Teaching English As A Foreign Language

BBC English Learning - Quizzes & Vocabulary

Adverb / Adjective / Fahrenheit / English Language / Arabic

Hacking De4dot for Fun

String (Computer Science) / Microsoft Visual Studio / Integer (Computer Science) / C Sharp (Programming Language) / Computer Programming

CAESAR II Expansion Joints

Rotation Around A Fixed Axis / Bending / Stiffness / Pipe (Fluid Conveyance) / Buckling

Maestrosdelweb Curso Django

Command Line Interface / Computer File / Software Framework / Python (Programming Language) / World Wide Web

Django, La Guia Definitiva

Python (Programming Language) / Computer Programming / Areas Of Computer Science / Software Engineering / Software Development


Syntactic Relationships / Syntax / Grammar / Style (Fiction) / Language Mechanics

Curso Completo de Forex

Foreign Exchange Market / Exchange Rate / Central Banks / Eurozone / Banks

Bikini Meal Plan

Egg As Food / Pancake / Oatmeal / Food & Wine / Foods

Glosario de Nombres Biblicos

Hebrew Language / Bible / Jacob / Word / Tetragrammaton

Curso de R

Matrix (Mathematics) / C (Programming Language) / Function (Mathematics) / Probability Distribution / Scripting Language

Mitologias jurídicas da modernidade - Paolo Grossi

Canon Law / State (Polity) / Statutory Law / France / Language Interpretation

Crear un webservice básico con PHP y Java

Java (Programming Language) / Net Beans / Web Server / World Wide Web / Technology

C++ Tutorial

Data Type / Integer (Computer Science) / C++ / Variable (Computer Science) / C (Programming Language)

esercizi di algebra

Zero Of A Function / Permutation / Field (Mathematics) / Algebraic Structures / Mathematical Analysis

Turbine design

Shock Wave / Rotation Around A Fixed Axis / Nozzle / Gases / Fluid Dynamics

Enciclopedia Tolkien David Day

Elf (Middle Earth) / Middle Earth / English Fantasy Novels / Middle Earth Races / Fantasy
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