150350453 Astrological Combinations for Late Marriage Autosaved

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Astrological combinations for Late Marriage Marriage is a major landmark in life and Vedic Astrology deals with all aspects of marriage in depth. The most important planet for marriage in case of females is Jupiter and in case of males is Venus. Saturn has a major role in the delay of marriage. In this webcast, we will analyze the astrological combinations for a delayed marriage.

Planets in the 7th House The placement of Sun in the 7th house indicates delay in marriage and a troubled marriage. The native may not be firm on his principles. In some cases the wife may not have loyalty towards the husband. Placement of Saturn in the 7th house indicates late marriage or more than one marriage. In this case, a person may get married to a widow, divorcee or someone elder in age. Mars in the 7th house is also not a healthy sign for a timely marriage because it indicates strong Manglik effect. Such people should marry after 28 years of age.

Saturn and Late Marriage Saturn in conjunction with Moon and the Sun or in aspect indicates a delay in marriage. A delay in marriage also occurs when Saturn is placed in the 7th house or in the ascendant. If Saturn is placed in the 7th house being the lord of 7th house and forms a samsaptak yoga with Sun, it indicates a late marriage. Let us now talk about the position of Saturn in a Navamansh Kundali. If Saturn and Moon are placed together in the 7th house in a Navamsha Kundali, it indicates a late marriage.

Role of Venus in Late Marriage If Vivahkaraka Venus is in conjunction with the Sun and Moon in the 7th house, it indicates a late marriage. If Venus, ascendant or the 7th house are in Paap Kartari Yoga then the possibility of a late marriage are strong. It is believed that Venus is the enemy of the Sun and Moon. Hence, if Venus is placed in the sign of Sun and Moon which is Leo and Cancer respectively, there might be an undue delay in marriage. If the ascendant and Venus are placed in Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius sign, the native will have a late marriage.

Role of 2nd house in Late Marriage According to Vedic astrology a retrograde planet causes loss, change of state, and forces the person to try and try again to achieve a goal. The 2nd, 7th and the 8th houses are checked to find

out whether the person will have an early or delayed marriage. The 2nd house is the house of the family, and the 7th and 8th houses are for marital happiness. If the 2nd house has a retrograde planet, the person will have to try repeatedly to get married. That‟s why if the planet placed in the 2nd house is retrograde or if the lord of 2nd house is retrograde then it depicts a delay in marriage. The 12th house is the house of expenses. If the lord of the 2nd house is in the 12th house it causes expenditure on the 2nd house. If your kundali has a malefic planet in the 2nd house then it afflicts the house. That‟s why if the 2nd house is occupied by malefics and the lord of 2nd house is placed in the 12th house then also the native will have late marriage. If the 2nd house is occupied by the Moon and Saturn then also there are all chances of delay in marriage.

Other reasons of delay in marriage If the lord of ascendant and Moon sign are placed with a malefic planet and placed in the 7th house, also the 7th lord is placed in the 12th house. This combination indicates late marriage. If the 6th, 7th or 12th house lord is placed in the 7th house or aspect the 7th house it indicates delay in the happiness of married life. If the 5th house lord and 7th house lord mutually aspect each other and are in conjunction with the malefic planets the marriage will be delayed due to some opposition. But if the 5th or 7th lord are in own house or exalted then the marriage won‟t be delayed.

Remedies to avoid marriage problems Vedic mantras are a simple remedy to prevent delay of marriage due to bad astrology combinations. If the delay is due to Manglik dosha recite Mangal Mantra “Om Kram Kreem Krom Saha Bhoumaye Namah”. For other combinations, chant “Om Brahm Brahaspataye Namah” if the person is female, and “ Om Shum shukraye Namah” if the perosn is a male. There is a popular that says “strike the iron when it is hot”. This is also applicable here. If the dasha, antardasha and transits are favorable, it will be easy to find the right partner and marry, so do check your running dasha and transit.

Judging the Timing of marriage:

The timing of marriage is judged by planetary transits, Dasas and Ashtakavarga method. Marriage can take place when the yoga karka planets operate as dasa or bhukti. The dasa and bhukti of the 7th lord or the planets with it or Venus are favourable for marriage. Lagna and 2nd lord dasas are also significators for marriage. The 9th and 10th lord, when they operate as dasa bhukti reciprocally or when Jupiter crosses the lagna lord in the navamsa chart,. these are all trigger times for marriage.

The power of Mantras & Shlokas has been acknowledged since time immemorial. A Mantra can consist of a powerful word or a combination of words and can be used for to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the effects of malefic planets, to bring early & happy marriage, success in love & relationship -- the range is truly vast. You can choose for yourself. Know your own Mantra

Now we will analyze each concerned astrological factor, which have any role to play in timing of marriage, in very minute detail before reaching a logical conclusion as per the tenets described by our ancient seers. The basic underlying principle is that concerning houses, their lords and natural significator planets should be strong and without afflictions for an early/timely and happy marriage. Vice-versa, if concerned planets are weak, afflicted or combust, they fail to deliver marriage during their operating dashas. Similarly, if concerned houses and their lords are weak or afflicted, marriage may be distant or denied. To make it easier, most of the considered factors have been properly standardized in this report and their results may be seen in precise percentage terms. This approach of checking each individual component through several intricate Jyotish principles gives the advantage of seeing the strengths (and weaknesses) much more precisely than if it would have been seen through just one or two principles. Here, you may find weakness shown by one check being compensated by the strength shown in the other check. Or, vice-versa, you may also find weakness shown by one check being confirmed by the other checks. The results of this analysis are attached herewith as a separate report in the form of 'Annexure-2'. A planet may have three types of influences to make it 'authorized' to affect the subject matters related to a house. The first type is 'Direct influences on a house'. Such influences may occur if a planet is posited in that house; or/and is it's lord itself; is aspecting that house and/or is it's natural significator. The second type is 'Influences on the Lord of concerned house'. Such influences may occur if a planet is posited with the lord of concerned house or aspecting it. The third type is 'Influences on the Natural Significator of the concerned house'. Such influences may occur if a planet is posited with the 'Natural Significator' of concerned house

or aspecting it. Besides the above mentioned 'Types' and 'Modes' of influences of a planet over a house, there are certain other situations in which a planet may acquire 'authority' to influence the matters governed by a certain house. However, not all of the above listed factors have equal weightage. For example, if a planet is aspecting a house, it will have more authority than the planet which is aspecting the lord of the same house. To make the whole concept simple for you, I have prepared the following table to quantify the authority of nine planets over 7th house due to various portfolios, of varying caliber, got by them in relation to the 7th house of your chart. Sun : 8.40 Moon : 0.00 Mars : 18.30 Mercury: 18.30 Jupiter: 49.50 Venus: 15.30 Saturn : 25.20 Rahu : 4.55 Ketu : 9.95 The figures in the above table shows the 'Sum of calibrated authority' got by nine planets due to various portfolios acquired by them in relation to your 7th house. The quantification has been done in proportionate ratios of importance of various portfolios. Almost all major and minor factors have been taken into consideration to get this 'Quantified Authority Index' to gauge the planet's overall direct and indirect influences on the 7th House. Now, a very clear picture emerges. In the above table, you can see that the Jupiter (Brihaspati/Guru) has got maximum authority to influence the subject matters related to the 7th house. Next to it is the Saturn (Shani) which is having the second highest 'Authority'. Thus, these two planets are most capable to trigger the event of your marriage at 'appropriate time'. The 'appropriate time' will be during their own Vimshottari dasas (Main, Sub or Sub-sub periods) and when Jupiter transits or aspects either one of these planets. When such 'appropriate time' will come for you, I will discuss it little later.

The maximum authority on 7th House is got by Jupiter and it's dasa periods in near future would be as listed below: ........ ........ ........ Vimshottari dasas of which planets may give matrimony? : The Lagna, 2nd and 7th lord dasa's, or the yoga karaka planet invariably give matrimony. ........ ,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,

Timing of marriage through Ashtakvarga method: When Jupiter and Venus transit the house with the most number of bindus, marriage can happen. See from binashtakavarga as well as from Sarvashtakavarga. As Jupiter takes more than a year to transit a house, there is a predictive tool to narrow down the timing. Each house has 30 degrees and there are 7 planets. Divide 30 by 7 and the house will have 7 divisions, each one ruled by a planet. When Jupiter or Venus, transit the house with the maximum number of bindus, the degrees that fall under the domain of Jupiter and Venus will trigger matrimony. I have performed some checks on your horoscope, based on astro-axioms for timing marriage. In Vedic Jyotish, there are some astral signatures, which give us a broad idea whether the marriage would come early, late, distant or never. The results of these checks are annexed herewith as 'Annexure-1'. Conclusion: ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... Useful Vedic-remedies: If combinations for distant or denial of marriage are present in one's horoscope, appropriate Vedic remedial measures should be taken. There are various remedial measures given for solving marriage problems like delay in marriage, divorce etc. Some of them are very tamasic like black magic and others give temporary results. It is clearly established that Dharma alone protect the marriage. Therefore, the highest and surest remedy lies in increasing Dharma. Bhagwan Vishnu sits in the ninth house of Dharma and worshipping him with the Astakshari mantra 'OM NAMO NARAYANAYA' or meditating with the mantra 'OM TAT SAT' is the best remedy. In addition, a gemstone of the Lord of ninth house (in Rasi Chart) and fasting on days ruled by it would be beneficial. Keep me updated with the developments. God Bless you. Regards, Shyam S. Kansal Vedic Astrologer

*ANNEXURE-1* I have performed some checks on your horoscope, based on astro-axioms for

timing marriage. In Vedic Jyotish, there are some astral signatures, which give us a broad idea whether the marriage would come early, late, distant or never. If combinations for distant or denial of marriage are present in one's horoscope, appropriate astro remedial measures should be taken. Some times, contradictory yogas may be present - for early marriage and distant marriage, both. In such cases, 'majority' indications would prevail. For example, if 'Early marriage' yogas are in majority but there are also some yogas present which indicate 'Distant marriage' or 'Denial of marriage'. In this case, marriage may though be slightly delayed from majority indication of 'Early marriage', but it would not be too distant or denied. Note: In the following report, word 'Dusthana' has been used at several places. 'Dusthana' means 'place of suffering'. 'Du' is short for 'dukha' (suffering) and 'sthana' means 'place'. The dusthana houses are 6th, 8th and 12th houses and when the lord of a house is located in a dusthana house, the house it rules suffers. Any benefic planet that is placed in the dusthana houses will become weak and bring about difficulties to that planet. The influences of the dusthana houses often represent the most challenging karma in a person's chart.

*~~~ Early Marriage Yogas: »(a) If the lagna and 7th house lords are strong, well placed and having enough benefic influences. These planets must be free from afflictions. [In your chart, Lagna lord Venus ..... ..... .... The 7th lord Mars ... .... ..... .... ... ] »(b) If Saturn in the 7th is creating a maha purusha yoga, i.e. it is in Libra, its exaltation sign, or is in its own house. [In your chart, it is in Taurus.] »(c) If the 7th lord is in Cancer (the exaltation sign of Jupiter) or is in Libra (the mooltrikona sign of Venus). [In your chart, Mars, the lord of 7th, is in Capricorn.]

*~~~ Late Marriage Yogas: »(a) If the chart has a weak 7th lord, Venus or Jupiter but not placed in dusthana. [In your chart, the 7th lord is posited in 9th, Venus is posited in 4th and Jupiter in 7th house. None of them is posited in a 'Dusthana'. ]

*~~~ Distant Marriage Yogas:

»(a) If the 7th house and its lord are aspected by Saturn or Rahu without Jupiter's grace. [In your chart, the 7th house is being aspected by Saturn. However, Jupiter is also aspecting the 7th providing it's full grace. The 7th lord Mars is being aspected by/ posited with Rahu. Jupiter's grace is also not available to it. ] »(b) If 7th lord is in Virgo (debilitation sign of Venus) or Capricorn (debilitation sign of Jupiter). [In your chart, 7th lord Mars is in Capricorn.] »(c) If Lagna, 7th lord, Jupiter or Venus, out of these four planets, 2 or more are in dushtana houses. [In your chart- none of these planets/lords are posited in a 'Dusthana'. ]

*~~~ Denial of Marriage Yogas: »(a) If Lagna and 7th lord are debilitated and in dusthana houses. [In your chart- the Lagna lord exaltation is 22.47% [Poor] , [SHTR] and not placed in a 'Dusthana'. The 7th lord exaltation is 94.90% [Excellent] , [SAMA] and not placed in a 'Dusthana'. ] »(b) If Mercury is debilitated and placed in a dusthana. the spouse may be barren. [In your chart- Mercury's exaltation is 77.63% [Good] , [MITR]. Mercury is posited in 4th house, not a 'Dusthana'. »(c) If Virgo is owner of one of the 'dusthana houses' and the 7th lord is placed in a 'dusthana house'. [In your chart, Virgo does not own a 'dusthana'. The 7th lord is not placed in a 'Dusthana'. ]

*~~~ Ashtakvarga Yogas: The number of bindus where Mercury, Jupiter or Venus is placed in the Sarvashtakavarga can determine the marriage age of the person. The number of bindu's should be more than 23.

*ANNEXURE-2* To make it easier, most of the considered factors have been properly standardized and their results may be seen in precise percentage terms in this report. This approach of checking each individual component through several intricate Jyotish principles gives the advantage of seeing the strengths (and weaknesses) much more precisely than if it would have been seen through just one or two principles. Here, you may find weakness shown

by one check being compensated by the strength shown in the other check. Or, vice-versa, you may also find weakness shown by one check being confirmed by the other checks. » Role of the 7th house: The Seventh is well known as the house of the partner- the wife in a man's chart, the husband in that of the woman. It is the main house for judging marriage and male/female relationship. As the house opposite the 1st house i.e. the Self, the Seventh house represents one's opposite or complement i.e. the other. 7th house displays the blueprint for marriage in this life. 7th especially signifies the first marriage, but its blueprint continues to affect subsequent marriages. Thus, 7th house has a pivotal role to play in determining one’s overall marital life. ~ Ashtakvarga strength: 39% ~ Affliction/beneficence status: Bnfc: 66.57 Affl: 70.25 NET: -3.68 ~ xxxxxxxxxxxx » Role of the 7th lord (L07)- Mars: Planet who is the lord of the seventh house in one's chart is referred to as the 7th lord. It is different for different people based on their ascendants. In your chart, Mars is the 7th lord. The lord of a house is as important as the house itself and hence the analysis pertaining to a house is incomplete if its lord is not taken into consideration. 7th lord indicates one's spouse. Thus, 7th lord’s strength as well as influences on him is very crucial in reaching any conclusive result about one's fortune with one's spouse. 7th lords Vimshottari dasas and transits are also crucial in determining the 'Time of marriage'. ~ Exaltation: 94.90% [Excellent] / SAMA ~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): ~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK] ~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27

» Role of the 2nd Lord (L02)- Mercury: The Second house has been called 'Kutumba-bhava' - family as a whole. Role of the 2nd lord is also very important in timing of marriage because Second house specifically signifies 'Self-created family' and family happiness. It represents responsibility of family and relates to earning capacity and our ability to provide for ourselves and our family members in life. One of the meanings of the second house only indicated by Vedic astrology is the tenor of the family life, including both the general tone of the family life and disruptions to family life. ~ Exaltation: 77.63% [Good] / MITR ~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength):

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 12.81% [Within safe limits] ~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5i27 » Role of the Lagna-lord (L01)- Venus: The Ascendant is our significator in the chart, our vehicle in manifestation. It is the most important factor in the chart, and its strength or weakness can override anything else. The first house indicates how we project ourselves on a public level- our initial and general appearance to the world at large. As such, it determines the whole structure of our outer manifestation; our personality as well as our body. It aids us in our career, as it helps establish self-identity and, therefore, is important for honour, integrity, fame, or recognition. All astrological texts has given due importance to the 1st lord in timing of marriage. ~ Exaltation: 22.47% [Poor] / SHTR ~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): ~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 86.37% [In alarm zone] ~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27 » Role of the Venus: Amongst nine planets, Venus is the natural significator or 'Naisargik Karaka' for marriage as well as for the seventh house in our chart. This can be understood as follows - as all nine planets are naturally given authority over some or the other aspects of our life which is universal, Venus is the natural representative of one's marriage and spouse. Venus is also the significator of women in general, thus in a man's chart it becomes all the more important as it signifies his wife. ~ Exaltation: 22.47% [Poor] / SHTR ~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 0.85 ~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 86.37% [In alarm zone] ~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27 » Role of the Jupiter: Whenever two people dare to open their hearts and love in public, Jupiter plays gypsy and legalizes the union in the form of marriage. This is because; Jupiter, a law-abiding planet celebrates the alliance with the approval of the patriarch and society. Jupiter is main significator of marriage for females. A palm leaf manuscript called 'Eashwaran Maha Vakiyam' states that when Jupiter transits the natal moon it gives marriage. Some other astrology texts say that marriage may come » When Jupiter transits through the 2, 5,7,9 and 11th house from one's

natal Moon. » When Jupiter crosses it's own radical point or aspects it. » When Jupiter aspects the 7th lord or Venus in radical chart. The placement of Jupiter in a woman's chart and Venus for a man is important for determining marriage. These planets should not be placed in 'dushtana houses' (the 6th, 8th or 12th) or in the debilitated signs of Jupiter and Venus. In your chart ... Ju/Ve is posited in ... house which is not a 'Dusthana'. ~ Exaltation: 33.14% [Inadequate] / MITR ~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 0.84 ~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK] ~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e22 » Role of the Saturn: Saturn is associated with marriage and/or life mates through its exaltation in Libra and the Seventh House of partnerships. An exalted planet is said to operate at its strongest level of energy, and has the ability to reach its highest potential. Libra represents balance and harmony. All intimate relationships resulting in marriage or long-term commitment eventually come to rely on the influence of the planet Saturn, which suggests that responsibility and discipline are necessary for the growth and enduring success of the union. While it may feel as though the obligations of Saturn can weigh down the romance, Saturn also gives a sizable payback for the work invested in the relationship. Often, we blame our companion in a long-term relationship for restricting our movements. Saturn, however, is the true tie that binds us, through the desire to achieve permanence and stability amidst change, and the instinctual perception that we are somehow wounded, and therefore vulnerable. Maintaining an intimate, long-term partnership is a delicate balancing act, and an art very much like dancing; it requires poise, harmony, synchronized rhythm, grace and concentrated effort, if we are to be any good at it. It is helpful to develop honesty, integrity, faithfulness, reliability, patience, perseverance and a dauntless sense of humor in order to achieve your relationship comfort zone along with lasting happiness. These virtues will go a long way toward establishing a one-to-one balanced exchange of energy between you and your partner. » When Saturn transits the 3,6 and 11th from Moon. ~ Exaltation: 12.66% [Worst] / MITR ~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 1.00 ~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK] ~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx ~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e31

Punaraphoo Yoga: Delayed Marriage in Astrology

Any type of relation between Moon and Saturn creates emotional or financial restrictions. Career and responsibilities may cause conflict with family.. Details::

Punarabhoo Yoga Punaraphoo yoga is formed by any type of relation between Moon and Saturn. The interacting relation existing between Saturn and Moon, may be of following types: By aspect By interchanging signs By conjunction or association Posited in each other`s sign Moon: reveals the desires of human mind. In any horoscope the planetary body which mainly governs human emotions is the Moon. Saturn: is an emotionally depressing planet, having a wet blanket effect on the Moon. Saturn tends to be the restraining or disciplining influence in the relationship. This induces delays and denials of events in the life. Why Punarabhoo yoga causes delay in marriage? Any type of relation between Moon and Saturn creates emotional or financial restrictions. Career and responsibilities may cause conflict with family, domestic life and commitments. Due to melancholy nature of Saturn the native may be so

wrapped in the career as to have no time for emotional needs of home, family and society. The Moon tends to be too moody and Saturn makes a person insensitive, this combination induces coldness and estrangement in a committed relationship The Saturn induces the feelings of inferiority, depression and sadness in the native. Fear and mistrust are always present in the relationship, which destroys the commitment values in a relationship. Due to emotional reticence, the native puts a lot of conditions in the commitment. Due to difference of opinion and emotions there will be some obstacles or impediments not only during negotiation but also at the time of fixation and even at the time of celebration of the marriage. The relation between Moon and Saturn causes delay and not denial, ultimately both of them do much good with a better partner. Whenever there is a benefice aspect between the Moon and Saturn, there will be delay in the marriage. Contradictory if there is a western malefic aspect between Moon and Saturn then there will be early marriage. Because a western malefic aspect [angle/square] creates a sense of loyalty, respect and durability in the relationship. This aspect works best in the situations requiring discipline and responsibility. Whenever the Punarabhoo yoga is present in the chart there will be always disturbance during negotiation and fixation. Relation will come and break at least once or twice, and then only there is possibility of fixation of marriage.

Ketu in 7th House

Ketu in the 7th house in a horoscope causes a feeling of loss of connections with others, Ketu also does not rule any zodiac sign since it is not a re Details::

Ketu is an imaginary planet or a node that is positioned where the earth`s trajectory around the Sun and the Moon`s trajectory around the Earth meet. It is believed to represent the tail of demon. The South node or Ketu is regarded as a point of difficult Karma from a past life in which the individual furthered his own selfish interest at the expense of others. The South node, on the positive side, can develop strong concentration and mastery of obscure or arcane subjects. Ketu gives sudden and unexpected results for good or bad. Both Rahu and Ketu are the parts of the same danava (demon) but are 180 degree apart. When Ketu, Sun and Moon lie in the same zodiacal longitude lunar eclipse takes place. Those ruled by Ketu, are secret adversaries and relates to people in pharmaceuticals industries, doctors and astrologers. Both imaginary nodes are the mysterious forces and show karmic and spiritual influences in the birth chart. Ketu also does not rule any zodiac sign since it is not a real planet. But it identifies as its own house (in spite of the lordship of Jupiter - "The guru of Gods"). Ketu is exalted in Scorpio, and debilitated in Taurus. It is strong in Jupiter’s sign (Sagittarius and Pisces) and that of Mercury (Virgo and Gemini). Ketu goes along beautifully with Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Ketu is neutral to Jupiter while Mars, Sun and Moon are its archenemies. Ketu is known as "MokshaKaraka" or the planet influencing spirituality. The person influenced by the planet is usually endowed with psychic powers, healing abilities, excellence in herb logy, tantrik, and ghost related ailments. Ketu influences pharmaceutical industry, medicine and astrology to a large extent. Ketu, if favorable, brings a lot of luxury, wisdom and intuition to the person. If unfavorable, it causes weak eyesight, poor concentration, boundless worries and anxiety. Ketu is a killer, and strips the house where it tenets the life in a way, but can promote it in another way. The way it does both is through its strong empty feeling. By promoting emptiness in that house, the person often struggles to refill it. This can result in accumulation and abundance for that house, hence ketu in the 11th house in a horoscope increases riches, by creating a feeling of constant poverty or drainage of the 11th house. Ketu in the 7th house in a horoscope causes a feeling of loss of connections with others, a natural result of Rahu in the first, which makes one often rejected and abandoned for being outcaste. This happens subtly throughout life for those bearing the mark of Rahu in the First. Ketu always causes Rahu straight across. Thus, the nodes affect an axis always. On one side there is concern and expansion (Rahu) and on the other side there is detachment and loss (Ketu).There are head and tail of karmic reality-too much abundance and involvement for the mouth of Rahu caused him to lose his body but he became eternal in a sense.Ketu is the highest planet in Jyotish spiritually, because it rules the ultimate truth for human. Jupiter can teach us all about religion but ketu really drives it home.Ketu and Saturn help us to realize the teachings of Jupiter and they alone teach us that we must be humble.Ketu represents the opposite node of Rahu.It the tail of the serpent. Venus and Rahu are its friends whereas moon and mars are its enemies. Forty two years is the age of ketu. Ketu is also considered to be auspicious for the birth of a son and as long as that bed is in the house.

Marriage Yoga Marriage Yoga in Jaatakam / Kundali Contributed by Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu Marriage is a sacred bond which creates the relationship as wife and husband between two different sexes. Marriages are made in heaven. Is it true? Of course, to some extent. It is the destiny that acts between the wife and husband to live long together with happiness or unhappiness. Sometimes, the wedlock breaks at the initial stage or after some years. In some cases the individuals live without marriage at all. What are the factors responsible for all these features? The individual horoscopes will reveal their. The astrologer can indicate in a way, what will take place in future, but what else, except the Almighty can say with certainty what will definitely happen. Now let us discuss briefly some points astrologically on marriage in the Horoscope of individuals. The planet Venus, who is karaka for marriage; the 7th, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and the 8thlords are responsible for marriage life. Besides this, the placement of other planets and the aspects of the planets to the above houses are to be studied. Marriages may be early, late or denial. Early marriage is possible in the following cases: 1. The 7th lord should be in Kendra or trikona with the constellation of benefic planets. 2. The 7th house should be aspected by benefic planets and no papakartari yoga is present. 3. Venus should be well placed in Kendra and trikona in the star of benefic planet. Venus should not be in the company of malefic planets. 4. Lagna lord should be strong or aspected to the 7th house. 5. The placement of benefic planets in the 7th house. 6. The 2nd house should be free from affliction and with benefic rays. 7. The 4th, for happiness, 5th for children, and 12th for bed comforts. So the lords of these houses should be free from afflictions.

The late marriages may take place where there is slight malefic influence to the 7 th house, 7th lord and Venus besides having benefic influences to the above which override malefic influences. Denial of marriage is possible where there is strong malefic influence to the 7 th house, 7th lord, Venus, 2nd house, and 2nd lord. Break in wedlock is possible even though there are benefic positions for marriage, the malefic influences prevail more and override the benefic influences. This leads to divorce or death of

the partner. We cannot elaborate unless the individual horoscopes are being studied elaborately and decide the result. The 8th house denotes longevity of the natives. In the case of female horoscopes, if there are benefics in the 8th house or aspected by the benefic planets to the 8th house would confer soubhagyam which means the wife predeceases her husband. Reverse is the case for opposite results. Mars Dosha: This is an important aspect to be considered while deciding the marital prospects. Mars dosha occurs where Mars is placed in the 2nd or 4th, or 7th, or 8th, or 12th houses from ascendant or Moon, or Venus. While matching the horoscopes of the male and female, if one of them is having Mars dosha marriage should not be performed. If both are having Mars dosha, marriage can be performed according to the strength of the same. There are some exceptions to the rule and the same are stated below. Different classic texts stated different exceptions and sometimes contradict each other. After analyzing many horoscopes the following are to be considered while matching horoscopes. 1. If there is any conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter, or benefic Mercury or waxing Moon to the Mars. 2. For Cancer and Leo ascendants there is not Mars dosha. 3. For Aries and Scorpio lagnas 4th Mars, for Taurus and Libra lagnas 12th Mars, for Gemini and Virgo lagnas 2nd Mars, for Capricorn and Cancer lagnas 7th Mars, for Sagittarius and Pisces lagna 8th Mars, for Aquarius and leo lagnas no dosha wherever Mars is situated. 4. There is a saying that for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Saggittarius, and Pisces lagnas no mars dosha. 5. When Mars is in movable sign, no Mars dosha exists.

There are controversial astrological works between Jataka Chandrika, Naradeeyam, and Kalidasa. Further, no mention about Mars dosha has been given in any standard works of ancient origin like Parsara Hora, Phaladeepika, Brihat jataka, Jataka Parijatha, Jatakalankara, Satya Charya’s, Pancha Siddhanta etc. Hence too much emphasis need not be given to Mars dosha. It is the astrologer who has to go deep into the strength of other planets besides the position of Mars in the horoscope and judge the influence of Mars on the individual. Mars and Saturn: The planets Mars and Saturn are enemies. These two planets create havoc in respect of married life. The combination of Mars and Saturn in any house is undesirable especially in the houses of lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. It is also undesirable to have Mars and Saturn in angles to each other. Their aspect to each other also creates unhappiness in married life. In the above cases, where if unsullied benefics like Jupiter, Venus, and waxing Moon are in conjunction with Mars and Saturn or aspect to Mars and Saturn will mitigate the bad effects to some extent.

Besides the above, the 7th lord should not be in the evil houses of 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th. Venus should also be free from affliction. Mars and Venus combination is bad for marital happiness since Mars is fiery planet and Venus is watery planet. Both are enemies, they create over sex and separation if they are not associated with benefic planets. For information sake, we furnish here under the benefic and malefic planets. Benefic Planets: Jupiter, Venus, waxing Moon, unsullied Mercury, and functional benefics. Malefic Planets: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, waning Moon, and functional malefics. Besides this, the planets who own bad houses like 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th. Further it is desirable to have conjunction of 7th lord with karaka Venus in any house. But please note that in the case of Taurus and Libra langnas the 7th lord is Mars and his association with Venus is not bad as he happens to be the lagna lord. Rahu in the 7 th house creates death or divorce to the spouse unless he is in the star of benefic planet or in conjunction with benefic planets or aspected by benefic planets. Second marriage should be predicted only if karaka Venus is not strong and well placed in the horoscope with benefic planets company or aspect. Finally, matching of horoscope of boy and girl is very important before proceeding for marriage.

Lord of seventh house in retrograde position and is in twefth house and presense of Saturn in seventh house(marriage) of your horoscope, these are the factors responsible for delay in your marriage. You may get married during next 24 mionths. Try following remedies: (01)Wear energized budh Yantra locket. (02)Get performed Chandra+Shukra+Shani shanti Havan. (03)Visit Shiva temple on every Monday and peform prayer there.

Delay or Denial in Marriage Delay in Marriage ? Faillure in Marriage Negotiation ? Does Delay in Marriage shows Negation of Marriage ? At what age or in Which Year Marriage will take Place ? Marriage Relationship When ? Why Marriage So Late? Will I be Married? Get checked is there Promise of Delay in Marriage Relationship or Denail of Marriage ?

It is will of Almighty that one gets married in very early age without any hassle while other, who

is in far better condition, has yet to crave for getting married. However, in these days, late marriage (in comparison to earlier times) has become common. It‟s so because prospective bride and groom have become career oriented. Once entering in job, they prefer to come in comfortable condition first. In all these things, generally they are to gain around 30 years of age. Naturally, if one is well settled in career he / she will prefer to choose partner of same status and for want of suitable candidate having status and social parity, time of marriage slowly-slowly gets lingered. And, as such, in few cases, prospective bride or groom approaches 40 years of age. Daily we come across with such person whose marriage get delayed due to settlement in career or being choosy.

At one level whatever has been mentioned above may be reason of late marriage but in astrology there is a quite different explanation which is made out on studying the planetary position and condition in the horoscope. In astrology there is method to check delay, late or even denial of marriage that can be foretold well before. Here under is an example of delayed marriage of a Male native running in his 40th year.

This is horoscope of Virgo Ascendant and Pisces sign is rising in the seventh house. Lord of House of Matrimonial matters is Jupiter in the horoscope. Jupiter is placed in Scorpio sign with

12L - Sun and is being aspected by 6L – Saturn. That is, Jupiter is under the influence lords of two Trik houses. Besides, Ketu is aspecting House and Lord of Marriage. Such planetary signatures are not favourable for marriage purpose. However, Jupiter, the seventh house lord, is aspecting its own house. This is one good thing that indicates the promise of marriage.

In male horoscope, Venus is chief significator of marriage. Position of Venus in fourth house is not good for marriage (as per Lal Kitab). Further, it is in Sagittarius (barren) sign which indicates delay in marriage and progeny prospect but assures for good wife. Venus with Lagnesh-Karmesh Mercury in fourth house is hemmed between malefics. This paap kartari situation to Venus and Mercury impedes the matters of matrimonial happiness, domestic affairs, professional growth and self-growth. Placement of Rahu in 5th House from Ascendant and 7th from Moon is also not so favourable and usually this planet delays the matter and creates complications and issues between couple. Saturn is aspecting Moon who is conjoined with Ketu. Both luminaries are under saturnine influence.

Saturn is aspecting 7th house lord and at the same time Sun and Saturn are in mutual aspect. In lal Kitab it has been mentioned that when Sun aspects Saturn, the significations of Venus get spoiled. Sspoiling of significations of Venus may lead frustration marriage related matters. Simultaneously, Hindu astrology principles convince that presence of natural BENEFIC Jupiter in between Sun and Saturn should save from disastrous or extreme result in this regard.

Likewise, concerned divisional chart (D-9) may also be studied. In brief, In Navamsha Chart and Rashi Tulya Navamsha chart, Saturn (the planet of delay) is in 7th House. The Lord of seventh house in Rashi chart i.e Jupiter is debilitated in the D-9 chart.

As thus, it may be concluded that native is promised to get married but there are many factors available in his horoscope which are delaying the matters and depriving the native enjoying the fruits of House of Marriage.


Manglik/Kuja Dosha In Vedic Astrology

Mars has a special place in vedic astrology when it comes to marital affairs. Manglik or Kuja dosha is one of the most dreaded dosha in the vedic chart. A number of people get married late because of this dosha as it takes them a long time to find the match (who also have the same dosha). Fortunately most of the times the native having Kuja dosha or Manglik Dosha doesn't have to fear anything because certain planetary positions may have rendered it ineffective or made it nullified. This tool will help you determine if you have the Kuja dosha or Manglik Dosha and if yes, then how effective it is.

About Kuja 'Kuja' means 'burning coal' or 'a fair person'. Kuja is identified with Lord Kartikeya - the God of War. He is the son of Lord Shiva. Kartikeya was born with six heads. He killed the invincible demon Taraka and released the Devas from Taraka's oppression. These qualities of Kuja depict strength, courage and the protective quality of Kuja. Thus, Kuja is known as the protector of dharma and the purpose in life, which each of us follow. Another notion of Kuja is that 'Ku' stands for 'Earth' and 'Jha' means 'birth'. Hence, Kuja will mean 'the son of Earth'. He is brought up by six Krutika stars resulting with six faces because he is fed by six star mothers. That is reason why he is also called Shanmuka.

Kuja dosha in horoscope One of the biggest misconceptions and fears in the Hindu society with respect to marriage is the presence of Kuja Dosha in the natal horoscope. Kuja dosha occurs, when Kuja is placed in the ascendant, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the natal chart. However, majority of the astrologers

include the 2nd house also in the Kuja dosha list. People in whose natal chart Kuja is placed in the above positions are under the influence of Kuja. Kuja is considered to be a commander-in-chief among all planets. It symbolizes immense courage, aggression, vitality, confidence and warrior qualities. It drives the fire of independent spirit and sense of purpose among individuals.

Notions about Kuja dosha: Some of the most common misconceptions about the planet Kuja is that if a person is born on a Tuesday, he is said to be dominated by Kuja. This, however is not true. Kuja in his own house or exaltation will considerably reduce the ill effects of the Kuja Dosha. The most famous misconception about being a Kuja is that if he/she is married to a non-Kuja, then the spouse is bound to die. The above can be seen in a few cases, where Kuja is severely afflicted; overall strength of the horoscope also needs to be checked.

Common effects with respect of Kuja in the natal chart Kuja in the first house - quarrelsome on even minor issues; combative and dominating in relationship. Kuja in the 2nd house - harsh speech. Kuja in the 4th house - aggressive emotional nature, which may effect the career-front, with frequent changes in profession. Kuja in the 7th house - a lot of energy; differences with family members. Kuja in the 8th house - early death of the mate. Kuja in the 12th - financial losses, many enemies and repressed anger. According to Parasara's Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, if Kuja is placed in the lagna, 4th, 7th ,8th and 12th houses, without any aspect or conjunction of the benefit planets, then the husband of such a women certainly have an early death. Hence it is understood that if Kuja has an aspect of a benefit or is conjunct with a benefit, then there is no dosha. An exception to this however exists. "If a woman with the widowhood yoga marries a man with a similar yoga of loss of spouse, then such yoga will get cancelled." Hence the second exception given by him is that Kuja Dosha is canceled, if both the girl and the boy have Kuja Dosha.

Exceptions to Kuja dosha Kuja dosha gets canceled in some special conditions as defined below:

When Kuja is in its own sign Mesha, exalted Karkataka or in the houses owned by planets considered to be his friends viz., Ravi, Guru and Chandra. If Kuja is in the 2nd house, but in the signs of Mithuna or Kanya. If Kuja is in the 4th house, but in Mesha If Kuja is in the 7th house, but in Karkataka or Makara. If Kuja is in the 8th house, but in Pisces. If Kuja is in the 12th house, but in Vrushaba or Tula. For Karkataka and Simha lagnas, Kuja is a yoga Karkataka and so no dosha wherever it is placed. For Kumba lagna, if Mars is in the 4th or 8th house. If benefic Guru or Sukra occupies the ascendant. If Kuja is in conjunction or aspected by Guru or Chandra. If Kuja is in conjunction or aspected by Ravi, Budha, Sani or Rahu. Kuja Dosha is considerably reduced, if Sani aspects the houses owned by Kuja, but subject to the other planetary positions in the natal chart. Remember that even if a person has severe Kuja Dosha, after the age of 28, the effects of Kuja Dosha are reduced.

General remedies to Kuja dosha People who are afflicted with severe Kuja Dosha should marry a person having the same quantum of Dosha. Also such people should worship Lord Hanuman daily, by reciting Hanuman Chalisa. They should visit the temple of Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays. Another remedy is to keep an idol of Kesariya Ganapati in the pooja room and worship Him everyday.

What is the Kuja Dosha in Vedic Astrology Jyotish - The Vedic Astrology of Lanka India Nepal and Tibet

Whenever Mars is situated in 1,2,4,7,8,12 th house of a Rashi or lunar chart (Moon chart) it is called as "Manglik dosha, Kuja Dosha, Bhom Dosha or Angaraka Dosha, or Manglik Dosh" in Vedic Astrology. Resulting problems in marriage life or partnership situations. The person will also have to endure hardships in the marriage generated by the spouse. As the person with Kuja Dosha does not have the nature to victimize the spouse. James Braha in his work "Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer" says that, "The effects of Kuja Dosha seems to cause the person to be victimized in the course of his/her marriage and ultimately the person is likely to be end up in divorced or separated and generally through no obvious fault of ones own. The mechanics of Kuja Dosha are such, it causes the a person with Kuja Dosha to be attracted to a partner who by his/her very nature can not blend or function compatibly for any great length of time with that person. The way out of Kuja Dosha is for a person with Kuja Dosha to Marry an Another with Kuja Dosha The most significant problem is that, a person with a Kuja Dosha will not feel much physical attraction to another with Kuja Dosha" I am a Mangalik or a person with Kuja Dosha, when counted from both Rashi and Janma Lagna's through bitter experience, I can vow for the truthfulness of the word for word of the above statement of James Braha. It appears to me that the people with Mangalik Dosh has grater probability of ending up with or attracting a partner who is less sympathetic or thoughtful: A common marital problem the people with Kuja Dosha are facing is unfair distribution of responsibilities. For example, the person with Kuja Dosha may be used to do everything in the relationship when it is just the two of them. However, the person may need practical and emotional support from his/her partner once children come along, something that the person may not get from the marriage partner. Because he/she may have ended up with a insensitive partner who has

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Difficulties in empathising with others Problems with understanding another person‟s or the spouses point of view Difficulties engaging in social routines such as conversations and„small talk‟ Problems with controlling feelings such as anger, depression and anxiety A preference for routines and schedules which can result in stress or anxiety if a routine is disrupted Specialized fields of interest or hobbies. Average or above-average intelligence

In modern day medical terms this situation is described as Asperger syndrome which is one of the autism spectrum disorders. And the ancient people described the effect of this syndrome on the marriage of the person as Kuja Dosha because the person with Mangalik Dosh is more likely to end up with a partner with certain elements of Asperger Syndrome and being Neurotypical can become victimized from the autism related behavior of his/her partner Mangalik Dosh effects seems to be more severe in the natal charts, where Mars becomes functional malefic i.e. Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus ascendant charts. Cancellation of Kuja Dosha It is not enough to find out whether some one has "Kuja Dosha", the most important part is to find out whether there are other yogas which may counteract and cancel the bad effects of the said yoga and also what remedial measures are available to get relief from the bad effects. There are ways of cancellation of Kuja Dosha such as If the first house is Aries or Mesha and Mars is in Aries the Kuja Dosha is not effective as Aries is the Own House of Mars. And some more other such combinations, which you have to consult a competent astrologer to find out.

What is the Kuja Dosha in Vedic Astrology Jyotish - The Vedic Astrology of Lanka India Nepal and Tibet

Whenever Mars is situated in 1,2,4,7,8,12 th house of a Rashi or lunar chart (Moon chart) it is called as "Manglik dosha, Kuja Dosha, Bhom Dosha or Angaraka Dosha, or Manglik Dosh" in Vedic Astrology. Resulting problems in marriage life or partnership situations. The person will also have to endure hardships in the marriage generated by the spouse. As the person with Kuja Dosha does not have the nature to victimize the spouse. James Braha in his work "Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer" says that, "The effects of Kuja Dosha seems to cause the person to be victimized in the course of his/her marriage and ultimately the person is likely to be end up in divorced or separated and generally through no obvious fault of ones own. The mechanics of Kuja Dosha are such, it causes the a person with Kuja Dosha to be attracted to a partner who by his/her very nature can not blend or function compatibly for any great length of time with that person. The way out of Kuja Dosha is for a person with Kuja Dosha to Marry an Another with Kuja Dosha The most significant problem is that, a person with a Kuja Dosha will not feel much physical attraction to another with Kuja Dosha" I am a Mangalik or a person with Kuja Dosha, when counted from both Rashi and Janma Lagna's through bitter experience, I can vow for the truthfulness of the word for word of the above statement of James Braha. It appears to me that the people with Mangalik Dosh has grater probability of ending up with or attracting a partner who is less sympathetic or thoughtful: A common marital problem the people with Kuja Dosha are facing is unfair distribution of responsibilities. For example, the person with Kuja Dosha may be used to do everything in the relationship when it is just the two of them. However, the person may need practical and emotional support from his/her partner once children come along, something that the person may not get from the marriage partner. Because he/she may have ended up with a insensitive partner who has

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Difficulties in empathising with others Problems with understanding another person‟s or the spouses point of view Difficulties engaging in social routines such as conversations and„small talk‟ Problems with controlling feelings such as anger, depression and anxiety A preference for routines and schedules which can result in stress or anxiety if a routine is disrupted Specialized fields of interest or hobbies. Average or above-average intelligence

In modern day medical terms this situation is described as Asperger syndrome which is one of the autism spectrum disorders. And the ancient people described the effect of this syndrome on the marriage of the person as Kuja Dosha because the person with Mangalik Dosh is more likely to end up with a partner with certain elements of Asperger Syndrome and being Neurotypical can become victimized from the autism related behavior of his/her partner Mangalik Dosh effects seems to be more severe in the natal charts, where Mars becomes functional malefic i.e. Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus ascendant charts. Cancellation of Kuja Dosha It is not enough to find out whether some one has "Kuja Dosha", the most important part is to find out whether there are other yogas which may counteract and cancel the bad effects of the said yoga and also what remedial measures are available to get relief from the bad effects. There are ways of cancellation of Kuja Dosha such as If the first house is Aries or Mesha and Mars is in Aries the Kuja Dosha is not effective as Aries is the Own House of Mars.

Why panic about KUJA DOSHA? Astrology says that when a bride-groom with kuja dosha is married between 21 to 28 years of age to a bride without kuja dosha, discrepancies among wife and husband, child-lessness, deficiency of happiness in their married life, ill health to the wife may occur. And also, when a bride with kuja dosha is married between 16 to 25 years of age to a bridegroom without kuja dosha, discrepancies among wife and husband, child-lessness, deficiency of happiness in their married life, bearing the total responsibilities of family may occur. What is meant by Kuja Dosha? Effects of Kuja dosha Kuja dosha occurs if in the natal chart, Kuja is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses from lagna or if kuja has vision on these houses. But there are some exceptions. Marriage can be done between bride and bride groom if theyboth have kuja dosha at equal range. It is not good to

do marriage between bride and bride groom if one of them is having kuja dosha and other is not. But some rashis and lagna people, kuja dosha is not applicable. This kuja dosha is not applicable to those born in Mesha, Karkatakam, Simham, Vrishchikam, Dhanussu, and Meena Lagnas. For these people there is no harm no matter where the kuja is. But astrologers say that kuja in the 7th place doesn‟t harm. In case there is Dosha, the effects of kuja dosha can be reduced by offering Abhishekas, japas and remedies to Kuja. Remedies for Kuja Dosha Astrologers say, kuja dosha is not that big problem to be seen in a magnifying glass and at the same time it is not such a small problem also to be neglected. The main possible remedy for this problem is that a manwith kuja dosha should get married after 29 years and if he wants to get married before that age he should select that woman who has the Gajakesari yoga in her horoscope. In the same way a woman with kuja dosha should get married after 25 years and in the other cases should get married to a man with Gajakesari yoga, so as to overcome the effects of the Kuja dosha. Astrology experts suggest that if persons with kuja dosha wants to marry one who matches them it is advisable to visit the six pilgrim places of Sri Kartikeya or light lamps in the Subramanya Swami temple beside the Vaideeswara Temple in Kumbakonam.

KUJA DOSHA - FACT OR MYTH ? | When Kuja (Mars) is posited in a horoscope in the houses 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th from the Ascendant, it is called „Kuja dosha or Mangalik (ill effect of Mars). In the horoscope, the 2nd house represents family and happiness of the native. 4th house represents childhood and the psychology developed out of the influences at childhood. 7th house represents marriage and partner. 8th house represents the maangalya (welfare) of the spouse. 12th house represents bed comforts. So, when natural malefic Mars is posited in these houses, we can expect some disharmony in the affairs of these houses which leads to dissatisfaction in the married life and finally separation of the couple. Mars represents irritation, anger and impulsive nature. Mars is so dynamic that he makes the person get into actions without thinking adequately. When anger predominates, we cannot think properly. Hence the decisions and actions taken will be generally wrong when Mars is active. Kuja dosha leads to separation of the couple. Here separation may be due to one of the couple going abroad and staying there for a longer period. Separation can also represent the ill health of one of the couple because of which they cannot enjoy the conjugal bliss. Sometimes Kuja dosha

indicates death of the partner also. Kuja dosha should be reckoned from the Ascendant in the Rasi chart. Also, this dosha should be confirmed from the Navamsa chart since the „Navamsa‟ represents the general wellbeing of the spouse. Some texts say that we should count Kuja dosha from the Moon and Venus also. If this is the case, there will not be any person without Kuja dosha. In Vedic Astrology, several texts mentioned various exceptions for Kuja dosha. For example, 1) Kuja dosha does not exist when Mars is conjunct Jupiter or Moon. 2) No dosha for the Ascendants owned by Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter. 3) No dosha if Mars is in Leo or Aquarius. 4) No dosha if Mars is in the 2nd house which is Gemini or Virgo. 5) No dosha if Mars is in 4th house, if it is owned by Mars (i.e, Aries or Scorpio) 6) No dosha in the 7th if it is Cancer or Capricorn. 7) No dosha in the 8th, if it is owned by Jupiter (i.e, Sagittarius or Pisces). 8) No dosha if Mars is in 12th house, if it is Taurus or Libra. In this way the list will grow. But, in our experience, these exceptions are found to be invalid. If we take these exceptions into account, then Kuja dosha will not exist in any horoscope. These many exceptions are mentioned, probably to facilitate marriages in the society. Case I: A male born on April 3rd, 1984 at 8.32 AM, Amalapuram, India. In this horoscope, the Ascendant falls in Taurus whose lord is Venus. The 2nd and 5th house lord Mercury representing family and love is in 12th. Of course, 12th house represents secrets and bed comforts. This person loved a girl and married to her secretly in a temple. They started living together without their parents knowing about it. The marriage has taken place during December 2006 in Venus-Kethu sub period. The 7th house is occupied by Mars and Kethu. Since Kethu is with Mars, it also works like Mars and becomes responsible for marriage and later breaking the marriage. During March 2009, there was an argument between the couple over some trivial thing and his wife left the house without informing him. At that time, Sun-Jupiter sub period is running where both the Sun and Jupiter are enemies for his Ascendant. In this horoscope, we can observe the Kuja dosha reinforced by Rahu‟s aspect to Mars from the Ascendant. Rahu and Saturn are separative planets which if aspect the 7th house or 7th lord will bring separation definitely.

Case II: A female born on April 14th, 1970 at 8.35 PM, Mumbai, India. Here, the Ascendant is Libra whose lord is in 7th house. Mars is posited in 8th house representing Kuja dosha. In the 7th house, multiple planets are there indicating more than one marriage. Since 7th lord Mars (husband) is in 8th house representing enemy place, her husband gave her very bad treatment. Saturn being a separative planet is also in the 7th house confirming the separation. She has gone to the court of law and got divorce from him. There is exchange of houses between 7th lord Mars and 8th lord Venus which represent second marriage. 5th lord Saturn representing love and 8th lord Venus representing second husband are joined together in 7th house which is marriage place. Now she is in love with an aged person of around 55 years of age, whom she is going to marry. Please note that Saturn represents aged people. Remedies for Kuja dosha: 

The person who has got Kuja dosha in his/her chart should marry a person with same strength of Kuja dosha. Then the bad effect of Mars will be neutralized. But it is not cancelled.

Kuja dosha can be suppressed by reciting Lord Subrahmanya Astottaram (108 names). Lord Subrahmanya is also called Skandha, Karitkeya or Kumaraswamy.

It is said: „Bhaaryam Rakshatu bhairavi‟ – Let my spouse be protected by Bhairavi. Goddess Durga is called Bhairavi and hence reciting Durga stotram is also a remedy to escape from Kuja dosha.

When Kuja dosha is very strong, it separates the couple by killing the spouse. In this case, first the bride should marry a pipal tree (pippala) and then the actual marriage should take place. This is called „Pippala vratha‟.

In Hindu puranaas, Savithri is a female who fought with Yama, the lord of Death and got her husband alive. Hence, in case of Kuja dosha, it is recommended that the bride should perform „Savithri vratha‟ to make her husband long-lived.

Worshipping the Gods Bhairava or Narasimha is the best remedy for Mars.

Wearing Red Coral (moonga) gem of 5 carats in a silver ring for the right hand‟s ring finger will help to alleviate Kuja dosha.

Mangal Dosha From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2012) Astrology

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Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars is in the 1st,2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the Vedic astrology Ascendant chart. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik.

Horary astrology

This condition is astrologically believed to be devastating for marriages, causing discomfort and tension in relationship, leading to severe disharmony among the spouses and eventually to other bigger problems. This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of this planet. However, if a manglik person is born on Tuesday, the negative effects of Kuja Dosha gets cancelled by itself. Also, if two mangliks marry, the negative effects are believed to cancel each other out. However, Mars is not the only planet in Vedic Astrology that is supposed to affect the relationship and these effects should be seen in a broader perspective of overall astrological compatibility.


There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a singlemanglik marriage can be resolved if the manglik first performs a ceremony called a kumbh vivah, in which the manglik "marries" a banana tree, a peepal tree, or a silver or golden idol (Murti) of the Hindu God Vishnu. Before her marriage to Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai one of India's most famous film stars faced a lawsuit, after being accused of entering into a "false marriage" ('marrying' a tree) by Lawyers on behalf of some human rights groups.[1]

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Any person suffering from Manglik Dosh is called a Manglik. So when someone says "I'm a Manglik", it simply means that they have Manglik Dosh in their horoscope. The bad effects of Manglik Dosh can be reduced with the help of astrological remedies which would generally include the application of Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities and these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes. An increasing number of individuals are placing less emphasis on Manglik dosha, during the selection of a life partner, as evidenced from the data from online matrimony sites. However, there is still a pretty large following of people who give credence to Manglik Dosha.

References 1. ^ Film star faces lawsuit after 'marrying' a tree - Telegraph

External links Mangal Dosh Relate Puja/Dosh Niwaran

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Mars Dosha, Kuja Dosha or Mangalik Exceptions An article on Marriage of Mangaliks Manglik Dosha and matching of charts Mangal Dosha Calculator by AstroSage.com Webpage to check whether a person is Manglik Are you Manglik? Check it free

Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars is in the 1st,2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the Vedic astrology Ascendant chart. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik. This condition is astrologically believed to be devastating for marriages, causing discomfort and tension in relationship, leading to severe disharmony among the spouses and eventually to other bigger problems. This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of this planet. However, if a manglik person is born on Tuesday, the negative effects of Kuja Dosha gets cancelled by itself. Also, if two mangliks marry, the negative effects are believed to cancel each other out. However, Mars is not the only planet in Vedic Astrology that is supposed to affect the relationship and these effects should be seen in a broader perspective of overall astrological compatibility. There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a single-manglik marriage can be resolved if the manglik first performs a ceremony called a kumbh vivah, in which the manglik "marries" a banana tree, a peepal tree, or a silver or golden idol (Murti) of the Hindu God Vishnu. Before her marriage to Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai one of India's most famous film stars faced a lawsuit, after being accused of entering into a "false marriage" ('marrying' a tree) by Lawyers on behalf of some human rights groups.[1] Any person suffering from Manglik Dosh is called a Manglik. So when someone says "I'm a Manglik", it simply means that they have Manglik Dosh in their horoscope. The bad effects of Manglik Dosh can be reduced with the help of astrological remedies which would generally include the application of Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities and these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes. An increasing number of individuals are placing less emphasis on Manglik dosha, during the selection of a life partner, as evidenced from the data from online matrimony sites. However, there is still a pretty large following of people who give credence to Manglik Dosha.

Mangal Dosha From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2012) Astrology

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Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars is in the 1st,2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the Vedic astrology Ascendant chart. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik. This condition is astrologically believed to be devastating for marriages, causing discomfort and tension in relationship, leading to severe disharmony among the spouses and eventually to other bigger problems. This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of this planet. However, if a manglik person is born on Tuesday, the negative effects of Kuja Dosha gets cancelled by itself. Also, if two mangliks marry, the negative effects are believed to cancel each other out. However, Mars is not the only planet in Vedic Astrology that is supposed to affect the relationship and these effects should be seen in a broader perspective of overall astrological compatibility.

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There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a singlemanglik marriage can be resolved if the manglik first performs a ceremony called a kumbh vivah, in which the manglik "marries" a banana tree, a peepal tree, or a silver or golden idol (Murti) of the Hindu God Vishnu. Before her marriage to Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai one of India's most famous film stars faced a lawsuit, after being accused of entering into a "false marriage" ('marrying' a tree) by Lawyers on behalf of some human rights groups.[1] Any person suffering from Manglik Dosh is called a Manglik. So when someone says "I'm a Manglik", it simply means that they have Manglik Dosh in their horoscope. The bad effects of Manglik Dosh can be reduced with the help of astrological remedies which would generally include the application of Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities and these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes. An increasing number of individuals are placing less emphasis on Manglik dosha, during the selection of a life partner, as evidenced from the data from online matrimony sites. However, there is still a pretty large following of people who give credence to Manglik Dosha.

The classic says, lagne byaye ca pätäle yämitre cäñöame kuje| kanyä harati bhartäram bhartä bhäryäm haniñyati||

It means that presence of Mars in Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 12


house or in 8th

house results into Kuja Dosha. If the bride has this kind of placement of Mars in her chart, then she becomes the reason for her husband's death, while if the groom has this kind of placement, then he becomes the reason for his wife's death. Some often includes 2nd house for no reason, others consider it with respect to other planets, which should not be done & reasonless. Unquote He does not say in which classic, this sloka is present. Why? Because this is a sloka with no father! This is a sloka that appear in the Prarisishta (extra slokas included) in the stri Jataka (horoscope of women) portion of a non-authentic book called Jataka chandrika (This book is different from Laghu Parasari which is also known as Jataka chandrika). If Ma placed in 1, 2,4,7,12 (total 5 signs) can produce Kuja Dosha then 5/12 = 41.66..% of the horoscope will have Kuja Dosha! If we consider Mo as well, then 83.33... % of horoscopes will have Kuja Dosha! It is absurd!


What is the real predictions that are given for Ma in 2nd, 4th, 7 and 12th from Lagna? How it differs from this absurd sloka? Let us have a look at the married life related actual predictions given in texts like Bhrigu sutra, Varaha hora, Jataka Tatwa etc to have a clear picture :Ma in Lagna May have wounds/diseases, will not have long life, less children, too much interest in ladies. If Ma is strong, or benefices aspects Ma all these wouldn't happen, but if at least one malefic aspects Ma such effects can be predicted. Ma in 2nd – Too much interest in worldly pleasures, 2 wives etc. Here also a malefic should aspect Ma for these predictions to fructify. Ma in 4th –

Quarrels in home, living in rented house, forsaken by relatives and quarrels with them. Here too a malefic aspect on Ma is necessary. Ma in 7th – Diseases to wife, Loss (death?) of Wife, late marriage, life abroad away from wife, interest in prostitution, interest in perverted sex etc. Here the aspect of malefic is not a must for many of these results to fructify. Therefore this is Kuja Dosha for sure. In women's horoscope if Ma-Ve th

combination is present in 7 she will be too much interested in indulging in sexual activities with persons other than husband. If Ma-Ve-Mo combination is present in 7th she will indulge in sex with other persons with the permission of her husband! If Ma is in 7th and a benefic is there in 9th then she would be much interested in spirituality, and won't give much importance to married life. Ma in 8th Diseases related to penis or sexual organs, Loss (death) of wife, less children, etc. Here also a malefic should aspect Ma for these predictions to fructify. In women's horoscope if Ma is in 8th, she will cause bad name for the family in which she is born. If the Dasa of Navamsa lord of 8th lord occurs then at that period her husband will die. If Ma-Ve-Ju combination is present in 8th she will have many abortions, or some children may die at birth. Therefore Ma in 8th can cause very bad results at times and so it could be considered as Kuja dosha. Ma in 12th – Life away from home and wife (i.e. going abroad).

All these indicates that except the placement of Ma in 7th or 8th the other combinations are not that dreaded. Normally they can not cause death of Husband/Wife. Then what was the logic behind frightening all with the wrong prediction of Death (!) related to the placement of Ma in 1-24-7-8 ? I will clarify – Ma in Lagna – Aspects 7th house which is related to marriage. Ma in 2nd - Aspects 8th house which is related to life after marriage. Ma in 4th – Aspects 7th house which its special Drishti in 4th house.

Ma in 7th –7th house is related to marriage. Ma in 8th - 8th house is related to life after marriage. Ma in 12th – Aspects 7th with its special Drishti in 8th house.

So essentially the concept of Kuja Dosha is related to 7th and 8th house only. But the fool who created this sloka never considered that the predictions given for Ma in 1-2-4-12 house are not as strong as Death, even though all these have some special relation to marriage and married life. Even for the placement of Ma in 7th and 8th house, there are many rules of exceptions, which makes this dreaded dosha almost non- existent! The ancient classics never uses the term Kuja Dosha. If we start using the word Kuja dosha, then why can't we start using the words Sani Dosha, Surya Dosha, Rahu Dosha, Ju Dosha (yap, Ju in Cp in 7th can cause death of wife), Me dosha (Yap, Me in Ta in 7th can cause loss of first wife), Ve Dosha (yap, Ve in Sc can cause death of wife), etc as well?! We are not using it, and so let us get rid of the word Kuja Dosha as well.

If you go for remedies, go for all these and many more or otherwise reject the costly remedies suggested for this dosha (which only help to strengthen the pocket of the astrologers or his helpers). It is better to reject that astrologer as well, since probably he is not a true astrologer, who follows the classics and thinks for the native. He is probably just using a frightening technique he got from a fatherless sloka for some purpose! It could be just to safe guard his respect as an astrologer (when all other will say that it is Kuja Dosha, how can be stay back!), or may be to reap money, or may be… there could be many other reasons as well. :) Ma is just like any other planet, the special predictions given for its particular placement is important and not the dreaded names life Kuja Dosha, which makes people fearful and makes their life miserable for no reason! But still if you are reluctant to reject the word, then use it only related to the placement of Ma in 7th and 8th from Lagna or Moon (which ever is strong).

Expecting more inputs on the same from the learned group members, and looking forward to an elaborate discussion of placement of planets in 7th and 8th house, and their influence on married life,

The Theory of Kuja Dosha KujaDosha ---What it is & how does it affect us???? om dharaëégarbhasambhütam vidyut puïjasamaprabham kumäram çaktihastaïca lohitäìgam namämyaham Paying obeisance to Lord Mars---a form of Shree Vishnu, I am writing this much sensitive topic, viz. Kuja Dosha i.e. a “Dosha” or “an ominous combination caused by the Mars”. There other names also as Bhauma Dosha (Mangal or Mars also known as Bhauma as he is the son of “Bhumi” that is earth), & finally Mangal Dosha. Wrongly, it is also termed as “Manglik” as in this case Mangal is not meant to be the planet, but it relates to what is supposed to be Good or auspicious. It has been seen that around 30% of the people have Kuja Dosha while 10% of them get it cancelled in their chart itself, but due to ignorance gets deceived by greedy astrologers. In this article, I will cite slokas from our classics n examples as necessary. What is Kuja Dosha? ----As said before it is an ominous combination caused by Mars... but it remains vague if not properly explained. The classic says, lagne byaye ca pätäle yämitre cäñöame kuje kanyä harati bhartäram bhartä bhäryäm haniñyati It means that presence of Mars in Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 12th house or in 8th house results into Kuja Dosha. If the bride has this kind of placement of Mars in her chart, then she becomes the reason for her husband’s death, while if the groom has this kind of placement, then he becomes the reason for his wife’s death. Some often includes 2nd house for no reason, others consider it with respect to other planets, which should not be done & reasonless. Remedies? --- There are remedial measures, but not any kind of wearing stones or any kind of sacrifice. The same classic says--evambidhe kuje saðsthe bibäho na kadäcana käryo bä guëabähulye kuje bä tädåçe dvayoù ---In such condition, you should not give marriage (that means if any one them that means if either bride or groom possesses this dosha). However, if one having Kuja Dosha with Mangal having “guna” or good conditions (like exalted Mars, aspected by benefics, occupying own house or mooltrikona etc) or if both bride & groom have Kuja Dosha then marriage is permissible. The point to be noted here is that it deals exclusively with Mangal Dosha, a part of the match making but not the overall match making. As we know, Mars in 4th, 7th or in 8th afflicts the marital life etc. However, exceptions are there according to the placement etc. My Comments: - If Mars is exalted, in mooltrikona, in own house, or in a friendly house & in houses of benefic in divisional charts, then the “power” Kuja Dosha reduces. If Mars becomes a Yogkarak for a given lagna (being the lord either of Kendras or Trikonas) & if aspected

(or associated) by benefic & friendly planets then the Kuja Dosha is reduced. Cancellation of Dosha? ---Yes, certain combinations have been found to cancel the Mangal Dosha in the chart itself. Brihat Jyotish Sara gives us the combination through which we can see cancellation combination of Kuja Dosha. It reads like this: yämitre ca yadä sourirlagne bä hibuke'thabä añöame dvädaçe caiva bhoumadoñe na vidyate --It means that if Saturn is located in any of the places as Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, or 12th house(where the native has already Kuja Dosha my placement of Mars in the said places & is not in good conditions), then the Kuja Dosha gets cancelled. My Comment:However, if the same Saturn is posted in the said places, then the Kuja Dosha is not cancelled, instead the Dosha becomes stronger. Another verse from another classic (probably from Garga samhita): lagne caturthe ca byayäñöame nage rähüù çanirbäpi yadi sthitaù syät tadä kujo naiva karoti doñam bibähakäle prabadanti gargäù --It means that if either Rahu or Saturn is posted in any of the houses, viz. lagna, fourth house, twelfth house, eigth house or seventh house, (while Mars in any of the houses of 1/4/12/7/8), then “tadä kujo naiva karoti doñam”---Mars cannot do any harm after marriage, such says Sage Garga. My comments: - Same as before. One more thing is that, suppose the bride is of Tula lagna, with Mars in Lagna, while Rahu/Saturn is in seventh from Lagna; here Kuja Dosha is cancelled, but the seventh house is afflicted & no harm will be caused to the native, which might be termed as due to “Kuja Dosha”. The Conclusion:I have tried my best to conclude about the cause, exceptions, & results of Kuja Dosha through excerpts from the classics & have tried my best to illustrate with some examples. As a final note, Kuja Dosha should always be considered from Lagna & not from rashi or any other planets. Position of Mars on the said positions must be seen to check Kuja Dosha & not any other else (but wrongly, some astrologers include second house in the list). If this article is lacking in something, then please let me know & please forgive all shortcomings. om namo brahmaëyadeväya go-brähmaëahitäya ca jagaddhitäya kåñëäya gobindäya namo namaù om ädityädi nabagraharüpäya çréjanärdanäya namaù om etat karma çrémannäräyanäya samarpanamastu

Concept of Manglik Dosha / Kuja Dosha Manglik Dosha is when Mars is placed in Ascendant, 2nd house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house or 12 house in ones horoscope.

These positions are also to be considered from Moon and Venus also. There is nothing to fear or wrong from being the Manglik, because if we consider the positions as described, from Ascendant, Moon and Venus around 70% people will be Manglik. Mars is the planet of Strength, Aggressiveness, Energy and its placement in different houses of a particular horoscope indicates its characteristics, depending upon whether Mars id benefic or Malefic in the Chart. A benefic Mars or exalted Mars in Capricorn makes one a balanced and decision making leader in the society. A malefic or debilitated Mars in cancer makes one uncultured and rude. There are certain conceptions associated with presence of Mars in different house with Kuja Dosha like Mars present in Ascendant or in 1st house form Moon and Venus indicates Health problems, delayed marriage, stubborn and Rash person. Mars present in 7th house indicates unhappy married life, clashed with spouse. Therefore, presence of Mars in certain house does not make it bad whereas proper study of position of Mars with respect to sign occupied i.e. placed in which rashi, its house lord, its strength or any influence should be considered. Cancellation of Manglik Dosha/ Kuja Dosha There are certain planetary configurations which cancel the negative influence of Manglik Dosha, if any.

 A Manglik boy marrying Manglik Girl.  If there is Mars in some house in horoscope of one partners and Saturn is placed in the same house in the horoscope of other partner the Manglik Dosha is cancelled.  If Mars is in Ascendant in Aries , Dosha is cancelled.  If Mars is joined or aspected by Jupiter cancels the Kuja dosha.  If Mars in 2nd in the sign of Mercury i.e. Gemini or Virgo, it cancels the Kuja dosha.  If Mars is in 7th house in Cancer or Capricorn, it cancels the Kuja dosha.  If Mars is in 8th house in Sagittarius or pisces , it cancels the kuja dosha.  If Mars is in 12th house in Taurus or Libra , it cancels the kuja dosha.  If Mars is in conjunction with Moon or is in Kendra from Moon it cancels the kuja dosha

Kuja Dosha or Mangalik Dosh What is the Kuja Dosha in Vedic Astrology Jyotish - The Vedic Astrology of Lanka India Nepal and Tibet

Whenever Mars is situated in 1,2,4,7,8,12 th house of a Rashi or lunar chart (Moon chart) it is called as "Manglik dosha, Kuja Dosha, Bhom Dosha or Angaraka Dosha, or Manglik Dosh" in Vedic Astrology. Resulting problems in marriage life or partnership situations. The person will also have to endure hardships in the marriage generated by the spouse. As the person with Kuja Dosha does not have the nature to victimize the spouse. James Braha in his work "Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer" says that, "The effects of Kuja Dosha seems to cause the person to be victimized in the course of his/her marriage and ultimately the person is likely to be end up in divorced or separated and generally through no obvious fault of ones own. The mechanics of Kuja Dosha are such, it causes the a person with Kuja Dosha to be attracted to a partner who by his/her very nature can not blend or function compatibly for any great length of time with that person. The way out of Kuja Dosha is for a person with Kuja Dosha to Marry an Another with Kuja Dosha The most significant problem is that, a person with a Kuja Dosha will not feel much physical attraction to another with Kuja Dosha" I am a Mangalik or a person with Kuja Dosha, when counted from both Rashi and Janma Lagna's through bitter experience, I can vow for the truthfulness of the word for word of the above statement of James Braha. So Beware those who are Mangaliks ! Mangalik Dosh effects seems to be more severe in the natal charts, where Mars becomes functional malefic i.e. Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus ascendant charts. Cancellation of Kuja Dosha It is not enough to find out whether some one has "Kuja Dosha", the most important part is to find out whether there are other yogas which may counteract and cancel the bad effects of the said yoga and also what remedial measures are available to get relief from the bad effects. There are ways of cancellation of Kuja Dosha such as If the first house is Aries or Mesha and Mars is in Aries the Kuja Dosha is not effective as Aries is the Own House of Mars. And some more other such combinations, which you have to consult a competent astrologer to find out. We are already familiar that the word Kuja means the planet Mars [Mangala Graha]. So the term, Kuja Dosha would mean a fault or trouble created by the planet Mars. Though Mars can create many types of problems in a chart, by it's lordship and placement, but Kuja Dosha actually refers to the problem created by Mars in respect of marital life. For the present time social structure, it creates problems in relationship as well.

Kuja Dosha is also called Manglik , Manglik Dosha , Mangal Dosha , Bhauma Dosha etc. Kuja Dosha is formed when Mars sits in specific houses in the Rashi chart. So he influences some particular houses by his placement and aspects. There are specific rules to check for Kuja Dosha while there are other factors which break or weaken this. Kuja Dosha is said to kill the spouse, but actually it does not happen this way always. Depending on the strength of the Dosha, it creates different scale or kinds of problems accordingly. How the Dosha occurs - Conditions for forming Kuja Dosha It is generally said that in a chart [Irrespective to male or female native] When Mars is found in any of the houses 1, 4, 7, 8, 12 - Kuja Dosha forms. Some South Indian astrologers also take the 2nd house in addition - while most do not agree to this. [Mars in second can indicate bold or bitter speech, or using slang words etc.] Mars is a planet of battle, war and fight. He is Tamasic in nature and belongs to the caste of warriors [Kshatriya]. He in general is fond of fights, battles and is given to anger. That is why, very naturally, when he takes over the marital matters, he likes to put quarrel, fight and 'battle' in marriage, which disturb marital happiness. Mars is also he planet of over sex drive, too much boldness, and too fierce in nature - all of them are against a peaceful marriage. The actual reason behind why these houses produce Kuja Dosha should be understood logically. That is why I am giving house by house explanation Mars in the 1st house Mars is a planet of boldness, and kind of dictator in nature. That is why Mars in ascendant can make a person too bold, aggressive, or too dominating. He might want to be the all in all in his family, while not paying a good attention to what others [Or his spouse] are saying. He will be easily involved in fights and will express himself rather directly. He might be also of short temper. This causes the major problem. Mars will also aspect the houses 4 (Happiness, family life), 7 (Spouse, married life) and 8 (Marital tie) and thus create problem in all these areas with ease. He will quickly create fights on unimportant issues. Mars in the 4th house The planet of battle is in the house of family life, so battle in family! Mars deprives the native from domestic harmony, there are misunderstandings among the family members. Mars will cast his 4th aspect on the 7th house of spouse and marital life. In 4th house Mars loses his strength for direction and creates more and more trouble in family life. Mars in the 7th house There will be clash and unhappiness in married life and this is perhaps the worst of all Kuja Doshas - a direct hit. Mars is a planet of abuse and violation and Mars being in 7th house very possibly can give violation in married life. In a female chart it might give physical or excessive mental torture from the husband. There will be also fight for the dominating

power, and there might be lack of harmony in the sexual issues. The sexual and emotional needs of the partners might not match or might have a great difference. Mars might give over sexual desire / sickly sexual desire to the native or to his spouse and create mess in marital life for this issue. It might give a short tempered spouse. Mars in the 8th house The 8th house rules marital tie, from the 8th house we see the possibility of death of the spouse. Mars is the planet of accident, operation, assault from weapons and bleeding etc. - all of the things are ruled by 8th house. So being in the 8th house, Mars will be very eager to develop these tendencies. He might cause death of spouse, possibly through accident, operation or any other mishaps. Thus it can indicate an early death of the spouse. 8th house is also a house of hidden issues / immoral acts and Mars here can make the native / spouse be involved in hidden and sinful acts. When they come forward, storm blows in married life. Mars in the 12th house 12th house rules all kinds of losses and also the bed pleasure, i.e. sexual enjoyment. Mars here can give a native sickly desires, or illegal unions with other people. Again, Mars will aspect the 7th house with it's 8th aspect. Counters to Kuja Dosha There is no need to be really terrified if Mars is found in the houses 1/4/7/8/12. There are many facts that can counter or even nullify the Dosha. The most popular way to nullify this Dosha is to find a partner or spouse who has the same Dosha. It is believed that if both the partners have this Dosha, then the Dosha is nullified. Experience shows that this might be true. However, there are certain facts in the chart itself that nullify the Dosha. # Lordship is a very important fact here to consider. For the natives Cancer and Leo, Mars is very benefic being a Yoga Karaka. For natives Aries and Scorpio, for being the ascendant lord he will do good, on the other hand for ruling a Dusthana, he will not be purely benefic. For a Pisces native, he becomes the 9th lord as well as a mild killer (Maraka). However, Mars will undoubtedly produce strong Kuja Doshas to the ascendants he is a malefic for. (Virgo for an example.) # According to Dr. B. V. Raman, Kuja Dosha nullifies in the following conditions a. If Mars is in 2nd house in any of the signs of Mercury, i.e., Gemini or Virgo. b. If Mars is in 4th house in own sign, i.e., Aries or Scorpio. c. If Mars is in 7th house in exaltation or debilitation, i.e., Capricorn or Cancer. d. If Mars is in 8th house in any of the signs of Jupiter, i.e., Sagittarius or Pisces. e. If Mars is in 12th house in any of the signs of Venus, i.e., Taurus or Libra. f. If Mars is in any house in Aquarius or Leo. However, some hold the opinion that these conditions though weaken the Dosha, but does not completely nullify. I feel that it might be correct.

# The conjunction/aspect of other planets are very important facts. Jupiter is the most benefic planet in nature and will try to protect the native to it's best. A strong Jupiter can save the native from many of the havocs. Jupiter rules Dharma that is why he can propitiate Mars' anger and aggressiveness to a great extent. That is why a Jupiter (Esp. if strong) joining or aspecting Mars will always fight against this Dosha. A benefic present with Mars in ascendant does not allow Mars to give the harsh nature too much, same applies to their Dristies (aspects) and also about other houses (4/7/8/12) as well. The presence of Jupiter and/or Venus in the ascendant will work to protect from this Dosha. Moon joining Mars is also said to protect the native. # Mars becomes matured at the age of 28 and that is why some suggest to wait till 28 years and then marry. This Dosha is said to be nullified after the age of 28. However, some do not agree to this point and suggest that this Dosha will remain active even after 28th year of the native, and will create problems in the periods of Mars, especially. This seem to be more logical to accept. # Some astrologers also hold the opinion that Mars produces no Dosha in own sign or in exaltation sign. On the other hand some do not agree to this since being in own sign or in exaltation sign does not really make any difference in the nature but makes difference only in strength. I, personally, hold the latter view. Conclusion It has to be remembered that it is not only Mars that can create problem in married life, but there are a lot of other factors which can disturb marital happiness. That is why it will never be good to accuse a so called Kuja Dosha for marital disturbance. Other factors can greatly modify this Dosha both positively or negatively. While malefics join or aspect Mars, or hit the same houses hit by Mars, they surely worsen the condition. On the other hand benefics like Jupiter, Venus or Putra Adhipati / Dharma Adhipati (Lords of 5th and 9th houses) try to protect the things as per their strength. Praying to Lord Hanuman with Hanuman Chalisa and other Hanuman mantras, and prayers to Lord Kartikeya (Lord Skanda) protect the native from the evil of planet Mars. Angaraka Astottara Shata Namavali (The 108 names of Mars) can also be suggested. However, it would have to be remembered that each horoscope is unique so no remedy should be grossly suggested to all. The best is to get your chart checked by a knowledgeable Vedic Astrologer to know what remedy you would need to deal with this problem

KALATRA DOSHA KALATHRA DOSHA (MARRIAGE PROBLEMS) What is Kalathra Dosha? What are the effects of Kalathra Dosha? What is Mangalya Dosha? What are the effects of Mangalya Dosha? What are the effects of planets in different house? What are the exceptions on dosha? The word Kalathra means spouse. Among the planets, Venus is the kalathra karaka (planet indicating wife). Among the 12 houses, 7th house is the kalthra sthana(house indicating spouse). Any malefic planet in 7th house creates kalathra dosha. Also, kalathra dosha is created if the 7th lord and venus is afflicted in the birth chart. Kalathra dosha delays the marriage and it is very hard to find a suitable partner for marriage. Even after the marriage, they lack good understanding and live a separated life. They also lack conjugal bliss which ultimately ends up in divorce. In some cases, the spouse suffers due to health problems and even death may occur in severe cases. Similarly, 8th house is called as mangalya sthana(house indicating marital tie). Malefic planets in 8th house create Mangalya dosham. Planet Jupiter is called as the mangalya karaka (planet indicating marital tie). If the 8th lord, Jupiter and 8th house is afflicted, then the person faces trouble in marital life due to mangalya dosham. Mangalya dosha will spoil the marriage life either by separating husband and wife by sending someone away from home or else by divorce or by giving death to the husband. Common effects of kalathra dosha: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Delay in marriage Unhappy marital life Misunderstandings Lack of conjugal bliss Separation or divorce Ill health to spouse Premature death of spouse

Mars Dosha: Mars in 7th or 8th house: Mars creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as kuja dosha or Chevvai dosham. Much had been spoken about kuja dosha in the previous pages. If kalathra dosha is created by the fiery mars, better get your horoscope matched with a manglik person for a happy marital life. Manglik people are aggressive and angry prone. If mars is aspected by Jupiter, malefic effects of mars will be reduced much and they can make a happy marital life. Sani dasha: Saturn in 7th or 8th house: Saturn creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as Sani dosha. Saturn dosha delays the marriage and marriage takes place only after the age of 30 in many cases unless otherwise a benefic planet aspects Saturn. Otherwise, the native marries a person who is very much older than the native. And this age difference would be more than eight. Or otherwise they may get married to a person who is darker in complexion or the one who is inferior by social status or wealth than the native. True affection from the heart will not be there between the couples. Naga Dosha: Rahu/Ketu in 7th or 8th house: Rahu or ketu creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as Naga dosha. Naga dosha creates troubles in choosing a right partner for marriage. They are mostly disappointed in the marriage life even if married early. Health of the spouse may not be good. No good relationship with In-laws. They’ll always be in a fear imagining that some unexpected event would occur. The spouse might speak lies or use deceiving words. Exceptions on Kalathra dosha and Mangalya dosha: 1. 2. 3.

If Jupiter aspects the 7th house or 8th house, then the dosha get cancelled. If the lord of the 7th or 8th house is strongly placed, then the dosha doesn’t harm much If the planet creating dosha is placed on its own house or exaltation house, then there is no dosha.

There are several planetary combinations that cancel the kalathra dosha and mangalya dosha which are beyond the scope of this page. It is always suggested to leave the calculation and confirmation part to an experienced astrologer. The only point that can be spoken here positively is that the Kalathra dosha or mangalya dosha do not affect the native if they marry a person who has similar type of dosha in their birth chart. The Malefic effects of Kalthra dosha and Mangalya dosha gets reduced to a greater extent in case of Inter-caste Marriages and Love Marriages. In case if a proper match could not be made, then they should at least perform suitable remedies and nullify the malefic effects of the planet to make a peaceful marital life.


Who is not afraid of snakes? So also we are scared about these two, Naga Dosham and Kalas Dosham. But there is no need for such fear. Read this Article, Learn about Naga Dosham, and fears will take leave of you. If the Girl and Boy horoscopes are matched properly, there is no n worry. Now we will see what is Naga Dosham? HOW TO IDENTIFY NAGA DOSHAM IN A HOROSCOPE. In the Rasi Chart of the Horoscope, if RAHU or KETHU are found in Lagnam & 2 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8 houses from Lagnam or Chandran Naga Dosham is present. WHAT ARE THE ILL EFFECTS OF NAGA DOSHAM ? 1st & 2nd House. Rahu or Kethu in 2nd place from Lagnam or Chandran may lead to difference of opinions , sm 1 fights, Peace and Happiness at home will be disturbed,. In extreme cases it may lead to Separ either temporarily or permanently.


4th House. Rahu or Kethu in the 4th house may be the reason for Chest pain or ailment, wife's ill health, a unhappy married life. In some cases it can also lead to Disputes about Property.


5th House Rahu or Kethu from lagnam or Chandran in 5th house is also Naga Dosham. This can lead to Abortion and affect the prospects of getting Children. But if the 5th house Owner (Adhipathi) is association with a friendly planet, this bad effect will reduce and will give way for begetting ch


7th House Rahu or Kethu in 7th hose from Lagnam or Chandran is KALATHRA Dosham. This may affect wife's Misunderstanding and fighting between the Couple. In some cases it can lead to separation. B 7th house Adhipathi or Sukran are strong and friendly Kalatra Dosham will disappear.


8th House Presence of Rahu or Kethu in the 8th house from Lagnam or Rasi is also Naga Dosham. Beca this one may suffer from Health related problems or Bites from Poisonous creatures. There could also be misunderstanding and fights between the couple. In extreme cases separation of the couple co happen. But if the 8th house is looked at by a good planet or if the 8th House Adhipathi is stron bad effects will disappear.


12th House Rahu or Kethu in the 12th place from Lagnam and Rasi is also Naga Dosham. Due to this infig the family, wasteful Expenditure, sufferings from ill health and ailments, Poisonous bites from i

could happen. But if the 12th house Adhipathi is strong or if the 12th house is seen by a good their will be relief from the bad effects. NAGA DHOSHAM AND MARRIAGE COMPATIBILITY

1. Naga Dosham is NOT present in both Girl and Boy horoscopes. Marriage will be recommen 2. Naga Dosham is present for Boy and Girl. Marriage can be Recommended. 3. Naga Dosham is seen in Boy's Horoscope and not in Girl horoscope. Marriage cannot be Recommended 4. In a Boy's horoscope Rahu or Kethu is in 2-4-7-8-0r 12th place, but it is being looked at by a Sacred planet. For this Girl's horoscope with or without Naga Dosham Can be matched and marriage Recommended. But this will be Madhyamam. Good and Bad will be mixed in the married life o couple. CONCLUSION

Persons with Naga Dosham in their horoscope should go to the Temple in Kalahasthi, Thiruna Thirunageswaram and do special Pooja / prayer to get rid of the ill effects of Naga Dosham.


You are aware that that there are 12 houses in the Rasi Chart of a horoscope. Each house is 30degrees. Total 12x30=360Degrees. Rahu and Kethu will always be 180degrees apart. Now all the other 7 Grahams. (Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn, Mercury & Mars) and Lagnam are 180 degrees or on one side of Rahu & Kethu, it is known as Kalasarpa Dosham. Some people as Kalasarpa Yogam. On the other side of Rahu & Kethu 5 houses should be vacant. There sh not be any Graham in these 5 houses. Even if one house is occupied there will be No Kalasarp Dosham. See the examples given below. EXAMPLES OF KALASARPA DOSHAM IN HOROSCOPES Rahu Fig.1 This example shows Rahu and Kethu 180 degrees apart. RASI

The Positions of Rahu and Kethu will be different in many Horoscopes, but it will always be opposite each other. Kethu




Fig.2 Lagnam Sun - Guru - Lagnam - Sukran - Sani - Chandran - Chev Sukran Budhan Sani are in Right side of Rahu & Kethu.









Chevvai Budhan





X X X X X > 5 houses on Left side are vacant.

Fig.3 Sukran and Budhan are on the left side of Rahu & Kethu. Sani Sun-Guru-Sani-Lagnam-Chandran & Chevvai are on Righ Lagnam Grahams are on Both sides of Rahu & Kethu. When one or more Grahams are seen in both sides of Rah Chandran Kethu there is No Kalasarpa Dosham.







Kalasarpa Dosham will be present in many Horoscopes. Such persons should go to Khalahas Thirunallar or Thirunageswaram and perform special Pooja / Milk Abishekam to clear the ill eff Kalasarpa Dosham. The concerned person should visit one of the 3 places and do the Pooja / Prayer. Doing this b will not ward off the Dosham. It is enough to do this once.

We hope your doubts and fears about Kalasarpa Dosham must have cleared after reading this However if you still need any clarification you may consult your Astrologer or Contact us RAHU AND KETHU

In many of the Girl or Boy horoscopes Rahu or Kethu will be in Lagnam. For such horoscopes be better to select horoscopes with Rahu or Kethu in Lagnam and compare the Horoscopes as usual.

WHAT IS PAPASAMYAM ? Papasamyam is a method in Astrology to calculate the Dosham in a Horoscope. When checking the Horoscope of a Girl and Boy, this is an important Tool for many Astrologers, to work out the amount of Dosham and decide about their Marriage. This is also known as Doshasamyam. WHY PAPASAMYAM ? Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Mars and Sun are the Grahams which could trouble a Person depending upon its Position and Strength in a Horoscope. When these 5 planets are in 1-2-4-7-8-&12th places from Lagnam, Chandran & Sukran, they create a certain amount of problem,(Dosham). The ferocity of the Dosham depends upon its strength in these houses, such as a Friend or Foe, (Uchcham) High or Low (Neecham) - Ruler or Equal. The total amount of Dosham for the Girl and Boy has to be calculated at the time of Horoscope Comparison for a marriage. If the Dosha index is more for the Girl than the Boy marriage will not be recommended. When the Dosha index is more for the Boy or it is Equal for Both marriage will be recommended. There are several methods to work out the Dosha Index. HOW MANY METHODS ARE THERE TO WORK OUT DOSHA INDEX ? At least there are 5 methods in Astrology to calculate the Dosha Index as indicated below. 1. Equal points and Equal weightage method. 2. Equal Points and Unequal weightage method. 3.Unequal Points and Equal weightage method. 4. Unequal Points Unequal Weightage Method. 5. Point System considering Planetary Friendship and Positional Strength. The Dosha Index may vary from one method to the other. This is one reason why Astrologer's opinions differ.


Girl's Horoscope

Boy's Horoscope Planets to be examined

Position & Strength from Lagnam

Points 24 96 96 168 36

Position High High High Foe Equal

Place 12 1 8 8 8

Place Sani Rahu Kethu Chevvai Suriyan

Position & Strength from Chandran

nil 12 nil 84 18

High High High Foe Equal

Position & Strength from Lagnam

1 3 9 9 11

Position Enemy Friend Friend Friend Enemy

Points 112 nil nil nil nil

Position & Strength from Chandran

5 12 6 1 1

Sani Rahu Kethu Chevvai Suriyan

3 5 11 11 1

Foe Friend Friend Friend Foe

nil nil nil nil 28

Position & Strength from Sukran

Position & Strength from Sukran

nil High 3 Sani 5 Foe nil 24 High 8 Rahu 7 Friend 8 06 High 4 Kethu 1 Friend 8 nil Foe 9 Chevvai 1 Friend 12 nil Equal 9 Suriyan 3 Foe nil 564 Total 168 Total 564 divided by 128 = 4.4 Dosham 168 divided by 128 = 1.31 Dosham In this method Dosha Index for the Girl should be less than the Boy Or Equal. Dosha Index for Girl 4.4 is much higher than the Boy's index of 1.31. Marriage cannot be Recommended. CONCLUSION. Any one of the 5 methods would be used by different Astrologers. What is important is the Dosha Index for the Girl should be Less than the Boy or Equal. In exceptional cases when other points are favorable Dosha Index for the Girl could be 0.5 Points More than the Boy's Index

Kalalthra Dosham is means horoscope of person who are likely to have problem in their married life. This prediction is done by checking placement of certain planet in the 7th house or some such other house that influences the 7th house in a horoscope. For example if Venus is in the 7th house in a girl's horoscope then it becomes Kalathra dosha horoscope. In this case however the considered malefic effect can be off set by matching it with a boy's horoscope which also has Venus in the 7th house.(this remedy is similar to what happens to a person who has Mangal dosha) Apart from this there are other combinations that can make a horoscope Kalathra. For different case of Kalathara there are different remedies recommended.

The placement of Sukran (Venus), who is known as 'kalathrakarakan' (planet influencing spouse or life partner), should be checked. If it is in 7th house, the horoscope has dosham. It can be matched with only boys having Sukran (Venus) in 7th house.

STRI JATAKA (FEMALE HOROSCOPE) What is Ruthu jathaka? Horoscope is usually cast by the birth time of a child and predictions are based on the planetary positions in their natal chart. But for a girl, the predictions are done mostly by looking at their Ruthu chart otherwise called as Ruthu jathaka. How is Ruthu chart cast? Puberty or Menses is a physical change in the constitution of a girl. The girl is said have attained Ruthu when she gets her first menses. Ruthu chart is cast based on the planetary positions during her first menses. What effect does it have on a girl? Life of a girl changes completely after her puberty. She gets all kind of feminine qualities only after Ruthu. She looks at the world and people around her with a different mentality. Beside this a new way of life is destined for her after her puberty. How do birth chart and Ruthu chart differs? Birth chart of a girl reveals entire destiny of the women. Ruthu chart reveals only about the marital life, children, happiness, longevity of husband, conjugal bliss and the character of the native. Ruthu chart can reveal very well about the marital life of a girl better than the birth chart. After the Ruthu chart is cast, prediction from an astrologer can be had only about her marital life, Kalathra dosha and Mangalya dosha if any. Any steps for marriage should be taken only after doing proper Remedies. But this chart cannot be used for determining any karmic problems, assets etc. this chart stops working after menopause (end of menses) Shall I use Ruthu chart for marriage match making? No. Only birth chart should be used for marriage match making. If Ruthu occurs on auspicious time she'll have a very happy marital life even if she has any kalathra dosha (marriage blemish) in her birth chart. If she gets Ruthu on inauspicious time then her marital life will not be peaceful. She might face lot of problems with her spouse. SUGGESTIONS FOR A HAPPY MARITAL LIFE Happiness in marital life can be achieved by properly following the suggestion given by vedic shastras. One should take advice from a good astrologer by properly casting their birth horoscope and Ruthu horoscope and do the remedies where ever needed before her marriage. Then, Proper marriage matching such as a) birth star matching (10 porutham), b) mars dosha considerations, c)kalthra dosha considerations, d) mangalya dosha considerations e) dosha samyam should be done. After the marriage, proper Muhurtha for Nishekam (first sexual contact) should be chosen. A) FEMALE HOROSCOPE Though the horoscope is cast in the same way as for men, predictions vary for women in few aspects due to their anatomy and life style differences. By anatomy, breasts and ovary are indicated by the fourth and fifth house of the female horoscope. 5th and 9th house: (conception and children)

Children are indicated by the 5th house for a male. For a female 9th house indicates children, 5th house indicates conception and abortions. A woman becomes childless if the 9th house is seriously affected. Any malefic planet in 5th house creates ovary problems. Rahu in 5th house creates minute germs in the ovary which eats away or harms the ovum or embryo and disturbs the conception of the baby. Mars in 5th house creates more heat in the ovary and spoils the conception by hurting the embryo. Saturn in 5th house fills up the ovary with vayu (gas) due to its vatta nature and prevents the floating of sperm cells in to the ovary. Ketu in 5th house damages the tissues of the ovary delays the conception of baby. 5th and 9th house of the female should not be affected by any malefic planets to have a healthy delivery of child. Proper remedy should be done if the 5th and 9th house is affected in order to have a healthy baby. 7th and 8th house: (husband and marriage) 7th house is called as the kalathra sthana. 7th house indicates the characteristics of husband, position of husband, happiness and sexual pleasure. Any malefic planet in 7th house creates kalthra dosha and spoils the above said qualities in the life of women. A girl will get a good husband and have a good conjugal life only if the 7th house is not affected by malefic planets like mars, Saturn, Rahu and ketu. In case of kalathra dosha, proper remedy should be done in order to have a good husband and to maintain good relationship with him. 8th house is called as Mangalya sthana. 8th house indicates the marital tie and the longevity of the husband. Any malefic in 8th house creates Mangalya dosha. Mangalya dosha will spoil the marriage life either by separating husband and wife by sending someone away from home or by divorce or by giving death to the husband. It is highly recommended to perform some remedy before the marriage in case of mangalya dosha. B) RUTHU HOROSCOPE Marriage should be arranged for a girl only after following proper remedies if the Ruthu of a girl has occurred on inauspicious day, thithi(lunar days), constellation, months, yogas , karanas and planetary positions Happy future of a girl is also determined based on the clothes worn by the girl during her first menses and the person who checks the menstrual discharge in the girl. The colour and the quality of the cloth worn by the girl during her puberty also shows some effects in her marriage life. If a girl was wearing white cloth during her first menses she will be happy and healthy. She’ll live like a queen and be fortunate if she was wearing silk during her Ruthu. Happy and polite if new cloth was worn. Torn cloth, red cloth, black cloth, dirty cloth gives poverty, disease, widowhood and sorrow respectively. Hence parents should concentrate in choosing right garments and night cloths for their girl child who is about to attain puberty. White, yellow, green is best recommended for girls whose age crosses 12 and above. Black and red should be strictly avoided. Similarly the person who confirms the first menses in the girl also has effect on her life. Future of the girl will be good if a mangalya stri (women happily living with her husband), devadasi(prostitute) confirms the first menses. Widow, childless women, women currently in menses and the mother of the girl should not be allowed to confirm the puberty. This would make her life an unhappy one. The girl taking mangal snan (first bath) after her first menses should look at any auspicious objects like sandal wood, lotus, mirror, cow, elephant etc Effects of weekdays on First menses:

      

Sunday: suffers health problems, problems in progeny Monday: will be affectionate and be a chaste Tuesday: short marital life, ill health to husband Wednesday: more children, happy family Thursday: happy, good character, fortune to husband Friday: will be healthy and devoted to husband and family Saturday: Unhappy and vicious Similarly Thithi’s like Chathurthi, shasti, astami, navami, chaturthasi and amavasya are inauspicious. Stars like Puram(Pubba), Krithika, Pooradam (Purvashada), Pooratadhi (Purvabhadrapad ), Bharani, Ayilyam(Aslesha), thiruvadhirai (aridra), vishaka, kettai(jyestha), are inauspicious. Yogas like vishkamba, ganda, shoola, vyaghata, vajra, patha, vydhruthi are inauspicious. Karanas like bhava, garaja, vanika, bhadra, sakuni, chatuspath, naga, kimsthugna are inauspicious

Months like chithirai(chaitra), Aani(jyeshta), aadi(ashadha),puratasi(bhadrapada), krithigai(karthiga),thai(pushya) are inauspicious. Women who have attained their puberty on the above inauspicious Muhurtha will face troubles in their marital life. The bad effects of these muhurthas can be minimized to a certain extent by doing a proper remedy recommended by our Vedic scholars. C) MARRIAGE MATCHING Marriage match making is done mostly by comparing the birth star of bride and groom. Out of 10 matches made by comparing birthstars of bride and groom at least five matches such as dhinam(health and long life), gana (for dominance and peace of mind), yoni (for sexual satisfaction), rasi(progeny), racchu (longevity of spouse) should be present for a happy marital life. Apart from this, proper horoscope matching should be done based on the planets posited in 2,4,7,8 and 12th houses. A manglik should be matched with a manglik alone. D) NISHEKAM (FIRST SEXUAL CONTACT) Proper muhurtha is to be chosen for nishekam (first sexual contact). The planetary position at the time when a person has first sexual contact with somebody determines the health, fortune and conjugal bliss of a person throughout their life. This rule applies even if a girl is raped or commits adultery. Any bad activity done by a woman at inauspicious muhurtha spoils her entire life

Mangal Dosha – Free Mangal Dosha Chart, Manglik Kundli, Dosha Report

Planet Mars, whenplaced in different Houses of the kundali hasdifferent effects on the native’s personal life. Lets see how Mangalor Mars forms a ‘Mangal Doshaa’ in thekundali When Mars is placedin 1st,4th,7th,8th or12th House,the kundali hasa ‘Mangal Dosha’ and the person is called a ‘manglik’. The presenceof Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha is one of the biggest fears or misconceptionsin our society. Even the various old texts of astrology differ aboutthe Mangal Dosha, what are the exceptions available and the remediesto nullify it. However, Mangal Dosha cannot be ignored. It may causeproblems in marital life. So, before marriage it is very essentialto match horoscopes for Kuja Dosha. It is also very important to analysethe chart and identify whether the kundali has a Mangal Dosha or not. 1. If Mars is placedin the 1st House,it will aspect 4th,7th and8th Houses.1st Housesignifies the character of the person. Hence, a person may be veryaggressive and short tempered. Afflicted 4th Houseindicates problems associated with house, vehicle, accident dueto fire, chemicals, electricity etc. Afflicted 7th Houseindicates a possibility of obstacles in marital life with spouse,partnership etc. Afflicted 8th Houseindicates a possibility of fatal accident. So, the placement ofMars in the Ascendant is considered as a drawback. 2. If Mars is placedin the 4th House,it will affect 7th,10th and11th Housein addition to 4th House.We have already seen adverse effects of afflicted 4th and7th Houses.Afflicted 10th Houseindicates a possibility of frequent changes and disturbances inprofession, sleep and issues with father. Afflicted 11th Houseindicates possibility of losses due to accidents, thefts etc. So,the placement of Mars in the 4th Houseis not very well received.

3. If Mars is placedin the 7th House,it will affect the 10th,1st and2nd Houses.7th isthe House of marital life and spouse. So, the presence of Marsin the 7th Houseindicates turbulent married life. Afflicted 2nd Housecan create issues among the family members; there are chances offrequent problems and lack of harmony among the members due toconflicts. Also, there may be loss of money or unexpected expenses.So, the placement of Mars in the 7th Housemay gives rise to hardships 4. If Mars is placedin the 8th House,it will affect 11th,2nd and3rd House.The person is prone to fatal accident due to fire, chemicals, electricityetc. Also, afflicted 3rd Housemay create tensions among siblings. It also makes person very rudeand arrogant, and tends to hurt others quite often and may alsosuffer failures. So, placement of Mars in the 8th houseis considered as a drawback. 5. If Mars is placedin the 12th House,it will affect 3rd,6th and7th House.12th Housesignifies the spending habits of the person. So, it highlightsthe fact that the person may go overboard with expenses. A personmay be prone to diseases caused due to acidity, hyper tension,diseases related to blood etc. So, the placement of Mars in the12th Houseis considered as a drawback. So, Mangal Dosha can causemany problems. But these are very broad guidelines. Many other aspectsand angles need to be studied. The overall strength of the horoscope,strength of the planets, benefic aspects, and Mars’ strength must beconsidered.Exceptions and cancellations of Mangal Dosha: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

If Mars is debilitated. If Mars is combust If Mars is in ownsign Aries or Scorpio If Mars is exalted If Mars is inLeo in 8th House If Mars is in Sagittarius in12th House. If Mars is aspected by a benefic. If a strong benefic is placedin the 9th House If Mars is exalted or in its own signin Navmansa chart. If boy and girl both are ‘Manglik’

The Mangal Dosha can betroublesome and affect the married life, substantially. But kundali matchingand judging the Mangal Dosha is the job of an expert astrologer, andit must be done only after carefully analysing the horoscopes of theboy and the girl, both. Here are the remediesfor the Mangal Dosha. Following these may reduce the ill-effects ofMangal Dosha and give good results: Appease Lord Ganesha inthe following manner. 1. Offer red flowersand �gud� (Jaggery) to Lord Ganesha everyday. Whileworshipping, recite the mantra: �Om Gan Ganpataye Namah� 108times. 2. Donate Blood on Tuesdays(quarterly), if health permits.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Install Mangal Yantraand perform Mangal Prayer. Observe faston Tuesdays (sunriseto next day sunrise).Have only fruit juice or milk. Recite Mangal ChandikaStotra on regular basis. Perform Kumbh Vivah,Vishnu Vivah or Ashwatha Vivah. Recite Hanuman Chalisadaily. Feed birds with sweet.

KALATHRA DOSHA (MARRIAGE PROBLEMS) What is Kalathra Dosha? What are the effects of Kalathra Dosha? What is Mangalya Dosha? What are the effects of Mangalya Dosha? What are the effects of planets in different house? What are the exceptions on dosha? The word Kalathra means spouse. Among the planets, Venus is the kalathra karaka (planet indicating wife). Among the 12 houses, 7th house is the kalthra sthana(house indicating spouse). Any malefic planet in 7th house creates kalathra dosha. Also, kalathra dosha is created if the 7th lord and venus is afflicted in the birth chart. Kalathra dosha delays the marriage and it is very hard to find a suitable partner for marriage. Even after the marriage, they lack good understanding and live a separated life. They also lack conjugal bliss which ultimately ends up in divorce. In some cases, the spouse suffers due to health problems and even death may occur in severe cases. Similarly, 8th house is called as mangalya sthana(house indicating marital tie). Malefic planets in 8th house create Mangalya dosham. Planet Jupiter is called as the mangalya karaka (planet indicating marital tie). If the 8th lord, Jupiter and 8th house is afflicted, then the person faces trouble in marital life due to mangalya dosham. Mangalya dosha will spoil the marriage life either by separating husband and wife by sending someone away from home or else by divorce or by giving death to the husband. Common effects of kalathra dosha: 1. Delay in marriage 2. Unhappy marital life

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Misunderstandings Lack of conjugal bliss Separation or divorce Ill health to spouse Premature death of spouse

Mars Dosha: Mars in 7th or 8th house: Mars creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as kuja dosha or Chevvai dosham. Much had been spoken about kuja dosha in the previous pages. If kalathra dosha is created by the fiery mars, better get your horoscope matched with a manglik person for a happy marital life. Manglik people are aggressive and angry prone. If mars is aspected by Jupiter, malefic effects of mars will be reduced much and they can make a happy marital life. Sani dasha: Saturn in 7th or 8th house: Saturn creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as Sani dosha. Saturn dosha delays the marriage and marriage takes place only after the age of 30 in many cases unless otherwise a benefic planet aspects Saturn. Otherwise, the native marries a person who is very much older than the native. And this age difference would be more than eight. Or otherwise they may get married to a person who is darker in complexion or the one who is inferior by social status or wealth than the native. True affection from the heart will not be there between the couples. Naga Dosha: Rahu/Ketu in 7th or 8th house: Rahu or ketu creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as Naga dosha. Naga dosha creates troubles in choosing a right partner for marriage. They are mostly disappointed in the marriage life even if married early. Health of the spouse may not be good. No good relationship with In-laws. They‟ll always be in a fear imagining that some unexpected event would occur. The spouse might speak lies or use deceiving words. Exceptions on Kalathra dosha and Mangalya dosha: 1. If Jupiter aspects the 7th house or 8th house, then the dosha get cancelled. 2. If the lord of the 7th or 8th house is strongly placed, then the dosha doesn‟t harm much 3. If the planet creating dosha is placed on its own house or exaltation house, then there is no dosha. There are several planetary combinations that cancel the kalathra dosha and mangalya dosha which are beyond the scope of this page. It is always suggested to leave the calculation and confirmation part to an experienced astrologer. The only point that can be spoken here positively is that the Kalathra dosha or mangalya dosha do not affect the native if they marry a person who has similar type of dosha in their birth chart. The Malefic effects of Kalthra dosha and Mangalya dosha gets reduced to a greater extent in case of Inter-caste Marriages and Love Marriages. In case if a proper match could not be made, then they should at least perform suitable remedies and nullify the malefic effects of the planet to make a peaceful marital life.

NAGA DOSHAM Who is not afraid of snakes? So also we are scared about these two, Naga Dosham and Kalasarpa Dosham. But there is no need for such fear. Read this Article, Learn about Naga Dosham, and your fears will take leave of you. If the Girl and Boy horoscopes are matched properly, there is no need to worry. Now we will see what is Naga Dosham? HOW TO IDENTIFY NAGA DOSHAM IN A HOROSCOPE. In the Rasi Chart of the Horoscope, if RAHU or KETHU are found in Lagnam & 2 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8 -12th houses from Lagnam or Chandran Naga Dosham is present. WHAT ARE THE ILL EFFECTS OF NAGA DOSHAM ? 1 1st & 2nd House. Rahu or Kethu in 2nd place from Lagnam or Chandran may lead to difference of opinions , small small fights, Peace and Happiness at home will be disturbed,. In extreme cases it may lead to Separation either temporarily or permanently. 2 4th House. Rahu or Kethu in the 4th house may be the reason for Chest pain or ailment, wife's ill health, and unhappy married life. In some cases it can also lead to Disputes about Property. 3 5th House Rahu or Kethu from lagnam or Chandran in 5th house is also Naga Dosham. This can lead to Abortion and affect the prospects of getting Children. But if the 5th house Owner (Adhipathi) is in association with a friendly planet, this bad effect will reduce and will give way for begetting children. 4 7th House Rahu or Kethu in 7th hose from Lagnam or Chandran is KALATHRA Dosham. This may affect wife's health, Misunderstanding and fighting between the Couple. In some cases it can lead to separation. But if the 7th house Adhipathi or Sukran are strong and friendly Kalatra Dosham will disappear. 5 8th House Presence of Rahu or Kethu in the 8th house from Lagnam or Rasi is also Naga

Dosham. Because of this one may suffer from Health related problems or Bites from Poisonous creatures. There could also be misunderstanding and fights between the couple. In extreme cases separation of the couple could happen. But if the 8th house is looked at by a good planet or if the 8th House Adhipathi is strong these bad effects will disappear. 6 12th House Rahu or Kethu in the 12th place from Lagnam and Rasi is also Naga Dosham. Due to this infighting in the family, wasteful Expenditure, sufferings from ill health and ailments, Poisonous bites from insects, could happen. But if the 12th house Adhipathi is strong or if the 12th house is seen by a good Planet their will be relief from the bad effects. NAGA DHOSHAM AND MARRIAGE COMPATIBILITY

1. Naga Dosham is NOT present in both Girl and Boy horoscopes. Marriage will be recommended. 2. Naga Dosham is present for Boy and Girl. Marriage can be Recommended. 3. Naga Dosham is seen in Boy's Horoscope and not in Girl horoscope. Marriage cannot be Recommended 4. In a Boy's horoscope Rahu or Kethu is in 2-4-7-8-0r 12th place, but it is being looked at by a Sacred planet. For this Girl's horoscope with or without Naga Dosham Can be matched and marriage Recommended. But this will be Madhyamam. Good and Bad will be mixed in the married life of this couple. CONCLUSION Persons with Naga Dosham in their horoscope should go to the Temple in Kalahasthi, Thirunallar, or Thirunageswaram and do special Pooja / prayer to get rid of the ill effects of Naga Dosham.

KALASARPA DOSHAM WHAT IS KALASARPA DOSHAM You are aware that that there are 12 houses in the Rasi Chart of a horoscope. Each house is 30degrees. Total 12x30=360Degrees. Rahu and Kethu will always be 180degrees apart. Now when all the other 7 Grahams. (SunMoon-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn, Mercury & Mars) and Lagnam are within 180 degrees or on one side of Rahu & Kethu, it is known as Kalasarpa Dosham. Some people call it as Kalasarpa Yogam. On the other side of Rahu & Kethu 5 houses should be vacant. There should not be any Graham in these 5 houses. Even if one house is occupied there will be No Kalasarpa Dosham. See the examples given below. EXAMPLES OF KALASARPA DOSHAM IN HOROSCOPES Rahu RASI

Kethu Fig.1 This example shows Rahu and Kethu 180 degrees apart. The Positions of Rahu and Kethu will be different in many Horoscopes, but it will always be opposite each other. X




Guru Lagnam Sukran Sani Chandran




Chevvai Budhan

Fig.2 Sun - Guru - Lagnam - Sukran - Sani - Chandran - Chevvai - Budhan are in Right side of Rahu & Kethu. X X X X X > 5 houses on Left side are vacant.




Sukran RASI x



Sani Lagnam Chandran



Fig.3 Sukran and Budhan are on the left side of Rahu & Kethu.


Sun-Guru-Sani-Lagnam-Chandran & Chevvai are on Right side. Grahams are on Both sides of Rahu & Kethu. When one or more Grahams are seen in both sides of Rahu & Kethu there is No Kalasarpa Dosham. CONCLUSION Kalasarpa Dosham will be present in many Horoscopes. Such persons should go to Khalahasthi, Thirunallar or Thirunageswaram and perform special Pooja / Milk Abishekam to clear the ill effects of Kalasarpa Dosham. The concerned person should visit one of the 3 places and do the Pooja / Prayer. Doing this by Proxy will not ward off the Dosham. It is enough to do this once. We hope your doubts and fears about Kalasarpa Dosham must have cleared after reading this article. However if you still need any clarification you may consult your Astrologer or Contact us RAHU AND KETHU In many of the Girl or Boy horoscopes Rahu or Kethu will be in Lagnam. For such horoscopes it will be better to select horoscopes with Rahu or Kethu in Lagnam and compare the Horoscopes as usual.


WHAT IS DASA SANDHIPPU ? This is an important aspect in Marriage Compatibility of Horoscopes. Dasa Sandhippu means the the Dasa of the Girl or Boy should not change within a period of 1 year. If this is noticed at the time of checking the Horoscopes the marriage will not be recommended. Dasa Sandhippu gives us a warning that this Girl & Boy if married will have to face difficult times in in future. What is DASA? Dasa is the period in years, the different NAVAGRAHAS rule us during our lifetime. Our Life span has been taken as 120 years in Astrology. 3 Stars are assigned one Graham. The following Table gives the details of Stars, The Grahams, and its number of years. S.No. STARS (NAKSHATHRAMS) DASA YEARS 1 Aswini-Magam-Moolam Kethu 07 2 Barani-Pooram-Pooradam Venus 20 3 Krithikai-Uthiram-Uthradam Sun 06 4 Rohini-Hastham-Thiruvonam Moon 10 Mirugaseersham-Chithirai5 Mars 07 avittam 6 Thiruvathirai-Swathi-Sthayam Rahu 18 Punarpoosam-Visakam7 Jupiter 16 Poorattathi 8 Poosam-Anusham-Uthrattathi Saturn 19 9 Ayilyum-Kettai-Revathi Mercury 17

Total 120 yrs The 1st Dasa of a parson will be as per the Birth Star. If the Birth Star is say Mirugaseersham, the First Dasa will be Mars (Chevvai) WHAT IS DASA BUKTHI ? Bukthi is a portion of a Dasa. This means within the duration of a Dasa, all the other planets will have a specific period. The first Bukthi will always be the same as its Dasa. For example in Sukra Dasa the first Bukthi will be Sukra Bukthi. This will be followed by, Suryan - Chandran - Chevvai -Rahu - Guru - Sani - Budhan and Kethu. Bukthi is not taken into account when checking the Dasa Sandhippu. DASA BALANCE AT THE TIME OF BIRTH? In every Horoscope the Balance at the Time of Birth will be calculated and written. If a person's Birth Star is Barani. At the time of birth it will be Sukra Dasa (See Table Above). But it will not be the full period of 20 years. This is because by the time the person was born a few Nazhigai or Hours of the star Barani would have elapsed on that day.. That is out of the 60 Nazhigai / 24hrs, if the birth had taken place after 20 Nazhigai (8 hrs), the remaining 40 Nazhigai (16 hrs) only will be taken into account for calculating the Dasa Balance at the time of birth. This for example could be, Balance at the time of birth Sukra (Venus) Dasa, 14 yrs - 9 months - 14 days. Please make sure the Dasa balance is correctly written in your Horoscope. This will be required to Forecast the effects Dasa Bukthi of your Horoscope on your life. WHEN DOES DASA SANDHI OCCUR ? It is essential to check Dasa Sandhippu when comparing the horoscopes of a Girl and Boy for marriage. Dasa Balance at the time of Birth is the starting point to calculate the various Dasa periods till about 75 to 80 years for the Boy and the Girl. When comparing these calculations, if we find the running Dasa of the Girl or Boy changes within a period of one year at any point of time, it is known as Dasa Sandhippu.. Some Astrologers are of the opinion that same Dasa also should not happen over a period of time for the Girl and Boy. This is known as Sama Dasa (Same Dasa) WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THE DASA CHANGES WITHIN A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR ? Dasa change within a period of one year is an indication that the couple will have to face difficulties in future in their married life. To avoid such problems Marriage will not be recommended when Dasa Sandhippu occurs. CAN YOU SHOW AN EXAMPLE OF DASA SANDHI ? Yes look at the following example. Date of Birth of Girl 27-11-1981 Balance at the Time of Birth Budha Dasa 10 years, 1months, 23 Days End of Sukra Dasa 19-01-2019 End of Surya Dasa 19-01-2025 Date of Birth of Boy 08-05-1981 Balance at the time of Birth Sukra Dasa 08 years, 0months, 27 Days End of Budha Dasa 04-06-2025 Calculation End of Budha Dasa 04-06-2025 for Boy

End of Surya Dasa 19-01-2025 for Girl Difference 15-04-0000 (4 months and 15 Days) = 135 days Note : Dasa Changes within a Period of 1 year.(Dasa Sandhi Occurs) Marriage will not be Recommended CONCLUSION After reading this article you must have understood the Dasa Sandhippu and its importance in marriage compatibility. I have come across several horoscopes where Dasa Balance At The Time of Birth are not written. In such cases please cast a proper horoscope, before going to your Astrologer. These days it is easy to have a new horoscope cast in a Computer accurately at a reasonable cost.. At Vivahasangamam We check the marriage compatibility by casting new horoscope for Girl and Boy, each time, Dasa Sandhi Check should not be avoided when comparing horoscopes of a boy and girl for marriage.

WHAT IS PAPASAMYAM ? Papasamyam is a method in Astrology to calculate the Dosham in a Horoscope. When checking the Horoscope of a Girl and Boy, this is an important Tool for many Astrologers, to work out the amount of Dosham and decide about their Marriage. This is also known as Doshasamyam. WHY PAPASAMYAM ? Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Mars and Sun are the Grahams which could trouble a Person depending upon its Position and Strength in a Horoscope. When these 5 planets are in 1-2-4-7-8-&12th places from Lagnam, Chandran & Sukran, they create a certain amount of problem,(Dosham). The ferocity of the Dosham depends upon its strength in these houses, such as a Friend or Foe, (Uchcham) High or Low (Neecham) - Ruler or Equal. The total amount of Dosham for the Girl and Boy has to be calculated at the time of Horoscope Comparison for a marriage. If the Dosha index is more for the Girl than the Boy marriage will not be recommended. When the Dosha index is more for the Boy or it is Equal for Both marriage will be recommended. There are several methods to work out the Dosha Index. HOW MANY METHODS ARE THERE TO WORK OUT DOSHA INDEX ? At least there are 5 methods in Astrology to calculate the Dosha Index as indicated below. 1. Equal points and Equal weightage method. 2. Equal Points and Unequal weightage method. 3.Unequal Points and Equal weightage method. 4. Unequal Points Unequal Weightage Method. 5. Point System considering Planetary Friendship and Positional Strength. The Dosha Index may vary from one method to the other. This is one reason why Astrologer's opinions differ.

CAN YOU SHOW US AN EXAMPLE OF CALCULATING THE DOSHA INDEX ? Yes, we will take No.5, the most difficult method. POINT SYSTEM CONSIDERING PLANETARY FRIENDSHIP AND POSITIONAL STRENGTH. Girl's Horoscope Boy's Horoscope Planets to Position & Strength from Lagnam be Position & Strength from Lagnam examined Points Position Place Place Position Points 24 High 12 Sani 1 Enemy 112 96 High 1 Rahu 3 Friend nil 96 High 8 Kethu 9 Friend nil 168 Foe 8 Chevvai 9 Friend nil 36 Equal 8 Suriyan 11 Enemy nil Position & Strength from Chandran Position & Strength from Chandran nil High 5 Sani 3 Foe nil 12 High 12 Rahu 5 Friend nil nil High 6 Kethu 11 Friend nil 84 Foe 1 Chevvai 11 Friend nil 18 Equal 1 Suriyan 1 Foe 28 Position & Strength from Sukran Position & Strength from Sukran nil High 3 Sani 5 Foe nil 24 High 8 Rahu 7 Friend 8 06 High 4 Kethu 1 Friend 8 nil Foe 9 Chevvai 1 Friend 12 nil Equal 9 Suriyan 3 Foe nil 564 Total 168 Total 564 divided by 128 = 4.4 Dosham 168 divided by 128 = 1.31 Dosham In this method Dosha Index for the Girl should be less than the Boy Or Equal. Dosha Index for Girl 4.4 is much higher than the Boy's index of 1.31. Marriage cannot be Recommended. CONCLUSION. Any one of the 5 methods would be used by different Astrologers. What is important is the Dosha Index for the Girl should be Less than the Boy or Equal. In exceptional cases when other points are favorable Dosha Index for the Girl could be 0.5 Points More than the Boy's Index WHAT IS PAPASAMYAM ? Papasamyam is a method in Astrology to calculate the Dosham in a Horoscope. When checking the Horoscope of a Girl and Boy, this is an important Tool for many Astrologers, to work out the amount of Dosham and decide about their Marriage. This is also known as Doshasamyam. WHY PAPASAMYAM ? Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Mars and Sun are the Grahams which could trouble a Person depending upon its Position and Strength in a Horoscope. When these 5 planets are in 1-2-4-7-8-&12th places from Lagnam, Chandran & Sukran, they create a certain amount

of problem,(Dosham). The ferocity of the Dosham depends upon its strength in these houses, such as a Friend or Foe, (Uchcham) High or Low (Neecham) - Ruler or Equal. The total amount of Dosham for the Girl and Boy has to be calculated at the time of Horoscope Comparison for a marriage. If the Dosha index is more for the Girl than the Boy marriage will not be recommended. When the Dosha index is more for the Boy or it is Equal for Both marriage will be recommended. There are several methods to work out the Dosha Index. HOW MANY METHODS ARE THERE TO WORK OUT DOSHA INDEX ? At least there are 5 methods in Astrology to calculate the Dosha Index as indicated below. 1. Equal points and Equal weightage method. 2. Equal Points and Unequal weightage method. 3.Unequal Points and Equal weightage method. 4. Unequal Points Unequal Weightage Method. 5. Point System considering Planetary Friendship and Positional Strength. The Dosha Index may vary from one method to the other. This is one reason why Astrologer's opinions differ. CAN YOU SHOW US AN EXAMPLE OF CALCULATING THE DOSHA INDEX ? Yes, we will take No.5, the most difficult method. POINT SYSTEM CONSIDERING PLANETARY FRIENDSHIP AND POSITIONAL STRENGTH. Girl's Horoscope Boy's Horoscope Planets to Position & Strength from Lagnam be Position & Strength from Lagnam examined Points Position Place Place Position Points 24 High 12 Sani 1 Enemy 112 96 High 1 Rahu 3 Friend nil 96 High 8 Kethu 9 Friend nil 168 Foe 8 Chevvai 9 Friend nil 36 Equal 8 Suriyan 11 Enemy nil Position & Strength from Chandran Position & Strength from Chandran nil High 5 Sani 3 Foe nil 12 High 12 Rahu 5 Friend nil nil High 6 Kethu 11 Friend nil 84 Foe 1 Chevvai 11 Friend nil 18 Equal 1 Suriyan 1 Foe 28 Position & Strength from Sukran Position & Strength from Sukran nil High 3 Sani 5 Foe nil 24 High 8 Rahu 7 Friend 8 06 High 4 Kethu 1 Friend 8 nil Foe 9 Chevvai 1 Friend 12 nil Equal 9 Suriyan 3 Foe nil 564 Total 168 Total 564 divided by 128 = 4.4 Dosham 168 divided by 128 = 1.31 Dosham

In this method Dosha Index for the Girl should be less than the Boy Or Equal. Dosha Index for Girl 4.4 is much higher than the Boy's index of 1.31. Marriage cannot be Recommended. CONCLUSION. Any one of the 5 methods would be used by different Astrologers. What is important is the Dosha Index for the Girl should be Less than the Boy or Equal. In exceptional cases when other points are favorable Dosha Index for the Girl could be 0.5 Points More than the Boy's Index

7th house rahu.. kalathra dosh or nag dosh? I have recently developed interest in astrology and started reading about it a lot ( mostly whenever i get time for it). What my concern is that i started reading my own chart ( i know little knowledge is always like an RDX who can bump on u) but wanted to take views on this query of concern. I have a typical combination of rahu jupiter and moon in 7th house. what i know is rahu+moon = grahan yog ( Bad yog ), guru+rahu= chandaal yog ( bad yog) but moon + jupiter = gaja-kesari yog ( good one, probably a common yog also). also in bhav chalit chart rahu and moon moves to 6th house so stronger grahan yog and relatively weak gaj kesari yog. what my matter of query is i am not able to exactly decipher the effect of these in 7th house as its a house of relationship,spouse,partnership and also a maarak house. rahu in 7th house causes kalathra dosh that i read somewhere also three malefics in kendra ketu,rahu and mars causes sarpa\naga dosh. Can anyone of u pls decipher what exactly it is present in my chart and how its going to affect me ,my spouse and my married life also kind of spouse according to such placement???

1. Kalalthra Dosham is means horoscope of person who are likely to have problem in their married life. This prediction is done by checking placement of certain planet in the 7th house or some such other house that influences the 7th house in a horoscope. For example if Venus is in the 7th house in a girl's horoscope then it becomes Kalathra dosha horoscope. In this case however the considered malefic effect can be off set by matching it with a boy's horoscope which also has Venus in the 7th house.(this remedy is similar to what happens to a person who has Mangal dosha) Apart from this there are other combinations that can make a horoscope Kalathra. For different case of Kalathara there are different remedies recommended.

The placement of Sukran (Venus), who is known as 'kalathrakarakan' (planet influencing spouse or life partner), should be checked. If it is in 7th house, the horoscope has dosham. It can be matched with only boys having Sukran (Venus) in 7th house.

osh Nivaran Puja Services

Kalsarpa Dosh Nivaran Kalsarpa Dosh Nivaran Puja is done for people whose position in the chart is between Rahu and Ketu. Such person suffers Kaal Sarp Yog for 47 years or although his life. His sufferings and agonies are death like. He faces difficulties like business loss, family problems, child problems, etc. Performing the Kalsarpa Dosh Nivaran Puja is beneficial for such people as it wards off all the ill effects of Kaal Sarp Yog. send enquiry

Mangalik Dosh Nivaran Mangalik Dosh Nivaran Puja is performed for people suffering from Mangalik Dosh which is an ill effect of Mars. Mangalik Dosh is also called as Kuja Dosh. People suffering from this dosh are likely to get married late in their life (at 34 years, 38 years or even 40 years). Besides, if a mangalik boy or girl gets married to a person without this dosh, the spouse suffers death or big accidents. Performing a Mangalik Dosh Nivaran Puja will bring relief in such conditions. send enquiry

Shani Dosh Nivaran If Shani or Saturn has bad effects on an individual's life, the Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja has to be performed. The ill effects caused by Saturn remains in one's life for quite a long period of seven and a half years and therefore require the timely performance of Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja. This Puja not only controls the ill effects of Shani but also ushers in Rajayoga. Thus it brings the positive effects of Shani into one's life. send enquiry

Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Puja is performed when a new house, shop or building is bought, in order to please Vaastu Deva. This Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Puja brings happiness and peace into the house; and promotes business and wealth accumulation in factories and shops. This Puja is a powerful remedy to eliminate the ill effects of vastu defects from any new construction. send enquiry

Grah Kalesh Nivaran The term 'Grah Kalesh' means disharmony in the family. It causes lack of understanding, emotional stress, lack of peace, unnecessary quarrels, loss in business, behavioral issues with children, lack of sleep, etc. The GRAH KALESH NIVARAN PUJA will bestow the family with oneness, harmony, unity, happiness and emotional balance. send enquiry

Chandra Dosh Nivaran When a person suffers from Chandra dosh, his relationship with the people around him gets affected. When the moon God is in an unfavorable position for that particular individual, he suffers from physical pains and diseases. Personality disorders, mental tensions, emotional disturbances and breath problems are caused as a result of evil effects of moon. People suffering from Chandra dosh are recommended to perform Chandra Dosh Nivaran Puja without delay. send enquiry

Pitra Dosha Nivaran The presence of Pitra Dosh in one's chart hinders family growth or brings in frequent problems into the family. Performing Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja on behalf of an ancestor or forefather will relieve such conditions. Satisfying a dead ancestor or forefather by performing this Puja is said to bring a peaceful and happy life. send enquiry

Rahu Ketu Dosh Nivaran The positions of Rahu and Ketu play an important role in determining the happiness of one's married life. If Rahu is in Lagna and ketu in the seventh house or vice versa, the person suffers from Rahu Ketu Dosha or Kalathra Dosha. People with this dosha experience disharmony in their married life. The Rahu

Ketu Dosh Nivaran puja when performed will provide relief in such cases. send enquiry

Who is a Manglik? Manglik is a common word today. But who is Manglik astrologically or what is Manglik Dosha is not known to common man. Normally all believe in this myth. During matching of Horoscope of boy and girl before marriage people consult Pundits and Traditional Astrologer which result into rejection of most agreeable match of boy and girl and mental pain to love birds. Manglik Dosha is a main factor considered by them while doing Kundli Milan (Gun Milan). According to Traditional Astrology, when the planet Mars is located in certain houses of the horoscope, it casts malefic influences on various life aspects of that person. A person having such an afflicted Mars status is known as a Manglik. This condition is also called the Kuja Dosha or the Bhauma Dosha. Rishi Parashara enunciated his theory as the configuration for a widower, and this is one of the extreme cases of Mars affliction.

What is Mars Dosha / Manglik Kundli? Since there are various rules regarding assessment of Mars Dosha, following is the most acceptable view. The computation displayed here is by using these rules. Mars when it occupies certain houses, i.e. 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses, the horoscope is called as Mars Dosha / Manglik Kundli, meaning that it is vitiated by bad effects of Mars. Mars Dosha gets neutralized completely (Nirdosh Mangal) if it (Mars) occupies 1) the sign of it's debilitation (Cancer), 2) the sign of it's enemy (Gemini or Virgo), 3) the sign Mesha and it is in the first house, 3) the sign Scorpio and it is in the fourth house, 4) the sign Capricorn and it is in the seventh house, 5) the sign Leo and it is in the eighth house, 6) the sign Sagittarius and it is in the twelfth house and 7) when it is aspected by Venus. If Mars or Saturn is placed in any of the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses of your partner then it will counter your chart's Mars Dosha and will make the pair acceptable. The Manglik report will tell you whether you are really Manglik or not. Whether Mars is really going to affect your married and social life or not? Even Traditional Astrologers are saying you a Manglik but then also you can have a happy married life. Yes, its true and we at AskGanesha.com will tell you the real fact of having this kind of combination in your chart. Get the Manglik Report to know the real effect of Planet Mars in your horoscope


Monday, March 07, 2005 Interpreting Parasara's Dreshkana Definition by Shree Narasimha P.V.R. Rao Here are the verses from Santhanam's version of BPHS. Verses 6-7, 6-8 raasi tribhaagaa dreshkaanaaste cha shattrimsadeeritaah | parivrittitrayam teshaam meshaadeh kramaso bhavet || swa pancha navamaanaam cha raaseenaam kramasascha te | naaradaagastidurvaasaa dreshkaanesaah charaadishu || Literal Meaning: The one-third parts of rasis are called dreshkanas. There are 36 of those. There are three repetitions of those, starting from Aries and going in the regular order. They are of 1st, 5th and 9th of signs in the regular order and dreshkana lords are Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa, in movable signs etc. As you can see, this literal meaning is not too helpful and it needs some interpretation. There are three possible interpretations. I will go through them one after the other. *** Interpretation 1: If you go from the beginning of Aries and take 36 equal parts of the zodiac, you get 0-10 Ar, 10-20 Ar, 20-30 Ar, 0-10 Ta, 10-20 Ta, 20-30 Ta and so on. These are mapped to signs in such a way that the 12 signs in the zodiac repeat 3 times. We take the 1st, 5th and 9th from signs. So, for the 3 parts of Ar, the mapping is Ar, Le and Sg. For the 3 parts of Ta, the mapping is Ta, Vi and Cp. For the 3 parts of Ge, the mapping is Ge, Li and Aq. For the 3 parts of Cn, the mapping is Cn, Sc and Pi. For the 3 parts of Le, the mapping is Le, Sg and Ar. And so on. The problem with this interpretation is that we get Ar, Le, Sg, Ta, Vi, Cp, Ge, Li, Aq, Cn, Sc and Pi for the first 12 dreshkanas, Le, Sg, Ar, Vi, Cp, Ta, Li, Aq, Ge, Sc, Pi and Cn for the second set of 12 dreshkanas and

so on. This is not exactly a repetition of the same thing three times. The word "parivritti trayam" is not exactly upheld. However, argument can be made that parivritti trayam ("cycling thru the zodiac three times") does not exactly mean repetition of the same sequence 3 times, but covering the zodiac three times (possibly in different order each time). This is a tenable argument. Another problem with this interpretation is the word "charaadishu". This term means "in movable signs etc". It implies that certain order given earlier applies to movable signs and the orders in fixed and dual signs are expected to be understood by the reader intelligently. However, one can argue that this term applies to the assignment of Maharshis only and not to "swa pancha navamaanaam". One can argue that Narada, Agastya and Durvasa are the lords of the 3 dreshkanas in movable signs and there are other orders in fixed and dual signs. This view is acceptable. This interpretation is what Santhanam basically used in his translation of BPHS (though he seems to have erred on maharshis and totally ignored the term "charaadishu") and this interpretation is the most common one. Most software programs find drekkana (D-3) chart this way. In JHora, this chart is called "Parasara Drekkana", simply because the most common interpretations of Parasara give this chart. *** Interpretation 2: In this interpretation, the term "charaadishu" is applied to "naaradaagasti durvaasaah" as well as "swa pancha navamaanaam"! So the 3 drekkanas of a sign go into 1st, 5th and 9th from it, if it is movable. Parasara hints that the orders are different for fixed and dual signs, but does not specifically mention them. He expects to work that intelligently. Now the big clue is the term "parivritti trayam". Now we can interpret it very strictly, unlike in the above interpretation. We can define the sequence for fixed signs as "9th, 1st and 5th" and for dual signs as "5th, 9th and 1st". With this definition, if we write down the signs corresponding to the 36 drekkanas, we get Ar, Le, Sg, Cp, Ta, Vi, Li, Aq, Ge, Cn, Sc, Pi, Ar, Le, Sg, Cp, Ta, Vi, Li, Aq, Ge, Cn, Sc, Pi, Ar, Le, Sg, Cp, Ta, Vi, Li, Aq, Ge, Cn, Sc, Pi. In other words, we do have a strict repetition three times! So this is a very logical interpretation. This also fits with what Chandra Kala Nadi says in verse 5752: "chare svaputranavapaah sthire dharmasvaputrapaah. putradharmasvapaajneyaa drekkaanam vinyaset kramaat".

Though one can definitely argue that this is the correct interpretation of Parasara, we want to respect the majority who use interpretation 1 and we call this variation "Jagannatha Drekkana" in our tradition. In JHora also, it is shown as "Jagannatha Drekkana". You may recall that the above is basically Vishnu's progression. Progressing by one sign is Brahma's progression and Narayana dasa progresses like chara dasa (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc) if lagna is in a movable sign. Progressing by 6 houses is Shiva's progression and Narayana dasa progresses as 1st, 6th, 11th (6th from 6th), 4th (6th from 11th), 9th (6th from 4th) and so on. Progressing thru dharma, artha, kama and moksha trikonas is Vishnu's progression and Narayana dasa progresses as 1st, 5th, 9th, 10th, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 11th, 3rd, 4th, 8th and 12th if lagna is in a dual sign. You can notice that the above progression of signs is like Narayana dasa progression for dual signs. So it has the stamp of Vishnu on it. So we call it "Jagannatha Drekkana" in our tradition. *** Interpretation 3: One can interpret "parivritti trayam teshaam meshaadeh kramaso bhavet" as "there is a repetition by three times of those starting from Aries and going in the regular order. The word "meshaadeh" can be interpreted in two ways. It can mean "starting from Aries" or "from the starting of Aries". In the above two interpretations, we used the latter. So we used "meshaadeh" as a cue for deciding the 10 deg parts whose drekkanas we are talking about. We interpreted the line as saying "if the drekkanas of the 36 parts starting from 0-10 Ar and going regularly are arranged in an order, there is a repetition of the zodiac three times". We can also interpret "meshaadeh" as "starting from Aries". Now this is being used as a cue for deciding the drekkanas themselves! So this means "there is a repetition by three times of the signs starting Aries". This implies that the 36 drekkanas are Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, Aq, Pi, Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, Aq, Pi, Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, Aq, Pi. Here "parivritti trayam" is interpreted in the most straight-forward and strict way. Now the third line "swa pancha navamaanaam" becomes tricky to interpret. That is the weakness of this definition. But one can argue that the 3rd and 4th lines go together. One can argue that the first two lines define the drekkana mapping and the next two lines define the ruling Maharshis!

Now the last two lines can mean "if you start from movable signs and take 1st, 5th and 9th, lords are Narada, Agastya and Durvasa." In other words, here we are not deciding the maharshis based on which one third of which sign. After finding the drekkana, we simply find the maharshi associated with that drekkana sign. Thus the last two verses are interpreted for maharshi assignment and the drekkana mapping is exclusively derived from the second line. This variation is called "Parivritti Traya Drekkana" in JHora. *** In my judgment, all the three interpretations given above are valid interpretations of Parasara. All of them are used by some group of astrologers or the other. In our tradition, we use all the three charts and we use them for different purposes. I will not at all be surprised if Parasara intended us to read the verses in 3 different ways and he intended all the three meanings. As somebody who understands the old Vedic paradigm of writing and the tradition of transmitting secrets in verses, I will not at all shocked or surprised by the idea that three different meanings could be buried in the same verses. But I am sure it will sound weird to some. There is another variation known as "Somanatha Drekkana", which does not seem to have a basis in Parasara's teachings.

Dreshkana Kundali and Chaturthansha Kundali 0 Comment(s) | Read 419 Time(s)

This Kundali tells about the siblings of a person. In this Varga Kundali 30 degrees are divided into 3 equal parts. The three equal parts of this Kundali are as follows:   

First part - 0 to 10 degrees. Second part - 10 to 20 degrees. Third part - 20 to 30 degrees.

If a planet is present between 0 to 10 degrees in a birth chart, then it will be placed in the same sign in the Dreshkana Kundali. Let us assume that a planet is present in Taurus sign in a birth

chart between 0 to 10 degrees, then it will be placed in Taurus sign in the Dreshkana Kundali too. If a planet is present between 10 to 20 degrees in a birth chart, then it will be placed in the fifth sign from its own sign. For example, if Sun is present in 17 degrees in Sagittarius sign in a birth chart, then it will be placed in the fifth sign from Sagittarius sign. The fifth sign from Sagittarius is Aries. Therefore, Sun will be placed in Aries sign in Dreshkana Kundali. The ascendant of Dreshkana Kundali will also be decided like this. If a planet is present between 20 to 30 degrees, then it will be placed in the ninth sign from its own sign in Dreshkana Kundali. For example: If Saturn is present in Pisces sign in a birth chart, then it will be placed in ninth sign from its Pisces. The ninth sign from Pisces sign is Scorpio. Therefore, Saturn will be placed in Scorpio sign in Dreshkana Kundali.

Chaturthansha Kundali or D-4 We can analyze the fixed and movable wealth and the fortune of a native by this Kundali. This Varga Kundali is also known as Turyansha and Padmansha. To prepare this Varga Kundali, 30 degrees are divided into 4 equal parts. Each part is of 7 degrees 30 minutes. If a planet is present in the first Chaturthansha of a birth chart, then it will be placed in the same sign in a Chaturthansha Kundali. If a planet is present in second Chaturthansha of a birth chart, then it will be placed in the fourth signs from the current sign. If a planet is present in the third Chaturthansha in a birth chart, then it will be placed in seventh sign from its current sign and if the planet is present in the fourth Chaturthansha, then it will be placed in the tenth sign from its current sign. Let us assume that if any ascendant or a planet is present in Taurus sign in first ascendant then it will be placed in Taurus sign in Chaturthansha Kundali. If a planet or an ascendant is present in Taurus sign in the second Chaturthansha, then it will be placed in Leo sign. If a planet or an ascendant is present in Taurus sign in the third Chaturthansha, then it will be placed in Scorpio sign and if the planet or an ascendant is present in Taurus sign in the fourth Chaturthansha, then it will be placed in Aquarius sign. Let us now learn how to categorize a Chaturthansha Kundali:    

The first Chaturthansha is from 0 degree to 7 degrees 30 minutes. The second Chaturthansha is from 7 degrees 30 minutes to 15 degrees. The third Chaturthansha is from 15 degrees to 22 degrees 30 minutes. The fourth Chaturthansha is from 22 degrees 30 minutes to 30 degrees.

Drekkana / Dreshkana / Decante

Parashara Drekkana Generally the first Drekkana of any sign is ruled by the owning planet, second Drekkana by the 5th lord and the third Drekkana by the 9th lord. For example, the first Drekkana of Aries is ruled by Mars, the second Drekkana is owned by Sun and the third Drekkana is owned by Jupiter. Sage Parashara named three sages as lords of three Drekkana of each sign as follows:For Movable Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn – Narada, Aghastya and Durvaasa For Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius – Aghastya, Durvaasa and Narada For Dual Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces- Durvaasa, Narada & Aghastya Significance of Lordship Narada Muni was known for his ‘Bhakti’ (Devotion) to the Supreme Lord. Bhakti is the prime necessity of the soul; therefore Narada might represent the Atma, or the soul. Aghastya Muni is associated with mind in many places in the Vedas. Durvaasa Muni was famous for his efforts to control his senses, therefore he represents the Indriyas, or senses. So we might say that the three Drekkanas of the signs may refer to the soul, the mind and the senses. Parashara states that the Drekkana Chart should be used to analyze relationship with siblings, or coborns. We might conclude that the planets in the Drekkanas ruled by Narada would denote the spiritual/karmic relations to the native’s brothers. Those in the Drekkanas ruled by Aghastya would signify the mental/psychological effects from brothers, and those in the Drekkanas ruled by Durvaasa would refer to the sensual/physical comfort or discomfort caused by the brothers and sisters. General use of Drekkana Apart from its use to analyse the information related to the co-borns / siblings, Drekkana is also used for following purposes 

In the context of Lost Horoscopy when the time of birth or time of conception is unknown, through horary method the lost birth details can be traced. The effects of ten divisions (Dashavarga) will help to arrive at the natal Ascendant.

Drekkana of your ascendant gives an insight into your personality, behaviour and other important attributes.

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Details of all 36 Drekkana covering 12 signs are available in Chapter 50 of Kalyana Varma’s ‘Saravali’ 22nd Drekkana is called Khara and its lord is known as Kharesh.22nd Drekkana is considered one of the first-ranked malefic planet for the native and gives clue to his death. The effects / nature of death for each Drekkana for 12 signs are explained in Chapter 47 titled ‘Aphorisms of death ‘in Kalyana Varma’s ‘Saravali” Drekkanas have an important role in Prashna astrology, especially Medical Astrology. The classical work on Prashna astrology “Krishneeyam” gives details of methods of using Drekkana significations in horary astrology.

Method of calculating 22nd Drekkana There are 36 Drekkanas; 3 for each of the 12 Rashis. From the Lagna Drekkana in your horoscope, count successively till the 22nd Drekkana. For example if your Lagna is in the first 10 degrees you are born in the first Drekkana. From that count the number of Drekkanas for each Rashi. So, in this case, the 22nd Drekkana will be the 1st Drekkana of the 8th house for your horoscope; if your birth in the second Drekkana i.e. between 10 and 20 deg. of a sign, the 22nd Drekkana will fall in the 2nd Drekkana of the 8th sign; if your birth is in the third Drekkana, the 22nd Drekkana will be in the 3rd Drekkana of the 8th sign from your Lagna. The 22nd Drekkana is also called the “Niryaana Drekkana” There are various methods of counting 22nd Drekkana, but a short cut technique is to look for the lord of 8th house in D-3. That planet would be lord of 22nd Drekkana for your chart. Notes on 22nd Drekkana Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra states that in natal astrology, the nature of the 22nd Drekkana indicates the source/ manner of death. In general condition when Longevity is not at its end, it is concerned with bodily discomfort and health matters. Some of the special effects are as follows:    

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Occupation of natural malefic in 22nd Drekkana, in Rashi, reduces the potential of the chart up to a great extent. Ayudha Drekkana indicates injury with weapons as cause of death / accidents. Sarpa Drekkana mean danger from poisonous reptiles that could be life threatening. Dasha/Bhukti of lord of 22nd Drekkana generally afflicts native’s health and yield mental agony, when devoid of benefic aspects. If the concerned planet is also a natural malefic and posited in malefic Rashi then intensity of evil would definitely be higher than expected. Whenever lord of Lagna transits the 22nd Drekkana, loss, bodily discomfort, grief and quarrel will result. Similarly, transit of lord of 22nd Drekkana in ascendant produces trouble regarding significance of 1st house. Like ascendant, obtain 22nd Drekkanas of other planets specially Moon and Sun. Transit of that planet into respective 22nd Drekkana always mar the significance of planet transited. Avoid starting any new task when your luminaries are transiting their 22nd Drekkana or/and Kharesh moving over Sun or Moon.

General points 

If the Lagna Drekkana is Pasha Drekkana, then the native may experience bondage/ incarceration.

If the birth is in Chatushpada Drekkana (quadruped the 7th lord is in the Chatushpada Drekkana, then the the native will resemble that of a quadruped.

This has been explained in detail in various classics including Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Sarvartha Chintamani and Saravali. Details about Sarpa, Ayudha, Pakshi, Pasha, Nigala and Chatushpada Drekkanas can be found in Chapter XII, ’Concerning Eight House’ in ‘How to Judge a Horoscope – Volume Two’ by Sri BV Raman

Drekkana) or sexual activity

if of

Western Connection Western astrology uses Decante technically identical to Jagannath Drekkana, in order to assess native’s character. Among Sun, Moon and Ascendant if all three or two fall into Decante of malefic planets then the native would be evil minded, sinner and wrathful. If trend is mixed then native will be lazy, back biter and ill-behaved. But if all three (among Sun, Moon and Ascendant) rises in benefic Decante (and their lord of Decante are also powerful) then native would be blessed, intelligent, soft spoken and successful.



Ch. 44. Maraka Planets 1. O Mahārśi Parashara, you have mentioned a lot about longevity. Be kind enough to throw light on Marakas, or killers.

2-5. O Brahmin, 3rd and 8th House are the two Houses of longevity. The Houses, related to death, are the 12th from each of these, i.e. 2nd and 7th House are Maraka Houses. Out of the two, 2nd House is a powerful Maraka House. The Lords of 2nd and 7th House, malefics in 2nd and 7th House and malefics, conjunct with 2nds Lord and conjunct with 7ths Lord are all known, as Marakas. The major and sub-periods of these Planets will bring death on the native, depending on whether he is a long life, medium life, or short life person.

6-8. The Dasha of a benefic Planet, related to 12ths Lord may also inflict death. End may descend on the native in 8ths Lords Dasha. The Dasha of a Planet, which is an exclusive malefic, may also cause death. 9. Should Saturn be ill-disposed and be related to a Maraka Planet, he will be the first to kill in preference to other Planets.

10-14. O Brahmin, I tell you further about Marakas. Narrated earlier are three kinds of lifespans, viz. short, medium and long. Short life is before 32 years, later on up to 64 it is medium life and from 64 to 100 it is long life. Beyond 100 the longevity is called supreme. O excellent of the Brahmins, it is impossible to decide upon longevity till the native is 20 years old. Till such year the child should be protected by sacred recitations, religious offerings (of Ghī etc.) to consecrated fire, as prescribed in the Vedas etc. and through medical treatments, for premature death may descend on the child due to sins of father and mother, or of its own (in the previous birth).

15-21. I further mention about the Maraka Planets. One born with short life combinations may face death in the Dasha, denoted by Vipat star (3rd from the birth star), one of medium life may die in the Dasha, denoted by Pratyak star (5th from the birth star). In the Dasha, denoted by Vadh star (7th from the birth star), one with long life may obtain his end. The Dasha of the Lord of the 22nd Dreshkana, or 23rd, or 3rd, or 5th, or 7th asterisms may also cause death. The Lords of the 2nd and the 12th, counted from Cancer, may bring death. This is true, when Moon is a malefic. If he happens to be a benefic, there will be diseases (not death). Death may come to pass in the Dasha of 6ths Lord and in the subperiods of 6ths, 8ths and/or 12ths Lords. Should there be many Marakas and, if these Marakas are strong, there will be diseases, miseries etc. in major and sub-periods. Thus these are Marakas and are prim6thly related to bring death upon the native. According to their dispositions there may be death, or difficulties.

22-24. Rahu and Ketu, as Marakas. If Rahu, or Ketu are placed in 1st, 7th, 8th, or 12th House, or happen to be in the 7th from a Maraka Lord, or are placed with such a Planet, they acquire powers of killing in their major, or sub-periods. For one born in Capricorn, or in Scorpio, Rahu will be a Maraka. Should Rahu be in 6th, 8th, or 12th House, he will give difficulties in his Dasha periods. He will not, however, do so, if Rahu receives a Aspect from, or is conjunct with a benefic.

25-31. 3rd House and Death. O excellent of Brahmins, if Sun, being with strength, is in 3rd House, one will obtain his death, due to a king (legal punishments). Moon in 3rd House will cause death, due to tuberculosis, while wounds, weapons, fire and thirst will cause death through Mars in 3rd House. If 3rd House receives a Aspect from, or is occupied by Saturn and

Rahu, death will be through poison, water, or fire, or fall from heights, or confinement. Death will surely come to descend through insects, or leprosy, if Moon and Gulika occupy, or give a Aspect to 3rd House. Mercury, giving a Aspect to, or occupying 3rd House, will bring death, followed by fever. Jupiter in 3rd House, or giving a Aspect to 3rd House, will cause death by swelling, or tumors. Urinary diseases will cause death, if Venus is in, or gives a Aspect to 3rd House. Many Planets, giving a Aspect to, or occupying 3rd House, will bring death through many diseases.

32. If 3rd House is occupied by a benefic, death will be in an auspicious place (like a shrine) and, if 3rd House is occupied by a malefic, death will be in sinful places. Mixed occupation of 3rd House will yield mixed results with regard to the place of death.

33. Consciousness will prevail at the time of death, if Jupiter, or Venus are placed in 3rd House. With other Planets in 3rd House there will be unconsciousness before death. 34. According to 3rd House being a Movable, a Fixed, or a Dual Rāśi, death will be, respectively, in a foreign place (other than native birth place), in ones own house, or on the way.

35-36. Occupants of 8th House. Note the occupant of 8th House. If it is Sun, death will be through fire, if Moon is in 8th House, through water, if Mars , through weapons, if Mercury, through fever, if Jupiter, through diseases, if Venus, through hunger and, if Saturn, through thirst. 37. If 8th House is occupied by, or receives a Aspect from a benefic, while 9ths Lord is conjunct with a benefic, the native will die in a shrine. If 8th House is occupied by, or receives a Aspect from a malefic, while 9ths Lord is conjunct with a malefic, death will be in a place, other than a shrine. 38-39. Fate of the Human Physical System. Should there be a benefics Dreshkana in 8th House (22nd Dreshkana), the body will be burnt in fire (as prescribed in Shastras). If a malefics Dreshkana happens to be in 8th House, the body will be thrown away in water. If the Dreshkana in 8th House is owned by a mixed Planet, the dead body will only dry up. If the Dreshkana in 8th House is a serpent Dreshkana, the body will be eaten away by animals, crows etc. 40. Serpent Dreshkanaas. The 2nd and 3rd Dreshkana in Cancer, the initial one in Scorpio and the last one in Pisces are designated, as serpent Dreshkanaas. 41-42. Pre-natal Abode. O excellent of Brahmins, the stronger of the two lumin6thes, Sun and Moon, occupying a Dreshkana of Jupiter, denotes the descent from the world of gods. If the stronger of the lumin6thes occupies the Dreshkana of Venus, or Moon, the descent is from the world of the Manes, if the stronger of the two lumin6thes is in the Dreshkana of Sun, or Mars ,

the descent is from the world of Yama (world of the death) and, if in Dreshkana of Mercury, or Saturn, the descent is from the hell.

43-45. Ascent after Death. According to the following Planets in 12th, 7th, 6th, or 8th House, the native will attain one of the different worlds after death: Jupiter heaven, Moon, or Venus the world of Manes, Mars and/or Sun earth (rebirth), Mercury and/or Saturn hell. In case the said Houses are not occupied, the native will go to the world, indicated by the stronger of the Dreshkana Lords, related to 6th and 8th House. The relative Planets exaltation etc. will denote the high, medium and low status the native will obtain in the said world.

Different Avasthas of Planet in Astrology - Moving Planet 0 Comment(s) | Read 906 Time(s)

Planets while moving get into certain states of existence called avasthas. These avasthas are ten in number. Each avastha produces its own results. Let us discuss the different Avasthas in detail.

Deepta or Exaltation When a moving planet achieves Exaltation, it indicates Gains from conveyances, respect from elders, fame, wealth and good progeny.

Swastha or Own House When a moving planet enters in its own house, it indicates fame wealth, position, lands, happiness and good children.

Mudhitha or in the house of a friend When a moving planet enters to a friendly house, it indicates happiness.

Shantha or an Auspicious Sub-division When a moving planet reaches to an auspicious sub division, it indicates strength and courage, helping relations, comfort and happiness.

Shakta or Retrogression While moving, when the benefic planet becomes retrograde then it gives Courage, reputation, wealth and progeny.

Peedya or Residence in the last quarter of the sign Moving Planet in the the last quarter of the sign indicates prosecution, incarceration, pilfering habits and expulsion of country.

Deena or Inimical House Planet moving in the inimical house indicates jealousy, mental worry, brain trouble sickness and degradation.

Vikala or Combustion When a moving planet attains combustion, it indicates diseases, orphanage, loss of wife and children and disgrace.

Khala or Debilitation Moving Planets in debilated state indicate losses from various sources, quarrels with parents and relations, imprisonment, hating God and sacred literature.

Bhita or Acceleration This indicates losses from various sources, torture, foes, mean habits, and danger in foreign countries.

The Shadbalas or Six Sources of strength and Weakness of Planets Each planet is supposed to get a particular share of strength when it occupies a particular position. The source of strength can be numerically measured by a certain unit called Rupa. There are six kinds of strengths considered in the Indian astrology.  

Sthanabala : This is the positional strength which a planet gets as a result of it occupying a particular house in the horoscope. Digbala : This is a directional strength. Jupiter and Mercury are powerful in the East (ascendant) . The Sun and Mars get their directional strength in the North (10th house), Saturn in the west

 

(7th house) gains Digbala. Venus and Moon acquire directional strength in the south (4th house). Chestabala or Motional Strength : The Sun and Moon get Motion strength in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini which constitute the Uttarayana ( Sun Northerly course) and Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in retrogression or in conjunction with the Full Moon get Chestbala or Motion strength. If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn are with Mars, they are said to be defeated in the planetary fight and get Motion Strength. Kalabala : Kalabala means temporal strength. The Moon, Mars and Saturn are powerful during the night. The Sun, Jupiter and Venus are powerful during the day. Mercury is always powerful. Drugbala : Drugbala is reckoned as a result of the aspect to which each planet is subjected to by the other. Aspects of benefics give full drugbala, while aspects of Malefics take away the Drughbala. Naisargikbala : This means permanent or natural strength. Each planet is supposed to produce a particular measure of strength permanently, irrespective of its position.

Moving Planets – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars – are usually not considered as important because they move quickly through the zodiac. The transits of the slower moving planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – are more powerful and noticeable, especially when they hit a personal planet or cardinal point.

ARUDHA LAGNA Use Of Arudha Lagna (1) Count signs from the house of interest to the sign containing its lord. Counting is in the zodiacal direction always. For example, if the house we are interested in is in Gemini and its lord Mercury is in Aquarius, we count signs from Gemini to Aquarius and get 9. (1) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign. In the above example, we count 9 signs from Aquarius and we end up in Libra. (1) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step (1), then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we don‟t make any change. (1) The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the house of interest. Arudha pada of a house is simply called arudha or pada also. In this book, we will denote the arudha pada on nth house with A n. For example, arudha pada of 4th house is A4 and arudha pada of 9th house is A9.

Use of Arudha Lagna

While lagna stands for true self, arudha lagna (AL) stands for the maya associated with self. It shows the how the native is perceived in the material world. It shows the status of the native. A timid and confused individual may be perceived in the world as a strong leader. In that case, that is the maya associated with his personality and AL shows it. Because arudha lagna deals with maya, illusions, perceptions and impressions, it is very important in judging various materialistic things. For example, Parasara and Jaimini taught that the 11th and 12th houses from AL show financial gains and expenditures. Natural malefics in the 3rd and 6th houses from AL show someone who is perceived as a bold person who hits enemies hard. Since such impressions are usually formed about materially successful people, malefics in the 3rd and 6th from AL make one bold and materially successful. Natural benefics in the 3rd and 6th houses from AL make one very gentle and restrained in public behavior. Such a person does not fight with others boldly. This combination is usually found in the charts of saints and saintly and mild-natured people. The 10th house from lagna in D-10 shows one‟s true conduct in society. It shows the one‟s career and the true nature of one‟s karma (work). The 10th house from AL in D-10 shows perceptions about one‟s conduct in society. It deals more with one‟s status in career.

Arudha lagna By Pt. Sanjay Rath Arudha Lagna - The Personal image 1. Arudha lagna (AL) is the image of a person (or any body) which is the reflection of the ascendant about the lord of the ascendant. The ascendant is the physical personality & intelligence while the ascendant lord is the applied intelligence (Paka lagna). The arudha shows the way we are viewed in this world due to our overall personality and resources as well as due to its use and modifications.

2. There are arudha for each of the twelve houses and they represent the images that exist in our minds. For example, the arudha of the fourth house represents the home environment at childhood. If this is in a sign of Venus then it indicates a strong presence of mother and her family in shaping childhood.

3. The arudha lagna represents the final record of all events of ones life that form the image of the person. This implies images of other houses adding to the image of AL. Impact of darapada (A7) is crucial for relationships, finances and social success.

Planets & the arudha lagna Moon is the significator of AL. Planets like Moon & Jupiter who have a good reputation associating with arudha lagna protect the reputation and image while planets like Saturn & Rahu with a bad name spoil the image. In general the relationship of planets with the Moon determines their ability to influence the arudha in a good or bad manner. The status of the arudha lagna lord is the status of the native. Planets exalted in the arudha lagna or the 7th from it promise reputation and success in their fields as well as consequent good fortune. Debilitated planets in arudha ruin the image. Benefic planets in the 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8 houses and malefic planets in 3 & 6 houses give good results if they are strong in rasi & navamsa. Instead if the planets are weak in debility in the rasi or navamsa, the results will be contrary. On the other hand, weak benefic planets in the 3 & 6 houses from arudha lagna give rajayoga. The tenth house is good for benefic planets only and even exalted malefic planets in this house cause trouble. Any planet in the 9th house from arudha lagna gives good results and protects the image while they give good income in the 11th house and losses and expenses in the 12th. Birth family & arudha Further reading Co-born: Younger co-born from 3rd house & lord and elders from 11th house and lord. Children from the 9th house from Upapada Protector from the 9th house from arudha lagna¦and so on. Transits & arudha Transit of Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 8th & 10th houses from lagna and arudha are inauspicious. Transit of Jupiter in quadrants from arudha lagna is a blessing. Transit of Rahu in trines to arudha lagna gives rajayoga and material blessings while that of Ketu in trines is excellent for spiritual pursuits and renunciation. The Sun & Moon in trines to any arudha causes it to manifest Change of image with time

1. The image or arudha is maya or untruth and cannot be permanent. It changes with time based on dasa.

2. Every dasa affects the arudha by (1) house placement from it and (2) argala (planetary intervention)

3. Narayana dasa, Vimsottari dasa and other such methods of progression are useful tools to decipher the changes in image.

4. Natural years of carakaraka replacement also cause major changes in the arudha.

5. Change in jobs, attainment of position and authority, marriage and various other events cause changes in the image depending on the association of their respective images with the arudha lagna.

6. Study dasa from standard texts.

Meaning & Concept of Arudha 1. Rasi/Bhava Arudha o Mirror image i.e. image of person in this world is his Arudha Lagna, Image of mother is A4, Father is A9 and so on. o How do these images intervene with his image? Argala & Virodhargala

2. Graha Arudha o Image of other people

Calculation Arudha Pada of the various houses


Riders (a)Swasthe Daraha, (b) Sutasthe Janma


Rules for dual Lordship

Graha Arudha of Various houses o o

Rules for dual lordship shall apply Many like my grandfather used both Graha Arudha

Nomenclature 1. Bhava Arudha – 1st house: Arudha Lagna, Lagna Pada, Pada – AL, 2nd house: Dhana Pada; etc. till Upapada –UL, 2. Graha Arudha –Ravi pada, Chandra pada, Guru Meena pada etc.. are used in the nadi literature. What do they mean? 3. How to draw the Rasi & Graha Arudha Chakra? · Rasi Arudha Chakra has true Graha positions. Thus it is the interaction of the images of his personal self and others close to him with the world. It shows how the world perceives you and how the world around you shall react to what you do. · Graha Arudha Chakra has true Bhava positions. Thus it is the interaction of the images of the various people as perceived by the native on himself. It shows how you perceive the world around you and how you will react to the various environmental inputs. Focus on Rasi arudha Chakra REsults 1. Results of planets in different houses from AL: · Generally benefics in 1,2,4,5,7,8,10, and malefics in 3,6 & 12 indicate Rajyoga. · Reverse shall occur when these planets are debilitated in Navamsa i.e. Vipareeta Rajyoga/neecha Yoga can occur. · All planets, and even an Upagraha is beneficial in the ninth and shows prosperity and protection. It should be used for protecting your image.

· All planets in 11 show sources on income & in 12 show sources of expenditure. · Malefics in 6 show corruption while benefics show honest income. · Moon is the Karaka for AL. · Planets in 7 & 12 show those who shall oppose you/ cheat you at home 2. Results of planets in different houses from Upapada. · Just like the above, but the sun is Karaka and is always beneficial to UL. · Exalted planets in UL, show spouse from a well known family; if debilitated reverse holds good; if none then the lord of UL shall show the status of spouse’s family.

Arudha Lagna public opinion about the native (not necessarily accurate, but compellingly persuasive) lagna-pada = steps from the line = an often accurate view of outcomes from any lagna

Upa Pada A-12 - Dara Pada A-7- Karaka-amsha-- Graha Arudha - Pranapada

Lagna pada of the twelve bhava; Graha pada of the 9 planets  

Arudha= image, appearance; raised up, mounted or ascended pada = quarter, or portion

from : B.V. Raman, A Catechism of Astrology . part I, p. 64 "Q. 77--What are the different kinds of Arudhas ? Ans.

Jaimini emphasizes 12 Arudhas : Lagna Arudha, Dhana-arudha, Vikram-arudha etc.. . one for each Bhava. Arudhas are to be determined as follows : Note where the lord of the ascendant stands and count as many signs from this Rasi as the ascendant lord is removed from the ascendant. 

(1)The Rasi so got is Arudha or Pada or Lagna Arudha.

Similarly note where the lord of 2 is from the 2nd house and the number of Rasis passed by him. Calculate the same number from the Rasi occupied by the lord of 2. 

(2) The Rasi so got is Dhana Arudha.

In the same way work for other 'houses' and we get          

(3) Vikrama Arudha (3rd). (4) Matru Arudha (4th), (5) Santana Arudha (5th), (6) Vyadhi Arudha (6th), (7) Bharya Arudha (7th), (8) Niryana Arudha (8th), (9) Bhagya Arudha (9th), (10) Karma Arudha (10th), (11) Labharudha (11th) and (12) Upapada or Vyaya Arudha (12th)."

Jyotisha terminology for the Arudha of the 12 bhava A-1

Lagna Arudha

lagna pada of bhava-1

Lagna Pada Arudha pada A-2

Dhana Arudha ; dhanaroodha

lagna pada of bhava-2

Dhana Pada A-3

Vikrama Pada ; Vikrama Arudha

lagna pada of bhava-3

Bhratru Pada Sahaja Pada Parakrama Arudha A-4

Bandhu Pada

lagna pada of bhava-4

Matru Pada; Matru Arudha Sukha Pada A-5

Mantra Pada

lagna pada of bhava-5

Putra Pada Santana Pada; Santana Arudha A-6

Ari Pada

lagna pada of bhava-6

Ripu Pada Roga Pada Satru Pada Vyadhi Pada; Vyandhi arudha A-7

Dara Pada

lagna pada of bhava-7

Kalatra Pada Yuvati Pada Bharya Pada; bharyaroodha A-8

Randhra Pada Mrityu Pada Marana Pada Niryana Pada; niryanaroodha

lagna pada of bhava-8


Pitru Pada

lagna pada of bhava-9

Dharma Pada Bhagya Pada; bhagyaroodha A-10

Karmaa Pada; karmaroodha

lagna pada of bhava-10

Raja Pada A-11

Labha Pada; labharoodha

lagna pada of bhava-11

Labharudha A-12

Vyaya Pada; Vyayarudha

lagna pada of bhava-12

Upa Pada Gauna Pada Aroodha Dwadasa (Raman) What is an arudha pada? 

Generally speaking, all of the arudha pada show the illusion-projection that a person uses to defend oneself against psychic invasion, and arudha pada also represent the general impression that the public receives on getting a "first impression" of a person Given the stresses of public life and a certain required narcissism that accompanies social interaction, there is frequently a factual gap between the arudha lagna's illusionprojection about matters of the bhava (A-1 until A-12) - the good and the bad -- vs the reality of the material-social manifestation.

Psychic advertising

Everyone projects, around the material self, an 'aura' (gold bubble) of hopes-dreams-wishesexpectations-needs. Usually this aura projection is quite unconscious and it represents the psychic truth of the person. 

However, clever people can consciously or unconsciously project the illusion of being quite a different soul than one really is. The aura is by default rather pure and innocent but in the control of a skillful handler it becomes a combination of social attributes, subtle suggestion, charismatic charm, and marketing 'spin'. Some very well trained psychics even know how to make their aura invisible, which makes the person appear to to vanish even though the material particles of the body remain present in the room. The aura is a very powerful entity when properly understood and controlled.

Everyone has an astral shield that is full of messages about oneself that may or may not be materially accurate but nevertheless this is the advertising which the public uses to decide what is true about a person.

Is it true?

The arudha pada might give a positive or negative impression. It is rarely however a perfect match to the material truth. Arudha pada show the direction a person is going or wants to go. They might be blocked in going to their next step. Most of us are not quite yet Realized Beings who are exactly the person we want to be. The Aura will show one's next step, what one truly wants and needs, but not necessarily what one is doing or capable of at this moment in the life history. The aura reports a spiritual truth but not necessarily a material truth. 

The arudha pada is not normally related to material truth because it is an astral phenomenon not a material one.

Nevertheless, the public thinks they know the material truth based on the astral projection. People will say "I have the impression that ...." and they do. The intuitive impression that they have received is the psychic product of the arudha pada. Power of the "first Impression" 

Psychic projections are usually quite compelling and in the absence of fact - or indeed in the presence of fact - people will often adhere to their "first impression" which was not a rational conclusion but rather an apprehension based entirely on a first intuitive arudhapada "hit".

Vocabulary for Arudha lagna

~~ Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon

ArUDha =    

mounted, ascended, bestridden (as a horse) risen ; raised up, elevated on high undertaken; reached , brought to; brought under the cognizance of the senses, perceived having reached or attained, come into (a state)

Upa =  

towards , near to, by the side of , with , together with , under , down; to go near , undergo; approaching As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns{upa} expresses: o direction towards , nearness , contiguity in space , time ,

o o

 

number , degree , resemblance , and relationship , but with the idea of subordination and inferiority near to , towards , in the direction of , under , below ; with , together with , at the same time with , according to [cf. Zd. {upa} ; Gk.- Lat. { sub} ; Goth. {uf} ; Old Germ. {oba ; Mod. Germ. { Ob} in {Obdach} , {obliegen}]

Gauna =    

relating to a quality; having qualities , attributive subordinate , secondary , unessential metaphorical , figurative relating to multiplication or enumeration

dAra =  

A wife (wives) ake to wife , marry

Use of Arudha Lagna, from ~~ Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach, by P. V. R. Narasimha Rao www.vedicastrologer.org "While lagna stands for true self, arudha lagna (AL) stands for themayaassociated with self.  

It shows the how the native is perceived in the material world. It shows the status of the native .

A timid and confused individual may be perceived in the world as a strong leader. In that case, that is the mayaassociated with his personality and AL shows it. Because arudha lagna deals with maya, illusions, perceptions and impressions, it is very important in judging various materialistic things. For example, Parashara and Jaimini taught that the 11th and 12th houses from AL show financial gains and expenditures. 

Natural malefics in the 3rd and 6th houses from AL show someone who is perceived as a bold person who hits enemies hard.

Since such impressions are usually formed about materially successful people, malefics in the 3rd and 6th from ALmake one bold and materially successful.

Natural benefics in the 3rd and 6th houses from AL make one very gentle and restrained in public behavior. Such a person does not fightwith others boldly.

this combination is usually found in the charts of saints and saintly and mild-natured people.

The 10th house from lagna in D-10 shows one's true conduct in society. It shows the one's career and the true nature of one's karma (work). 

The 10th house from AL in D-10 shows perceptions about one's conduct in society. It deals more with one's status in career."

"Computation of Bhava Arudhas, from ~~ Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, /www.vedicastrologer.org/ Arudha padas of all the 12 houses (bhavas) in all the divisional charts are defined as follows: (1) Take sign containing the house of interest in the divisional chart of interest. (2) Find the sign occupied by the lord of that house.   

NOTE: Aquarius is owned by Saturn and Rahu. Scorpio is owned by Mars and Ketu. Take the stronger lord in the case of houses falling in these two signs. (...)

(3) Count signs from the house of interest to the sign containing its lord. Counting is in the zodiacal direction always. For example, if the house we are interested in is in Gemini and its lord Mercury is in Aquarius, we count signs from Gemini to Aquarius and get 9. (4) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign. 

In the above example, we count 9 signs from Aquarius and we end up in Libra.

(5) Exception:  

If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step (1), o then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we don't make any change.

(6) The resulting sign contains the Arudha pada of the house of interest."

The "exception" causes a lot of trouble for beginners. Here is another explanation:

The Arudha Pada cannot be in the starting rashi, nor in the 7th-from starting rashi. If, after normal step-wise counting, the arudha lagna ends up in either the starting rashi or 7thfrom the starting rashi, then take one extra step. 

 

the extra step = jump 10 rashi forward. o E.g., if the lagnesha of the 'house of interest' occupies bhava-4, then 4th-from-4th = bhava-7. o The rule says: arudha lagna can never be 7th-from-starting rashi. So, jump 10 houses forward from the 7th house = bhava-4 again. Lagna pada in this case = bhava-4.

(see example below) Three Hundred Important Combinations

by B.V. Raman, page 301 "297. Raja-bhrashta Yoga

Definition: 

The lords of Aroodha lagna and Aroodha Dwadasa should be in conjunction.

Results: 

The subject will suffer a fall from a high position .

Remarks: 

  

Most astrologers pay attention to Raja Yogas and Dhana Yogas and hardly take into account combinations which either act as breaks to the functioning of Raja Yogas or completely neutralise the Raja Yogas with the result horoscope judgments invariably go wrong. When Raja Yogas are really more powerful than Rajabhanga Yogas, then alone the former could function. Aroodha Lagna is the sign arrived at by counting as many signs from Lagnadhipathi as the Lagnadhip Lagna. Similarly, Aroodha Dwadasa Rasi is as many signs away from the 12th lord as the 12th lord is from the 12th house.

Supposing Lagna is Aries and the lord Mars is in Leo. Then the 5th from Leo, viz., Sagittarius would be Aroodha Lagna. Likewise if the 12th is Pisces; and the 12th lord, viz., Jupiter is in Taurus (the 3rd from 12th), then the Dwadasarudha would be

Cancer, the 3rd.From the horoscope, where Lagna is Aries and Lagnadhipathi is in Leo and the 12th lord Jupiter is in Gemini, Lagnarudha would be Sagittarius and Dwadasarudha would be Virgo. Conjunction between these two lords, viz.. Mercury and Jupiter would result in a Rajabhrashta Yoga." Arudha lagna 2nd from Arudha lagna

When the Moon, Jupiter, or Venus are in the second from arudha lagna, the native becomes prosperous and wealthy." -- Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) Ch 1/Shloka 15 3rd from Arudha lagna 4th from Arudha lagna 5th from Arudha lagna 6th from Arudha lagna 7th from Arudha lagna Darapada

~~ Jaimini Sutram(Upadesha Sutra) Chapter 1 Shloka 20

[BPL: the only disturbance to marital harmony occurs when arudha of the seventh house is in bhava-2, 6, 8, or 12.] "When the arudha of the seventh house is in a   

Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) Trikona (1, 5, 9) Or upachaya (3, 10, 11)

from arudha lagna, there is compatibility and harmony between husband and wife." If the arudha lagna and the arudha of the seventh (dara pada) are mutually in 6, 8, 12 houses, there can be no mutual harmony between husband and wife. They will always be inimical. ~~ Jaimini Sutram(Upadesha Sutra) Chapter 1 Shloka 21 8th from Arudha lagna 9th from Arudha lagna 10th from Arudha lagna 11th from Arudha lagna

If the 11th from the Lagna Pada is occupied or receives aspect from a planet the native will be happy and rich ... if the planet be in exaltationor own rashi, there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness. -- Brihat Parashara Hora ShastraCh. 29, Shloka 8-11

When the 11th from Arudha lagna has a planet or is aspected by a planet, the native becomes prosperous and wealthy. -- Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) 3rd pada,2 If the eleventh from arudha Lagnais well associated and aspected by benefics or those in exaltation, in Moola-Trikona and the like, the person has wealth through justifiable means." -- Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) Ch 1, Shloka 5 12th from Arudha lagna Upapada

~~ Jaimini Sutram(Upadesha Sutra) Chapter 1 Shloka 17 If the Upapada or its second is one of the signs owned by Mercury, and if it is associated with Saturn and Mars, the wife (or the husband) suffers from nasal disorders like sinusitis and polyps. Graha arudha

Graha Arudha The following is an exact quotation from the works of esteemed Jyotishi Pt. Narasimha Rao at www.vedicastrologer.org [begin exact quote] Computation of Graha Arudhas Just as arudha padas of all houses (bhavas) are defined, arudha padas of all the nine planets (grahas) are also defined and they are called graha arudhas. They are computed as follows: (1) Take the sign containing the planet of interest in the divisional chart of interest. (1) Find the sign owned by that planet. NOTE: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn own 2 signs each. In their case, take the stronger sign owned by the planet. ...Take the two signs, apply those rules and find the stronger sign. (1) Count signs from the sign containing the planet of interest to the stronger sign owned by it.

Counting is in the zodiacal direction always. For example, if the planet we are interested in is Sun and he is Gemini, we count signs from Gemini to Leo and get 3. (1) Count the same number of signs from the stronger sign owned and find the ending sign. In the above example, we count 3 signs from Leo and we end up in Libra. (1) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign containing the planet, then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we don't make any change. (1) The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the planet of interest. [continue exact quote from Pt. Ns. Rao] Use of Graha Arudhas Just as arudha padas of various houses show the illusions of the world related to the matters signified by various houses, arudha padas of various planets show the illusions of the native related to the matters signified by various planets. Houses show various aspects of the person's life and their arudhas show how they are perceived in the world. Planets show various persons, forces and situations that impact various aspects of a person's life and their arudhas show the related perceptions by the person. Just as the perceptions of the world about a native can be totally different from the reality, perceptions of a native about himself, about the world and about the situations that (s)he goes through can be totally different from the reality. Graha arudhas throw light on these perceptions." [end of exact quote from Jyotishi Pt. Narasimha Rao] BPL opinion

A -1: Arudha lagna / Lagna pada What can be predicted from A-12? A-12 = arudha lagna = lagna pada reveals how Others perceive one's personality. It shows how one projects one's own illusion or 'glamour' into the world.   

If the lord of the arudha lagna is favorable, these projections are well received in the minds of others. Famous persons and Entertainers frequently have highly favorable lords of A-1. Lagna pada = arudha lagna is a good key to finding out how a person is perceived by the outside world. While the lagna may give a good profile of physical appearance, the arudha lagna shows the native 's psychic projection upon others - how the native strikes the minds of others. If the arudha lagna is favorable, even a person with a poorly supported rashi lagna can be quite successful, getting job promotions and celebrity recognition etc. Arudha means illusion or image.

 

 

If the radix lagna itself is strong and vibrant but the lagna pada is weak, even quite a remarkably vital and attractive person will be missed by the public. he more interesting cases are people who rather unaccountably become celebrities. These folks experience their image being broadcast day and night over all media - their personal goings-on becomes of great interest to the common herd. Such people frequent have a a powerful lagna-pada. Their celebrity periods, often flash-in-the-pan, are expected during the bhukti of their Lord of Lagna-pada, called the karakamsha. Similarly, Dhana pada shows how others perceive one's wealth. A person might be buried in consumer debt or paying huge medical loans or tax liens but if A-2 is favorable, they could still be looking/acting wealthy. A-2 which contrasts favorably with the realities of actual bhava-2 is common in westerners who become "house poor" after buying a home that is too expensive for their income, or folks who become "car poor" after buying a prestige vehicle that looks good but leaves them without grocery money! And so forth for the other arudha lagnas. Check for disparities, if the person seems to be faking it or living a lie of some type, you will see the gap between reality and illusion by checking the arudha lagna for the house in question.

BPL opinion

Dara-pada = A-7 What can be predicted from the A-7? A-7 Dara pada = kalatra padashows the glamour or charm of the spouse's personality, what people think of one's husband or wife. 

Perhaps the native has married a person of high moral caliber who nevertheless lacks some social graces. The general public may, if the A-7 is poorly situated, have a lower opinion of such a spouse than is truly warranted - and the native may suffer on this account. By contrast some people find it difficult to sue for divorce when, despite their deep unhappiness in their marriage, their spouse is well thought-of in their community. This dilemma would also show up in the gap between A-7 and the reality of kalatra bhava and L-7. "Dara"means "wife". Darapada is the arudha lagna of the radix seventh house. Darapada tells about the physical communion of the marriage, which is mainly the physical lovemaking. Consideration of upapada and darapada are especially valuable for understanding the conditions applying in marriage and the behavior of the spouse. Arudha lagna of the bhava reveal the illusions, or what the sleepwalking public believes, about the goings-on of the bhava. One of the most important meanings of the dara-pada is therefore the illusory purpose of marriage which is physical sexuality.

Dara-pada can be analyzed to distinguish the physical dimension of marriage and describe how the spouse behaves physically. For example, is the partner's behavior sensed by the native as qualitatively affectionate, passionate, or withholding, distant? The fleshly psycho-sexual dimension of marriage whilst often demeaned in body-reviling cultures as inferior or delusory, is in fact absolutely vital to marital well-being. There must be bona fide nurturing, appreciative, pleasuring affection between the spouses in order for marriage to succeed. 1. To find the dara-pada, count from yuvati bhava to the lord of yuvati. 2. Then count the same number of houses forward again, to reach the dara-pada. (see example below) 3. If L-7 is in swakshetra (his own house) then darapada = bhava-10.

Darapada for second spouse Darapada for the second spouse counts from dhana bhava to L-2. Then count the same number of houses forward again, to reach the second-marriage dara-pada. BPL opinion

Upa-pada What can be predicted from the A-12? A-12 = Upa pada or Vyaya pada = the second-most-consulted arudha lagna. A-12 shows the aura of glamour or bubble of charm which surrounds the native 's marriage, as seen by the minds of others.  

Gauna Pada shows what people believe about the native 's marriage -- which may be quite different from what is really going on. Upa pada particularly indicates the psychic projection into "public image" of matters of the private bedroom. Do people think you have a happy marriage? Are they sure that communication and satisfaction is being delivered and received in the private bedroom? Or is there speculation that one's marriage is not satisfying, not balanced, not adequately pleasurable on a private, intimate level? the public are usually quite sure that they can determine these matters and everyone will have an opinion -- that opinion is based on the appearance of the Upapada

Nativities of politicians, business people, and others in public life who successfully project a loving marriage upon the public consciousness, frequently have a strong A-12. These folks often have a reputation, not really based on fact, for being reflective thinkers, prayerful and meditative, and some strong affinity with religious retreat and long-term foreign residence (such as university student study-abroad).

Given the stresses of public life and a certain required narcissism that accompanies highprofile leadership positions, there is frequently a factual gap between A-12's illusionprojection about matters of vyaya bhava - the good and the bad -- vs the reality of their private bedroom, sanctuary retreat, and meditation practice. Nevertheless, the public thinks they know. People will say "I have the impression that ...." and they do. Their impression is the psychic work of the arudha pada. Psychic projections are usually quite compelling and in the absence of fact - or indeed in the presence of fact - people will often adhere to their "first impression" which was not a rational conclusion but rather an apprehension based entirely on a first intuitive "hit".

For example, 

the distinguished public figure Ms. Hillary Clinton endured a miserable crisis of public reputation when her husband, then-president Bill Clinton, was accused of sexual misconduct in the White House. When a man misbehaves in public, people immediately look to his wife. Most adult members of the American society had an opinion on the private circumstances of Hillary Clinton's marriage. Much was written and spoken about what people felt that they "knew" about the Clinton's intimate marital life. o Mrs. Clinton's upa-pada = a strong bhava-2 Vrischika containing L-3+L-6 (marital conflict) Guru + Ketu. The public perceived her as somewhat apathetic (Ketu) and disconnected (Ketu) from her marriage. Guru = the most unfavorable graha for any Thula nativity; the public again perceived the marriage to be inharmonious (6) and exploitive (6). o The general public opinion was, "surely they must get a divorce". Certainly the combination of Ketu the chidakaraka (cutter) with L-6 Guru in the upa-pada would generate the illusion that this marriage is on the road to divorce court. o But interestingly, that psychically "obvious" conclusion never never manifested. Mrs. Clinton was in fact in a Shukra/Shukra period at the time of her marriage crisis, and in consideration of the strength of her kalatrakaraka Shukra, it is easy to see how she decided to preserve the political and social capital of her marriage (Shukra = capital) rather than react in litigious anger. o Mrs. Clinton's case is a helpful example of the fact-gap which often exists between the illusion generated by the gauna-pada and the actual material-world consequences. It also shows how strong and convincing are the signals emitting from the upa-pada in regard to the intimate life of marriage, matters of fantasy and dream life, meditation and prayer, and clandestine "sanctuary" relationships.

Natives who enjoys a powerful upapada can make the public believe that everything is fine with his marriage, even when the partners are long separated. According to Sanjay Rath, this native may announce his divorce long after a physical separation, in the period of 2nd-from-upapada.

Upapada = arudha lagna of the 12th house. It shows the public impression of your marriage.

Consideration of upapada and darapada are especially valuable for understanding the dynamics of a marriage. It is often said that Upa-pada represents "the institution of marriage" as practiced by the couple (with all the inherent conflict institutionalized into a stable format that Vyaya sthana being 6th-from-7th does imply). To find the upa-pada, count the houses starting from vyaya bhava going forward to the twelfth-lord. Then count the same number of houses forward again, to reach the upapada. (see example below) Married couples who are secretly miserable whilst enjoying a smooth public presentation, as is so common in the instrumental marriages of politicians and senior executives, will often display a successful upapada but trouble appears in darapada.

Q: If the strongest, most competitive and vibrant graha in my entire Kundali is languishing in the 12th from Arudha Lagna, doesn't that mean I will permanently suffer a lack of success? I want to succeed in life to make my family proud, but it looks rather unlikely due to the poor disposition of this excellent graha. Sometimes I feel a deep despair, just knowing how badly this graha is situated. I feel even cheated in a way, by a life that gives me plenty of life energy but I seem to waste it. What are my honest chances for success?

A: Arudha lagna is the basis of the public's perception of one's character. As many commentators agree, arudha lagna is specifically an illusion. AL can exist in vivid contradiction to the material daily reality being lived by the native . E.g., the classic movie star with a spectacular AL has every kind of problem, but is idealized by the public, who find out only after their death that the star lived a highly corrupt life. Or vice versa, the outcast held in public contempt is discovered to have worked silently for charity and praised richly only at his funeral. AL is not a material measure but rather a "public relations" indicator. 

A powerful Mangala in 12th from AL=Vrishabha indicates that the public would perceive one's masculine, creative, competitive energy to be expressed in the business of creating Sanctuary space. This configuration is perfect for elder care. It is also good for clandestine productivity of all kinds, international "closed door" business dealings, innovations and inventions in the equipment used in hospitals, monasteries, and other institutional enclosures. Mangala's proximity to the friendly, expansive Guru is very helpful in making the public relations projection a positive one. The public does not necessarily understand the details of your worthiness, because things in 12th are dissolved from view and rather foggy, but the overall take-away impression which most people have is that you are a nice guy who means well and who brings a large but indefinite amount of physical and financial resource to the project at hand. It is fundamentally a "positive" illusion and will not cause you any trouble as regards public reputation and "profiling" treatment.

What is "success"?

"Success" as defined by the individual versus "success" as defined by social fashions are often two different things. "Success" is the measure of having met a goal.  

Individual success may be measured as the amount of ignorance converted into wisdom during the incarnation: broken relationships healed, crimes forgiven, others served. The individual may hold any number of personal goals which society does not value. For example, the individual may have as major goals things like conducting research a subject which has no practical application in the marketplace, or the individual may want to read the sacred scripture of one's tradition from beginning to end and fully understand it, or the individual may wish to have a deep and engaging relationship with one's spouse. Society will not praise these goals, if accomplished, as constituting "success".

What is "society"? The social collectiveas an amorphous but fierce entity has only a few driving interests: safety of the leaders, military protection, food distribution, and maintenance of order. Rather like an ant colony - human society values materially productive work and accumulations of material resources. It protects the leaders and sacrifices the lower workers first.   

The two biggest goals of any social are acquisition of dominant status re other societies and hoarding of wealth-resources. Will empowered Angarika in your 12th-from-AL hurt the social definition of "success"? Well, you will not be seen as a dynamic dominating top leader so in the event of an national emergency you will not be whisked to an underground bunker or surrounded with Secret Service detail. You will however be able to pile up a fair amount of money (Shukra L-11 in 2). So "success" financially, yes.

Karma Pada The 10th from AL (karma pada) is ruled by the strong and steady Shani, and you're in Shani Mahadasha. 

 

From the AL, Shani would occupy the relative 3rd bhava which indicates commercial business, local supplier-vendor-client relationships, ability to process paperwork etc. The business of business! And from this signification, lord of karma pada, you are thus in the best position to receive social recognition for the value of your contribution to the colony. You are known as a reliable businessman whose specialization is the provision of innovative and welcoming (Guru) sanctuary space, esp for elders, which space has a unique emphasis on the independence (Mangala) and exercise or movement (Mangala) of the denizens.

The public won't need or want too many details -- yours is not an iconic celebrity AL. (compare to George Bush-43 whose AL = Vrischika/5 = his D-9 lagna and a packed 10th navamsha, thus he gets lots of media attention). Vrishabha is the natural 11th. Most people will know you simply as a businessman with many marketplace connections in your community.

"Success" can certainly be obtained if "success" is properly defined and the energy needed to develop both internal and external success is properly apportioned. As Jesus Christ is quoted to have said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to the Lord what is the Lord's."

Q: Namaskar.      

I read the few texts of UL lord of Rashi from Shri Sanjay Rath's articles and other sources. Rule 1: If Lord of UL is exalted in D-9 or Rashi it shows partner from high status family. Rule 2: If Lord of UL is debilitated, in D-9 or Rashi, the partner comes from poor status. In my case UL lord Venus (Libra) of Rashi is debilitated in D-9. What does it imply? I am bit confused by these Jaimini Sutras. Also, if L-7 is considered or L-8 is considered they are exalted in rashi and D-9 respectively. How to ascertain the difference from two techniques.?

A: Namaste The basis of both Parashari and Jaimini Jyotisha (which are complementary and not contradictory!) is the concept of the Karaka. When looking for "implication" I.e. the spiritual, mental, emotional, or material effect of a karaka, I find it helpful to return to the original karaka. The Upapada lagna is an expression of bhava-12. Upa Pada Lagna = arudha of the radix 12th rashi. (In some traditions, UL is calculated from dhana bhava for even rashi radix lagna.) bhava-12 represents the previous lifetime. The previous lifetime is not "finished". Like all other lifetimes past and present, the "previous" lifetime is ongoing in the astral plane, which is a world not controlled by time and space rules. There are no clocks on the astral plane, and there are no barriers or boundaries. On the astral plane, you can put your hand right through a steel wall, and there are no sequences such as before-and-after. Everything happens simultaneously. (bhava-2 represents the next future lifetime.) The UL represents those conditions carrying forward from previous lifetimes, which are extremely vivid memories stored in the subconscious. These memories are quite "near" or "closeby" (upa) and these memories or subconscious expectations manifest as the psychic influence of those who are close-by in our lives. traditional ly, the spouse is the 'closest person" in life, one's most intimate mirror. (But of course there are many exceptions to this tradition and some marriage partners are quite distant.) The spousal agreement was made on the astral plane a long time before the present lifetime, and the spouses know a great deal about each other's

subconscious reality (not necessarily conscious knowledge, but intuitively one recognizes the spouse's imagination and understands their dreams often better than they do themselves.) Vyaya bhava is the house of private imagination, meditative reflection, dreams, and foreign travel. It is the domain of the loss of separate physical identity, and the loss of social egorecognition. It is that part of our lives conducted primarily during sleep, in the dream state, and of course the person 'closest' to one in the dream state is typically the adult spouse who is sleeping only inches away. What happens in bhava-12 is that in the dream state, the native is traveling the pathways of the astral worlds. Dreams are active, dreams are busy, dreams are purposeful and informative -- for those who can read the dream information, anyway! And those who remember their dreams report that they "saw" their future spouse in their dreams (or waking meditations) whether that vision was a material form or a psychic vibration, perhaps a tone or a color-pattern. However for those who have an adequately sensitive perceptual apparatus that is focused on the radar screen of bhava-12, pre-knowledge of soon-to-materialize persons and events is readily available. So... just remember that the *baseline for interpretation of the UL* is bhava-12 and its function in human life. In particular, the UL influences the manifestation of the Most Intimate Private Life Partner (the nearest one) but in general all of the near-by people, such as family members, essential teachers, romantic lovers (esp the clandestine) may all emerge from the subconscious programming established in the previous life (12). Look closely into the dream imagery and you will see that all these people are very familiar and each one represents much more than one role! Vyaya-bhava is like a kaleidoscope of brilliant guiding (Guru) imagery, and the major players assigned to act out "12" roles in our lives have the power to deliver essential guidance via intimate telepathic exchange of imagery. Pt. Narasimha Rao says "The second most important Arudha is the Upapada Lagna (the Arudha of the 12th house). Upa means near or relating to (as well as giving and ornament), and is calculated from the sign near and related to the lagna and shows the person who ends up near and relating to you."

Arudha Lagna & Arudha Pada Posted on August 14, 2011

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Arudha pada is one of the very important concepts of individual (or any other entity). Even though this is clearly Jyotisha Shastra, which deals with the image of the described by Maharishi Parashara in the chapter padadhyaya and upapadahyaya and also narrated by Maharishi Jaimini in Jaimini sutras, they are not widely used by main stream astrologers. This article strives to demystify the concepts and predictive value of the same, so that it can be understood and used by the astrologers to fine tune their predictions. Calculation of Bhavapada The pada of Lagna corresponds to the sign, arrived at by counting so many Signs from Lagna Lord, as he is away from the Lagna. Similarly padas for other Bhavas be known through their Lords. The word “pada” exclusively denotes the pada for Lagna. (BPHS 29.1 – 29.3) The arudha (Pada Lagna) of the Ascendant (and other signs) is the sign obtained by counting as many signs from the Lord as it has progressed from the ascendant (or other sign). (JS 1.1.30) The pada of the lagna (or lagna pada or Arudha lagna) is arrived at by counting the lagna lord from the lagna first and then counting as many signs from the lagna lord. This can be equated to a mirror and image of an object; where lagna lord is the mirror here, lagna is the object and lagna pada is the image of the lagna. Thus, Arudha of a house is the image of the house against the lord of the house. The same Bhava or the 7th from it does not become its pada. When the pada falls in the same Bhava, the 10th there from be treated, as its pada. Similarly, when the 7th becomes the pada of a Bhava, the 4th from the original Bhava in question be treated, as its pada. If the ruler of a Bhava be in the 4th from the Bhava, then the very Bhava occupied be noted, as the Pada. (BPHS 29.4 – 29.5) If the Lord of sign is in the fourth from it, the fourth house becomes the Arudha. (JS 1.1.31) If the Lord of a sign is in the seventh from it, then the tenth house becomes the Arudha. (JS 1.1.32) Since the image and the real object cannot be the same, similarly the arudha of a house cannot fall in the house itself. Here 7th house from the concerned house is also considered to be as real as the concerned house itself; hence the arudha cannot fall in the 7th house also. Thus, whenever the Arudha pada of a sign falls in the sign itself or the 7th

Calculation of Grahapada Note the position of a Graha and see how many Signs away is its own Sign with reference to its position. Count so many Signs from the above said own Sign and the resultant Sign will become the Arudha of the Graha. If a Graha owns two Signs, or, if a Sign is owned by two Grahas; consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly (BPHS 29.6- 29.7). Like bhava pada is found by finding the image of the bhava against the bhava lord, the graha pada is found by finding the image of the graha against its sign. Thus count the number of signs from the Graha to its sign, and then count as many signs from the concerned sign. Arudha Lagna vs. Finances If the 11th from Lagnapada is occupied, or aspected by planets, the native will be happy and rich. If a benefic is related to the eleventh from the Lagnapada, the wealth will come through various fair means; however a malefic will confer wealth through questionable means. If both benefics and malefics influence the eleventh, then sometimes the gains are from fair means and sometimes from questionable means or it can be both means simultaneously, based on the strength of the planets to confer results (with regards to the strength, we can use the sthana-bala of the planet). If the planet in consideration is in exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign or friendly sign, there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness, commensurating the strength of the planets so placed. (BPHS 29.8 – 29.11) A planet influencing the eleventh house (from lagnapada) is the harbinger of prosperity (and indicates the sources of enrichment/ wealth). Benefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through righteous means or legally acceptable methods. Malefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through questionable and illegal means. Exaltation, own sign placement etc. of the planet influencing should be considered. (JS 1.3.2- JS 1.3.5) If a malefic planet aspecting/conjoining the eleventh (from Arudha lagna) simultaneously joins/aspect the sixth house, the income is surely from questionable means. The sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subsequent verses. However, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha lagna. 11th house is known as Labha bhava or the house of gains. If there are th from the sign, then the final arudha is arrived by counting 10 signs planets placed in or aspecting the 11th from Arudha Lagna, the native from the intermediate arudha. Names of the 12 Arudhas are 1. Lagnapada 2. Dhanapada 3. Vikramapada 4. Matrpada/ Sukhapada 5. Mantrapada/ Putrapada 6. Rogapada/ Shatrupada 7. Darapada/ Kalatrapada 8. Maranapada/ Mrtyupada

9. Pitrpada 10. Karmapada/ Rajyapada 11. Labhapada 12. Vyayapada Calculation of Grahapada Note the position of a Graha and see how many Signs away is its own sign with reference to its position. Count so many Signs from the said own sign and the resultant Sign will become the Arudha of the raha. If a Graha owns two Signs, or, if a Sign is owned by two Grahas; consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly (BPHS 29.6- 29.7). Like bhava pada is found by finding the image of the bhava against the bhava lord, the graha pada is found by finding the image of the graha against its sign. Thus count the number of signs from the Graha to its sign and then count as many signs from the concerned sign. Arudha Lagna vs. Finances If the 11th from Lagnapada is occupied, or aspected by planets, the native will be happy and rich. If a benefic is related to the eleventh from the Lagnapada, the wealth will come through various fair means; however a malefic will confer wealth through questionable means. If both benefics and malefics influence the eleventh, then sometimes the gains are from fair means and sometimes from questionable means or it can be both means simultaneously, based on the strength of the planets to confer results (with regards to the strength, we can use the sthanabala of the planet). If the planet in consideration is in exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign or friendly sign, there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness, commiserating the strength of the planets so placed. (BPHS 29.8 – 29.11) A planet influencing 1 the eleventh house (from lagnapada) is the harbinger of prosperity (and indicates the sources of enrichment/ wealth). Benefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through righteous means or legally acceptable methods. Malefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through questionable and illegal means. Exaltation, own sign placement etc. of the planet influencing should be considered. (JS 1.3.2- JS 1.3.5) If a malefic planet aspecting/conjoining the eleventh (from Arudha lagna) simultaneously joins/aspect the sixth house, the income is surely from questionable means. The sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subsequent verses. However, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha lagna. 11th house is known as Labha bhava or the house of gains. If there are planets placed in or aspecting the 11th from Arudha Lagna, the native shall gain from the sources indicated by those planets. Thus if benefics aspect or associate with the 11th house from the arudha lagna, the gains shall from benefic means, while malefics influencing such house shall show gains from questionable means. The strength of planets influencing the 11th shall be in increasing order of lordship –>aspect –> placement.

The source of income shall be indicated in following ways: 1. The natural significations of the planets such as Jupiter related to priesthood, consulting, advising etc. Venus with things related to sea, gems, beauty items etc. 2. The relationship signified by the planets. Thus, if Sun is placed in the 11th from arudha lagna, the native shall gain from the govt., father etc. 3. The relationships signified by the movable significations (chara karakatva) of the planets. Thus, if darakaraka is placed in the 11th from AL, there can be gains from wife or partnership. 4. Upagrahas can also influence the source of income. Thus Gulika‟s or Mandi‟s placement can show gain from poisonous materials etc. 5. Placement of other arudha padas show gains due to influence of the things related to such arudha padas. If the planet is exalted or debilitated, a high level of income is indicated; if in own sign above average income; if in friendly signs, average income and in inimical signs, below average income. If a malefic planet aspecting/conjoining the eleventh (from Arudha Lagna) simultaneously joins/aspect the sixth house, the income is surely from questionable means. The sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subsequent verses. However, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha Lagna. If the 12th from Lagnapada is not aspected, as the 11th from Lagna Pada receives a Drishti from a Graha, then the gains will be uninterrupted (BPHS 29.12) 12th house is the house of losses or Vyaya bhava. It shows the nature of expenses. If there are more planets influencing the 12th house either by placement or aspect or lordship, than 11th house, the house of gains, then the expenditure shall be more than the income. However, if more planets influence the 11th, as compared to 12th, income shall be more than expenditure and there shall be saving. Astakavarga can also be studied in this context, if there are more rekhas in the 11th house than 12th house in sarvastakavarga, the gains shall be higher than expenses. Quantum of gains The quantum of gains will correspond to the number of Grahas placed in the 11th from the Lagnapada aspect 11th from the Lagnapada. If there is Argala for the said 11th, there will be more gains, while a benefic Argala will bring still more gains. If the said benefic causing Argala is in his exaltation Sign, the gains will be still higher. If the said 11th receives a Drishti from a benefic from Lagna, the 9th etc., gains will increase in the ascending order. In all these cases, the 12th from the Lagnapada should simultaneously be free from malefic association. A benefic, placed in Lagna, giving a Drishti to the 11th from Arudha Lagna will be still beneficial. If the Drishti is from the 9th from Lagna, it will confer much more gains. (BPHS 29.13 – 29.15)

The quantum of gains can be seen from the number of planets influencing the 11th house from Lagnapada. The influence could be due to placement, aspect or argala. There are two more considerations to this; which are houses from where the planets are aspecting or having argala and the dignity of the influencing planets. If the planets aspecting or giving argala on the 11th from Lagnapada are placed in the Lagna or the 9th house (from lagna), the gains shall be substantially higher. Similarly, if the influencing planets are placed in either exaltation, mulatrikona or own sign or friendly sign, the gains are higher too. Thus the proportion of the quantum can be understood by studying the houses involved as well as the dignity of the influencing planets. This is to note that the aspecting planets as well as the argala causing planet shall bring the houses (from Lagna) it is placed in also into the picture and they (the houses) shall also influence the source of gains. If the 12th from Lagna Pada receives a Drishti from, or is in conjunction with both benefics and malefics, there will be abundant earnings, but plenty of expenses. The benefic will cause through fair means, malefic through unfair means and mixed Grahas through both fair and unfair means. (BPHS 29.16 – 29.17) Planets conjoining or aspecting the twelfth house from Arudha lagna cause losses and expenses. (JS 1.3.6) The sources of expenses can be shown by the 12th from the lagna pada. The planets which show different sources of income while influencing the 11th from lagna pada shall show sources of expenditure while placed in the 12th. If the 12th from Lagna Pada is conjunct Sun, Venus or Rahu, there will be loss of wealth through the king. Moon, giving a Drishti to the trio mentioned above, will specifically cause more such losses. If Mercury is in the 12th from Lagna Pada and is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic, there will be expenses through paternal relatives. A malefic so related to the said Mercury will cause loss of wealth through disputes. If Jupiter is in the 12th from Lagna Pada, receiving a Drishti from others, the expenses will be through taxes. If Saturn is in the 12th from Lagna Pada along with Mars and receives a Drishti from others, the expenses will be through one’s co-born. (BPHS 29.18 – 29.21) The Sun, Rahu & Venus influencing the twelfth house show losses/expenses due to the king. (JS 1.3.7) The king in today’s context should imply Government, and top politicians in power if it is the Sun. Government action like penalty payments; fines etc are indicated by Rahu. Venus indicates expenses on entertainment etc of middle & lower level bureaucrats. If the Moon also aspects the twelfth house (with the Sun, Venus or Rahu) these losses are sure to accrue. (JS 1.3.8)

The lunar aspect/conjunction of the twelfth from Arudha lagna will cause trouble from the ‘king’ provided either one or more of the Sun, Venus or Rahu also aspects/conjoins the twelfth house. Jupiter aspecting or conjoining the twelfth shows expenses on account of taxes, tolls etc. (JS 1.3.9) Mars and/or Saturn aspecting (or conjoining) the twelfth shows losses through younger and /or elder brothers (or co-borns) respectively. (JS 1.3.10) Mercury aspecting or conjoining the twelfth indicates losses through litigations or due to cousins and other relatives. (JS 1.3.11) In these slokas, maharishi Parashara gives the sources of expenses by various planets. In no way this list is comprehensive and the learned astrologers need to use their knowledge of planetary significations to know the possible sources of expenses. However this list serves as a guideline. The sources of expenses indicated by various planets are as follows: Sun, Venus or Rahu: Losses through king (govt. fines or penalties). The aspect of Moon on this combination confirms this. It should be noted that even if one planet among Sun, Venus or Rahu is placed in the 12th aspected by Moon, the native has to pay heavy fines to the govt. Mercury represents relatives (paternal) and presence of Mercury in the 12th can indicate losses due to paternal relatives; however if such Mercury is afflicted by malefics, then the person can lose money due to court cases and disputes. This is to note here that, if malefics afflict the planets in the 12th, the expenditure shall be due to some troubles, where the native is forced to spend, whereas aspect of benefics shall make the nature of expenditure something benevolent. Jupiter is the karaka for wealth and if it is placed in the 12th (or otherwise influence) then the source shall be due to payments of taxes. Even though payment of taxes is a regular feature for most nations; in such cases, this would mean that the native has to pay exorbitantly heavy taxes. Mars and Saturn rules one younger or elder co-borns and influence of these planets show expenses due to younger or elder co-borns. Thus in these slokas, Maharishi Parashara not only gave the indications on the nature of expensed related to different planets, he also indicated that: 1. The sources can be seen from the natural significations of the planets. 2. Aspect of benefics shows milder forms of expenses whereas aspect of malefics shows harsher forms of expenses. 3. The relations shown by the planets can contribute to the sources of expenses such as Sunfather, Moon- mother, Mars- younger siblings etc. Whatever sources of expenses are indicated above with reference to the 12th from Lagna Pada, gains through similar sources will occur, if Labh Bhava so features with reference to Lagna Pada. (BPHS 29.22)

The sources of expenses (indicated in Stanza 1.3.7. to 1.3.11) will indicate the sources of gains if the concerned planets are in the eleventh house. (JS 1.3.12)

COMBINATIONS FOR FAME After careful study and analysis of various charts came to the following conclusions: 1. The best indicator of fame is Moon. To determine the odds for fame, popularity and public appeal, an analysis of the Lunar aspects are extremely revealing. As the second most important feature in the horoscope, the Moon reveals our basic personality traits. The amount of popularity we enjoy and the general response others have to us is shown in the condition of the natal Moon, therefore it is an ideal indicator of potential fame. If the Moon in your natal chart is in a prominent position – in a Kendra or trikona – exalted or own house or by several aspects to other planets, you could be on your way. These show a natural potential for appealing to the masses. 2. Not everyone with a prominent Moon becomes famous, but it definitely is a major factor in that direction. Some are famous without a prominent Moon, but they usually have some very heavy emphasis in a particular area of their chart, such as a stellium of planets in an angle. 3. Without a prominent Moon, and without such a stellium, you can still achieve fame, but it involves lot more work to accomplish this. With Mars conjunct Jupiter, though, you definitely have the potential energy to work hard to achieve fame, if that is what you desire. 4. The tenth house, the 9th house as well as the 5th house also represents fame. The nature of the sign, lord of the sign, planets posited therein as also the aspects the sign is receiving are all important factors before deciding on whether the native will attain fame or not. It is noteworthy to mention that an afflicted 12th house or 4th house may make one shy away from fame. 5. Above all we should not forget the 1st house as it represents fame also. Hence Lagna and placement of Lagna lord are also to be considered. 6. Ashtakavarga System also throws some light on attaining fame through the bindus or dots gained by a planet due to his placement. Maharishi Parasara has the following to say in regard to combinations for fame: One will be endowed with fame, if Moon is in 10th House, while 10th Lord is in a trine from 10th House and Lagna Lord is in Lagnas angle. Similar effects will come to pass, if 11th Lord is in 10th House, while 10th Lord is strong and gives Aspect to Jupiter. Fame will come to the native, if 10th Lord is in 9th House, as Lagna Lord is in 10th House and Moon is in 5th House. Now it is time to frame some rules to find out the answers to at least some of the questions raised above. These are the ten commandments for getting fame.

1. Lagna lord and 10th lord strongly placed without malefic interventions. 2. Karaka for public is Moon – Hence Moon should be strong in the chart. 3. Jupiter or Venus should have some connection with Moon-conjunction, aspect or placement in Kendra or trikona to Moon.. 4. Fame is related to image. Hence Arudha Lagna and planets in Kendra/Kona to Arudha Lagna are vital. 5. Connection between 5th and 10th house as also between 5th and 9th house. 6. Position of lord of 10th from Moon and his associations. 7. Since the 10th house plays a major role in establishing fame, let us call it as the HOUSE OF FAME. If the lord of House Of Fame occupies a Kendra or Kona from the house of fame, fame is likely to come. But he cannot determine fame, he can only support by his placement. That is to say that the position of lord of House of Fame in a Kendra or Kona definitely ensures support for the native in achieving fame. 8. The next person who assists in getting fame is the planets placed in Kendra or Kona to the lord of House of Fame. 9. When Jupiter or Saturn conjoins or aspects the lord of house of fame or placed in an angular position fame results. 10. For Diurnal births, it is observed that Jupiter plays an important role where as for nocturnal births Saturn takes the place in determining the fame. Placement in a Kendra or Kona from Lagna or Arudha Lagna or House of Fame is vital for this rule. These are not the end of it, it is only the major influences which make a person famous. Various innumerable combinations do bring popularity which should not be forgotten. 1. Let us first take up the chart of Father of Nation-Mahatma Gandhi. 1. Lagna lord Venus and 10th lord Moon are in their swakshetra. Though Moon is afflicted by Rahu and Venus by Mars, by virtue of their ownership of 5th house(Co-lord of 5th) and 7th house respectively, it can be said that both are fairly strong. 10th lord in the 10th makes a person highly successful in his profession and he commands respect and honour. 2. Karaka Moon is in own house. 3. Jupiter is in a Kendra from Moon forming a Gajakesari Yoga. 4. AL (Arudha Lagna) is in Cancer and its Lord is in own house and Kendras from AL are occupied by benefics. For Libra Lagna Saturn is a benefic as he owns 4th and 5th. He is placed in trikona from AL. 5. From Moon 10th lord Mars is placed in a Kendra along with benefics Me and Ve. 6. House of Fame is in Cancer. Lord of House of Fame is Moon and is placed in his own house. Mars, Mercury and Venus are in Ascendent and angular to the lord of fortune and Jupiter. Jupiter and Moon are in mutual Kendra. 7. This is a diurnal birth. Hence fame determining planet Jupiter is placed in a Kendra from Lagna, AL,House of Fame and Moon.

One noteworthy point in this chart is the number of yogas - as many as 24 - which were also responsible in gaining fame. 2. The 2nd chart I will take up is that of Bill Clinton. 10th Lord Ma is aspecting 10th house. (Ma also happens to be 5th lord as well as he is stronger than Ke-co-lord of Scorpio). The presence of Ma in the 3rd house along with Venus indicate that the fame will not be everlasting. 10th Lord in the 3rd makes a native a speaker or writer of celebrity.

AL is occupied by benefic Jupiter. Kendras from AL are occupied by benefics. (Sa becomes benefic on account of AL being in Libra) 3. From Moon 5th lord Sun is placed in his own house and 10th lord Saturn is placed in a Kendra . 4. House of Fame is in Aries. Placement of Moon – karaka for fame - there indicate fame. Jupiter is in an angle from Moon and aspecting Moon. Hence his fame is explained. 5. This is a nocturnal birth. We have to examine the position of Saturn. Saturn is placed in the Lagna aspecting the House of Fame. From Arudha Lagna he is placed in the 10th house. 4. The next chart is that of Albert Einstein. 1. Lagna Lord is placed in 10th house Pisces and is debilitated and getting neecha bhanga.

2. 10th lord Jupiter is in 9th and the 9th lord Saturn is in 10th. Saturn is the stronger lord of 10th than Rahu as he is with more planets. 10th Lord in the 9th makes a person a stalwart and he will be a beacon of light to many. 3. Moon is debilitated and is placed in 6th . 10th lord from Moon-Sun is placed in a trikona from Moon. 4. Saturn – 9th lord, Mercury-Lagna & 4th Lord , Venus – 5th lord have conjoined in 10th forming a powerful Rajayoga. Note the connection between the 5th lord Venus and 9th lord Saturn. 5. House of Fame is Pisces. Lord Jupiter is placed in a kona from Ascendant. And Kendra from Moon. 6. Lord of Arudha Lagna is in a Kendra from AL. 7. This chart is a diurnal birth. Jupiter is in a Kendra from Moon and Kona from Lagna though not well placed from AL. 5. Jayalalaitha – Ex-chief Minister of Tamil Nadu 1. Lagna Lord Mercury is in 9th and aspected by Moon and Mars along with Sun. Hence fairly strong. 2. Venus is in 10th – exalted. 10th lord is in a Kendra in Moolatrikona position. Very strong position. 10th lord in the 7th makes the person known for his skill in talking and achieving objectives. 3. Moon is aspected by Jupiter. 4. AL lord Venus is exalted and AL has Rahu and Saturn in Kendra position-Saturn coowns the 9 th house and is strong.

5. Lord of 10th from Moon Venus is exalted though placement is in 8th.from Moon. 6. 10th Lord Jupiter is in a Kendra from 10th house. 7. This is a diurnal chart and Jupiter in his own house placed in a Kendra forming Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga.

Ashtakavarga System also gives some clue to gain fame General - Any planet with 6 or more Bindus gives fame and financial gains EFFECTS OF THE SUN‟S A.V. 6 Bindus increase of valour and fame; EFFECTS OF THE A.V. OF MARS 5 Bindus increase of fame EFFECTS OF JUPITER‟S A.V. 8 Bindus spotless fame, happiness and growth of wealth; Let us tabulate the Ashtakavarga of all the 5 personalities taken for consideration: The deciding planet of fame is marked bold which are all according to rules explained in Ashtakavarga system for fame. In the foregoing paragraphs I have tried to touch upon some of the combinations for gaining fame. This is not the final answer. As I said earlier, there are many more combinations as explained in the classical texts which bring name and fame to a native which all need to be analysed chart by chart.

Lagna, Paka Lagna & Arudha Lagna (Pt. Sanjay Rath) INTRODUCTION The progress of Jupiter through signs has been given vital importance in Jyotish as man is a spiritual being having material experiences and this interaction between the atma and the body occurs through the paka lagna for which the karaka (significator) is Jupiter. Jupiter filters the thoughts that send impulses to the atma and the atma replies. Jupiter is the real representative of God as he does the filtering and cleansing of thoughts because of which the atma is capable of continued existance within the body. If Jupiter did not do the filtering and cleansing of thoughts and all were allowed to be experienced by the atma, then every soul that has incarnated as the selfish human being form will die within a few years. It is for this reason that Jupiter gives long life and is capable of averting apamrityu and all sorts of evils and is a karaka for so many houses..all good houses. Have you wondered as to why Maharishis could live for a thousand years and we mortals stay for a few decades. It is the strength of their Jupiter. This is the mark of intelligence and God is defined in Jyotish as the supreme intelligence. Not when Jupiter proceeds through the zodiac, there are two planets that have the lordship over the Tara (stars literally and implying the nakshatra). The *real* or *legitimate* lord is Jupiter or God as He alone has the supreme intelligence and the *illegitimate* lord is the Moon. At any point of time, both Jupiter and Moon try their level best to influence the lagna (individual intelligence). The Moon shows the active conscious mind that is drawing various impulses from the interaction of the senses and sense oegans and is passing this information with the filter of desire (what impulses it liked and what it considered as not so good and what are bad) to the lagna through the Arudha Lagna for which it is the Karaka. Similtaneously Jupiter who knows everything having the memory of billions of years of existance of life on earth knows what impulse gives what action and finally what karmic results, and like the wise minster/compassionate and kind God, advises the lagna through the Paka lagna (for which it is the karaka). Now that the lagna has got the input from the Moon through its desire filter and from Jupiter through its memory, supreme intelligence and goodness filter, the lagna has to take a decision. The lagna (individual intelligence) takes millions of decisions everyday. The Lagna consults its own intelligence, own memory and own nature (Sun Karaka) and arrives at a decision. Most of the time the decision is not perfect as the Sun lacks the supreme goodness of Jupiter and has an element of 'ahamkara' associated with its intelligence. More often the lagna tends to approve the decisions of the Moon (conscious mind) ignoring the good advise of Jupiter. Not that the Moon always gives bad advise, but its vision is very limited and sometimes it is in harmony with that from Jupiter and at other times, it is in sakata and other relations with Jupiter. The best situation is one called Gajakesari. JUPITER IN SIGNS AND STARS Keeping in mind that Jupiter is to represent the supreme intelligence, let us examine its position is some signs. In Kumbha Jupiter will be in a situation where Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter) is teaching Saturn (lord of Aquarius) about how to do his work (Aquarius is Moolatrikona of Saturn). For this we consult the Purana where Saturn wanted to learn the dharma shastra and approached

Brihaspati. Initially Brihaspati explained the system in his ashram and the dakshina would be based on his judgment. On learning of the latters identity as 'Sanideva' Brihaspati was shocked and was prepared to teach everything and would not take any dakshina and begged that he be spared from sade-sati, kanataka and all those effects. Sanidev was adamant and insisted that he would give dakshina. So it was finally settled that the dakshina would be in the form of a reduced term of sadesati. Brihaspati taught him all the dharma shastra and Sanidev became the Dharmaraja having the complete knowledge of the implementation of justice (that is why the balance Libra is the ninth house from Aquarius). Brihaspati knew that Sani would pay his dakshina within the year as was the practise then, and as was his practise, always protected his body, mind and soul with the three mantras of the Narayana Kavacha. One day as he plucked flowers for his daily worship, the royal couple were in the neighbourhood and the prince (Mercury) entered the garden to play. The prince was missing after sometime and a frantic search yeilded nothing. The guards reported to the king that a divine person, glowing with spiritual light was collecting flowers and they saw blood dripping through the basket. The king ordered that the person (Brihaspati) be brought to him and told the guards not to harm him as it would be most unwise to even touch such a personality before ascertaining the truth. The wise king knew the danger to his kingdom if such great spiritual personalities are hurt. The severed head of the prince was in the basket and blood was dripping from the neck (note: chinna mastaka or cut-head is the mark of Rahu). Brihaspati was shocked and truthfully pleaded his innocense. But the evidence clearly visible pointed against him, so he was held captive but was not tortured and the search continued. Brihaspati realised that this was the effect of his sade-sati saturn and made a silent prayer to the deity of saturn (Lord Shiva here as the great destroyer {One vesha is Nataraja - the destroyer of the demon Maya or illusion and untruth). The period ended then and there and suddenly everyone saw that what looked like the head of the prince was just the watermelon and the red fluid was not blood and instead was the red water melon juice. The prince was found... JYOTISH LESSON (1) When Saturn causes sade-sati, or kantaka or has a bad dasa, and the dosha (error) is to be caused by the hand of extra-terrestrial forces, then it is called 'Adrista agantuta roga'. Prasna Marga advises us to look at the badhak for this (as the object or the cause). For the signs of Jupiter, Mercury is the badhak lord (Pisces - Virgo badhak, lord Merc and Sagittarius - Gemini badhak, lord Merc). That why the problem cause was related to Mercury the PRINCE. This can also be related to planets in badhak house. The difference is that in the case of badhak lord, we take the natual significations whereas in the case of planets in the badhak house, we see the lordships of there planets w.r.t. lagna. (2) The *visible* or produced evidence against Jupiter shall be seen from Rahu. In general Rahu indicates a severed head, and that evidence was shown to the king against Brihaspati. Look at the sign occupied by Rahu to see the nature of the evidence as dhatu, moola and jiva as well as the the chara karaka status of Rahu. The Arudha Padas conjoined Rahu shall indicate the people who will give the evidence. (3) Parasara teaches that if Jupiter is strong and alone in Lagna, then a single bow to the weilder of the Trishula shall destroy a thousand sins. In this episode narrated in the Purana we see how such a prayer (to the lord of Sani - Vayu tatva- Lord Shiva) by Brihaspati ended the entire problem.

(4) Kalyana Verma teaches that if Jupiter is strong in Lagna then the native is always protected by the 'Chakradhara'. In this episode we see how Brihaspati is always proteced by the three mantras of the Narayana Kavacha. This is the abhedana kavacha. APPLICATION OF INTELLIGENCE Intelligence is that which guides the mind in a direction that protects (trai) it from any harm to 1) the body (Tana) like apamrityu, mrityu, roga etc, this is called Tantra as composed of Tana & trai 2) the mind(mana) or itself from various mental turmoil and diseases and is called Mantra as composed of Mana & Trai and, 3) the soul from of further sin by restraining it (Yantri) by the use of mystical diagrams and other symbolic apparatus/ instruments and the process of prana-pratistha etc. Coming to the point of how this intelligence works, a lot depends on what the lagna is when Jupiter is in Aquairus. In general the traits of Saturn's office as detatched thinking, ignoring pain and suffering and viewing this with the eyes of a stoic, pondering beyond known limits for any serious question thereby arriving at very original solutions etc. Sometimes they may seem most cold blooded as this can be caused by their ability to supress and ignore pain (like Rambo in the movie). Saturn is an old planet and Jupiter in this sign indicates the intelligence used is like that of old men - with lots of experience, memory, philosophy and thinking going into it. The ability to ponder causes Brahma yoga and the best of philosophers, scientists, mathematical genius minds (not computation ability but astract mathematics) are shown in this sign with the influence of Jupiter. Because of the nodal influence (rebirth-Rahu/Saturn & death/moksha -Mars& Ketu), Juiter in Aquarius or Scorpio gives considerable ability for astrology. The big difference with Capricorn is that the Saturn is a worker and is bad at home. His worst qualities show up when he is at home. That is why he likes to go away from home (gets digbala in 7th house), is very down to eath and demands total physical evidence of the existance of God and things like that. The intellect refuses to believe anything or anybody without at least adequate circumstantial evidence whereas Aquarius is an airy sign and is very intellectual. Jupiter here gives the ability to mentally exert themselves...you have to think in these lines to fully understand the effect of th various navamsas in Aquarius etc.

Transit II: Transit from Arudha The arudha shows the image of a person in this world. Though the true self is important for a person, the perception about him in this world is equally important as all the interaction with the external world is based on how the person is perceived by the world. Hence for analysing, how we are going to benefit or lose material with relations to the world, we need to consider the arudha lagna. The importance of Arudha Lagna is discussed by both Maharishi Parashara and Maharishi Jaimini in their immortal classics, however some other classics such as Deva Keralam mention about the importance of transits with respect to the arudha lagna too. While we speak of arudha lagna, different other arudhas can be seen for the impact of transits

on persons ruled by different arudhas and also different affairs ruled by them, which are as follows: A2 : Dhanapada Family and the Money A3 : VikramapadaIntiatives/ risks and younger siblings A4 : Sukhapada Happiness at home, properties and mother A5 : Mantrapada Mantra initiation, Children A6 : Shatrupada Diseases, enemies A7 : Darapada Relationships and business affairs A8 : Mrtyupada Inherent weaknesses and longevity A9 : Dharmapada Religiosness and Father A10: Rajyapada Power, position and authority A11: Labhapada Gain of objectives and elder siblings A12: Upapada - Spouse

The important planets to be seen for the transits are the slow moving planets Saturn, Rahu/ Ketu, Jupiter and the faster moving planets Sun and Moon. Since the Karaka for the Arudha is Moon, Saturn tend to harm it and Jupiter/ Sun tend to fortify it, during their transits. Some guidelines to judge the transits of planets from the AL are given below. Intelligent jyotishas can extend this principles to other arudhas as well. Saturn: Transit of Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 8th & 10th houses from the arudha lagna goes by the name of Kantaka Sani (kantaka means thorne and the term imply that the person is hurt so much that he limps) and is considered to be extremely inauspicious for career and financial welbeing of a person. If it happens to be in bad position from the Lagna and the Moon as well, then the person passes through serious hard times. The transit in the 4th house is known as ardha-kantak (half-kantak) and lesser worse than other positions. The transit of Sasturn however in the 12th from the Arudha is supposed to give Raja-yoga and while transiting in the 3rd and 6th from the Arudha gives many benefits. Jupiter: Jupiter is knows as the Jiva or the life-giver and controls the fruits of any effort. Thus whenever it transits over favoruable positons from a arudha, the person realises the fruits of all the struggle he has put at differet times. Thus the transit of Jupiter in quadrants from arudha lagna is considered a blessing. The Moon: The transit of Moon in the 5th, 9th and 12th from any arudha is considered to be extremely fruitful for that arudha. Thus for all major activities done by a person should be done during such time, when Moon transits favourable position from the Arudha Lagna. The worst position of Transit Moon is in the 8th from an Arudha, which is extremenly detrimental to the image of the person or related areas. The Sun: The transit of the Sun in the Trine to an Arudha energises the arudha and the person feels special focus regarding those area as governed by the arudhas. Thus at the time of death, Sun should be in the trine to the Mrityupada (A8), the arudha for longevity and death. If not death, such transit can give, near death experiences.

The Nodes: Rahu is the materialistic planet and hence confers material gains, whenever it transits in the trine to the Arudha Lagna, whereas since Ketu is the spiritual planet, it confers spiritual pursuits while it transits the trine to the Arudha Lagna. Similar results can be predicted when the nodes transit with respect to other arudhas. Thus when they transit with respect to the Dharmarudha (A9), similar things can be told about the father or father like persons.


"Jataka Alankaram" gives rules for determining Indu Lagna. Kala values of planets are as follows: Sun:30; Moon:16; Mars:6; Mercury:8; Jupiter:10; Venus:12; Saturn:1. The Kala of the Ninth lord from Lagna, and that of the Ninth lord from the moon should be added and the total divided by 12. The remainder, counted from the moon's Rasi in the horoscope, leads us to Indu Lagna. For a Dhanu Lagna, Thula Rasi native, e.g., the 9th lord is the sun with Kala value 30; the lord of the Ninth from Thula is Mercury, whose Kala is 8. The total is 38. This is divided by 12. The remainder is 2. From Thula Rasi, the second Sign is Vrischika, which is the Indu Lagna for this horoscope.

Indu lagna According to ancient jyotish texts, the Indu lagna shows the sources of wealth for an individual. The planets on the Indu lagna, 11th, 2nd, planets in kendras, or planets aspecting the Indu lagna, are able to provide wealth to the person. The Indu lagna is computed as follows: 1. Determine the lord of the 9th house from the lagna. 2. Determine the lord of the 9th house from the Moon. 3. Assign a value to the lords found above by using the following scores: 30, 16, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1 (starting from the Sun to Saturn). 4. Add the values assigned to the lords of the 9th houses. 5. Divide the total by 12 and determine the remainder of the computation.

6. Count the number of the remainder from the position of the Moon. Thus, the Indu lagna is determined. The indu lagna analysis lets you know your stand in regard to the material gain, monetary prosperity and also gives you an insight into the possibilities of your gaining wealth and fortune during this lifetime. Interpreting Indu(Sree) lagna Indu lagna is a tool suggested by classics on astrology for estimating the wealth of the native.Here wealth is not simply currency.Prosperity in all aspects of life can be studied from this lagna. If a benefic planet aspects the Indu Lagna,it gives a lot of wealth in its Dasha.Many benefic planets aspecting the Indu lagna,wealth would be in abundance.If one or more planets are in their own signs or exaltation signs, would make th native even more richer.

Malefics exalted and occupying the Indu lagna makes one very wealthy at the end of their dasa. If the malefic occupying the Lagna is not in its exaltation sign or own also gives wealth but moderately. Planets occupying Trines and quadrants from Indu lagna give wealth in their Dasa/Antar dasa. Debilitated malefics aspecting and or occupying the Indu lagna is not good for wealth. Jupiter in its transits comes into a trine or quadrant from this lagna also gives wealth Planets situated in dusthanas (3,6,8,12) from this lagna make one incur loss of wealth. If the Indu lagna is not occupied or aspected by any planet is not good for acquiring wealth. Studying yogas formed by the trinal and quadrant lords from this lagna helps in estimating the wealth of this native. Studying the above with regard to the Bhinnashtaka varga strength of the Planets influencing the Indu lagna and the Sarvaashtakavarga strength of the raasis which are trines and quandrants from the lagna and the yogas formed helps in estimating the wealth aquired and the time when wealth is acquired.

Ketu in First House - Various sources Manasaagari

If ketu is in the first house the native will trouble his relatives,terrorise his enemies,will always be worried about women and children and would be troubled by vaata


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If Ketu is in the lagna the native would be a formulator,would be diseased,a coward,worried about his wife,overly anxious and be afflicted by vaata

Jataka Paarijaatam

If Rahu is in the lagna the native will be of wicked nature,be diseased,bereft of dharma and uncharitable and would not benefit any one.

If ketu is in the lagna,the native will be diseased and very frugal natured.


If ketu is in lagna,the native will be unfaithful,bereft of happiness,would be interfering in the matters of others and complaining on them,would be an outcaste,would be out of his place,would have incomplete organs,would befriend manipulating personalities. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 9:41 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Monday, January 9, 2012 Time of death - Jatakabharanam Rasi wise timing of death of natives has been given in Jatakabharanam which will be useful for research :

In this sloka Sri Dhundi Raaja daivagna says that as said by Yavanacharya and which has the acceptance of the ancient sages i am hereby giving out the Chandra Niryana Yogas. As said in the above sloka,the author says the time of death of the natives,raasi wise.Let us see what he says for each raasi. Mesha

For Mesha rasi natives,death will be on a Wednesday,Navami thithi,after midnight and due to disease of the head. Vrishabha rasi

For Vrishabha raasi natives the time of death will be in Magha sukla navami,Friday and in the time of Rohini Nakshtra Mithuna rasi

For Mithuna raasi natives the time of death will be in Vaisakha sukla poornimaa,Wednesday,in Hasta nakshtra in the afternoon Karkataka raasi

The natives of karkataka rasi will face death in Magha masa sukla paksh navami thithi,in Rohini Nakshtram,on Friday. Simha raasi

The natives of Simha rasi will face death in Krishna Paksha,panchami thithi, Tuesday in the afternoon due to Water or near to water source. Kanya Rasi

Kanya rasi natives will meet their end on Chaitra krishna trayodasi on a sunday Tula Rasi

Tula rasi natives will face death in Vaisakha masa sukla ashtami on Friday in Aslesha Nakshtra first pada Vrishchika rasi

For Vrishika rasi natives, death will be in Jyesta Masa sukla paksha dasami on Wednesday at Midnight Dhanu Rasi

For Natives of Dhanu raasi death will be in Ashadha sukla panchami on a Friday,in Hasta Nakshtra in the Night. Makara Rasi

For Makara Rasi natives,death will be in Sravana suklapaksha dasami on a Tuesday in Jyeshta Nakshtra. Kumbha rasi

For Kumbha rasi natives death will be in Bhadrapada masa krishna paksha chaturthi,on Saturday in Bharani Nakshtra Meena Rasi

For Meena rasi natives,death will be in Aswija masa Krishna paksha dwiteeya thithi on Thursday in Kruttika nakshtra. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 4:42 PM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Friday, December 16, 2011 Phaladeepika - Bhavas from Karakaas

The sloka describes how to know about the natives father. From the raasi where Sun is situated,physical attributes of the father of the native can be ascertained.The second house from Sun shows father's wealth and fame.From the third house from Sun one can get to know about the brothers and behaviour of the native's father.Fourth house from Sun shows the parents and comforts enjoyed by the native's father.

Father's intelligence and mental peace should be known from the fifth from where sun is situated. Sixth from sun shows the father's enemies,impediments,health issues.like wise love should be known from the seventh from Sun.Longevity and death should be known from the eigth from Sun.

Father's father and his religious inclination should be known from the Ninth from Sun.Fathers profession from the 10 th house,Income from the 11th houses from the Sun. Expenses and losses should be seen from the 12th from Sun.

In the same way to know about mother and brother one should study the relevant houses from Moon and Mars respectively.If the lord of any bhaava and the relevant kaaraka,both are strong all the significations of the Bhava would be favourable for the native. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 5:34 PM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Sunday, December 11, 2011 Phala deepika - Transit Effects of Dasa Lord Interesting correlations of Transits and Vimsottari dasa, effects of the Dasa lord

In any dasa,if the dasa lord transits his exaltation,own or friendly house he does good to that bhava counted from the lagna,provided the planet is strong at the time of birth.

At the time of birth which ever planet is weak,debilitated,combust the planet in its dasa while transiting the above said raasis destroys the significations of the bhava owned by it

When Moon transits the exaltation,friendly signs or 3,6,10,11 th houses or 5th , 9th Konaas or transits 7th house from the dasa lord gives problems.

In transit if the antardasa lord reaches his debilitation,enemy's sign or becomes combust he gives problems.If he transits his exaltation sign or when in retrogression gives good results.

when a favourable antardasa is running, in transit, when Sun reaches the exaltation sign of the antardasa lord or Jupiter transits in its exaltation sign,then the good results of the planet manifest. When in transit Sun reaches the antardasa lord's debilitation sign then the bad result destined to be given by the antardasa lord will definitely manifest.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 11:04 PM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Sunday, December 4, 2011 Attaining Brahma Loka - Mahadeva's Jataka Tatwa ASHTAMA VIVEKA

If moon has attained a simhaasanaamsa,Jupiter,a Paravataamsa and venus,an airaavataamsa,the native shall after his death,become one with Brahma

If Ketu is in the 12th house counted from the Atmakaraka Navamsa,the native,shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

If a benefic planet is in Aries or sagittarius in the last(12th) from the Atma karaka Navamsa,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

If four planets are together in a sign and if the lord of that sign is in a kendra or a trikona,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

If Mercury or Mars is in the 10 th in pisces,the native shall after his death,become one with Brahma.

If the lord of the 8th house is in Yana(going) or Nidritaavastha and is associated with or aspected by a benefic,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

If the Ascendant,the 9th and the 8th houses are aspected by their respective lords,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

If there are two benefics in the 9th house,the native shall after life,become one with Brahma.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 11:41 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Jataka Tatwa of Mahadeva - Utility of Vaiseshikaamsas CHATURTHA VIVEKA

If the lord of the 4 th house has attained a simhaasanaamsa,a Gopuraamsa or a Mridu shastyamsa,the native shall own a bunglow with a large compound

If the lord of the 4 th house has attained a paraavataamsa and the moon is in gopuraamsa,and is aspected by Jupiter,the native shall have a divine mansion PANCHAMA VIVEKA : If the lord of the 5 th house has attained Gopuraamsa or other higher amsa,the native shall be sharp

If the kaaraka of the 5 th house has attained a Gopuraamsa or other vaishesikaamsa,the native shall have compassion and intelligence.

If Mercury is in own sign or exaltation in the 2 nd house,Saturn attaining a Gopuraamsa and Jupiter a Simhasanaamsa,the native shall be the top most expounder of Vedanta Philosophy.

If Venus has attained an Uttamaamsa and is in the Ascendant,the native shall be an interpretor of Vedanta Philosophy

Moon having attained a Devalokaamsa and Venus an Uttamamsa and are in Kendra position,the native shall be an interpretor of Vedanta Philosophy. : When Jupiter is in a Kendra position, Venus has attained a Simhaasanaamsa and Mercury owning the Navamsa occupied by the planet in the 2 nd house is in a Gopuraamsa,the native shall be proficient in all the six sciences.

If the lord of the Ascendant is in the 2nd house while its lord has attained a Paraavataamsa,the native will be an authority on Vedanta Philosophy

If Mercury isin the Ascendant in exaltation, the lord of the 2 nd has attained a Paraavataamsa,and Venus be in the 12 th, the native shall have knowledge of the Vedantaa philosophy.

If Jupiter having attained a Gopuraamsa is aspected by a benefic,the native shall be omniscient.

If the lord of the 10 th house having attained a Devalokaamsa is aspected by a benefic,the native shall be after the contemplation of the supreme spirit.

If the lord of the 9 th house has attained a Paraavataamsa and is aspected by a benefic,the native must be after the contemplation of the Supreme spirit

When the lord of the 5 th house is in Gopuraamsa or other Amsaas,the native shall have children.

If the lords of the 9th.1st and the 5th houses have attained Paraavataamsa and other higher amsas and are also aspected by benefics,the native shall acquire children. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 10:46 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics

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Monday, November 28, 2011 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram - Amita, Divyaayuryogam


If Moon and Jupiter are in Karkaataka(Cancer) lagna,Mercury and Saturn are in Kendras and all the planets are in 3,6,11 then the native will have Amitaayu( extraordinary longevity) Malefics in 3,6,11 and Benefics are in Kendras or Konaas to the lagna and when eigth house is the house of a benefic planet then too the native will have Amitaayu.

If Jupiter is in Kendra in Gopuraamsa,Venus in Konaa in Paraavataamsa and the lagna is Karkaata(Cancer) then the native will live upto the end of the Yuga.

When Mars is in Paraavataamsa,Saturn is in Devalokaamsa,Jupiter in Simhaasanaamsa in lagna then the native will have longevity equal to that of a Muni( Yogi) i.e will live for many hundreds of years.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 9:35 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Sunday, October 30, 2011 Rules of Longevity - Sarvaartha Chinta mani ! !! From the 8 th house longevity,death,sexual organs,reason of death,Food comforts,place of death,Insults are to be seen. ! !१

Eigth lord aspected/conjoined by another malefic planet and being in 12 th house, the native will not live long.If the 8 th lord is in 6 th with lord of the Ascendant,in this case too the native will be short lived.

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If lord of the 8 th house is in own house or if Saturn is in exaltation or in a friends raasi then long life has to be predicted. ! !!

lagna lord with lord of eigth is in sixth or eigth and if sixth lord or twelth lord is in lagna and is aspected by a benefic planet,the native will be long lived.

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Tenth lord being placed in own or exaltation signs too confers good longevity.If Tenth and Lagna lords are in Kendras then too long life will result.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 9:59 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Rules of Longevity - Chandra Kala Nadi

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Saturn enjoying strength as the planets ruling the ascendant,the 8th and the 10th are disposed individually or in combination in angles and trines will bless one with full span of life.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 9:35 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, October 29, 2011 Effects of Vargottam Planets in their Dasa Acccording to Phala Deepika:

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The planet which is vargottam always gives favourable results in its dasa. Such planet if in its Debilitation raasi or combust will give mixed results.But if the both the Dasa and antardasas are of Eigth and Twelth lords or the planets which are in Sixth,Eigth or Twelth houses then the planet gives unfavourable results. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 12:41 PM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Thursday, October 13, 2011 Lagnaashtakavarga - Chandra Kala Nadi

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! !! In the Bhinnaashtaka varga of the ascendant, note the total bindus.Prosperity will rise after such total number of years as calculated earlier. From the 1 st to 12 th, when Jupiter transits the raasi with less number of Bindus,happiness will decline. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 3:31 PM Links to this post

Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Important rule of Transit - Chandra Kala Nadi

! !! When malefics transit the 8 th from a given sign,or the sign identical with the navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8 th from a given bhava,destruction of the bhava under consideration will occur. Above is one more interesting sloka from Chandra Kala Nadi. Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 3:10 PM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, October 1, 2011 Rudrasana Yoga - Chandra Kala Nadi


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If the 6th,8th and 12th contain planets in simultaneous exaltation,Rudrasana Yoga is formed.This yoga is formed for Leo and Aquarius ascendants only.The native with this yoga will be wealthy from birth and will rule the whole world.

On searching for the dates on which this yoga is formed , the following are some dates that are found to be having this Yoga and useful for study:

Leo Ascendant: 1.February 6 th 1983 at 19.20 2.March 17 th 1962 at 16.50

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 7:57 PM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Dasa of 8th lord from a Bhava - Interesting quote from Nadi Texts ! !!

This is another interesting quote from the Nadi Texts.The aphorism says in the dasa of the Eigth lord from a Bhava,the signification of that bhava suffers.

For example for a native of Leo ascendant,Mars is the lord of the eigth from the second bhava. The sloka says, in the Major dasa of Mars,wealth,family and other significations of the second house will suffer.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 9:44 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, September 10, 2011 Combinations leading a native towards Advaitha and God Realisation ! !! ! :


If lord of the first house should be in vargottamamsa and be in aspect to Venus,the native will have self realisation through the school of Non - duality,will be devoted to Vedanta doctrines and be a Knower of almighty.

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If Jupiter or Venus is in an angle or trine attaining the 12th sign counted from Navamsa ascendant,the subject will be relieved from mundane bonds and will attain Moksha.



Lord of the 12th counted from the ascendant or the moon sign being in Deva Shastiamsa in exaltation or with strength should be aspected by Jupiter and be in a Navamsa of Mercury.Then the person will be interested in doing good deeds and be a knower of almighty.

Posted by Soma Sekhar Sarva at 9:54 AM Links to this post Labels: Interesting Slokas from Classics Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Special Rule for Kali Yuga - Garga Mata

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According to sage Garga, one born with three planets in exaltation signs,will not beget Rajayoga effects unless there is a planet in simultaneous debility.This applies to the Kali Yuga. In the said yuga,without a debilitated planet,an exalted planet will become ineffective.Only with simultaneous presence of exalted and debilitated planets,Raja yogas will fructify.With out debilitated planet,one with only an exalted planet will incur poverty.

I found this sloka in one of the texts on Nadi astrology. I believe this answers the doubts as to why a native with Pancha Maha purusha yogas will still lead a life of poverty.


THE CONCEPT OF ADHIKAMASA OR INTER-CALARY MONTH Inter-calary Month in June-July The lunar year Pramadi has an Adhika or Mala Masa (16-5-1999 to 13-6-1999) and a Suddha or Nija Masa (13-6-1999 to 13-7-1999) in the lunar month of Jyeshta. The Adhika and Mala Masas testify to the highly scientific method of calendar-making in ancient India. The scientific Hindu Calendar, formulated by ancient Indians, is based on the natural movements of the luminaries. They called the year varsha, meaning 'shower of rains' or time during which the annual seasons completed their course, taking into account the movements of the sun. The night, on which the Masa or month becomes Poorna or complete, based on the movements of the Moon, was called Pournamasi (Pournima). They were perhaps the first to try, as pioneers in calendar - making right from the vedic times, to fuse, rather successfully, the solar calendar into the lunar and form a luni-solar calendar. Solar and Lunar Months Two basic observations held sway over the effort of ancient Hindu calendar-making. The first was the apparent movement of the sun, causing the solar year, on its re-entry into the first of the twelve Rasis of the Zodiac, from where it started its annual sojourn and completed a cycle of seasons. The moment of entry of the sun into a zodiacal sign was called Samkranti, and Soura or Solar month. Likewise, the period of time between the appearance and reappearance of either the Full Moon or New Moon was called a Masa or Month. Amanta and Pournimanta For a solar month, the sun's ingress to the sign alone matters. Therefore, there is only one its kind. But as the lunar month is either reckoned with the end of amavasya or Pournami there are two kinds of them. These are namely the New moon ending and Full moon ending. Those months which end with an Amavasya or New moon are called Amanta and those which end with Pournima or Full moon are called Pournimanta. Both the modes of reckoning were in vogue since the Vedic times. Even now, Pournimanta lunar months are followed in some parts of India. Only the Amanta system is taken for calendaric calculations for determining Intercalary month or Adhikamasa and decayed month or Kshayamasa. These Amanta lunar months commerce just at the moment of a New moon and end at the instant of the next New moon. Twelve solar months based on the twelve Samkrantis or solar ingresses into each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac constitute one solar year. These solar months have varying periods of 30 to 32 days due to the vagaries of the movement of the sun, in relatio to the earth. It was found that the twelve lunar months, varying from 20 to 30 days, based on the occurence and re-occurence of either the Full moons or the New moons did not converge exactly with this solar year. The length of an solar year on an average is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes (Surya Siddhanta takes this as 365 days, 6 hours and 13 minutes) and of a lunar month 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes. So 12 lunar months add to 354 days, 9 hours and lag behind the solar year by about 11 days (10.896 days) per year. It is evident then that in three years this difference itself will be more than thirty days resulting in a slide of a month in relation to the solar reckoning. Sychronizing Months and Seasons The religious calendar of the Hindus, as of many other faiths over the world, is lunar and is based on the Tithis or lunar days. If the lunar months are allowed to recede progressively, [this is allowed in the Islamic

calendar] the seasonal festivals of any particular lunar month will get divorced from their association of their correct seasons. For the lunar months to move through all the solar months and to come back to their original position it may take about 321 years. In other words, the religious festivals will harmonize with the seasons once in about 321 years only. Therefore, there arose a need to synchronize the religious calendar with the calendar of seasons, mainly to prevent this problem of shift of festival days. It is only to avert this contingency the occasional introduction of inter-calary months in the lunar calendar was devisedby our ancients. When this recession of about 11 days per year gets accumulated to 30 days or one month, an intercalary month is inserted in the lunar calendar to bring it back to its original position in relation to the seasons. Such extra months can come at regular intervals after every 32 and 33 solar months, alternately, to maintain the balance. This procedure was in vogue in the early period of Siddhantic astronomy. However, later the method adopted is different and is the determined on the basis of true motions of the Sun and the Moon. The ancient Hindu concept of computation of time stems from the Mahayuga. In a Mahayuga there are 4,320,000 years, which contain 51,840,000 solar months or Souramasas and 53,433,336 lunar months or Chandramasas. So in a Mahayuga there will be 1,593,336 inter-calary or Adhikamasas in the lunar calendar. The pattern of occurence of the solar and lunar months can be expressed mathematically,as a continuous fraction based on the fact there are 33 lunar months for 32 solar months. But the problem does not stop with this. For 423 solar months there will be 436 luner months, an additive of 13. If we take 1692 solar months or exactly 141 years, we get 52 additive months. On the basis of one per 32 years, the additive month must be 53 for 1696 years. It can be seen that an increase of 4 solar months has brought in another lunar month. So also for 1920 solar months only 59 Adhikamasas occur. As per the normal rules this must be be 60. Therefore, one month has to be reduced to make it 59. That is why the need to identify a Kshayamasas or surpressed month arises to offset the excess. This is done by just ignoring a count of a lunar month. Kshayamasas occur generally once in 141 years and again after 19 years, more frequently though they are possible in other intervals of 46, 65, 76 and 122 years. The Extra Month Adhikamasa is defined as that lunar month which does not have any solar ingress during its period. It other words Adhikamasa occurs when the sun's stay in a sign or Rasi is more than the duration of that lunar month. The rule is that the lunar month bears the same name as the solar month in which the initial New month occurs. When a lunar month is completely covered by a solar month or in other words when there are two moments of New Moons one at the commencement and other at the end of any solar month, two lunar months originate in the same solar month and both these lunar months derive the same name as per the above rule. So the lunar month that begins from the first New moon, so occuring, is deemed as an extra month and termed as Adhikamasa or Malamasa. The lunar month begining from the second New moon is called the real or pure, otherwise Nija or Suddha. Both these months bear the same name of the solar month and the first gets the prefix of Adhika and the next, Suddha. In the current Pramadi year, in the solar month of Vrishabha two New Moons occur, causing two lunar months in the solar month. So the first lunar month is taken as Adhika. The first is Adhika Jyeshta and the second is the Nija Jyeshta. It can thus be seen that an inter-calary month comes after two to three years in the normal course. Such Adhikamasas generally occur in the period from Chaitra to Bhadrapada as these solar months have a longer duration than the lunar months. No religious festivals are observed in these Malamasas or Adhikamasas.

The Suppressed Month What is a Kshayamasa or suppressed month? At times, a lunar month can completely cover a shorter solar month. Then the Sun's stay in a Rasi will be less than the duration of a lunar month. This will result in two Samkramanas or solar ingress occuring in a particular lunar month. In such a contingency there will be no New moon in that particular solar month. Therefore, there will be no lunar month to be named after that solar month. Obviously this will create a gap in the sequence of names of the lunar months, missing out one name. This dropped out month is callled Kshayamasa or decayed month. In such years when a lapsed month occur (this happens less frequently) there will be two inter-calary months or Adhikamasas, one before the Kshayamasa and the other after that, within a span of three months on either side. The inter-calary month occuring prior to the Kshayamasa is called Samsarpa and this is generally exempted from the injunctions of performance of religious festivals in that month, as attributable to normal Adhikamasa. The latter inter-calary month is called Amhaspati and this second Adhikamasa will be the correct Adhikamasa, as it occurs after 30 months of the previous Adhikamasa. Though the average length of a lunar month is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, it actually varies from 29 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes to 29 days, 19 hours, 36 minutes depending on the position of the New moon of the lunar perigee (Surya Siddhanta gives the limits as 29 days, 6 hours, 18 months to 29 days, 19 hours, 6 months). as the months of Vrischika, Dhanus and Makara have their lengths between these two limits, only the lunar months of Margasira, pushya and Magha can become Kshaya more often than the other two and Magha, the least. To summarise, a Malamasa or Adhikamasa occurs when there are two New Moons in a solar month creating a situation of absence of any solar ingress or Samkramana in that lunar month. For an Adhikamasa to occur, a solar ingress must take place just before a New Moon and the next ingress must be just after the next New Moon. Or in other words, a lunar month with no Samkrantis of the Sun occuring in it is called a suppressed month, Kshayamasa or Amhaspati. A decayed month or Kshayamasa occurs when there is no New Moon in any solar month creating a situation of two solar ingresses or Samkramanas happening in that lunar month. For a Kshayamasa to happen the solar ingress must happen just after a New moon and the following solar ingress must take place before the ending of the next New Moon. In other words a lunar month will two Samlrantis of the Sun occuring in it is called a suppressed month, Kshayamasa or Amhaspati. Much variance in computational factors is found in the different ancient astronomical treatises as regards the length of the solar year and the like. Different Siddhantas are followed in different regions of different people. The opinions expressed in various Sastriac texts are also in variance with regard to the observances of religious festivals. Therefore there is difference of opinion amongst scholars in determining some of these Adhika and Kshaya months. Only some of the basic principles have been discussed here to give the reader a general but clear idea about the subject, without going into the intricacies.

Religious observances in case of extra and lost months

Among normal months, adhika months, and kshaya months, the earlier are considered "better" for religious purposes. That means, if a festival should fall on the 10th tithi of the Āshvayuja month (this is called Vijayadashamī) and there are two Āshvayuja months caused by the existence of an adhika Āshvayuja, the first adhika month will not see the festival, and the festival will be observed only in the second nija month. However, if the second month is āshvayuja kshaya then the festival will be observed in the first adhika month itself. When two months are rolled into one in the case of a kshaya māsa, the festivals of both months will also be rolled into this kshaya māsa. For example, the festival of Mahāshivarātri which is to be observed on the fourteenth tithi of the Māgha krishna paksha was, in 1983, observed on the corresponding tithi of Pausha-Māgha kshaya krishna paksha, since in that year, Pausha and Māgha were rolled into one, as mentioned above. When two months are rolled into one in the case of a kshaya māsa, the festivals of both months will also be rolled into this kshaya māsa.

Adhika maasa and Kshaya maasa:

We have seen that a lunar year consists of 12 lunar months. It may so happen that a lunar month is completely contained in a solar month or a solar month in a lunar month. Absurd!!! is it? NO. Let's make sense out of it. But before that we'll finish our definition. When the lunar month is completely contained in a solar month, that lunar month is called Adhika maasa and when the solar month is completely contained in a lunar month, that lunar month is called Kshaya maasa. Adhika maasa is a lunar month that occurs between two solar sankrantis. In other words there are two amavasyas in one solar month. Such a lunar month is given the name of the solar month with the two amavasyas. The next lunar month is assigned a name in the sequential order as though there was no Adhika maasa.Adhka maasa are generally considered to be inauspicious. Also, note that, kshaya maasa is a lunar month in which there are two solar sankrantis.

Now, a lunar month (29.530588 days) fitting into a solar month (approx. 30 days), definitely and obviously makes sense. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that the Sun doesn't revolve uniformly in its ecliptic. So some solar months have less than 30 days (like Feb having 28 or 29 days). Therefore a Solar month completely fitting into a Lunar month happens once in a blue moon! (ya, that is very rare). Normally, it (Kshaya maasa) occurs once in 141 years but occasionally after a span of just 19 years!

In a lunar year with a Kshaya maasa there will always be two Adhika maasas, one before and the other after the Kshaya maasa. An Adhika maasa occurs after 33 months. Can you guess why? [Hint : due to the 10 days (approx.) per year lag of the lunar year with respect to the solar year]

Classification of the Planets

Much of our concern this semester will be with the development of our present understanding of the Solar System. We begin with a brief overview of the modern and ancient classifications of the planets.

The Modern Solar System The planets of the modern solar system are grouped into several different and sometimes overlapping classifications, as illustrated in the following figure:

1. The planets inside the orbit of the earth are called the Inferior Planets: Mercury and Venus. 2. The planets outside the orbit of the earth are called the Superior Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. 3. The planets inside the asteroid belt are termed the Inner Planets (or the Terrestrial Planets): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. 4. The planets outside the asteroid belt are termed the Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. 5. The planets sharing the gaseous structure of Jupiter are termed the Gas Giant (or Jovian) Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The 7 Planets of the Ancients The term "planet" originally meant "wanderer": it was observed long ago that certain points of light wandered (changed their position) with respect to the background stars in the sky. In ancient times, before the invention of the telescope and before one understood the present structure of the Solar System, there were thought to be 7 such wanderers or planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon, and the Sun. This list is different in several respects from our modern list of planets: 1. The Earth is missing, because it was not understood that the points of light wandering on the celestial sphere and the Earth on which we stood had anything in common. 2. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are missing because they would only be discovered when the telescope made them easily visible. o Uranus is barely visible to the naked eye; it was discovered in 1781. o Neptune and Pluto are too faint to see at all without a telescope; they were discovered in 1846 and 1930, respectively. 3. The Sun and the Moon were classified as planets because they wandered on the celestial sphere, just like Mars and Jupiter and the other planets. A central theme of our initial discussion will be how the "7 planets of the Ancients" (only 5 of which are really planets) evolved into our present list of Solar System planets.

Stars Look Different from Planets Planets (and the Sun and Moon) have some observational characteristics that distinguish them from what we would now call the stars:

Observational Differences between Planets & Stars PLANETS


The planets move relative to stars on celestial sphere

The relative positions of the stars are fixed on celestial sphere

The nearer and larger planets appear as disks in telescope

The stars appear as "points" of light, even through the telescope

The brighter planets do not "twinkle"

The stars appear to "twinkle"

The planets are always near the imaginary yearly path of the Sun on the celestial sphere (theecliptic)

Stars can be anywhere on the celestial sphere

These observational differences, particularly the "wandering" of the planets on the celestial sphere, attracted a lot of attention from ancient observers of the sky. The attempt to explain these differences ultimately led to the birth of modern astronomy.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Classification of the Solar System The planets of the solar system can be classified in different ways a. By size

b. By Composition

c. By Distance from the Sun

Classification by Size There are the small planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Pluto. These planets have diameters less than 13000 kilometers. Mercury and Pluto are sometimes referred to as lesser planets (not to be confused with minor planets which is the official term for asteroids). There are also the giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The giant planets have diameters greater than 48000 kilometers. These planets are sometimes also called the gas giants. Classification by composition

There are terrestrial, or rocky planets, the ones made up mostly of rock and metal. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The terrestrial planets are have relatively high densities, slow rotation, solid surfaces, no rings and few satellites. Then there are the jovian or gas planets. These planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The gas planets are made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. They and usually have low densities, rapid rotation, deep atmospheres, rings and lots of satellites. Pluto : is an exception as it thought to be made up of a mixture of rocks and several kinds of “ices”. Scientists believe that most of these ices are that frozen gases and liquids such as methane and ammonia.

  

GAS: Gases make up almost the entire planet. its only terrain would be a tiny ball no bigger than the earth's moon in its center. examples of this would be Jupiter and Saturn. ICE: Ices make up the majority of the planet. Uranus and Neptune. Terrestrial - opposite of gaseous, the planet has a solid surface, and a thin atmosphere where its gases reside. examples of this would be Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Distance from the Sun

There are the inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mar. Then there are the outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune and Pluto

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter forms the boundary between the inner solar system and the outer solar system. Historical Classification

  

There are the classical planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, jupiter, and Saturn. These planets have been known since prehistorical times. They can all been seen from Earth without the use of binoculars or telescopes. There are also the modern planets: Uranus, Neptune,and Pluto. These have been discovered since the invention of telescopes since they are only visible with telescopes. There is also Earth.

The two types are Terrestrial and Jovian (However there are now three)

  

GAS: Gases make up almost the entire planet. its only terrain would be a tiny ball no bigger than the earth's moon in its center. examples of this would be Jupiter and Saturn. ICE: Ices make up the majority of the planet. Uranus and Neptune. Terrestrial - opposite of gaseous, the planet has a solid surface, and a thin atmosphere where its gases reside. examples of this would be Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

GRAHA DRISHTI OR ASPECTS OF PLANETS Graha drishti or planetary aspect Graha drishti or planetary aspect is thought to be a very important feature of Vedic horoscope reading. And it is not at all an exaggeration that the planet aspects or the angular distances between the planets are no less important or significant than the sun position or the moon position. Each planetary aspect can influence different spheres of your life in a certain way depending on the angles they mutually form between themselves. Importance of Graha drishti Each of the astrology planets has typical influences on the nature, character and personality traits of a person. The interesting thing is that the influence of astrology planets depend on their drishtis on other planets – how they aspect other planets and how they are aspected by others. Therefore, to know the influences of the planets exactly as they are, you need to get a graha drishti analysis or a planetary aspect calculation and interpretation. KEY P LANETS SUN
















The vibrations of planets are said to be focused at particular angles called aspects. It is interesting to note that the aspects are considered good or bad both in Western astrology. But in our technique (vedic), all aspects are positive. The following table shows the aspects of planets. Planet SUN MOON MARS MERCURY JUPITER VENUS

Houses aspected and the polarity of the aspect 7 7 4, 7, 8 7 5, 7, 9 7

SATURN 3, 7, 10 THE NODES 11

When a planet A is in aspect to another planet B, then we can say A is in aspect to B or B is in aspect by A. The phrase 'is in aspect to' is substituted by the symbol 'U' or '/'. For instance, if Venus is in aspect to Jupiter, then we say, Venus is in aspect to Jupiter or Jupiter is in aspect by Venus. Symbolically, Ve U Ju but not Ju U Ve.


The vibrations of planets are said to be focused at particular angles called aspects. It is interesting to note that the aspects are considered good or bad both in Western astrology. But in our technique (vedic), all aspects are positive. The following table shows the aspects of planets. Houses aspected and the polarity of the aspect SUN 7 MOON 7 MARS 4, 7, 8 MERCURY 7 JUPITER 5, 7, 9 VENUS 7 SATURN 3, 7, 10 THE NODES 11


When a planet A is in aspect to another planet B, then we can say A is in aspect to B or B is in aspect by A. The phrase 'is in aspect to' is substituted by the symbol 'U' or '/'. For instance, if Venus is in aspect to Jupiter, then we say, Venus is in aspect to Jupiter or Jupiter is in aspect by Venus. Symbolically, Ve U Ju but not Ju U Ve.

Signification of Planets in Astrology Planets power a chart, as they influence the houses of a chart in their own characteristic ways. Planet also means, ‘Wanderer’, which is true of their nature, as they move in their own orbits through space. A planet is a celestial body that follows a solar orbit, but in astrology planets represent astrological powers and influences that may not necessarily come from the actual physical planet that exists in the solar system. 1.

There are nine planets in Vedic astrology and these are divided into two groups: Group – I - Sun – Moon – Jupiter – Mars Group – II – Saturn – Mercury – Venus – Rahu – Ketu

2. The Sun and the Moon are included, although astronomically, these are not planets. ‘Rahu’ and ‘Ketu’ are sensitive points and are considered as planets that are exclusive to Vedic astrology, whereas Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are a part of Western astrology not included in traditional Vedic astrology calculations. The planets of both groups, with exception of Mercury and the Sun and to a lesser extent Saturn and Jupiter, are neutral or opposed to one another. In Vedic astrology planets are assigned different qualities which determine their characteristics and hence their influences in a chart. However, the effects that a planet can have depends on it’s position in the chart in question, the houses that it rules over and influences and the influences of other planets in the chart. Some of the qualities associated with planets are: 3. Planetary Gender: The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are male, the Moon, Venus, Mercury and 'Rahu' are female, while Saturn and Ketu are neutral. 4. Castes of Planets: Planets also follow the Hindu caste system. Jupiter and Venus are ‘Brahmins’ or priestly, the Sun and Mars are ‘Kshatriyas’ or warriors, the Moon is ‘Vaishya’, or a trader, Mercury is a ‘Vaisya’, Saturn ‘Shudra’, or a lower caste and Rahu and Ketu are outcastes. According to another view Mercury is a ‘Shudra’, and Saturn an outcaste. There is yet another view according to which Mercury is of a mixed caste.

5. Planetary Natures: Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are naturally benevolent. Similarly the waxing Moon is a benefic. The waning Moon and Mercury can be malefic. The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are naturally malevolent. 6. Planetary Qualities: The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are ‘Satvika’, or have pure characteristics, Mercury and Venus of ‘Rajas’ or have worldly, material or passionate characteristics and the remaining planets viz. Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are of a ‘Tamasik’, or dark, ignorant or carnal nature. 7. Seasons: There are six seasons that correspond to the following planets: 1. ‘Vasant’, (Spring) : Venus 2. ‘Grism’ (Summer) : The Sun and Mars 3. ‘Varsha’ (Rainy) : The Moon 4. ‘Sarad’ (Autumn) : Mercury 5. ‘Hemanta’ (Dewy) : Jupiter 6. ‘Sisira’ (Winter) : Saturn 8. Corresponding Gemstones: The corresponding gemstones for each planet are: 1. The Sun : Ruby. 2. The Moon : Pearl, moonstone. 3. Mars : Red coral. 4. Mercury : Emerald. 5. Jupiter : Yellow sapphire/topaz. 6. Venus : Diamond. 7. Saturn : Blue sapphire. 8. Rahu : Agate, hessonite. 9. Ketu : Cat’s eye. 9. Physical constituents: In ‘Ayurveda’ the Human body is considered to be constituted of seven materials or ‘Dhatus’, These also correspond to different planets: 1. The Sun : Bones 2. The Moon : Blood 3. Mars : Marrow 4. Mercury : Skin 5. Jupiter : Fat 6. Venus : Semen 7. Rahu : Muscles 10. Elements: There are five elements constituting the entire Universe. They are (1) Prithvi or Earth (2) Apah or water (3) Teja or Fire (4) Vayu or Wind (5)Akasha or Ether. These are the

subtle things of which you see the grosser forms in the world. The Sun and Mars own fire, the Moon and Venus water, Mercury earth, Jupiter ether and Saturn wind. 11. Planetary Cabinet: The Sun and Moon are the Royal Couple, Mars the Commander, Mercury the Crown Prince, Jupiter and Venus are Ministers and Saturn the Servant. These seven planets also represent in order Soul, Mind, Courage, Speech, Wisdom, Happiness, Sexual passion and grief. They also represent the senses and their functions thus, Mercury governs smell (nose), the Moon and Venus the taste (tongue), the Sun and Mars form (eye) Jupiter sound (ear) and Saturn, Rahu and Ketu touch (skin). 12. Planetary Aspects: The planets have four kinds of aspects. The mode of looking at the 3rd and 10th houses from the one occupied by a planets is termed a quarter aspect, looking at the 5th and 9th is half-aspect at the 4th and 8th houses is a 0.75 aspect and at the 7th house is full aspect. There is a speciality in the case of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. In the case of Saturn even the quarter aspect is considered to be full. So, his aspects fully at the 3rd, 7th and 10th house from the house occupied by him. In case of Jupiter even half aspect is considered to be full. So his aspects fully the 5th, 7th and 9th houses from the house occupied by him. In the case of Mars even a 0.75 aspect is full. So his aspects fully the 4th, 7th and 8th houses from the house occupied by him. You know that Mars and Saturn are among Malefic. Hence their aspects cannot but be malevolent in nature


Building a knowledge base As with all Jyotisha practice, looking at a variety of charts is the best path to understanding of varga significance. Be sure not to fixate on one or two emotionally charged nativities. There is too much anxiety associated with the nativities of persons regarding who one has powerful expectations (positive or negative). Rather, study a variety of nativities of persons well-known to you such as parents and grandparents, siblings and cousins, co-workers and neighbors, in order to establish a neutral and data-driven knowledge base. The vidya of Jyotisha is not a strictly rational empirical science. Jyotisha vidya engages both lunar intuition and solar reasoning. However it is important to see a

substantial database of charts showing wide variety of Jyotisha nativities in order to validate the teachings of the classics. Otherwise, unfortunately, the whole enterprise falls into lineage interpretive conflict and village superstition.

At the beginning when you are building your collection of nativities in order to validate the effect of vargas, dasha timelines, graha character, etc. I recommend to accept a very small fee, and to *donate this fee to your favorite charity*. When you are established in the practice, it will be OK to start earning personal income as the fruit of your dedicated Jyotisha studies. However, in the beginning, the best psychic protection against inadvertently harming someone's peace of mind is to ask for the indulgence of the spirits - and give the money to a compassionate cause. Also - this is REALLY important – Do not give any negative predictions. Material-social Predictions should be made from the D-1 kundali. Emotional-spiritual predictions can be made from the D-9 chart. The two charts can never be separated. They are absolutely interactive. Predictions made on the basis of one without the other will not hold up. Most material outcomes such as finance, health, education, children etc. are predicted directly from the radix chart. [Radix=Natal Chart=Janma Kundali] Occasionally a graha which is very weak in radix gains major strength in navamsha. In that case don't expect the graha to act weak because it has a sort of secret strength that will emerge during its periods. Remember NOT to try to learn Jyotisha from studying one's own chart. No one is objective about one's own chart. Study the charts of people you know well, such as family members, and also the nativities of public figures whom one admires. I think the most important components are (1) to have a passion for the Vidya (become a little bit obsessed with it!) and (2) to trust one's intuition. Without firm confidence in intuition, one will drown in a sea of conflicting instructions.

"Jaimini Karaka" (also in BPHS)



= graha which holds the highest degree of all seven graha in the kundali = 1st house indicator indicator of soul, Self, higher destiny and self-awareness


graha which holds the 2nd-highest degree of all seven graha in the kundali = 2nd and 10th house indicator

Amatya-karaka treasuries and collections: career, hoard, knowledge of history, social rank; eyes, face, voice,



= graha with third-highest degree of its rashi within radix = 3rd and 9th house indicator siblings, father; immediate friends and business communications



= graha with fourth-highest degree of its rashi within radix = 4thhouse indicator mother, education, owned property, schooling, cultural roots



= graha with fifth-highest degree of its rashi within radix = 5th house indicator and 11th house indicator

children, entertainments, friends, royalty-celebrity, delights of the intellect



= graha with sixth-highest degree of its rashi within radix = 6th, 8th, and 12thhouse indicator strife, service, conflict, disease, healing, death-and-rebirth, dissolution of identity, astral bridge


Dara-karaka = Strikaraka

= graha with seventh-highest degree of its rashi within radix = 7th house indicator marriage and partnership

Atmakaraka  

Karaka = "significator" Atma-karaka = "significator of the Soul"

There are several uses for the term Atmakaraka. Atma-Karaka = the " chara atmakaraka" of the "Jaimini Karaka" group.  

Chara = 'moving' or "temporal". atmakaraka = the planet occupying the highest degree in the entire chart during the current lifetime.

For "chara" atmakaraka = of all the planets in all the 12 signs, one of them will have the superior degree. Even if there is more than one planet occupying 29 degrees of any sign, within those 29 degree planets only one will be the closest to 29:29:29. (No doubt there will be extremely rare cases where this is not so; and that fact itself would signify an extraordinary birth.)  

Also, BPHS 32: 31-33 says that Tanu bhava-1 = a significator of the self-soul Also, "atmakaraka" is used to denote the Lord of the Arudha Lagna

Karakamsha:  

"Karaka" = a general term for "significator". The root kri = 'action'. "Amsha" = "section" or "portion".

There are several different uses for the term " karakamsha" in the literature, because " karaka" significator signifies several different things.

1.Karakamsha= the navamsha rashi of the Atmakaraka.    

Locate this rashi in radix In this usage, the Karakamsa Rashi = The navamsha rashi occupied by the Atmakaraka planet, The karakamsha = one of the 12 rashi.


 

The karakamsha rashi may be utilized for predictions within the radix D-1, within the navamsha D-9, or within any of the varga divisional charts The "karakamsha lagna"= the Karakamsa Rashi as located within any varga, including radix or navamsha. As utilized within the radix D-1 which is the varga of social and physical materialization, the Karakamsha lagna = the greatest materialization success, or most notable achievements, or behavior for which the native will become best known.

For example, 

the radix karakamsha of the famous American "horror fiction" writer Stephen King = bhava-8 Kumbha, a bhava of occult mystery and conditions of death. King writes about psychological trauma, terror, and mysterious deaths. Mr. King's atmakaraka Shani in the 6th navamsha with strength but with a damaged Surya there reveals his ability to represent criminal personalities due to his orderly, scientific process of psychological profiling. To start to gain insight into Mr. King's literary genius and his remarkable career in an unlikely literary genre as well as his personal struggle (and triumph) with drug and alcohol addiction, it is absolutely necessary to see the role of the karakamsha Kumbha in ALL of the varga.

Karakamsha shows for what *actions* the native will be most productive and best known by the public.  

See examples of karakamsha lagna below. Graha in 12th from atmakaraka or Lord of the 12th bhava from atmakaraka within the navamsha is said to indicate the nature of the Ishta-Devata, one's guiding spirit in life. This guiding spirit may be a deity who is well known or a private assistant who serves as agent and messenger on the astral plane.

For example, if 12th-from-Karakamsha contains Ketu, the ishtadevata = Shri Ganapati.

2.Karakamsha= lord of the Arudha lagna : To find the karakamsha lagna which = the sign of the lord of the arudha lagna: 1. count the number of houses from the radix lagna to the lagnesha (lord of radix lagna)

2. starting from the lagnesha, count the same number of houses forward 3. This house the arudha lagna. 4. The house containing the lord of the arudha lagna is called the "karakamsha"

Jaimini Sutram = (Trans. P.S. Sastri, Ranjan Publications, New Delhi, 1987) Karakamsha 10. Among the seven planets from the Sun to Saturn, or among the eight including Rahu,

the planet which has attained the highest number of degrees becomes the Atmakaraka.

11. The Atmakaraka gives benefic or malefic results

depending on his disposition like debility or exaltation, association with benefics or malefics.

12. After the Atmakaraka

the planet that has advanced to the highest degree becomes Amatya-karaka.

Results counted from the rashi of the Karakamsha 1. From the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka in Navamsha, determine the results given by the various planets. 2. If the Atmakaraka is in Aries Navamsha

The native can be subject to the fears Or bites from rats, cats and the like.

If Atma Karak happens to be in Aries Navamsha, there will be nuisance from rats and cats at all times. A malefic joining will further increase the nuisance. 3. If the Atmakaraka is in Taurus Navamsha

he will have fear Or happiness from the quadrupeds.

[BPL: one is highly sensitive to four-legged beasts; if the atmakaraka is well disposed, result = happiness; if not, result = fear] Should Atma Karak be in Taurus Navamsha, happiness from quadrupeds will result.

4. If he is in Gemini Navamsha,

 

The native suffers from itches and other skin ailments; And he becomes stout or bulky.

Should Atma Karaka be in Gemini Navamsha, the native will be afflicted by itch etc. 5. If he is in Cancer Navamsha,

there is fear from water and from leprosy.

Should Atma Karaka be in Cancer Navamsha , there will be fear from water etc.

6. If he is in Leo Navamsha,

fear or trouble arises from dogs And other canine animals.

If Atma Karaka happens to be in Leo Navamsha , fear will be from tiger etc. 7. If the Atmakaraka is in theVirgoNavamsha,

The native suffers from fire and other things attributed to Gemini.

(BPL: the native suffers from itches and other skin ailments including burning nervous irritations from predatory or psychically invasive energies. Digestive sensitivities.) If Atma Karak happens to be in Virgo Navamsha, itch, corpulence, fire etc. will cause trouble, 8. When the Atmakaraka is in LibraNavamsha,

The native will be in trade and commerce. while, if Atma Karak is in Libra Navamsha, he will make one a trader and skilful in making robes etc.

9. Atmakaraka in Vrischika navamsha

 

The native has troubles from water and reptiles. He will not have milk from the mother.

(Dr. P.S. Sastri the translator says, "Jaimini implies that the absence of breast-feeding from the mother is a great

calamity." p. 25)

10. when the Atmakaraka is in the Navamsha of Sagittarius,

Scorpio Navamsha, holding Atma Karaka, will bring troubles from snakes etc. and also affliction to mothers breasts.

The native is subject to Accidents by falling from a conveyance or from a high place.

(Dr. P.S. Sastri the translator says, "Falling from a high place can refer to stair cases, airplanes, hills, and the like. It may also be a fall from a high position in service or in society." p. 25) There will be falls from height and conveyances etc., if it is Sagittarius Navamsha , that is occupied by Atma Karaka. 11. When the Atmakaraka is in the Navamsha of Capricorn,

The native has troubles from aquatic animals, birds, Graha, skin ailments, wounds or tumors.

[BPL: vulnerable to attack in the jungle, including the social and economic jungle]

12. When the Atmakaraka is in AquariusNavamsha,

Capricorn Navamsha in this respect denotes gains from water dwelling beings and conch, pearl, coral etc.

The native will have work related to tanks, lakes, gardens, roads, temples, rest houses for pilgrims and the like.

(BPL: also, mental and cultural infrastructure, such as constructing interpretive cultural paradigms)

13. When the Atmakaraka is

If it is Aquarius Navamsha, holding Atma Karaka, the native will construct tanks etc.

The native will do righteous things and will

in PiscesNavamsha

attain final liberation or emancipation (Moksha). And in Pisces Navamsha the Atma Karaka will grant final emancipation. The Aspect of a benefic will remove evils, while that of a malefic will cause no good.

BPHS Ch. 33. Effects of Karakamsha

(Karakamsha is the Navamsha which is occupied by the Atma Karaka Graha)

However, one must utilize the rashi-based Jaimini aspects (also described by Parashara) for best results in such a case to study interplanetary connectivity with these karakas. These aspects are simple to figure out. Planets in fixed signs aspect those in the movable signs, except the adjacent ones (planets in Leo will aspect those in Aries, Libra and Capricorn but not in the adjacent sign Cancer), planets in movable or cardinal signs would aspect those in fixed signs, except the adjacent fixed sign (planet in Aries would not aspect one in Taurus), and the planets in mutable signs aspect those in the other mutable signs. Mixing Parashari aspects (e.g., Jupiter aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th from its location) with arudha lagna considerations is not recommended by the experts. They also do not recommend the use of Parashari relationships and friendships when dealing with Jaimini system parameters. Virgin territory for research and exploration or a veritable minefield of astrological disaster? Your choice, your perspective, do enter ... should you dare!

Karako Bhava Nashti by cosmic ray » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:57 am

Karako Bhava Nashto dictum says the natural karaka in own house like Jup in 5H, Mars in 3H, Venus in 7H destroys the significations of that house.

"While destruction (nashto) suggests that the beings indicated are somehow rendered null and void, in practice, such placements suggest that the significations are in some way blemished.

Jupiter occupying the fifth bhava, for example, "blemishes" one's children (the individual may not have any, or may be troubled through or by them).

The Sun in ninth "blemishes" father,

Mars in third, younger siblings,

Jupiter in 11th, elder siblings.

..Venus in 7th damages marriage, regardless of what it may imply about the partner's position, wealth, or attributes. Even when the spouse remains "unblemished" (remains strong, healthy, athletic, rich) the marriage may not work (it may "die"). ...

...Karako bhavo nashto can be applied to the navamsha lagna as well. Venus in the navamsha lagna often creates a kind of equivalent to Venus in the birth chart's seventh bhava, with the important exception that a Venus [which] occupies its own rashi is in a good position for marriage."

Here's a case study with exalted venus in 7H in D9.

DOB: 04 Dec 1988

TOB: 00:20 am (night) POB: Ahmadabad (India)

learned members please share your thoughts.

Re: Karako Bhava Nashti by Ghrishneswar » Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:04 am

Not learned yet...but still learning member. If you observe this shows that jeeva significations of the house are adversely affected not material or non-jeeva. It can also mean that the person may not care about the jeeva associated with the house or may have strained realtionships with them. I treat it as an important factor but not something that completely overpowers and denies the jeeva significations.

1. Chaturthamsa This chart is seen for fate, destiny or fortune, movable and immovable property and conveyance. each sign of 30 degree divided into four parts. Suppose we want to see when one would go abroad. It is related to residence and fortune and we should analyze one’s chaturthamsa (D-4). The 9th and 12th houses show foreign residence. Rahu signifies foreign residence. We should now look for links. If 12th lord is with Rahu in the 9th house in D-4, it can suggest that one would live abroad, probably during the periods of Rahu or 12th lord or 9th house.

For examining the net assets in life i.e. happiness, acquiring properties, vehicles and other valuables and providing comforts to a native, we consider the fourth house and the significators, Mars and Venus. Sometimes, the indications emerging out of these significators do not come true or match with actual circumstances. For a deeper analysis we take up the analysis of the chaturthamsa, the divisional chart meant for knowing the net assets. The lord of the fourth house of the rasi chart and the significators Mars and Venus act as prime determinants of net assets in life. If there is no mooltrikona sign in the fourth house, then the lord of the second house becomes the prime determinant of net assets in life. And if there is no mooltrikona sign in both the fourth and second houses, then the lord of the eleventh house acts as prime determinant for net assets. The planets influencing the most effective point of the fourth house become the secondary determinants of the net assets in life. If there is a mooltrikona sign in the ascendant of chaturthamsa then its lord acts as an additional prime determinant for the net assets. While analysing chaturthamsa (D4), we consider the ascendant lord of D-4 and position of the prime determinants of net assets in the rasi chart and the significators of the net assets in D-4. We consider the strength of the prime determinants for identifying the status of net assets. The royal planets, i.e. the Sun and the Moon; and the significator Venus, influencing the prime determinants, when strong indicate possessions of a royal nature i.e. spacious and palatial buildings to reside and luxurious vehicles, etc. The Saturn and Mercury, similarly, denote humble possessions whereas Rahu and Mars make one strive hard for acquiring luxurious possessions. Jupiter in such a situation denotes good possessions when in dignity and pitiable possession when weak. If the prime determinants are strong and additional prime determinant is placed in a benefic house, a person enjoys the possessions on a long-term basis depending upon the operating period of planets. If the prime and additional prime determinants are not strong, planets cannot sustain lifelong possessions. The effects of planets are closely related to their strength

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