
Ann Belford Ulanov - Madness and Creativity

Carl Jung / Psychoanalysis / Insanity / Consciousness / Analytical Psychology

Albert Caraco - Breviario Del Caos

Insanity / Evidence / Truth / Morality / The Holocaust


Insanity / Evidence / Truth / Morality / The Holocaust


Delusion / Psychosis / Insanity / Plato / René Descartes

Oe, Kenzaburo - Dinos Como Sobrevivir a Nuestra Locura

Insanity / Suffering / Intellectual Disability / Pain / Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Criminal Law_compilation of Digests

Insanity Defense / Burden Of Proof (Law) / Intention (Criminal Law) / Murder / Crimes

Ulloa, Fernando - Novela Clínica Psicoanalítica

Psychoanalysis / Insanity / Poverty & Homelessness / Poverty / Sigmund Freud

Historia De La Locura - Michel Foucault

Insanity / Leprosy / Late Middle Ages / Salvation / Renaissance

Insanity under IPC

Insanity Defense / Burden Of Proof (Law) / Insanity / Assault / Plea

Percia, Marcelo - Sujeto Fabulado II. Figuras.pdf

Insanity / Property / Ghosts / Treason / Liberty

resumen werther

The Sorrows Of Young Werther / Insanity / Love / Nobility / Happiness & Self-Help

Psicosis - Robert Bloch

Insanity / Truth / Thriller (Genre) / Reality / Science

25. Fortanet, Joaquin - Foucault

Michel Foucault / Insanity / Delusion / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Marxism


Theft / Insanity Defense / Rape / Crimes / Crime & Justice

Crim Digest 4

Insanity Defense / Murder / Rape / Crime & Justice / Crimes

aula 1 apresentação do curso INTRODUÇÃO A CONCEITOS

Psychopathology / Michel Foucault / Taxonomy (Biology) / Psychiatry / Insanity
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