
Spec Pro Digest to Recite (Print)

Judgment (Law) / Politics / Government / Common Law / Justice

Classification of Agents

Law Of Agency / Legal Concepts / Business Law / Politics / Common Law

Ong vs. Ong (digest)

Deed / Consideration / Annulment / Government Information / Common Law

18. McConnel v CA

Piercing The Corporate Veil / Corporations / Judgment (Law) / Virtue / Common Law

Metrobank vs Rosales Case Digest

Virtue / Common Law / Politics / Government / Crime & Justice

Philcomsat v Globe Telecom Digest

Civil Law (Legal System) / Common Law / Private Law / Business Law / Government


Estoppel / Corporations / Common Law / Society / Social Institutions

Case Digest

International Law / Public Sphere / Common Law / Politics / Government

Chattel Mortgage

Mortgage Law / Philippines / Civil Law (Legal System) / Real Estate / Common Law

Real Estate Mortgage Sample Format

Mortgage Law / Government Information / Common Law / Private Law / Civil Law (Common Law)

Paganini Capriccio Xxiv Goodman

Intellectual Property Law / Copyright / Property Law / Civil Law (Common Law) / Monopoly (Economics)

Crew Contract

Copyright / Employment / Civil Law (Common Law) / Virtue / Common Law


Injunction / Indemnity / Civil Law (Legal System) / Common Law / Private Law

Music Supervisor Agreement

Injunction / Indemnity / Civil Law (Common Law) / Virtue / Private Law

Sales - Chapter 4

Sales / Common Law / Private Law / Civil Law (Legal System) / Justice


Mortgage Law / Real Property Law / Foreclosure / Common Law / Civil Law (Common Law)
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