mahamid Deputation of Khaulan Deputation of Naisan 63|23|10 Am al-Wafud/ Deputation of Bani Haris ibn Kaab Year of Deputation of Salaman Deputations Twenty days retirement of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in last Ramadan Musailma’s correspondence with Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) Farewell Pilgrimage Sermon of Farewell Pilgrimage Return to Madinah Deputation of Nakh’a Orders for start of Usama’s Army Beginning of Prophet’s (Peace Be Upon Him) fatal disease 64|24|11 Last congregation of prayer at Mosque and Last Address Demise from the mortal world Burial in Aisha’s room The age of Rightly Guided Caliphs (May Allah Be Pleased With Them) After Hijrah Abu Bakr’s election till his death Abu Bakr’s election at Thaqifah Bani Sa’idah Usama’s expedition to Syria Campaign against Sajjah (Bani Tamim) 11 Battle of Yamamah against Musailma (Bani Hanifa) Battle of Garden of Death Battle of Buzaka

Syed Hassan Raza


2058 Islamiyat



After Hijrah 13



16 17 18 19 20 22 After Hijrah 22 24


Syed Hassan Raza

Campaign in Bahrain Campaign in Oman Campaign in Mahrah Campaign in Yemen Campaign in Hadramaut Campaign in Eastern Iraq Battle of Mazar Battle of Walaja Battle of Anbar Battle of Firaz Battle of Ulleis Conquest of Hira Campaign in Western Iraq Battle of Ein al-Tamr Campaign in Syria Battle of Basra Battle of Ajnadein Siege of Damascus Abu Bakr nominates Umar Abu Bakr dies. Umar’s nomination until his passing away from this world Umar becomes Caliph with the consent of Ummah Umar adopts the title of Amir al-Mu’minin or Commander of the Faithful. Battle of Namarraq Battle of Jasr (Bridge) Battle of Buwaib Conquest of Damascus Battle of Fahl Battle of Yarmuk Battle of Qadisiya Conquest of Madain Conquest of Syria Fall of Jerusalem Battle of Jalula Battle of Nahawand Advance into Egypt Battle of Baylon in Egypt Fall of Fustat Conquest of Egypt Abu Lulu Firoz attacked the Commander of Faithful Umar nominated a panel of Six Prominent Companions. Martyrdom of Umar Uthman’s election until his demise from this world Election of Uthman Campaign in Armenia

Syed Hassan Raza


2058 Islamiyat

25 26 29 30


After Hijrah 34

35 36 37 38 39 40


Campaign in Asia Mionr Campaign in Khurasan Campaign in North Africa Conquest of Cyprus Campaigns against the Byzantines Naval Battle of Masts against Byzantines led by Mu’awiyah Uthman charged with absurd and false allegations by mutineers Revolt against Uthman started and led by Abdullah ibn Saba. Rebels agreed to negotiate. Agreements between both parties reached. Rebels falsely alleged Uthman of ordering the death of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr. Martyrdom of Uthman after 50 days siege of his home Reign of Ali until his martyrdom. Ali elected as Caliph. General Bayyah taken at Prophet’s (Peace Be Upon Him) mosque Change of Governors Mu’awiyah’s resistance Battle of Jamal (Camel) Capital shifted from Madinah to Kufa Battle of Siffin Arbitrations took place at Daumah al-Jandal Battle of Nahrawan Fall of Egypt: Mu’awiyah conquers Egypt Ali takes back Hijaz and Yemen Mu’awiyah declares himself as Caliph at Damascus Ali and Mu’awiyah sign a treaty Martyrdom of Ali

Sources: O’ Level Islamiat Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Syed Hassan Raza

Farkhanda Noor Muhammad Iftikhar-ul-Haq Ghulam Shabbir Sarwar Saeed Anwari Yasmin Malik

Islamic History (Chronology) The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A Chronological Guide

Syed Hassan Raza


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